Moms to be Part 4

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<font color=red>DIS Veteran<br><font color=blue>Dr
May 31, 2002
Hope no one minds that I started a new thread. Our old one was closed for length so it was time to move! :flower3:
Since I still read here...
Locolala - My OB appt to get my incision checked tomorrow was cancelled too. I'm not as upset as I would be if it were my ultrasound, but it's annoying that this city can't cope with snow. My street was plowed once since Friday, yesterday afternoon only after my husband emailed our neighborhood councilman (who in turn emailed the DOT) about there being feet of snow in the roads.

Cici - I was checking in to see how your c-section went and hoping things are going well for you and your new addition!

I was sick yesterday with a stomach virus my inlaws brought to my house and let me just say, vomiting after abdominal surgery is not my idea of fun. And of course it was the day my MIL flew home, but at least my husband is off this week. He had all 3 kids all day and is just loving his vacation week right now!
Since I still read here...
Locolala - My OB appt to get my incision checked tomorrow was cancelled too. I'm not as upset as I would be if it were my ultrasound, but it's annoying that this city can't cope with snow. My street was plowed once since Friday, yesterday afternoon only after my husband emailed our neighborhood councilman (who in turn emailed the DOT) about there being feet of snow in the roads.

Cici - I was checking in to see how your c-section went and hoping things are going well for you and your new addition!

I was sick yesterday with a stomach virus my inlaws brought to my house and let me just say, vomiting after abdominal surgery is not my idea of fun. And of course it was the day my MIL flew home, but at least my husband is off this week. He had all 3 kids all day and is just loving his vacation week right now!

Did you at least get a bunch of snow to make up for everything being canceled today?? We're in CT and everything was canceled today- no school for the kids, DH got out of work early since he works for the utility company and they didn't really want everyone out on the road in the company vehicles, and just basically everything shut down. We've had next to nothing for snow, it was so anticlimactic after all the craziness about it. I'm curious to see if we wind up getting totally hammered overnight or something but it seems like after all that it just kind of fizzled out.

So sorry to hear about the stomach bug, what a terrible hostess gift for your MIL to bring. Of course, on the one hand it is nice that your husband is home to help out (thank goodness!) but what a lousy way to use up a week of vacation. I hope you're feeling better soon and that it does not make the rounds through your house
Justine - I am sorry you were sick. I hope everyone is on the mend. I am such a germaphobe ... if DS starts acting wierd I get totally freaked out that he's going to get sick.

I don't know what the recent topic of discussion was on the old thread.

Nothing new here ....

My DH, among others, thinks I am NUTS for thinking that life is going to be easier when the baby is born vs now. Any mom's of 2+ agree? I am so tired now I can barely move ... nevermind care for a 3 year old. I know it's going to be tough the first few weeks but I just can't wait to get my body back and at least be able to have a glass of wine when I meltdown instead of lock myself in the bathroom and cry, freaking out DS and DH!!
We had a false alarm the other night... I sneezed and I thought that my water had broken, it wasn't a gush or anything, but more than I thought should have come out. DH called the dr. who had me stand up and cough. I did and fluid came out so she said to go to the hospital. When we got there we went to triage and I went to the bathroom 2 times before I was even seen! I just felt like I had to go so bad! The nurse that helped us was so nice. They put me on the monitor and then a doctor came in and he examined me saying that he did not see any fluid but that he would take a swab and examine it. He came back saying it wasn't fluid but they did an ultrasound to see how much fluid was around the baby. I was told that it was low but nothing to be concerned about. Just to drink more fluids because that will up the fluid for the baby. DH and I had to walk around for an hour to see if anything else came out. We got to see lots of babies in the nursery which was fun. No more leakage but had another ultrasound with one of the residents. She was so nice too! She took the time to point things out to us, her cheeks, eyes, heart, ribs, and then she said that her bladder was full and she was going to go to the bathroom soon :laughing: Just like her mom :goodvibes

So in the end we were sent home, obviously. We were there for about 3 hours total. I guess I'm kind of embarassed that it was just pee and I didn't know the difference. But the doctor said to come in! I swear! :lmao: So now I make sure that I am drinking a ton of water to make sure that the baby is good and floating around in there.

Honestly when the doctor said to go to the hospital I got really scared. I didn't feel ready! We still have 3 weeks to go and though a lot is ready, I didn't feel ready. I put last minute things in our bags and DH drove safely but quickly. He was really hoping to have the baby that night. When we were leaving triage he said "thanks, see you soon we promise" and all the nurses laughed. I'm anxious now. Knowing that we will be back there soon. At least we know what to expect in triage now! :thumbsup2
oh no. the old thread closed and I can't access the list anymore. *sigh*

I will work on re-creating it later. I don't have time today, guys. Sorry. :-/
Don't worry about being embarrased. The same thing happened to me at the end of December and I was embarrassed too. DH told me that if I hadn't gone to the hosp and something really was wrong I would have been upset that I didn't go, so you did the right thing.

I have another dr. appt tomorrow and then another appt with the Peri on Thursday. At our last peri appt the dr said that I won't be pregnant on my due date, so I hope they'll give us some more information as to when we are going to be induced. We're both starting to really worry... we know that she's small and it just doesn't help when people say things like "you don't even look pregnant!" or yell at me because I'm not "big enough". (Which really, I don't understand becuase why are you yelling at the pregnant lady over something that she can't control) DH said to me yesterday "the lady at work who is due in may looks much more pregnant than you". Thanks dear. Thanks.
We had a false alarm the other night... I sneezed and I thought that my water had broken, it wasn't a gush or anything, but more than I thought should have come out. DH called the dr. who had me stand up and cough. I did and fluid came out so she said to go to the hospital.

Hula - When you sneeze does it hurt? It hurts everytime I sneeze and I worry that its affecting something. I'm only 25 weeks roughly but I still worry something is going to go wrong one of these sneezes.
I know I don't post a ton, but I'm also bummed because my (weekly) 10 week u/s was cancelled. We're just stuck in snow, there's SOOO much!
I feel like I'm going on blind faith that everything is OK.
LOL Hulagirl!!

I have the same problem. It's so bad I wear a pad. That's what happens when you get old, have had two babies, and have no pelvic floor left.
I guess it's too late to do kegals...LOL

The doctor was smart to tell you to never know. Always best to be safe than sorry.

I keep worrying my water could break in the tub and I would never know it. I think that is what happened with my first DD. I was in labour and took a bath and then left to the hospital and when I got there they asked me when my water broke. I had no idea it had!
Justine - I am sorry you were sick. I hope everyone is on the mend. I am such a germaphobe ... if DS starts acting wierd I get totally freaked out that he's going to get sick.

I don't know what the recent topic of discussion was on the old thread.

Nothing new here ....

My DH, among others, thinks I am NUTS for thinking that life is going to be easier when the baby is born vs now. Any mom's of 2+ agree? I am so tired now I can barely move ... nevermind care for a 3 year old. I know it's going to be tough the first few weeks but I just can't wait to get my body back and at least be able to have a glass of wine when I meltdown instead of lock myself in the bathroom and cry, freaking out DS and DH!!

I'm a mom of three, soon to be four and there is a part of me that cannot wait for baby to be out and me to have my body back, be able to bend over fully, etc.... it annoyed me when DH pointed it out but having a newborn in the house again will just be trading one set of challenges for another. I hate to admit it but he's right- having a newborn will mean little to no sleep, constant nursing, more laundry, etc.... I think the only saving grace for me is that my older kids are in school all day M-F so that should help and this summer I am putting them in the rec department summer camp. There's just no way that I can keep them as busy as they like to be with an infant in tow.
oh no. the old thread closed and I can't access the list anymore. *sigh*

I will work on re-creating it later. I don't have time today, guys. Sorry. :-/

I tried to copy and paste, not sure if this helps you or not:


casumners ... due February 2... It's a surprise!
Ciciwoowoo ... due February 9... It's a boy!
trmcguire ... due February 14... It's a girl!
hulagirl87 ... due March 5... It's a girl!
arubio0801 ... due March 8... It's a boy!
KikiMouse ... due March 14... It's a girl!
karenj2 ... due March 14... It's a surprise!
DMickey28 ... due March 30... It's a boy!
ZPT1022 ... due April 10... It's a surprise!
MommaMouse411 ... due April 18... It's a boy!
Lindsey22 ... due April 21... It's a girl!
WDWAurora ... due May 4... It's a boy!
EmALee ... due May 22... It's a girl!
Sherry7 ... due May 25... It's a girl!
mla973 ... due June 9... It's a surprise!
phragmipedium ... due June 10... It's a surprise!
kt_mom ... due June 12... It's a boy!
lilianddomsmom ... due June 20... It's a girl!
LaurenLC ... due June 28... It's a surprise!
CaveCricket ... due July 7... It's a surprise!
Nette ... due July 9... It's a surprise!
Locolala ... due July 12... It's a girl!
Milmore104 ... due July 31... It's a surprise!
TarzanKat ... due July 31... It's a surprise!
pixiegoose ... due August 5... It's a surprise!
JennandNelsonRego ... due August 10... It's a surprise!
FoundMyPrince ... due August 12... It's a surprise!
Vettechick99 ... due August 21... It's a surprise!
Piecey ... due August 31... It's a surprise!
Mrs. Charming ... due September 7... It's a surprise!
Gabes_Mommy ... due September 10... It's a surprise!
Pollito916 ... due September 28th... It's a surprise!
EeyoreEma ... due October 7th... It's a surprise!

and the link:
We had a false alarm the other night... I sneezed and I thought that my water had broken, it wasn't a gush or anything, but more than I thought should have come out. DH called the dr. who had me stand up and cough. I did and fluid came out so she said to go to the hospital. When we got there we went to triage and I went to the bathroom 2 times before I was even seen! I just felt like I had to go so bad! The nurse that helped us was so nice. They put me on the monitor and then a doctor came in and he examined me saying that he did not see any fluid but that he would take a swab and examine it. He came back saying it wasn't fluid but they did an ultrasound to see how much fluid was around the baby. I was told that it was low but nothing to be concerned about. Just to drink more fluids because that will up the fluid for the baby. DH and I had to walk around for an hour to see if anything else came out. We got to see lots of babies in the nursery which was fun. No more leakage but had another ultrasound with one of the residents. She was so nice too! She took the time to point things out to us, her cheeks, eyes, heart, ribs, and then she said that her bladder was full and she was going to go to the bathroom soon :laughing: Just like her mom :goodvibes

So in the end we were sent home, obviously. We were there for about 3 hours total. I guess I'm kind of embarassed that it was just pee and I didn't know the difference. But the doctor said to come in! I swear! :lmao: So now I make sure that I am drinking a ton of water to make sure that the baby is good and floating around in there.

Honestly when the doctor said to go to the hospital I got really scared. I didn't feel ready! We still have 3 weeks to go and though a lot is ready, I didn't feel ready. I put last minute things in our bags and DH drove safely but quickly. He was really hoping to have the baby that night. When we were leaving triage he said "thanks, see you soon we promise" and all the nurses laughed. I'm anxious now. Knowing that we will be back there soon. At least we know what to expect in triage now! :thumbsup2

I did that during a previous pregnancy and I was so embarrassed. Oh well and they said I was definitely not the first (or last!) person that happened to. I guess everything is just so "relaxed" in that area during pregnancy, especially towards the end.
Don't worry about being embarrased. The same thing happened to me at the end of December and I was embarrassed too. DH told me that if I hadn't gone to the hosp and something really was wrong I would have been upset that I didn't go, so you did the right thing.

I have another dr. appt tomorrow and then another appt with the Peri on Thursday. At our last peri appt the dr said that I won't be pregnant on my due date, so I hope they'll give us some more information as to when we are going to be induced. We're both starting to really worry... we know that she's small and it just doesn't help when people say things like "you don't even look pregnant!" or yell at me because I'm not "big enough". (Which really, I don't understand becuase why are you yelling at the pregnant lady over something that she can't control) DH said to me yesterday "the lady at work who is due in may looks much more pregnant than you". Thanks dear. Thanks.

I look very small for my size. I know that everyone carries differently, but I was sad for a while that I didn't "look" pregnant. I'm a bit bigger now, but still not to the point that I think I should look. I think I had a picture in my head of how I would look pregnant and I always thought I would have a big belly. I'm now at the point where I realize that I might get lucky and get in shape quicker because I'm not huge. :confused3 One can hope!

Hula - When you sneeze does it hurt? It hurts everytime I sneeze and I worry that its affecting something. I'm only 25 weeks roughly but I still worry something is going to go wrong one of these sneezes.

I don't sneeze very often so I don't think I remember them hurting. I'm now at the point though that if I do sneeze I'm focusing on squeezing my legs shut so I don't wet myself :rotfl:
Don't worry about being embarrased. The same thing happened to me at the end of December and I was embarrassed too. DH told me that if I hadn't gone to the hosp and something really was wrong I would have been upset that I didn't go, so you did the right thing.

I have another dr. appt tomorrow and then another appt with the Peri on Thursday. At our last peri appt the dr said that I won't be pregnant on my due date, so I hope they'll give us some more information as to when we are going to be induced. We're both starting to really worry... we know that she's small and it just doesn't help when people say things like "you don't even look pregnant!" or yell at me because I'm not "big enough". (Which really, I don't understand becuase why are you yelling at the pregnant lady over something that she can't control) DH said to me yesterday "the lady at work who is due in may looks much more pregnant than you". Thanks dear. Thanks.

People are rude. If you were bigger you'd be getting different questions and comments- "Are you sure you're not farther along than that?" "Really?? Only one? Are you sure?" Some people just seem to always have to say something :rolleyes1
LOL Hulagirl!!

I have the same problem. It's so bad I wear a pad. That's what happens when you get old, have had two babies, and have no pelvic floor left.
I guess it's too late to do kegals...LOL

The doctor was smart to tell you to never know. Always best to be safe than sorry.

I keep worrying my water could break in the tub and I would never know it. I think that is what happened with my first DD. I was in labour and took a bath and then left to the hospital and when I got there they asked me when my water broke. I had no idea it had!

I had some problems after my twins were born with the sneezing and leaking thing and the midwife I saw at my 6 week checkup was like "well, you had twins, what did you expect?" Great.....

I worry about my water breaking in the tub too!! Or the pool, if it's that time of year. My oldest and my twins were all born in the summer and my mom had a pool. Of course I Wanted to go swimming, it was 90º out and I was as big as a house and uncomfortable. But every time i would go in I was just so worried that my water would break and I would never know it. I'm starting to have the same worries this time with the bathtub.
We're both starting to really worry... we know that she's small and it just doesn't help when people say things like "you don't even look pregnant!" or yell at me because I'm not "big enough". (Which really, I don't understand becuase why are you yelling at the pregnant lady over something that she can't control) DH said to me yesterday "the lady at work who is due in may looks much more pregnant than you". Thanks dear. Thanks.

Are you particularly long waisted? I have a long body and (what I say are) short stumpy legs and you can barely tell I'm pregnant. With DD I didn't show until I was nearly 6.5 months. I asked my dr. about it and he told me it was because I had a long waist... He used to be the OB for the lady horn's basketball team, and he said a couple of them got pregnant, and you couldn't even tell AT TERM! wow.
justthat - sorry about the stomach bug, couldn't come at much worse of a time, could it? :hug:

hulagirl - better safe than sorry when pregnant, so you did the right thing going to the hospital. And now you will know what to expect when it is time! :thumbsup2

Mrs. Charming - try to relax, at least you go will go back soon for another u/s. I won't get a u/s until 18+ weeks, and still haven't heard the baby's heartbeat. But I know she's in there! :lovestruc

Kiki - if your water did break in the tub/pool, wouldn't your body go into labor soon anyway? I always thought it would, but when my water broke with DS, I didn't go into labor until induced with pitocin 3 hours later. What would happen if you didn't know your water broke and you didn't go into labor on your own? Maybe I don't want to know! :eek:
I haven’t posted in a very long time here because fortunately I didn’t really have anything overly exciting to share…. I’ve been very lucky to have an incredibly smooth pregnancy so far. I just hope I won’t be paying for it later in the pregnancy, or when the baby is born :rotfl:!

I did however want to share that my husband and I had an ultrasound today and found out that we are having a little girl! We are beyond excited! The most important part is that she is measuring exactly where she should be and her heartbeat is great!

We already had names decided for either gender. She will be Brynn Ellen.
Brynn because we thought it was pretty and Ellen was my maternal grandmother’s middle name. We’re just happy to be able to stop referring to her as ‘it’ or Nubs (our nickname).

I hope everyone else’s pregnancies continue happily and healthy! :goodvibes
Are you particularly long waisted? I have a long body and (what I say are) short stumpy legs and you can barely tell I'm pregnant. With DD I didn't show until I was nearly 6.5 months. I asked my dr. about it and he told me it was because I had a long waist... He used to be the OB for the lady horn's basketball team, and he said a couple of them got pregnant, and you couldn't even tell AT TERM! wow.

That's interesting... I've never really thought about it. I'm reasonably tall and I easily fit into regular pants and sometimes they are a little too long... I'll ask my dr about that tomorrow
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