Need help - MASSIVE amounts of weight to lose

I am trying to lose over 100# also. I have lost 33# this year already. So far so good. I have found and now embrace and love exercise. I walk over 30 minutes on the treadmill 1.5 miles per day 4-6 days per week. Because I go hard on the treadmill I can cheat once in a while. Good luck. Take it small doses. You can do it if you want to.
Hi guys!:wave2: I am in the same boat as you. I would like to loose 150+# myself. It is an amazing number, and quite scary. I completely understand what you are going through, the self doubt, embarassment, shame. It stinks. BUT there is a way out, I know there is. FIRST you need to find a plan that will work for you. I have been searching, and searching, and searching for over 15 years for something, anything, and I finally found it in the WeightWatchers Core program. It isn't as harsh as south beach and atkins. You can have carb veggies, and you can have some extra treats throughout the week, and YOU CAN eat as much as you need to feel satisfied by the core foods. I never ever thought I could do it, but I have been doing it since May 1st and I feel so much better about myself. Find a plan and think small baby steps. If it is a mountain you want to conquer, then visualize steps, leading up the mountain, and you have to start at the bottom, but each step you take will take you higher and higher. And get out and WALK! The fresh air and exercise will help. Even if it is 5 minutes, it is still something.

One thing that REALLY helped my mindset is the BECK diet solution. It isn't a typical diet book, it doesn't give you a plan, but helps with your emotions. Some of the things really make sense and I think about those as I go.

We can hopefully help each other as we go. I believe in my heart that we all can do this. :grouphug:
One thing that REALLY helped my mindset is the BECK diet solution. It isn't a typical diet book, it doesn't give you a plan, but helps with your emotions. Some of the things really make sense and I think about those as I go.

We can hopefully help each other as we go. I believe in my heart that we all can do this. :grouphug:

Hi Princess Vija,

I just bought the Beck Book as well as Life is hard, food is easy. It's also a book that deals with the emotional issues of eating. I think the emotional issue is what I need to work on right now. We should start a thread to discuss the Beck book. I think it's a good book too, I haven't really read it fully yet though.
I am checking in for today, even though yesterday did not go as planned.

Drank water, still did not write down food, but I did not eat ANY cookies at the meeting. I did not even dwell on the goodie tray, I can not even tell you what was available. I just took a bottle of water and that is all I needed.

Late last night a friend of DS21 dropped by on her way home from work. She works on the boardwalk in Ocean City, Md and brought some extra * from her store. I do not feel like revealing what delicious edible item * is because I do not want to dwell on that even though I am salivating thinking about it. As soon as she brought it into my home I knew I would have a problem with eating it in a sensible manner. A fat woman like me actually has no business eating it at all.

Anyway DH and I cuddled on the couch and watched TV together with the * to enjoy. I mindlessly shoveled * into my mouth and savored every bite. I did not enjoy a little, I ate a whole lot. I knew this would happen. With some items portion control is not something I have mastered. I should have avoided the * altogether or measured out an acceptable amount and put it in a bowl for me and have avoided the entire large plastic tub.

There is still * in my kitchen, but I will not eat another bite. As I gazed at those cookies yesterday I knew I could avoid them because I knew I would be accountable here. The * will be out of my kitchen today to another room of the house so I will avoid it. I will water today and I will find that food journal. I will also do the dishes today, maybe that doesn't really apply here, how about 30 minutes of exercise. I hate to exercise. Yep, that's the ticket for today. I can do it and I can succeed today.

I apologize for being so long winded about nothing, but this is my struggle and my life and I need to write it down. How is your struggle and your life? Check in and let me know. MareQ, our OP, how is everything?

I'm here- RETAINING WATER for some reason. I made the mistake of getting on teh damn scale and saw I was heaver then when I started this on Wednesday.....

I am HUNGRY - I am doing ok - but I am stealing bites of this and that. yesterday I stole the meatballs out of my 3yo's spaghetti o's. He hates them - BUT SO DO I! I ate them anyway though because they were there and I was hungry. Guess I just eat anything..........

I was watching the Food Network Hawaii Wedding last night as they served some steamed asian style fish - it looks great - people on the show raved about it - I am going to try it. How bad can it be? I usually like my fish FRIED of course- but it really looked very good!,1977,FOOD_9936_36106,00.html

I just wish I could close my eyes and wake up a few weeks from now - when I have made some progress and have started to feel good about myself - kwim?
Yummy! That recipe looks great. I think I want to try that too!

I do know what you mean about wanting to wake up a few weeks later. Hang in there, in a few weeks you will be feeling so great about your new way of life. Especially once your clothes start feeling lose.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's here.

Today I am going to be a bad girl - I am not going to overeat but I am going to eat.

DH bought me a new Keurig Coffee Machine today with a bunch of coffee. (My old one brokle!) So here I sit enjoying a nice cup of coffee with skim milk - not bad with the skim I have to say.

I am skipping lunch today, just having coffee and some carrots for breakfast to make up for teh burgers and hot dogs I will be having later.

Is anybdoy else going to be a bad girl just for today?

Happy Mother's day to you. Why do celebrations always have to involve food? As an addict it is hard to avoid it on special occasions. I will not be "on program" today, but I will not be horrible either. I'm just taking the day off. Enjoy the day and I will see you back at work on Monday.

This will be the week I really get it together and start making progress.

I just don't know where to start. I just clicked on this thread, and read it from the beginning. I starting crying about the 4th entry. I am working hard to make my life better too. I started at 252. And at 5'3", that is obese. I have lost weight to get me to 210. I have been at 208. I was 155 on my wedding day, and 180 the day I was pregnant for my first. I was 211 on the day I was pregnant with my second and last. Jan 06 I was 252. I started with a new doctor, got some of my basic health back to where it needs. Also, along the way I developed hypothyroidism, and fybromyalgia amd discovered an intolerance to wheat/gluten. I have also had severe enough endrometriosis that I had to have complete surgery. (we don't even want to know the drugs I am on, or the drugs I will not take!) SO--with all that depressing stuff, I had resigned to be just fat. I really wanted to change things. I really made the dedication to myself in Dec 05 when I went with my family to WDW and was tired and felt like I was shoved into the rides. With the 40+ puonds gone, I feel so much better, but I know I am still fat. Nothing else to say about it. I want to live to see grandchildren, and to be able to enjoy retirement. I believe I am working towards that and getting closer all the time. I just want to lose more weight and feel that I am at a plateau that I can't get off of. I know I am more healthier than I have been in decades (yes decades) and I want to see how much better I feel, but when I look at myself I still see that I am over weight. I do wear 4 sizes smaller and all that jazz, but I want more. I had a friend give me some pics she has from March of 2004. I was REALLY fat in those pics. So, I did feel like I have done something. I just want more. It has been hard with my health so poor to start and still not as great as it could be. Yet, I know I am getting their. As noted by several, posting and being accountable has helped to get me over the hump. Knowing I have support has gotten my thru the tears. I know the continued support and praise will help me get where I want to be. I as so thankful for WISH. It has given me the kinder spirit that I have needed.

Oh boy! Here I was going to give support to everyone else, and I pour my heart out. Thank you.

To bring it all to a close, I am here for anyone who needs the support, and I am glad that everyone is here for me.

As a final note, I would love to learn more about the book BECkdiet solution. Because I really feel I need more of an emotional boost to get to my current goal of 200. My final goal is 180. I would be so happy with a size 12!

Ok, I am ready! Thanks everyone. I hope I have brought some understanding to everyone here. I know some of you already (Jennifer) and want to say hello to those I don't know! HI! Mare, Brenda, Vija and Mel!

Thanks again, I really feel ok now.

Congratulations on your success so far. I know the journey seems very long and the destination seems far away. As previous posters have said just take small steps, one at a time. It's like the joke how do you you eat an elephant? - one bite at a time. I certainly don't need to eat and elephant but I can make it to my goal weight 10 pounds at a time. Since being diagnosed with type II diabetes in Feb 2004 I have lost and regained the same 25 pounds about 3 times. This is getting ridiculous. I need to really do this. I will be 50 in two years and hope to reach my goal weight by then. It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

We do not have to settle to live our lives being fat. We have the power to change us. I get discouraged when my stomach aches in hunger after I just ate. Skinny people don't go through this, do they? Why do I have to? I have decided the good Lord has given me this obstacle to overcome and He knows that I have to power to conquer this weight problem. I can do this. I need your help and I will do what I can to help you too. We can do this together.

Since you have lost weight you know what works for you. I don't know about the Beck book, but emotional eating is a weakness of mine too. I've been thinking about crocheting when I want to eat. I haven't crocheted in years, I was too busy raising three kids. Now that two are married and one is in college I have a little more free time. I think I'll see if I can find some yarn and a pattern I like this week.

What are your Monday goals? I'll check in tomorrow morning after I pack lunch for DH and DS that is home from college for the summer. DH is a self-employed electrical contractor and DS is working for him again this summer. I am thrilled to have him home for the summer, especially since he was saying he didn't think he would be home. He's my baby and the house is really quiet without him. I'll just have to enjoy him this summer, when they leave for college you never know when or if they will ever be home.

Good night and sweet dreams to all. Tomorrow is another day. It is the day we will achieve success on our journey to health, one small step at a time.

I found my food journal so I will actually write in it today. I will drink 8 glasses of water today. I will exercise 30 minutes today.

That's the plan for today. What are your goals today?

We can do this today.

I found my food journal so I will actually write in it today. I will drink 8 glasses of water today. I will exercise 30 minutes today.

That's the plan for today. What are your goals today?

We can do this today.


Hey lady, I love your forum name. That is my life slogan. Yes you can do it.

Back on the wagon today. I have TONS of food from yesterday in my fridge - I want to eat it very badly - but I am not. DH will eat it for dinner and I will ask him to take the rest to work tomorrow or throw it out.

I had 1 packet of oatmeal for breakfast and already started my water. I will excercise for as long as I physically can today. It's a new day.

I lost 2 lbs since Wednesday. :)
I will excercise for as long as I physically can today. It's a new day.

I lost 2 lbs since Wednesday. :)

Great attitude Mare!

That's definatley the best way to look at it. Its a NEW day! Each day brings a new beginning and a new day to be your best.

Great job on the 2lbs.

We went to Dorney Park yesterday (an amusement park). I ate at Subway for lunch (I'm so glad they had that option, every other option was nothing but fried, fried and more fried). Then we went to Panera on the drive home. I had the lowfat black bean soup and a half of a portabella mushroom and mozzerella sandwich. I was starting to get a headache at that point, and then ended up with a migraine. That started me in eating a little chocolate (that was within my ww points), and a yogurt. Then after trying to sleep it off (it didn't work) I had a popcicle that did help the pain. Then a few crackers an hummus - did nothing and then I had another popcicle. I just wanted to pain to go away.

So all in all, I did good till I had too many snacks. Overall I think I could still pull out a little bit of a loss tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed.
MareQ, Beth, Jennifer, MelanieC, luv2nascar, Vija, and Wendy, and anyone else I forgot,

How are you all doing?

Yesterday I drank my water, wrote down my food, and even exercised. I am very proud of myself. Some things I wrote down were not the best food choices and I will do better today. In addition to water, journal, and exercise, today I will add 5 fruits and vegetables.

Hey Dave the windwalker I'm glad you Dare to Dream too.

My fellow losers I hope you achieve your goals today as we take our small steps toward better health. It will be hard, but we can do it!!

I'm missing seeing my friends here. I guess everyone does have a life too. Life sure got in my way yesterday when we unexpectedly went out to dinner with friends. Part of an onion blossum and a baked potato do not really count as vegetables so I did not get my 5 yesterday. I did have a salad with dinner though and got my to-go container before it was too late. I did water, exercise and journal, but everything in the journal was not what it should be.

Today will be a better day. I will water, journal, exercise, and do my 5. It's a start and I can do it today.

How about you? How are you doing and what are your goals?

We can do this together. I'm trying to get into some healthy habits to prepare for a school trip to Chicago next month. We will probably eat out every meal and that will be a nightmare. It is soooo hard to eat out and eat healthy when there are so many more appealing unhealthy choices available. I hope to make some progress between now and then and be able to avoid the really horrible things that I do not need to achieve my goals.

I need your help and want to enjoy your success with you.

Have a great day.

I'm just too tired to think right now - trying hard - but my middle child has Pneumonia and an ear infection - and youngest child has two abscessed teeth that have to be pulled tomorrow.

UG! I am just eating what is handy because I just don;t have time to think - but I'm not off the wagon - just REALLY hectic now.
I'm not in the same situation as you all. I did lose about 50 or more pounds over 10 years ago and have managed for the most part to keep it off. Reading through this thread I am concerned about a couple of things.

Mare, if you are truly addicted to food then please go speak to a professional about it. This is not a battle that is easily won on its own. You can't just quit food since you do need it to live and that is what makes it so difficult. I am an emotional eater, I am also a reward eater. It is something I continue to struggle with. Also, your coffee and carrots is not going to cut it. You are just setting yourself up to binge later. Perhaps a visit to WW, a nutritionist or dietician may be in order. I think you need to set a realistic calorie goal each day. :) It will help keep you on track. Also they will be able to help you with food choices, menu, etc.

Good luck to you ladies. :grouphug:
HI everyone,

I too am in the 100# or more to loose boat/ocean liner.:rolleyes1 I was SO glad to stumble upon this thread this afternoon. I think we all need a great place like this to know that we are not alone in the fight against fat. I've been overweight most of my adult life and when I wasn't overweight I was on some sort of weight loss plan that once I stopped taking the pills or protien shakes the weight came back with extra friends. :eek: Sometimes I feel like a weight loss expert. I can rattle off 50 tips, secrets, and great ideas but I'm still overweight.(remember "Do as I say , not as I do"?) I think that means I need will-power & encouragement. I think I am going to be able to find that here on this thread. Thank you all for that.
Starting today I am going to get a food notebook like ya'll have mentioned.
I am going to write down every bit of food I eat, and how I am feeling at the moment. Maybe this will help me to see if I am emotion eating.
I was hoping someone might have had some simple/starter moves for us overweight people. I understand walking is best, but some of us live where a walk is dangerous. Anyone have any moves that seem to get good results ?
Thanks again everyone for not letting me feel this way all alone. I think together we can give eveyone great tips and support.:love:
Have a great day! Jen
Also, your coffee and carrots is not going to cut it. You are just setting yourself up to binge later. Perhaps a visit to WW, a nutritionist or dietician may be in order. I think you need to set a realistic calorie goal each day. :) It will help keep you on track. Also they will be able to help you with food choices, menu, etc.

Good luck to you ladies. :grouphug:

:) The coffee and carrots were just on Sunday because it was Mother's Day. #1 because I just got a new coffee machine and wanted to try it out #2 because I knew I was going to be "bad" so I was hoarding WW points. On a normal day I would never eat just carrots:) Also - I hadn't been to the market so there was limited things to eat on hand that were "good".

DH has decided to take over the grocery shopping. He and I are going to sit every Sunday and go through recipes and come up with a plan of exactly what we are going to eat for the week - making sure we both have plenty of options for breakfast and lunch (He is dieting as well for support- although he only has about 20 to lose )

We both think that making a meal plan for the week - and ME just not going shopping - will help eliminate a lot of my habits. Can't eat it if DH hasn't bought it - and he's MUCH less likely to give into cravings and buy junk than I would be. I will go with a list - and then buy twice as much as I thought I needed and will come home with "crap" too.

Today though - I am not being "great" but not bad either - I have just been so busy with my two youngest kids that there's no time. Breakfast was a yogurt with granola - and I had the same thing for Lunch picked it up when I was at the market getting my DD's prescriptions - with a diet soda as I went to BK on the way home (I "only" ate 3 fries so pretty good for me - lol)


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