My journal - posters welcome


Kids Get Arthritis Too!
Oct 8, 2001
Very long day today - quick entry

First day of Alex challenge - did it with 19 pts (one over my minimum)

No exercise - I pulled a muscle or something in my back yesterday and it hurts to walk, or sit, or stand, or just about anything! I'll be taking the weekend off as well in hopes of a speedy recovery from this, it's really making me grumpy! I guess this is the perfect week for the Alex challenge for me!

Eating wise - I felt pretty good today, I'm a bit hungry now but i'm getting used to this at night :) I tried Smart Pop Kettle corn this afternoon for a snack, not as flavored as the real stuff but only 2 pts for the whole bag!

I will post my history next week - too busy on weekends~
Originally posted by ohMom

No exercise - I pulled a muscle or something in my back yesterday and it hurts to walk, or sit, or stand, or just about anything! I'll be taking the weekend off as well in hopes of a speedy recovery from this, it's really making me grumpy! I guess this is the perfect week for the Alex challenge for me!

Dr. TigH prescribes a massage (hello, ohMom's DH...). Or a nice long warm bath. :) Rest and relax until you feel better!!!
whew! i'm back from a whirlwind weekend!

I managed to stay w/i Alex's challenge! Yeee haw!! It was a challenge too. Sat at noon I had a house full of Daisy girl scouts eating hot dogs, Nutty bars and chips! (I went for easy this time!) Meanwhile I slurped up my bowl of 0 pt garden veg soup. I snacked on a pria bar in the car on my way out of town. For dinner out I ordered penne pasta and tomato sauce and side salad with FF dressing. I did eat the garlic breadstick too, but I had 14 pts saved so I was fine.

Sun. was a little harder. For breakfast I had to resist: biscuits and just add small helpings of scrambled egg, turkey sausage, and fruit. I had a late afternoon lunch out and ordered a grilled chicken salad and actually scraped off the two piles of cheese and egg (yolked included that's why). I add 1 pt to my salad though for residual! I even pushed away the basket of muffins that we got with our meal! Since it was a late lunch for dinner I just had a bag of popcorn! Aren't road trips fun!!

Monday was a normal day at home - though I had previously committed to having a Tastefully Simple party. I have scrimped 11-12 pts for this and since I made the dishes I know just what I can sample! I'm feeling confident that I can make it through this night, after surviving the weekend!

Exercise - I did lay low Sat/Sun. This morning I went to yoga; I walked my DD to school and looped around totalling 2 miles; and rode my bike to pick her up, pulling her home in the bike trailer (.55-.70 ish miles each way)

You know, I feel great that I was able to eat three meals out and resist the temptations! After my lunch Sunday with my cousin, I thought "That was nice, it was lunch about catching up with her, not about what I was eating!" I'm proud that I'm starting to turn my focus away from my palate! I did enjoy what I ate, and someday when I'm maintaining I can have that muffin or biscuit. But for now, I'm looking for the results of saying "no!"

FYI - I journal my food and pt value on my palm pilot so will probably not journal here. I'll be happy to share though on anyone's journal who wants to see menus for ideas :)
Originally posted by ohMom
[B I had a late afternoon lunch out and ordered a grilled chicken salad and actually scraped off the two piles of cheese and egg (yolked included that's why). [/B]

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: That is some willpower!!! I don't think I could have scraped the cheese off! D'oh!

GOOD FOR YOU!!! You can make it through tonight!!! :)
ok, here's the results! this party was alot of fun - I was glad I was hosting so I was distracted helping alot! there was sooo much. But the good thing is you pass it around and take a sample. So, I controlled my samples the best I could ;) (I did have a few seconds but I threw away alot) This was my dinner and I had saved 11-12 pts for the day. So I really feel honest and good saying I stayed in range. But --- I didn't have a way to truly count my points - so I you guys think I should bail out of the Alex challenge please please tell me. I will not be offended. I will only accept and wear my clippie when I can do so with pride and not shame! I don't want to think y'all are snickering behind my pc!

I did make the dips with low fat sourcream and mayo too, even the directions specifically said not to!

I feel almost safe now that the remainder of the week is totally in my control!
well, I feel like I'm over the hump for the Alex challenge and the rest is cake. I made it through all my social-potential temptations. The rest of the week is more in my control, just where I like it :)

yesterday: 35 min bike ride pulling trailer

today: yoga

I'm feeling puffy again. I'm a bit disappointment that in keeping on the low end of my range that I'm not feeling "thinner". Maybe this is a good experiment? I'm hoping it's salt and/or the glass of wine from last night and will be flushed out before next WI on monday.
well - somebody please remind me of how great my FIRM video really is the next time I put it off. I did this for my workout today and felt the burn in my hips! An area i'm really trying to target! My hair was dripping when I finished the tape! Whew! Who cares if it's dated and they are wearing leg warmers :)

and.................not a big drum roll but I'm happy to say I did some quick measurements. Not the whole kit and kaboodle, but my problem areas. No change in my waist or tummy, but my hips went down .5"!!! (notice where my decimal point is though Tig!) I hope it stays that way and continues downward! That is what's keeping some of my pants/shorts snug still.

BUT, I am wearing my "motivator" shorts today! The ones I posted in the WISH family album from our 12/99 trip! yea!! I have two pair of khaki shorts: these and a size 12 pair of Lee. I'm giving my 12s to a friend today and I won't be leaning on the fact that they are there. No more crutches! These are short shorts, so I hope to keep toning my thighs. Doing side leg lifts today I really saw alot of wiggly going on :mad:

Ok - maybe I"ll have to recant my frustrations with Alex challenge! I'm not convinced yet.............but it hopefully hasn't hurt my progress!

.5 INCH IS AWESOME!!!!!! It will be even more than that by the end of May! :) (by the way, Happy May Day!) ;)

I am so glad you did your FIRM workout, even with the ladies in legwarmers as rolemodels! ;) That is so awesome!!!!! Dripping hair is a GOOD sign you were working hard (I know it's not really hot up your way yet!)

Yaaaaaaay!!!! You are doing a great job! Keep it up! Glad you gave those shorts away. Nowhere to go but down from here! ;)
ok, i think i've made it! I have 7 pts left for dinner, should be no problem. I was thinking of a baked potato until I just read TigH's great success. Maybe no potato, pasta, rice after 4 p.m. is a good idea. I maybe have it twice a week, but I could have for lunches instead.

I jogged my 2 miles this morning. I'm really looking forward to veggie a little this weekend, but again Tig is breathing down my neck! (in a very good way though :)) I may do my toning video in the morning if I have time before an all-day scrapathon! I was planning on this being a "cheat" day, not to go crazy but indulge a little maybe. After being at 18-19 pts for 7 days in a row! Gotta keep that metabolism going ;) We'll see, I think I may have read some inspiration here in the journals to keep me at bay.

I was really tempted to sneak in the DD candy again! bad! bad! I resisted though it was harder today! I think I'm feeling deprived. PMS is just around the corner though-----stay away BF - at least until WI monday morning!
Well I did survive the Alex challenge - however I was allowing myself a little indulges or even a "cheat" day Sat. to counterbalance the deprevation I was feeling. Well, I started out at a scrapping day (they ordered pizza for lunch! uugghh!) but I counted my two pieces and limited myself to just a few Nestles treasures. Then after church we went to dinner at Bob Evans (sausage gravy and biscuits :confused: ) and then the candy literally attacked me once we got home! Luckily my wonderful PM buddy (whom I swear had spies on me today) gave me a personal challenge of being totally candy-free for 5 days! Whew, I needed that! So, today I'm going cold turkey and will avoid the Easter candy until Friday for sure!

I'm journaling this so I will remember that brick that was in my stomach as I tried to go to sleep last night.

I feel like it's out of my system. Prior to WISH I would've let a day like that convince me to hold off dieting for a few more days b/c it wasn't working anyhow. Today I started back OP and am jumping back on the wagon and forgetting it!

At least I didn't have a glass of wine too:cool:

Today I think I'll work out in the yard some and maybe take a walk or bike ride later. Just something to get myself moving...
Help - the mother asks the DD. No wonder I feel like I have only had half of the story this week (not just you, but TigH, etc) and I kept looking for posts that I missed. So there were journals (hidden on my computer, I assume) that I should have been reading.

I wondered about your back, I knew everyone but me knew, you had done something and didn't know how they knew and your DM wouldn't have. Glad its better and if you got a backrub from DH I am sure that would have helped - he does those so well:)

Did you get my note that I couldn't get the AKA name noted either? Okay, so its out, that you are the one who saves me on the boards, but not everyone will read your journal and know I wonder and wander sometimes, but those who do, will know that I really appreciate your help! Thanks
well, back OP finally! i'm not even mentioning the ice cream here!

I did take a 35 min bike ride yesterday - in my jeans even! Two months ago it was hard to just wear them all day without a permanent indention to my tummy!

This morning I did my FIRM video - thanks to a dare from my PM buddy :) still feeling the burn in the hips! melt....melt...melt

Good news is I did some measurement, in just shy of one month I have lost an addition .5" in my waist, pouch, and hips! Yes, another 1.5" gone forever!!! I kept thinking if I keep this up by the end of May I'll have lost an inch in each spot!

Busy day-lots to do! We have two dance rehearsals this week which should make easier dinner options for me - probably Smart Ones. The other two nights we have a mtg at school and bible study group! Sounds like no cooking here!

I cleaned out our pantry today, now I have all my "legal" treats in one spot and the kids stuff in another. Still way tooooo much candy around here ;)
Originally posted by ohMom
well, back OP finally! i'm not even mentioning the ice cream here!

This morning I did my FIRM video - thanks to a dare from my PM buddy :) still feeling the burn in the hips! melt....melt...melt

Good news is I did some measurement, in just shy of one month I have lost an addition .5" in my waist, pouch, and hips! Yes, another 1.5" gone forever!!! I kept thinking if I keep this up by the end of May I'll have lost an inch in each spot!

I cleaned out our pantry today, now I have all my "legal" treats in one spot and the kids stuff in another. Still way tooooo much candy around here ;)

Glad you took the dare! :) I can still hear your body melting those hips!!! :)

CONGRATULATIONS on your measurements! Woo-hoo!!!!!!! Isn't that the best? I think I love my tape measure!!! Keep it up!!!

I'm really proud that you cleaned out the pantry. That's very proactive! Good for you! :) Now hands off those kid treats. You don't want to take food out of their mouth, do you? ;) hee hee!
well another day going well so far. I jogged 2 miles this morning and did some light yard work. Today I doing some baking for teacher appreciation week and a dinner for a family from church and the smells are tempting! I allowed myself one small cookie and didn't want to record those points! But I did, that's what I like about WW, I can indulge a little, but not feel like I've gone off-plan.

Another pair of shorts on today that were snug at the end of last summer, yea!! Focus on that and not those PMS cravings!

Went to grocery - walked down snacks isles to get graham crackers, really looked over those snacks! But didn't buy any!

Tomorrow is hopefully yoga and my delayed weekly WI.
no Y for me today - Paige still sleeping :)

off to do my toning video and yoga on my own. Had light breakfast planned for lunch out today. will have to update later

Did take a moderate 1 mile walk last night with DD and DD (darling daughter and darling doggy)
ok, time to catch up a bit.

Thursday - very busy day for me, Mom's group in the morning, resisted the vanilla poundcake type bread that was brought :) Housecleaned in the afternoon, but did take a long walk, at least 2.5 mile and maybe closer to 3 - 45 mins. I kicked it up from 30 mins to 45 per our weekly WW challenge. I did have some pts left and this was our couples bible study group night so I indulged in a handful of chips. I wish I would've measured them out and known exactly how much I ate :( But I counted the points as best I could and then figured it really wasn't worth it. The first 4-5 chips were good and I should've stopped there!

Friday - made it the Y for the first time this week! Again Vija's challenge brought me 30 mins on the elliptical instead of 20 mins; along with a 2 min cooldown and 8 mins on the rower. Debated on WI since I missed on Monday, but decided too so I could post on the total pounds lost on WISH. I have lost another 1.5 lbs! This takes me to the weight I was when we moved here 5 1/2 years ago! I'm thrilled as I haven't been here since then :) I wish I would've b/c now I look back and think it's taken me so long to get to this point, and when I was here before I wanted to lose 7 lbs to get back to pre-pregnancy weight! Now that Paige is 6 1/2 yrs old and I'm back to 7 lbs to pre-pregancy weight. oh well, onward and downward

Had a little slip up this afternoon with some M&Ms, it took almost three hours for the lump to leave my stomach! Why oh Why?? We planned a pizza night due to friends overnight, but I just couldn't bring myself to eat pizza after the M&Ms, so I went through Wendys and got a taco supremo salad instead. So for 9 pts I indulged in that instead of a measly slice of pepperoni! I bet I feel better for it too.

I'm feeling a bit more tempted in this past week, I don't know if it's b/c I've lost some weight and subconsciously I think I deserve some reward or more freedom; but that attitude will not help me reach my mini-goal! I must think about that and how good it will be to attain that goal!

PMS isn't helping either! oh well, tomorrow's a new day:cool:
I noticed that you mentioned Bible study in your post. I have been using a Dieter's devotional journal to help me with my motivation and committment. I bought it at Wal-Mart for $11.00.

It is really nice. It give a verse to read, a brief story applying the scripture to weight loss challange and then a thought for the day. It also has a place to journal, but I just journal here.

If you atr interested, I could even give you a sample of what it says.
Kathy - that would be great! if you have time and want to post a day in my journal, or PM one to me, I'd like that! I've been reading Women of Faith daily devotionals, but yours sounds like a great one to start. I'm feeling ready for a new one :)

Ok - happy Mother's day to me!

Sat - really really didn't want to exercise. It was pouring so jogging was out of the question and I was sore in the chest and gluts from weights yesterday. But I really wanted to have Sunday off and didn't think two days in a row was a great idea. So I dragged myself out of bed and did my Tae-bo video. I not only had to dust it off, I had to wipe the cobwebs off too! (it was in the basement:)) it was a nice shorter workout, but I was sweating for sure! I felt much better having it done. As far as eating I stayed OP all day, reserving most pts for dinner with the family and rummy cokes before bed!

Sun - I tried two new recipes for brunch today and am pleased with both: egg/hash brown casserole (3 pt) and blueberry muffins (2 pt) Went bowling with DH and DDs and had a great time. I felt so great to not feel stuffed in my jeans! They are not hanging yet, but are definately looser. This led to my cheat meal for the weekend though :( Really, I'm ok with it. I thought I may make it through the weekend with a cheat, but the kids wanted to take me to Frisch's for dinner for Mom's day and what the heck. so we did and that led to a little snacking at home too, but I'm done for the day now and ready to stay OP for the rest of the week. I really need to recommit to only one cheat per week and not every week! I did pass on the nachos at the bowling alley though and had a diet coke instead! Didn't help my score though, I think it was hopeless!

Ok, self, no more cheats for the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monday - nothing comes to mind....hmmmmmmmmm.......must have been a normal day. I jogged 2 miles in the a.m. and did my first workout from my challenge to TigH. Oh yea, now it's coming back. Had to take DD to orthodontist appt in Cols so we went out to lunch. I meant to order a salad, but "turkey reuben" accidently came out instead! It was good, I even ate 1/4-1/3 of the chips! what was I thinking! anyhow, added the pts up when I got home and was heartbroken that it totalled 13! So for dinner I stir-fried a yellow squash, onion and zucchinni and splashed a little FF italian dressing on it (mom's fav) and it was very good. Had a couple pieces of FF turkey lunchmeat for protein and called it a day.

tues - early workout at the Y and day 2 of exercise challenge. Starting to get a sore throat and hoping it goes away in a day or two. Met friends at McDs for lunch, but I smuggled in a 5 pt sandwich from Arbys :) I did WI today even though its only been 4 days, but was down .5 lbs! yea!! i won't even think it is b/c I WI before breakfast instead of after which is routine.

Karen suggested to me to print out a calendar and plan my pts out for the remainder of the month, using the higher end on the weekends and low end during the week. All in the glimmer of hope that I may meet my mini-goal. Just printed it and off to map out my pts!


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