My journal - posters welcome

too many days to catch up!

the calendar is working very well for me, keeping my focused and i really only look at today and not ahead. I planned low pt days on the days I knew I'd have lighter workouts and 22 pts on sunday was a feast!

Jogged today after not for a week due to bad head cold. Went well, really going to aim for three jogging sessions this week. Thursday and Saturday! there, now I have to.

We still have Easter candy, funny how after TOM leaves it's not as appealing.
funny how a visit from the Whoosh fairy can really perk up the spirits!

To my astonishment I was down 4 lbs this morning. Yikes! I hope it's not a fluke, I hope it keeps!

TigH accompanied me virtually to the gym today. I just want a record of how brutual she was. I did 32 cardio mins (24 elliptical/8 rowing) and moved unto Tricep dips (moved up a weight) and tricep extension machine; and then Smith machine. 25 lbs on each side and did two sets of squats/one set lunges each leg. Moving onto bench press she actually put 20 lbs on each side LOL I huffed and puffed 5 reps out and that was it - no spotter so didn't push. I switched a 10 out for a 5 lb and mangaed 5 more. Then had to go back to the standard 10 lbs each side (65 lbs) and did one set, but boy were my chest muscles screaming by then.

We moved on and finished leg presses and crunches. whew! A dip in the therapy pool felt good after all that!
Wow! I am amazed that I pushed you to lift all that weight! I guess it was time for a little revenge! What is a Smith machine? Was it like being in a torture chamber? Mu ha ha ha ha ha!

You are doing such a great job, ohMom!!! :) I am really proud of you! I know the 4 pound loss was NOT a fluke! You are just sooooooo good at keeping your metabolism up and burning fat and calories now! :)

I hope you have a great time at the Y and jogging and working out at home and staying on plan while I'm away. I'll miss ya ALOT!!!! I expect you to send me a good challenge when I get back, because I'm sure I'll need it!!!!

Way to go, Molli! You met a mini goal and you should be REALLY super de duper proud of yourself! I know I am proud of you!!!! :)
wow it's sunday already! The rest of the week went very well, I continued my activities

Wed - yoga
Thurs - jogging and hand weights
Fri - yoga/casual swim
Sat - jog/short bike ride/rowing machine/weights at Y

today is my day off. I feel a bit sore in a few places, so I'll give them a rest today. I have tons to do around the house anyhow! I plan on doing the Molli Muscle Mania challenge again this week in hopes of maintaining my 143 WI on friday. I also am trying to schedule a BF analysis late in the week, waiting for a call-back.

Eating wise I feel I have been slipping a bit! I know I fell off my Tig challenge yesterday
, I hope Karen forgives me again! She's so good like that! Maybe she should be tougher so I'll be better! I'm learning though that a weekly "cheat" really keeps my deprivation feeling under control. I know that my "cheat"s now are nothing compared to what my norm for the weekend used to be though. But still.........

ok, back OP today and onward and downward!
:eek: = neighbor cookout = :mad: at myself! after doing soo weel at the cookout the night before. let me remember the stomach pains i had all evening!

monday I did get my exercise in - jogged 2.3 miles and did Day 1 of shape routine. Took some sneak measurements that showed some loss, I will take the officially at end of the week.
where do the days go? WI today at 142.5, whew! That nastly old cookout pound is gone! yea!! I committed to myself to hit 139 by July 4! uh-oh!

I have stuck OP with exercising, but have been sneaking bites and tastes and not counting!! oh dear! I'm on the Alex challenge now for not doing that exact thing for a week! Probably not Sunday as it was a scheduled cheat day, but I'm not as motivated to "cheat" now that I want to see the 130s. I never thought that would be possible again!

I got some pilates/yoga DVDs from the library. They aren't quite as challenging as maybe I'd like, but I will do them three times next week to give it a fair shake. Sometimes the first time is the easiest!

I did make my three joggings this week - 2.3/2.5/2.0 which I'm pleased to report I have done now two weeks in a row!

I did some measurements and have lost another 2.5" this month, and my BF tested at 22% today, down 4% from January. I don't know really how accurate the pinch test is, but at least it's a way to measure BF

gotta run
another weekend come and gone! too fast!

heres my first of three journal posts for the week per AC (alex challenge)

Weekend went very good. Mom and I did relay for life walk early sat a.m. - 6 miles on 1.5 hours. I am pleased with that! Sat was a busy day, I pretty much stayed OP, I went over 1 pt but had not used any bank pts for the week so I was ok with that. That included a couple rummy cokes sat night and I like to refer to Karen's thinking that alcohol doesn't really count. he he he

Sun - scheduled cheat day for me after making it to my May 31 minigoal. I will still journal everything I put in my mouth and that will probably set me straight for the rest of the week! We hosted a baby shower and there was lots of yummies! I indulged but don't feel guilty as it was planned and I was really in need of it! the whole deprived feeling doesn't work well for me.

Tomorrow morning - back OP - shouldn't be too hard. I'm going on a field trip and will pack my WW lunch and not really have much else to stray from. Of course I'm running a popcorn stand all day for 5th graders! I just won't even start on the popcorn. Actually it doesn't even sound tempting right now!

I will jog my 2.3 mile path tomorrow per AC and do some hand weights too.
day two of three journaling for AC and it's only Tuesday!

Got the jog in yesterday and about 10 mins weight/crunchers. Today I'm going to the Y for a workout and a swim with DD. I hope tonight to do some pilates as I haven't done any of my three sessions for that.

Got back OP with eating yesterday - feeling good about that. I'm not really looking forward to WI tomorrow :(

Went to grocery last night and filled the cart with veggies, salad, fruit, meat and dairy. The only "junk" food with a box of smart pop kettle corn. I felt really good about spending that money on healthy choices for the family. Came home and made dinner of grilled salmon and grilled veggies (yellow squash, zuchinni, onions, and mushrooms) and that was dinner! for everyone, I'm trying to consolidate our meals and not as much "this is what i'm eating and this is for everyone else.............."

Had enough pts to try my Pierre Slender choc/peanut butter ice cream and it was yummmmmyyyyy!!!!!
yea, last day of school for DDs!!!!

got my second day of jogging in and I'm doing fine on the AC for the exercise portion. I tried one of the library DVDs today - Denise Austin pilates with yoga. I really liked her moves, but her voice would probably put me over the edge after a while :)

Ok, second day journaling of AC - one to go.

Doing fine with 2/3 parts of my AC challenge - it's the food that i'm not doing so well with. I am journaling it, which is what I said I would do. I'm just not happy with all that I'm journaling this week! TOM is been very persuasive unfortunately and I've been weak!

I think I'm going to try the P. Vija star challenge - I don't know if I can make it the full 100 days, but I think it may be the right thing to get me refocused. Of course DD are asking to go to Mongolian BBQ - yea right, how would I ever count those points????
yea summer!!! no more 6 a.m. mornings for a while!!!

Whew, I made it through yesterday - tempations at lunch and at DDs ice cream social at school! I inserted the Star challenge so now I am in! I was a great sense of accomplishment to get a good start on that yesterday and skip on the bad choices that were available!

This weekend is two grad parties - may I be strong again!!

Slept in a bit but off to do my pilates/yoga DVD. Taking DDs and friend to the mall this afternoon, including lunch. Food court should provide a grilled chic sammich somewhere for me!

Summer celebration dinner last night was marinaded grilled steak (marinade from WW cookbook) and was very very good. Tried grilled eggplant last night, it was decent but i like the yellow squash better :)

well i'm already hungry - so better go do my workout so I can have brekkie!
just checking in - not much report. Feeling pretty confident about the grad party today. I'm going to have a snack at lunchtime so that I won't be really hungry anyhow. We are going to Frisch's for dinner though after church so that will be my bonus food item for tonight - probably. Unless I can find some more pt values to choose from - those listed in DWLZ are just not what i'd consider ordering!!

got my last 2.3 mi jog in for the week - total for the week of 7.1 miles!! got my yoga and pilates in for the week and even a bonus bike ride last night of 40 mins :)
well haven't been here for a few - didn't do well at the grad parties last weekend :( had to restart the star challenge - those chips were a killer! anyhow - I have stayed on the challenge this weekend :) though today I used 12 whole whopping pts on trail mix!! reminder: don't start eating it!! it's too addictive and at 3 pts for 1/4 cup - well that's just not very much! salad for dinner and a rollerblading session and with activity pts i'm at 24 pts, with one to spare! whew! I don't like to use those activity pts though and I did saturday too! I'm afraid using my bank/activity pts will slow my losing down and maybe even keep me in more of a maintaining state. We'll see Wednesday.................
well, where have the days gone?????

after a big cheat yesterday, feeling very bloated but craving the leftover goodies floating around! this vicious cycle! I need to work on my attitude around food again I conclude. I must say that it takes less to satisfy me than before, but the junk is still tempting and than hard to get fully back OP after cheating.

I lost my star yesterday, but it's all TigH's fault! ;)

I'm trying to remain back OP today but just had some dorito snack mix. Funny how salty it was, but I still like that junk food every now and then. I'm off to freeze leftover cheesecake and hopefully rollerblade or bike ride once the sun is setting a bit.

I will say I managed to control myself on the alcohol category - that's an improvement for me at gatherings like that :)
Originally posted by ohMom
I will say I managed to control myself on the alcohol category - that's an improvement for me at gatherings like that :)

YIPPEE!!!!! Doritos, shmoritos, put those junky things away!!! Anything that is not that color naturally can not be good for you! :) Congrats on a GREAT weekend, and I know you will be racking up those cheat free stars once again!!!!

Good for you for not having too many drinky-poos! I had a horrible reaction to too much drinking Friday night and felt GROSS and sick. Learned a lesson the hard way. But I am really happy it happened too, because it makes me appreciate how GREAT I feel when I give my body good stuff! Thanks for all the no alcohol challenges. I think I must have had a problem before, because if anyone had told me I'd WILLINGLY go two weeks (or almost 2 weeks) w/o a drink, I'd have thought they were crazy. Now I know I CAN and I don't mind at all, and I am not even thinking about having a drink for a while even after I go off this next challenge! :)

Wishing you a happy and healthy on plan day today, Molli!! Get out and move!!!!
yes m'aam! the doritos are gone anyhow! i know i know, but i must've been a real junk food junkie! i will tell myself
Anything that is not that color naturally can not be good for you!
when those cravings come upon me! that is a good reminder!

Ok - got a good bike ride in, pulling Paige who is now a whopping 50 lbs - for 45 mins. Then did Kathy Smith lower body pilates (25 mins) and a couple sets of killer MMM pushups. whew! Water water water water water today to shoo this BF away after all the salty and sweet cheats over the weekend!

I just want to tell you all we made homemade ice cream too! yummy!! i'm going to look for more WW friendly recipes to try - sorbet, etc now :)

I'm making my TJ tofu ravioli for lunch as I'm not eating bread/potato products after 4 p.m. I'll be packing a more lunch-like dinner to take to the pool anyhow!

Karen and I are doing a no cheat/alcohol challenge until July 4. I'm actually welcoming this challenge to find that healthy/trimmer feeling I had last week!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
back in the AC recovering from a 2.5 mi jog and heading over to family room to do some pilates/yoga this morning. Just had a yummy bowl of raisin bran/strawberries/soy milk. I had a really good day OP yesterday and I'm starting to feel better and maybe maybe feel the BF finally leaving! Ok, note to self: Cheated on Sat, just feeling better Thursday! yikes! must restrain cheats!

Ooops, I picked up a flat of flowers to plant yesterday too, I should get moving! Paige and I are meeting friends at a park that has water activities for lunch, which will be packed naturally. I'm taking tuna in my 1 pt pitas and maybe strawberries/yogurt. Dinner will be light tonight as it's just Paige and I again! Taylor comes home tomorrow!:Pinkbounc
ok, putzing on pc when I really need to crack down and do something around here! anything! haven't all week! he he he

i'm planning a big old garage sale July 11-12, better get serious now!

Did 3 mile WATP tape this morning and Kathy Smith pilates. Felt good to work lightly, my hamstrings are really tight today. So far so good on eating, need to stop now and switch on only 0 pt things as we'll be having a late dinner picking up Taylor. Maybe time to make some SF jello!

Narrowly escaped lunch at McDs when Paige agreed to bring it home - whew! made a salad instead and some TJ lowfat unsalted tortilla chips with a smidge of a yucky salsa/cheese dip that I just threw away! soooo not worth it even if it was low pt!

Topped it off with a 2 pt HC fudge bar - yummy. i love these low pt ice cream treats. Time to move on :)
ok ok, stopping in quickly to record my accomplishments this weekend

first - resisted major tempations at Chicago Uno last night! whew! Had a grilled chicken buffalo sandwich instead, no bun, and roasted veggies. I really soooo wanted a beer and pizza! I remembered my challenge and knew if my buddy could do it, I could too! I'm too far into this one to blow it now! I went to bed last night thinking, I bet I feel much better than if I had cheated!

Got up this morning and jogged my new 3 mile path and did KSmith lower body pilates. My legs are ready for a day off tomorrow. I'm still disappointed in the amount of flab on my thighs, and tummy; using this to keep motivated so my new 8s fit well and I can comfortable buy new jeans this fall!

I'm doubtful that I'll hit 139 by next Wed., but I know this cheat-free 12 days is helping me stay focused and on target. I made WW friendly fraps this afternoon and DH had the nerve to fill his with Kahlua!:eek: not me!
well a lot has happened. I made it through to my July 4th cheat free challenge, well almost. I slipped into holiday mode last night but I was just doing the happy dance with all the good things going on. (TigH claiming her goal clippie, jimmytammy WF visit) among those the scale dilemma and my friends pulling me through on that decision. I lowered my all-time highest weight 2 lbs to reflect a more accurate poundage lost, and am so happy to be legally admitting that I have made it to the 130s again. I have not been here since our wedding and before I get PG with Paige, who is turning 7 this December! yee haw! It's hard to believe that it's a reality and not just a far-fetched dream anymore. To look and feel good about myself. I still have 1 more lb to claim my 15 lbs clippie and 6 lbs to hit goal. oops, I did that math wrong and I'll have to change my signature. Then I will maintain anywhere between 130 - 135. is that possible?? only with WISH to support and encourage me down that road!

today and tomorrow I'm not counting my WW pts, just for a break and hopefully I can restrain myself from not going too far overboard! I really get a full feeling much much sooner than I used to so I will try to be in tune with my stomach and let it guide me! Easier said that done usually for me, but I hope I have learned from past cheat-hangovers and keeping the WISH meet in my sight to keep focused!!
You deserve a break today... and tomorrow and the next day!

You have over 100 days until your vacation, so plenty of time to make GOAL and then some (like months of maintenance and even some major holidays to maintain through!) :)

What, you changed your start weight? That's not fair! You have LOST enough to claim a clippie in my book!!! I do not understand these Ohio ethics! I am from Florida, home of the hanging chad after all! :) CLAIM THE 15 POUND CLIPPIE!!!!

Well, even with me as a bad influence in your life I know you are going to wait it out until next week's WI to claim that clippie, aren't you? :)

Hope you had a great day. I got sick after 2 margaritas and shouldn't have even tried to eat my lean burger after all the spinach dip and pumpernickle bread I ate!:) D'OH!!!!!!!!!

Will watch it more tomorrow at the old people function. YAWN!

CONGRATULATIONS Molli, for BEING BACK IN THE 130s officially. I really know how you feel, it is so like a dream! I think we get stuck in a certain feeling place about our bodies/weight that it is hard to REALIZE we are no longer there!!!! Hopefully together and with the support of our other PM buddies and the rest of the WISHers we will adjust! :) I just know you will never ever ever be any higher than the 130s again if I have anything to do with it, and I know you will help keep me grounded where I am too!



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