most rudest, ignorant, disgusting thing at WDW


kelly's Girl

I was just curious to know if anyone has had any experiences with people at WDW being rude, ignorant, disgusting, etc...
Define rude, Ignorant and Disgusting. A few years back I noticed some young kids spitting at people from the now defunct skyride. But the thing that really made me mad was when some kid thought it was funny at the Osbournes lights display at MGM to lay down next to Baby Jesus in the Manger in the Opening scene.

A real Jerk!! Ruined everyones Photos
I'll bet you get a ton of stories with this thread!

Rude? Well, these days rude is the rule rather than the exception so I can't say that I see more at WDW than other places.

Ignorant? See rude.

Disgusting? Mothers and Fathers actually spanking (hitting) their kids because they don't want to stay out in the sun anymore. I've heard comments like "Do you know how much this is costing and you just want to go swim in the hotel pool?".

"Forced fun".....I call that disgusting.
Last October while watching Tapestry of Dreams Parade a woman stood her young 2 sons at the plants at Mexico and let them urinate in the plants. She actually leaned over the one boy and held his (U know what). It was down right disgusting and just laziness since there was a bathroom maybe 20 feet away. This was really rude.:mad: We loudly commented on how rude it was and walked away.
Ok that last one was nasty and the one before is just DUMB!

I really dont like it when people run you down with scooter things. Thats a pain. Literally. But i think the thing that makes me angry is line jumping or people getting into the fastpass line without a fastpass. That really bugs me.
This is minor, I know, but it really got on my nerves.
A couple of years ago at Cindy's breakfast, there was a woman wearing only a BRA (and pants, of course).:rolleyes:
I wanted to go tell her to put a shirt on. I'm talking a real, actual, adjust-your-straps bra.
The most boorish behavior I have seen is during parade viewing. People shove their way in front of folks who have been waiting patiently (sometimes for up to an hour). Last year, a couple actually moved a trash can on Main Street and squeezed in. We had been waiting on the curb for about 40 min. When the parade started to appear, my husband leaned out to get a photo. The girl who had squeezed in actually said, "Tell your husband to stop blocking the parade!"

Well, my mother brought up a lady, so I didn't reply, just turned my head and ignored her.
The nerve of some people!:mad:

The other one that sticks out in my mind happened before Disney restricted smoking. A little boy about 3 was skipping along in Adventure land and was burned in the neck by a passing woman's cigarette. That was awful. I was only a bystander, didn't know the little one, but wanted to cry for him. Thank goodness Disney has solved this problem!:(
This may not seem rude to others but since I'm a single parent it really drives me nuts.

I hate when parents spilt up during a character meet. One parent gets on line with the kids, while the other parent gets into another line. When kids are done in the first line, they join the second line with the other parent while the first parent runs to
a third line to hold a spot for the kids.

Since the amount of time the characters are out is limited this hurts the other kids and or adults waiting to see the characters.

To me this is the same as one person holding a place in line for a ride while the rest of the family is doing something else.
The rudest behavior we have witnessed was just on our last trip. We were standing in line at Thunder MT and the guy ahead of us actually lit up a cigarette as we headed into the building part, you know where you thread in and around everyone.

He smoked that cigarette all thru the line......I couldn't believe someone was that rude especially around all the children!!!!:mad:
I've posted this on another thread, but I'm always willing to share this one.......
On the 5th of July last year, DH and I saw a flasher in MGM. He was an older man wearing short red shorts and no underlovelies. He was deliberately sitting "open-legged" on a bench. Children did see him, unfortunately. We saw him and immediately found a security guard. He was escorted out of the park. The shame that someone would pay that much money just to commit a crime against EVERYONE. I will never, ever forget that sick, sad man.:mad: :mad: :mad:
My rudest thing happened on my last trip a couple of weeks ago.

We had gotten in line 1.5 hours early for Fantasmic, and had excellent seats - about 6 rows back. DS was on the end of the row, pretty much dead center. There were about 3" between him and the actual end of the bench.

About 5 minutes before show time, some guy comes down and has his whole family sit on the ends of other people's benches. I don't think so.

Not even 1/2 of his butt fit, but he was trying to stay there. I got up and found an usher who told his family that they would have to go to SRO. Everyone in our little section was ticked off and backed each other up.
We had lunch ressies at Cindy's Castle a few years ago. While waiting in the lobby area, Cindy came out and sat down at her throne. Everyone formed a rag-tag line and seemed to be doing well. All of a sudden two men start arguing about the other's kid cutting in line. They start screaming at each other and throwing out profanity right in front of a room full of kids. The wife of one of them jumps in to split them up, but she starts yelling and cursing too. They split up after threatening bodily harm and go on their way. It all happened in about 2 minutes. Then WDW plainclothes security comes in, talks to a CM and leaves. But by the time they got there, the offending parties were long gone. There was little to no security for Cindy and she was helpless as this whole thing went on about 10-15 feet from her. Some people just amaze me........ :eek:
For some interesting answers, you should pose this question on the disABILITIES board. There are all kinds of horror stories there.

As for ignorant, I think Bump had a good case in a recent thread about rude and ignorant.
At parades where there is an interpreter working people who walk between the interpreter and the deaf people watching the parade. They do it even when the interpreter who is not working (they interpret in 2s) asks them to go behind the interpreter.

Also at Fantasmic I was using reflective captioning and there was a guy who insisted in standing behind me and blocking the captioning even when I asked him to move seveeral times.

And at Cinderells Castle Show, the man whop kept pushing between me and the interpreters. Since I was also in a power wheelchair I could not move without risking hurting children near me. The interpreters kept trying to shift so I could see but he kept moving to block them.
We were waiting for the tram at Epcot a couple of years ago. It was pretty full so we & some other people decide to just wait for the next one. The tram was getting ready to leave, the CM's had made several announcements saying no more passengers. At that point, two women and a 3-4 year old boy came running up. They asked if I was waiting for the tram, so I mentioned the announcement had been made and that they were about to pull away. She paused for a second & then sprinted for the tram (literally dragging the poor kid along with her) right as they started to pull away. :mad:

I could care less if that twit got herself hurt, but her little boy almost got run over. The CM's let her stay on the tram, but boy was I tempted to give her a piece of my mind since they couldn't. But, since the words forming in my head weren't appropriate for the multitude of young ears around me, I kept my mouth shut. Even writing this, my blood pressure rises when I think of how she put that poor child at risk. A child that age doesn't know how to keep himself safe. He's completely at the mercy of his parents or caretakers. IMO, that woman should have been escorted off of property for breaking the rules.
Smoking on line when there are smoking areas designated,
teenagers cutting in line, just pushing and shoving, adults pushing in front of kids to see the parades, and urinating in public. UGH!
I have never been a "victim" of rude behavior, but was witness to an ugly exchange prior to the MSEP (has anyone else ever noticed that parades seem to bring out the worst in many people?).

We staked out our spot an hour or so before the parade started and ended up next a viewing area reserved for disabled (facing the garage where the floats come out to start the parade). When we arrived there was an empty wheelchair placed in this area (you can probably guess where this is going) and as the area filled up, the empty chair was eventually moved behind the people taking their place to watch the parade.

About five minutes before the parade started a family of five or six walked up to where the empty chair had been left and a couple of them were carrying a disabled boy who was probably around 10 years old. They had dropped off the chair and gone to eat dinner, expecting that the boy and the rest of the family would have a place waiting for them in the area reserved for wheelchairs. The family kind of "ganged up" on a guy in wheelchair who was in the actual spot where the chair had been left but wasn't the one who had moved the chair.

After many unkind things had been said, a number of able bodied people made room for an additional chair and cooler heads eventually prevailed, but only after a couple tense mintues.

I had a mostly enjoyable time. One espisode of rudeness was with two bus drivers. One cut another off and they shared opinions on the matter out their windows in front of everyone.

Another was unfortunitely my sister. She tried to insist my neices were tall enough for Kalli River Rapids. The first time they didn't question her, but then she tried it with someone else and they got out the measuring stick and didn't let them on.
I told her that they were strict and the girls couldn't ride, but she ignored me.

And my dad. I don't know if he just forgot how to take a shower, it was the soap or what, but he stank horribly. I'm sorry to anyone that remembers that.
People cutting right in front of when you've been waitng for hours for a parade! That is rude. I'm the one thats been waiting for 3 hours and people think they can just cut right in front of me!
I've got a story that would definitely fall into the "disgusting" category.

My son and I were sitting in the Muppets 3D theatre waiting for the show to begin. There was a seat separating us from the next family. I don't know what made my son and I look over at the dad in this family (probably because he was squirming around in his seat). He proceeded to reach down inside his shorts/underwear and pull something out. I kind of got upset because it looked for a minute like he was doing something obscene to himself with my son practically next to him.

The "item" that he pulled out of his shorts/underwear was wrapped in a plastic baggie - he had crunched up crackers in the baggie and proceeded to eat them!!!! We were so grossed out at what he had done! When the dad finished his smuggled in "snack", he put them back where they came from and gave us a "what are you staring at look" as he adjusted the baggie inside his shorts/underwear.

My son and I will never ever forget that!!!! I know Disney charges outrageous prices for food, but if the day ever comes when I feel I have to sneak in food in my underwear, we'll find somewhere else to vacation!

DVC HH 2001


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