Most Outrageous Complaint Overheard

That's funny -- I bet she got it mixed up with Mission Space.

This one is second/third/400th hand from a similar thread on the Dis Boards, but I think it is so funny: A guest at Beach Club was tearing into the front desk staff because they were not actually on the beach....of the Atlantic Ocean!!!!!
One of my faves happened one afternoon at DHS, at the outside Guest Services window. We were there to renew our APs, and we headed to the window when it was our turn, only to be cut off and sworn at by a guy who claimed it was HIS turn...he had been waiting at the exit! Both us and the CM pointed this out to him but he still felt he had priority. I snidely said, "You'd better take care of Mr. Important here because obviously his needs are more important than anyone else's." Really, I just wanted to see what he was there for because I figured it had to good. He laid into her because he was not allowed into DHS...with his not-a-park-hopper pass that he had already used at a park that day. He yelled, ranted and raved, then finally stormed off when it had no effect. I don't know if he didn't understand the park hopper concept or thought he would get something free if he acted obnoxious enough or what.
Welll - I just decided that she wasnt worth it...I took the higher ground...and certainly wasnt going to behave badly in front of my child. I just spoke loudly as I walked off....You see honey? thats someone with VERY BAD MANNERS...GUESS HER MOMMY NEVER TAUGHT HER anything.....Im not sure my daughter even knew what that term meant, and it was clear she wasnt a mother herself. Thats fine karma will come back and bite her...

I wasnt going to let a bonehead ruin my day. It just killed me that she was in SUCH an all fired rush to get through the turnstiles...and THEN after verbally abusing me and rushing me along proceeds to just STAND there looking at the train....:laughing: Ill refrain from labeling her with the terminology I used in my own need to sink to her level.

What we say in our family when someone does something rude at Disney is 'they forgot to pack their manners'. It's particularly funny when the child (now 9 but we started this when he was about 4) will loudly and proudly announce when someone does something rude "Mommy, they forgot to pack their manners!".
My EX BF complained to me before, during and after or DL trip because it wasn't more like Cedar Point in Ohio where he grew up.

Me and my current BF, who loved DL and is super excited for WDW in Oct, do not have, nor want kids. When we go to Vegas and see parents letting there kids run wild etc. we complain. At Disney? We would never think to be upset by the kids and families.
My EX BF complained to me before, during and after or DL trip because it wasn't more like Cedar Rapids in Ohio where he grew up.

I think you mean Cedar Point. Cedar Point is a theme park in Ohio with hard-core thrill rides. Cedar Rapids is a city in Iowa.
We had a friend and her family who we used to (emphasis on the used to) go to disney with. She complained about everything and anything under the sun. If there was a hair somewhere in her room, you bet she'd find it and then proceed down to the front desk and demand that her room be comped because it ruined her magic. She'd also stay club level and make sure she took as many bottles of water as possible, so she got her money's worth :sad2:
And, whoever the poster was who said they keep a file on you, they do. We were waiting for her to finish complaining at guest relations (popcorn:: it was taking a while). Anyway when she came back she was a little in shock, since the CM and a manager were sitting there reading her file. She seemed to tone down a little after that, but we stopped going with them not long after that so I can't say for sure.

When I was in college (19, I think, and clueless about the occupancy rules at WDW), I went to WDW with my then-girlfriend and stayed with her, her parents and her two siblings in a single room at CR (six adults!). It was more than a little snug!

Literally the minute we got into the room her mother started searching for something to complain about so she could get "free stuff". They went to WDW every year, and my ex-GF told me (proudly, I might add), that this was their way of recouping some of the cost. :eek: As I recall, they did send a fruit basket or something down to the room. What I definitely remember is that I was so ashamed and embarrassed to be a part of that. That event, along with many other things that transpired that week, it pretty much ended the relationship, although my love for WDW was not diminished in the least and my now DW and I have managed to go many times without lodging any false complaints!

I really cannot stand people who take advantage of customer service. I'm not talking about a replacement soda or a legitimately offered shirt replacement, but when somebody demands something to which they are not entitled, it is nothing more than stealing and drives up the costs for everybody.

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now!
Dang. Now I am hooked. Spent half an hour on that site...must go to bed...

Ha! That's nothing! You want 'hooked'? See www . (remove spaces surrounding first "." - and DON'T blame ME, please; I'm just the messenger!)
If you'd come off as someone begging for a handout, you probably wouldn't have gotten one.

When I was a CM, a family came up to me with a teenage boy who'd been holding his 2-year-old sister in the show and during the show her diaper leaked all over his shirt.

They asked me where he could find a bathroom to clean up. I got him a new shirt.

If they'd asked me for a new shirt, I'd have told them where the bathroom was.
I'd been having a particularly less-than-magical evening - Luggage Assistance at Pop had 'misdirected my luggage (changing rooms) and an hour before my Turf Club reservation, STILL didn't know where it was or when I'd see it. I went to dinner - late - in the same grubby clothes I'd worn all day, since I'd done as instructed and left ALL my luggage by the door of my old room and headed off to a park by 8 AM. Called, got the reservation delayed, finally got to the restaurant, got seated, served... and spilled whatever I was eating all over what I wouldn't have been surprised to find, at that point, was the ONLY shirt I had for the rest of my trip.

I asked my server if the gift shop at SSR sold those Tide-to-Go sticks (even those were in my missing luggage). She came back about ten minutes later, with her manager - who had a BOX of Tide, and a t-shirt for me!
Okay, most of my 'complaints' are from me... in my defense, I compliment much more than I complain.

There was the time I was given bad information by a CM in the Transportation booth at the Magic Kingdom. When I got to the park, I thought Guest Services should know that misinformation was being provided (by people who should know better). The GS CM kept insisting on giving me something (it was Year of a Million Dreams) and I kept refusing. I don't even remember what the bad information was.

I did complain about a bus driver who wouldn't let me board a bus with an ECV, claiming the bus was 'too full' but allowing passengers on foot to board; and about a bus driver who gave the distinct impression of being personally inconvenienced by me. Two 'bad' drivers in 25 years? Not bad.

I remember complaining because Disneyland cancelled the fireworks ON my birthday - ten minutes AFTER the show was supposed to start, after we'd been waiting for fifty-two minutes, and 'all' I got out of it was an impromptu group of CMs seranading me with "Happy Birthday" in the middle of Main Street... no, this ISN'T actually a complaint. It was fun, and funny :)
I never cease to be amazed at the people who don't know they need to make dining reservations (ADR). I mean, everytime I have called Disney regarding my trip the CM always asks, "do you need to make dining reservations?". This isn't just something we know from these boards!

If you look at the Where To Eat tab on the Disney website, the first thing under that tab is "Make Dining Reservations".

You are visiting during summer (or any other busy time), you see suggestions to make dining reservations on-line and the CM when you make your trip reservations ask if you help making dining reservations = make those reservations if you want to eat!
I do remember the many years when we could walk right up to most restaurants and get a table. It is amazing how popular they've become. I'm sure people really don't think ADRs are necessary. I was able to save a coworker drama last year when I told her she would need to make an ADR for CRT. She honestly thought she'd be able to walk right up with her DH 2 DS and DPrincess!
Oh well! If they don't make ADRs then I'll be able to make the ones I want! :goodvibes
A couple years ago we were in line for Boma, and there was an older, well-dressed lady pushing her way through the line. Being that I had already checked in, I could sit by and watch this all unfold.

After literally pushing people out of her way, she proceeded to yell at the CM at the counter with such barbs as: "I'm staying at this hotel, and shouldn't have to wait', and "I bet these people can't even afford to eat here", and "these people aren't even dressed for this place', and finally "I'm tired of seeing all these d#mn kids around this resort--I want to see animals, NOT kids". Yep, this old bag was tired of seeing kids---at Disney World.

Well it just so happened that my little beeper thing went off while she was still at the when I went to the counter to get seated, I couldn't pass up the chance to ask the CM 'you DO take food stamps, right?'. The CM and everyone in line started laughing, and the lady stormed off saying 'see I told you'........
Hmmmm wonder what this could have netted me free?


I mean it did take me like a week to get that off her!
But she looks so happy! Looks like she had a blast! And that's worth it! :lovestruc
If you'd come off as someone begging for a handout, you probably wouldn't have gotten one.

When I was a CM, a family came up to me with a teenage boy who'd been holding his 2-year-old sister in the show and during the show her diaper leaked all over his shirt.

They asked me where he could find a bathroom to clean up. I got him a new shirt.

If they'd asked me for a new shirt, I'd have told them where the bathroom was.
Okay, this isn't a "heard" complaint - it's a "read" one... here on the DIS.

A woman was at Living Seas with her daughter and mother-in-law. They'd spent quite a while talking with a Dream Squad Cast Member (who happened to not be granting prizes at the time) and at some point the four of them boarded an escalator. The daughter was wearing Crocs.

The escalator started "eating" one of the girl's Crocs (it happens - information had already been online and to a small degree, in the news by this time; heck, if you're not careful - stand away from the edges of the stairs - escalators can 'eat' anything). That's not the complaint - the mom was able to pull the girl's foot out of the shoe, and the DS CM was able to pull the shoe out of the escalator. Sounds like a reason to be grateful, not to complain - but I'm not done yet ;)

Dream Squad CM had the family go into Turtle Talk and arranged for the girl to do the introduction, while she 'took care of' the problem. The resolution was to provide the family with a certificate for $25, with the restriction "towards crocs or flip flops".

Quoting the poster for the rest of the story: "As we were leaving Epcot, I told DD to pick out a nice Minnie Doll. I was going to use the certificate for the doll since DD doesn't like crocs or flip flops. We went to the store and they said no. We headed over to guest relations and they were like that's all you're getting. I tried to explain that what they gave me didn't even replace what was now gone. Just then the dream team member we were with popped out, but it was too late at night for anyone to really help us. I was livid! I wasn't looking for anything crazy. I would've eaten the cost of the shoe, since they had nothing for her to wear, to get her a doll she wanted. Not to mention, $25 doesn't even cover the cost of the nikey's the escalator ate, and it wasn't even enough to cover crocks! It would've cost me $10 if she wanted crocks."

So, the daughter was wearing Crocs but doesn't like Crocs; she had nothing to wear on her feet but a Minnie doll would have resolved that problem... how?
Okay, this isn't a "heard" complaint - it's a "read" one... here on the DIS.

A woman was at Living Seas with her daughter and mother-in-law. They'd spent quite a while talking with a Dream Squad Cast Member (who happened to not be granting prizes at the time) and at some point the four of them boarded an escalator. The daughter was wearing Crocs.

The escalator started "eating" one of the girl's Crocs (it happens - information had already been online and to a small degree, in the news by this time; heck, if you're not careful - stand away from the edges of the stairs - escalators can 'eat' anything). That's not the complaint - the mom was able to pull the girl's foot out of the shoe, and the DS CM was able to pull the shoe out of the escalator. Sounds like a reason to be grateful, not to complain - but I'm not done yet ;)

Dream Squad CM had the family go into Turtle Talk and arranged for the girl to do the introduction, while she 'took care of' the problem. The resolution was to provide the family with a certificate for $25, with the restriction "towards crocs or flip flops".

Quoting the poster for the rest of the story: "As we were leaving Epcot, I told DD to pick out a nice Minnie Doll. I was going to use the certificate for the doll since DD doesn't like crocs or flip flops. We went to the store and they said no. We headed over to guest relations and they were like that's all you're getting. I tried to explain that what they gave me didn't even replace what was now gone. Just then the dream team member we were with popped out, but it was too late at night for anyone to really help us. I was livid! I wasn't looking for anything crazy. I would've eaten the cost of the shoe, since they had nothing for her to wear, to get her a doll she wanted. Not to mention, $25 doesn't even cover the cost of the nikey's the escalator ate, and it wasn't even enough to cover crocks! It would've cost me $10 if she wanted crocks."

So, the daughter was wearing Crocs but doesn't like Crocs; she had nothing to wear on her feet but a Minnie doll would have resolved that problem... how?

Wish I hadn't missed that one. It must have been a doozie. How many times was this popcorn:: posted?
Okay, this isn't a "heard" complaint - it's a "read" one... here on the DIS.

A woman was at Living Seas with her daughter and mother-in-law. They'd spent quite a while talking with a Dream Squad Cast Member (who happened to not be granting prizes at the time) and at some point the four of them boarded an escalator. The daughter was wearing Crocs.

The escalator started "eating" one of the girl's Crocs (it happens - information had already been online and to a small degree, in the news by this time; heck, if you're not careful - stand away from the edges of the stairs - escalators can 'eat' anything). That's not the complaint - the mom was able to pull the girl's foot out of the shoe, and the DS CM was able to pull the shoe out of the escalator. Sounds like a reason to be grateful, not to complain - but I'm not done yet ;)

Dream Squad CM had the family go into Turtle Talk and arranged for the girl to do the introduction, while she 'took care of' the problem. The resolution was to provide the family with a certificate for $25, with the restriction "towards crocs or flip flops".

Quoting the poster for the rest of the story: "As we were leaving Epcot, I told DD to pick out a nice Minnie Doll. I was going to use the certificate for the doll since DD doesn't like crocs or flip flops. We went to the store and they said no. We headed over to guest relations and they were like that's all you're getting. I tried to explain that what they gave me didn't even replace what was now gone. Just then the dream team member we were with popped out, but it was too late at night for anyone to really help us. I was livid! I wasn't looking for anything crazy. I would've eaten the cost of the shoe, since they had nothing for her to wear, to get her a doll she wanted. Not to mention, $25 doesn't even cover the cost of the nikey's the escalator ate, and it wasn't even enough to cover crocks! It would've cost me $10 if she wanted crocks."

So, the daughter was wearing Crocs but doesn't like Crocs; she had nothing to wear on her feet but a Minnie doll would have resolved that problem... how?

Not to quibble, but the part of that poster's story that you actually C&P'd refers to the shoes that were damaged as Nikes, not as Crocs. (I did not see the original post, so am just making the distinction between what you were paraphrasing and what you said you were actually quoting directly)

There was a Nike line (now discontinued) known as "Croc Stars," which were $90 sneakers. Perhaps that is what the child had lost?

The part you quoted also had the OP complaining that even if she wanted to use the $25 towards Crocs, she still would have had to pay a $10 difference. I haven't bought Crocs at Disney so I don't know what they charge there, but I can absolutely see why she wouldn't be inclined to do that, and why she would rather use the GC to purchase some other item and instead use her own $$ to buy shoes to replace what was lost. The shoes were damaged by Disney, and it is appropriate for her to have received some kind of restitution.

Not looking for a fight -- just trying to clarify what might have been an unfortunate misunderstanding . . .
I think point of PP is that they didn't even have to give her anything. It was an escalator like you can find at almost any mall in america that "ate" the shoe. They really didn't have to give her anything and probably wouldn't have if CM wouldn't have been standing right there.

We bought DD crocs as Disney in the fall (long story on that) and there were about $26with tax.

DH was paying put not really paying attention until the price was stated to him and he looked at me and said "what else did you get I thought we were just getting those little shoes for Mena"

Ummm yeah honey ~ that IS all we got. About 1 sq yard of foam rubber molded into a shoe.
Don't know if the price of the Disney crocs depends on the size, but I just checked my receipt from a year ago and my 7 year old DD got a pair from Mousegear for $32.95 plus tax.
Don't know if the price of the Disney crocs depends on the size, but I just checked my receipt from a year ago and my 7 year old DD got a pair from Mousegear for $32.95 plus tax.

Could depend on when they move from the 10/11 size to the 1, 2, 3 size.

Not sure ~ plus we get AP discount.

I also think prices have come down on crocs. I know I got mine wicked cheap.
Okay, this isn't a "heard" complaint - it's a "read" one... here on the DIS.

A woman was at Living Seas with her daughter and mother-in-law. They'd spent quite a while talking with a Dream Squad Cast Member (who happened to not be granting prizes at the time) and at some point the four of them boarded an escalator. The daughter was wearing Crocs.

The escalator started "eating" one of the girl's Crocs (it happens - information had already been online and to a small degree, in the news by this time; heck, if you're not careful - stand away from the edges of the stairs - escalators can 'eat' anything). That's not the complaint - the mom was able to pull the girl's foot out of the shoe, and the DS CM was able to pull the shoe out of the escalator. Sounds like a reason to be grateful, not to complain - but I'm not done yet ;)

Dream Squad CM had the family go into Turtle Talk and arranged for the girl to do the introduction, while she 'took care of' the problem. The resolution was to provide the family with a certificate for $25, with the restriction "towards crocs or flip flops".

Quoting the poster for the rest of the story: "As we were leaving Epcot, I told DD to pick out a nice Minnie Doll. I was going to use the certificate for the doll since DD doesn't like crocs or flip flops. We went to the store and they said no. We headed over to guest relations and they were like that's all you're getting. I tried to explain that what they gave me didn't even replace what was now gone. Just then the dream team member we were with popped out, but it was too late at night for anyone to really help us. I was livid! I wasn't looking for anything crazy. I would've eaten the cost of the shoe, since they had nothing for her to wear, to get her a doll she wanted. Not to mention, $25 doesn't even cover the cost of the nikey's the escalator ate, and it wasn't even enough to cover crocks! It would've cost me $10 if she wanted crocks."

So, the daughter was wearing Crocs but doesn't like Crocs; she had nothing to wear on her feet but a Minnie doll would have resolved that problem... how?
I remember this one...popcorn:: That thread got pretty heated. Disney didn't destroy the shoe. The escalator did..and I'm sure the escalators at WDW aren't any different than the ones in any shopping mall. One could make the argument that the child was probably fidgeting and herself caused the shoe to get eaten.

Disney was being pretty good giving them anything at all.
Hmmmm wonder what this could have netted me free?


I mean it did take me like a week to get that off her!

For future reference, toothpaste takes off permanent marker like a dream. Learned this trick after DDs (1 and 4 at the time) "face painted" themselves with permanent markers that accidentally got mixed in with their regular kid-friendly batch. They were drawing at their easel so nicely in the next room while I did laundry, then I came around the corner and saw their faces. I laughed so hard I cried. I had to go online to discover a solution and the toothpaste thing worked like a dream.


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