My Mother Passed Away

What wonderful memories you have of your mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. :grouphug: Have a great time at WDW in honor of your mom! I have three kids and I know that I would want them to find joy in the things that we did together. Thanks for sharing with us.
I would just like to offer a hug....
thank you to all of you.

My trip is coming up next week and i will be making sure to ride IASM for her.

Mother's day was very tough. Whereas all my friends were spending it with theirs, i spent that morning at the cemetary. It still seems surreal. Its been 3 months and i can't seem to grasp what happened.

We've been going on like nothing has really happened for the most part. We talk about her every day, but i dont think me, my brother or my dad have really accepted it all.

Its.. a strange feeling at the very least.
thank you to all of you.

My trip is coming up next week and i will be making sure to ride IASM for her.

Mother's day was very tough. Whereas all my friends were spending it with theirs, i spent that morning at the cemetary. It still seems surreal. Its been 3 months and i can't seem to grasp what happened.

We've been going on like nothing has really happened for the most part. We talk about her every day, but i dont think me, my brother or my dad have really accepted it all.

Its.. a strange feeling at the very least.
I know exactly what you are going through! Mothers Day was so hard. I do have adult children and they tried to make it nice (and it was) but no one could fill the whole in my heart.It has been 7 months since my mom passed. Some people say time heals and I suppose it does but how much time? Mothers Day will never be the same for those of us who lost their mothers. I try to tell myself my mom would be furious if she thought I was sitting around depressed all day so I go on. Is it easy? NO NO NO NO NO
So many times I want to call her just to hear her voice. Sometimes I do dial the number and of course the recording comes on that says that number is no longer in service.
All I can say to you is to take it one day at a time. I pray a lot and if I can't find anyone who wants to talk about mom I get on this board. You do have friends on this board who will listen and pray for you. It does help to talk. YOu hang on. Your mom left you with some great qualities and you need to go forward. I am actually talking to myself also! LOL Also remember it it okay to have times to cry---that is why we have tears. I am praying for you and if you need to talk to some one you can PM me or just get on these boards.
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. My deepest condolences to you.
HUgs to you all....and I hope your trip is beautiful and you remember the good times with your Mom as you make new memories with your family..

It does get easier, I promise you.. it does, but it takes some took me years before I could actually get by a Holiday without being sad......I do feel sad that my children never got to go to WDW with their Nana, I did however go with my Mom and Dad to Disneyland when I was a young girl and I have that picture right here at my computer.....My Dad died way too young, I was in my teens, but I did get to have my Mom longer and she saw me married and my children born, she still was gone way too young and I would have liked more time. Anyway, sometimes when I laugh I sound like her, sometimes I see pictures of myself and I think I look like her, or sometimes I say something and it would be just what she would say. She is with me everyday.....and I smile saying that...

It will get easier and you will smile when you think of her, but it will take time. You will remember the good memories, not her being sick or passing away, it will be memories that make you time.

Hugs all around.


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