Need help - MASSIVE amounts of weight to lose

: Sometimes I feel like a weight loss expert. I can rattle off 50 tips, secrets, and great ideas but I'm still overweight.(remember "Do as I say , not as I do"?) I think that means I need will-power & encouragement. I think I am going to be able to find that here on this thread. Thank you all for that.
Starting today I am going to get a food notebook like ya'll have mentioned.
I am going to write down every bit of food I eat, and how I am feeling at the moment. Maybe this will help me to see if I am emotion eating.
I was hoping someone might have had some simple/starter moves for us overweight people. I understand walking is best, but some of us live where a walk is dangerous. Anyone have any moves that seem to get good results ?
Thanks again everyone for not letting me feel this way all alone. I think together we can give eveyone great tips and support.:love:
Have a great day! Jen

DITTO for me - I know EXACTLY what I have to do - it's just actually doing it and not caving into that gets to me...

As for excercise - I have a treadmill and a stationary bike - I'd be interested in what other people are doing as well. The bike quite frankly hurts my rump so I usually just walk on the treadmill with my Ipod.
I was hoping someone might have had some simple/starter moves for us overweight people. I understand walking is best, but some of us live where a walk is dangerous. Anyone have any moves that seem to get good results ?

When I first started exercising I was at 339 pounds. I was not able to do much because I had no cardio endurance. I started walking with Leslie Sansone. She has great workout DVD’s called Walk away the pounds. You might even be able to check them out from your library. The one I started with was only 15 minutes long. I worked up from there.

It’s four months later and I’m in much better shape. I can do 75 minutes on the treadmill with a 7% incline. I’m doing two charity walks this weekend. One is a 3 mile and one is a five mile. I have a personal trainer I met with every month. I do cardio 4-6 times a week and weight training 3 times a week. I’m now at 314 pounds.

Start off slow and before you know it you’ll be amazed at what you can do.

Good luck. :goodvibes
Hey everyone,

I lost 1.8 this week, so that makes me happy!

I second Walk away the pounds if your new to exercising. Its great for getting started and great for beginners.

When I originally got to my goal weight and right before I did the two half marathon's with other WISHers, I did the FIRM video's. I love to exercise, just right now I'm making too many excuses and having a hard time getting up early or finding other time to exercise. I need to seriously work on this.

A food journal is a great idea. I use my palm pilot to track all of my points for WW's.

Mare - Are you keeping track of what your eating? Like keeping track of calories or weight watcher points or another plan that keeps track of what you eat? I only say this because you have to be careful not to fall into the trap of eating too little. That can backfire on you and you will actually stop losing weight after the first week or so. You'll lose at the beginning, but then your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to weight instead of releasing it. Sparkpeople is great for tracking calories. I mostly do WW's, but sometimes I also track my calories on spark people.
Melanie - Yes tracking points with :) I was very short on points for dinner last night because of my yogurt meals so I added a bit more pork to my serving at dinner (made pork lo mein with snap peas, broccoli, scallions, cabbage and carrots with some hoisin, water and soy sauce to flavor -OMG it was GREAT) Then I made up the rest of the difference in my point shortage by adding 1 tsp of sesame oil when I stir fried it (Instead of spray). TOday's another crazy day because my 3 year old has his dental surgery today - he can't eat until he's done so neither am I... I'll make it up later - plus DH will be late so we don't have dinner till around 7-8 so my meals should still be spaced ok.

I know how to lose the weight - I just have ZERO willpower. The HUGE thing that is working for me right now is DH doing this with me - and him taking over all shopping.... I literally have nothing BAD to eat in the house - so I just have to focus on not overeating instead.

Another good idea DH had was for us to sit down for salad - as a different course BEFORE dinner. Right now we eat a salad with most every dinner - but WITH dinner - and most nights it's my salad that will be left over. So we're going to start that tonight.
Mare -

I'm so glad you have a plan your using! It sounds like you've used it before too! That helps so much.

The salad idea sounds great!! They also say soup works the same way!

Also - Great job on not having anything bad to eat in the house. I know that makes it a lot easier and then even if you do eat, it's usually not so bad because if you overeat, it's at least low point food and the damage isn't as bad.
How's everybody doing??

I just finished 10!!! minutes on the treadmill!! I "only" made .35 of a mile - at my best a few years ago I could do .5 in 10 minutes - so I am going to concentrate FIRST on going longer than I will focus on going faster.

I did good yesterday - but at the end of the day found myself 6 points under my goal for the day so I need to manage better.

Yesterday I had one zone bar(FANTASTIC - somebody here I think mentioned them - yum) and a piece of 12 grain toast with brummel and brown.

Lunch was 2 pieces of the 12 grain bread and 14 slices of Healthy Choice Ham (They're small and only 1 pt for 7 slices) plus some honey mustard- made for a nice sandwich - I had carrots on the side.

Dinner was grilled pork tenderloin marinated without oil and chinese style stirfried veggies- broccoli, onions, garlic, string beans and cabbage - with 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 TB of rice wine vinegar and a few TB of Oyster Sauce. All that and I didn't hit my goal so I added in one more zone bar for dessert and just called it a day with 6 points under goal total! (I should have made some rice or a salad but I just didn't have time last night)

Today - I had coffee and an english muffin for breakfast, a zone bar for a snack. Lunch will be an egg sandwich - scrambled egg beaters, 1 slice of FF cheese on a toasted english muffin with a yogurt on the side.

Dinner is spanish style chicken, with 1 cup of rice and probably fresh sauteed zucchini. I will figure out all my points right before dinner and will use up any leftover points by making a salad with some oil and vinegar or I'll use some oil with the chicken or zucchini.

What has everybody else been doing for meals? How's the excercise going??
Hello everyone! Life has been busy! With DS graduating next week, tomorrow is Girls on the Run for DD and a baby shower and an open house. WHEW!

You know, I really wanted to say that when I posted that I cried after reading a few posts, please know that it was because of the goodness I read from those who are in support of Mare and the rest of us. And, Brenda, thank you so much. It does make a difference making small goals. So, I am going to Monday goals. It makes sense, and they are less formidable. This Sunday night, I will plot my Monday goals for the week. With next week a more hectic one I will only be able to get thru the week with goals. Off on some well deserved kudos!

So good to see weight loss for Mel and Mare! :banana:

I agree with Jennifer. When I started on the TM, if I made it thru 15 minutes, I was lucky. Now, an hour is ok, and I can do that at an incline. I can also walk outside forever. Each little bit gets you where you want to be!

Eating has been just average. Doesn't help I am working later--until midnight. Kind of messes you up on your schedule. Next week is regular hours, so that always helps.

TM is still in the 'do not use broken' mode. Thank good ness the weather is beautiful. Pooch and I are a part of the scenery now. She loves it and I like being outside.

Off to catch up all else!

Best to all for a successful weekend.

I haven't been checking in lately because I am not doing what I need to do and I'm disappointed in myself. This is so hard. As I look back over each day it's like "DUH BRENDA!! why didn't you do this or that, you know better". I do know better. I need to schedule my meals better. I often eat in the late afternoon and am ravenous. My salad and other healthy eats just don't seem to cut it and I grab something I should not have. After I complusively overeat large quantities of * I feel horrible.

I really need to buckle down and get a game plan together. It's one thing to say I will make wiser food choices, it's another to plan ahead of time what those choices will be.

Tomorrow will be a disaster. I am attending a training that will include "light breakfast muchies, lunch and other nibbles". :scared1: (I have no computer skills, I wonder how that smile will turn out.) Tomorrow it will be difficult to do 8 glasses of water because that makes me have to pee all day.

Enough excuses. I will make it through tomorrow to the best of my ability. Sunday is my day to weigh in and I would like a loss this week. 170 pounds would be great, but realistically 2 would due.

I bought the Beck book at Sams this afternoon. List $24.95 Sams price $14.88. I love buying books at Sams, because I love saving money. THe cover of the book states - Works with any Diet - the Beck Diet Solution - train your brain to think like a thin person - Judith S Beck, PhD, Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research. As I read I will share any pearls of wisdom that speak to me. By the way Cognitive Therapy is changing your thoughts to change your behavior. Sounds interesting. My thoughts really do need changing. A girl in my speech class spoke about self talk, those things we say to ourselves everyday. I have a negative dialog on a permanent tape that keeps repeating itself all the time. I really need to destroy that tape. The positive tape plays occasionally but I don't really believe deep down like I believe the negative one.

Mare (is that really your name or is that just what I should call you?), congrats on your 2 pounds. WAY TO GO GIRL!!! You are so blessed to be doing this with DH. I have junk food in the house for DHs lunches. Sometimes that junk just calls my name and I cannot resist temptation. It is so much better to not have it in the house at all. You are truly blessed that DH is doing the grocery shopping. When I go to the store I get things and say "Now Brenda, you will eat this responsibly and sensibly". That just never happens. I am a compulsive overeater and I have to find a way to deal with this addiction. Good luck exercising on the treadmill or bike, every little bit will make a difference and your time will increase and someday you will really enjoy it. That's what I keep telling myself. How are the kids? Anything out of the normal routine disrupts my eating routine, I hope you are coping well.

Jen (Diznejen), I used to walk around my neighborhood. I lost about 25 pounds and the neighbors would compliment me. I loved it. Then I regained the 25 pounds. My pride is preventing me from waddling around the neighborhood again. Jennifer (dabute) does her cardio and weight training and even has a personal trainer. I used to watch Denise Austin on Lifetime and did what I could to keep up with her. Let me tell you about my current exercise routine. I set a timer for 30 minutes and flip on the TV. With the remote in my hand I watch and flip channels and just move my a** for 30 minutes. I just walk, I sashay from side to side, I do the hokey pokey and put my left foot in and take my left foot out and then switch, I do a little Latin kick by bringing my left knee up in front of my right leg and then switch, I march and bring my knees up high, and I just bend at the knee and bring my foot back. I look like an absolute fool, but for me, for now this is exercising. Every little bit helps. I know you can find something that works for you.

Jennifer, I admire your exercise routine. Keep it up. I hope this is a beautiful weekend and you do well with your charity walks. Having a free day once a week sounds like a good idea. I think I will do that if I can ever do 6 consecutive days on program. They used to have tickers on this forum for 100 cheat free days or something like that. I need to try that. Congrats on your weight loss so far. Keep up the good work. We can do this together.

Melanie, Weight Watchers is a wonderful sensible weight loss program. Why does it have to be so stinking expensive? They do not promise overnight results, but they teach you how to eat sensibly. I did WW over 25 years ago. I enjoyed going to meetings and being inspired by a leader who had 'been there, done that'. I hope we can all inspire each other as we proceed on this journey. I get daily e-mails from SparkPeople. It is a cool site and I should take advantage of the many tools they have to help with weight loss. Congrats on your loss and please keep sharing with us what you learn at meetings. I need all the help I can get here.

Wendy, Your DS is a handsome one, is that his prom picture? Is he graduating from high school? Congratulations Mom. Is it one down and one to go? What are his future plans? My baby DS21 is home from college for the summer. I am enjoying him but he sure isn't home much. He is in the company of a lovely young lady quite a bit. I live in MD and my frist grandchild Kyler was born in January in CO to DS24 and DIL. DH and I were able to visit in February. That beautiful little boy is quite a weight loss incentive. I don't want to be the fat grandma. I'm glad you get to walk outside with poochie. I love this time of year when it's gorgeous outside and not too warm. I will be waiting to hear about your goals for next week. I still have not mastered mine yet so I will continue to work on the same stuff. Eventually they will all be second nature and just habits I do all the time. I look forward to that time. Life is hectic, but we have to take time for us. We can do this.

Beth, where are you? How are things? Please check in, we care about you and need you. There is strength in numbers and we all need that strength.

Greetings also to luv2nascar, Vija and anyone else I missed. How are things? Please join us in our journey.

Sorry, I am VERY long winded tonight.

One day at a time, I will do my best tomorrow.

Mare (is that really your name or is that just what I should call you?), congrats on your 2 pounds. WAY TO GO GIRL!!! You are so blessed to be doing this with DH. I have junk food in the house for DHs lunches. Sometimes that junk just calls my name and I cannot resist temptation. It is so much better to not have it in the house at all. You are truly blessed that DH is doing the grocery shopping. When I go to the store I get things and say "Now Brenda, you will eat this responsibly and sensibly". That just never happens. I am a compulsive overeater and I have to find a way to deal with this addiction. Good luck exercising on the treadmill or bike, every little bit will make a difference and your time will increase and someday you will really enjoy it. That's what I keep telling myself. How are the kids? Anything out of the normal routine disrupts my eating routine, I hope you are coping well.

My "real" name is Maryanne - but everybody calls me Mare - :)

I had a GREAT day yesterday - but I really have to spread my points out so I am not trying frantically to make them up at the end of the day - lol. So my goal today is to try and have a better breakfast and lunch :)

Kids are - ok. My oldest thankfully is ok - middle one has penumonia and teh youngest one just last night started couging. He was supposed to have his 2 front teeth pulled Thursday but when I was at the bus stop with my two older ones - the little guy grabbed my diet soda that I had left in there the day before and took a chug... so we have to reschedule. My boys (9 yo and 3yo - my dd is the middle one she's6) have HORRIBLE teeth - so it's not only friustrating that we have to keep doing this - but so upsetting when I get myself geared up and "steeled" to be able to handle this - then we have to postpone. Oldest DS has had 11 extractions... youngest with these 2 will be 4 teeth pulled- he's only 3!!

ANYWAY - Brenda - one day at a time. I too am having a hard time getting everything in on thoise really hectic days. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that one day or one moment of weakness is not a deal breaker. We're not perfect people and cannot always be perfect with out food choices, excercise and water intake. THIS is something that would always get me. I'd cheat really badly in the past - then have weeks and weeks of self loathing - why bother if I can't even go a month without cheating type of moments etc.

THIS HAS TO BE IT FOR US! A fresh start every day!
Hi everyone: I have been struggling with my weight for 20 years now (that is how old my DD is) and I have tried everything. I am now 260 lbs and my dr wants to put me on med for cholesterol, I am on medicine for thyroid, I have heal spurs so I use orthodics in my shoes and I am only 40 yrs old. The really scary part is that I just went for my 1st mammogram and they found something. So yesterday I had to have a biopsy and now I have to wait until next week to see what it is. I have been very cranky to my family and feel that there is no hope. I have tried losing weight soooo many times. I don't lose very easily any more. Anyway I enjoy reading about everyone on this thread and sympathize with all of you. Good luck to everyone and maybe we can all do it together one lb at a time. :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Good morning everyone.

Staying pumped and motivated is a never ending job. But don't give in you are sooooo worth it. Everyday is a new challange and sometimes you have to just make it one day at a time.

Today, WIN, you can! Face tomorrow when it comes but for today don't give in to temptations, say to yourself when a craving comes, "I can Rise above it, because I'm worth it and people love me and want me to win".

I don't currently don't have a weight problem but I have had and like an alcololic on AA, I will always have a weight problem but today I chose to be strong.

Thank you Brenda for your well wishes and support. I will try to implement your walking and moving to the TV this week. I think walking would be a great way for me to get some more calories burned but my work schedule really stinks. I am AT work at 4:00am. With a 45 minuted drive, that makes the old alarm clock going off at 2:30am. I don't get home until almost 2:15pm. After the housework, homework, and bed is calling me at 8:00pm. When am I supposed to excercise???:confused3 I have started making dinner around 4:00pm so that we don't eat dinner and go straight to bed...b/c we all know where food goes if you and go to sleep. (to my Booty!!) I think my hubby & I are feeling stressed and need our up comming vacation. I am hoping things will look a lot better after that.
Thanks for letting me vent ya'll..Change is good, change is my friend. LOL:rotfl: Jennifer(Diznejen)
All is quiet here - where are you all?

Sick as a dog this week - came down with the cold DD has (which turned into pneumonia for her) Still managed to lose 5 lbs this week though :)
All is quiet here - where are you all?

Sick as a dog this week - came down with the cold DD has (which turned into pneumonia for her) Still managed to lose 5 lbs this week though :)

Hey MareQ I'm here, I'm just hanging out in the Events and Competition section. Being sick will make you lose weight but walking it off is way more fun.

I started off in September needing to lose 100lbs. I have lost about 44lbs so far. It is a struggle alot of the time. It is so easy to fall into back into bad habits. I have to be so vigilent. I started with a trainer in September and if not for her I probably would not still be exercising. I need the accountability she offers. Even this weekend I was supposed to use weights and work my upper body and found every excuse not to do it. In the past that could have stopped me for good, but today I am at the trainers so I know I will get a good workout. I still have a hard time battling my brain, sometimes I am more successful than others. I am trying to look at how far I have come and not how much further I have to go. Sometimes it is hard because though I know the weight has been on me a long time, I still want immediate results. It gets frustrating at times and I have to step back and appreciate that I am in this for the long run, not the short sprint.

Good luck everyone!!!:grouphug:
Week one I was down 3 pounds. Does the scale lie? Week two I am down 2 pounds. Is this success? I don't feel successful. I feel totally out of control. I have no game plan. I am tired ALL the time. I am not eating properly. Enough boo hooing, this is a new week with new challenges.

Tomorrow we leave on a road trip to visit family for my nephews high school graduation. All is see for the next 6 days is FOODFOODFOOD. It is hard to eat healthy while traveling. I am trying to prepare myself for all the temptation that lies ahead. So far my thoughts include a bag of baby carrots in the cooler to snack on instead of crackers and lots of salad. I will bring a small bottle of my favorite salad dressing. A salad is so much better with your favorite dressing. Mine is Kraft Catalina light. Our hotel room in Ohio will have a refrigerator. I'm thinking of bringing a bag of salad mix. Am I bold enough to walk into a McDonalds to eat on the road with my own salad in my own bowl? We will be going out to dinner with family to celebrate. Will I be able to avoid the never ending supply of empty calorie bread? Friday is the celebration cookout. Will I be able to set limits for myself and stick to them? What will the scale say when I get home next week?

This should be a joyous time to enjoy family and all I can think about is losing my battle with food. Do thin people think like this? I think not. We are going to see DHs sister and her family. Her MIL had lap-band surgery and I am looking forward to chatting with her at the cookout about how that has worked for her. My sister had gastric bypass in September at 250 pounds. She has lost 80 and is down to 170. We don't have the best relationship and I have not talked to her since her surgery. I just don't see that as my solution, but something needs to be done because I hate myself and I hate everyday of my life. Yes, I am very melodramatic and I have no self-esteem.

So I have once again opened up my heart. Why do my emotions seem so strange? Why is food such a struggle for me? This is the challenge I have been given, others have major health issues, problem spouses, problem kids, jobs that suck, the list goes on and on. I have MASSIVE amounts of weight to lose. It could be worse and this is a challenge that I can overcome and I can control. I KNOW I have the power deep within myself to do this. I know I can not do it alone. I need you. Please offer any encouragement, help, or suggestions that you can. I will try to be there for you too if you need me.

We can do this together, one day at a time.

Hi everyone, I wanted to join in with you all. I have 100+ pounds to lose as well. For starters, My name is Lisa and I live in Florida. I have been overweight since the first grade. In highschool, I was always like 20 pounds heavier than everyone else. But felt like I never quite fit in. I'm in nursing school now, and have 2 little girls. I eat whatever, whenever. I don't even think about it, until the end of the day. I was in a size 13 when I got pregnant the first time, and now I'm at my all time heaviest. It is ruining my life being this overweight. I know I'm doing this to myself. I can tell you everything there is to know about nutrition, I don't know why I don't do it. My only addiction is soda. I'm looking at a can of Coke right now... LOL. I'm not kidding... It's not even diet..I know I need to do something, but I don't know where to find the motivation. I have the treadmill, and all the tapes, but never do any of it. I'm home a lot during the day, and working from home must makes it worse. To everyone who sees me, they don't know the emotional pain that I'm in. I love life, and do try to live it to the fullest, but I'm sick of sitting in movie theater seats that are too small, or wondering if I will fit on a ride, or not going swimming with my kids because I don't want to put on a bathingsuit. I sit at the Disney pools, in my shorts and tee shirt, and they beg me, and I decline. I don't even like the effort of going swimming at home. I need someone to shake my shoulders and yell at me.. or take some unflattering video of me. That's another thing. I avoid photos like the plague, but I've sucked it up, because I've realised that I'm taking myself out of my family's memories. It's amazing to me, that my children are so unbiased and love me unconditionally. I would like to be healthier and be a better mom to them. I don't know if I'm ready, but I would like to join this discussion with you all. I will start by dumping out this soda, and going a playing a game with my kids. I will be checking in with you all soon!! I enjoyed reading your posts... Lisa
I know EXACTLY what you are talking about Lisa. Bathing suits, will I fit on the ride?, the silent emotional pain, wanting to be there for my kids, I hear you.

I am taking classes at a local community college with a strong nursing program (I'm going to be an acountant when I grow up). I'm out of school for the summer. Tell me about your school situation. You must be very intellegent to get into the nursing program, my school always has more applicants than open slots.

Since I know you are intelligent I know that you can lose this weight. I wish I could tell you what the magic secret is, but I can't. I wish I could tell you it will be a piece of cake (opps bad choice of words), but it will not be. I wish I could say I have succeeded, but I can't say that YET. We can do this.

Conquering this problem will be such an asset to you in your career. Find a program that will work for you. I'm still searching. I just set small goals for each day. This is a lifestyle change. It won't happen overnight and I am here for the long haul.

Lisa, the time to begin is NOW. Just take it one day at a time.

Hi..thanks for your kind words. I made the start. I played games with my girls and did sticker books. I even dusted off the treadmill, literally, and took a 20 minute walk/jog, and then hit the shower. I did have one problem though. My ipod. If I put it in the cup holder on the treadmill, my arm hits the wire and it goes flying. I wound up sticking it in my bra but my girls kept making the volume go up.:rotfl: It felt so good, to be jogging away listening to Aerosmith...LOL. I like the treadmill, but it really makes my calves hurt. I put the incline at about 2.5 but the whole reason I have to stop is the pain in my calf muscles. I don't get winded very easy, but the pain kills me. I've tried stretching before hand, but nevertheless, it always happens. Well, I've been in the medical field for over 12 years. I love medicine, and working with people. I'm most comfortable in a hospital setting. I decided to leave my EMT job and go back and complete my nursing degree. It's interesting. Right now we're doing PICU, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Next week, we begin, Labor and Delivery. That should be fun as well.
I also sew for a living, while I'm in school. It's a great way to be creative and design cute Disney outfits, for others to enjoy, but the downfall is that I'm sitting too much during the day. I dumped my last soda, and I've very tempted to empty out the rest in the fridge. I don't even know anyone who drinks regular soda anymore. I would rather drink soda than eat...silly huh?
But I hate wearing the size I do, 24, and I'm in a 2-3X scrubs. If I wear a certain style, I definately look pregnant and I hate it. No one has ever asked me, but I wouldn't blame them if they did.
Tomorrow I will get on the scale and begin some type of journal. I have an idea of what I weigh....:eek: and it's not pretty.
Thanks for the nice reply. I feel better having the outlet of writing to you all. Hopefully, by now you all are still're still reading right...:rolleyes:
Thanks again for reading everyone.... Lisa
Yes, I'm goofing off online instead of packing for my trip. This is it, when I finish this I promise I will log off. I'm taking my laptop and will be able to check in during the trip. I need to be accountable for my eating for the next 6 days.

Good start Lisa, keep it up. How are things with everyone else? Mare, Jen, Jennifer, Melanie, Beth, Wendy, AuntieM03, tink4ever, and anyone else I might have missed. I care about you and want to hear about your success and encourage you when you need it. I need you to help me in my journey. Let's do this together, one day at a time.



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