New Walker's Sharing Ideas

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I like it Bryan!!
You'll see when it comes to doing some 5ks and such that when your out there doing some speed or racewalking keeping a good consistant pace, you will actually start passing some runners. It kinda feaks them out and messes with their minds a bit :eek: . (Nothing against runners/wunners/rogers).

Keep up the good work.
Well, I just did it. I have registered (Thanks to the insistant prodding of Twotoohappy!) for the Circle of Life 5k. I am comfortable and confident about the time so that will not be an issue. My only concerns will be getting a place to stay (found a room offsite but who wants to do that) and making sure I don't neglect my family in the process. I am still going to be training for greater distance and speed but at least, this will be a start.

Yeah Bryan, I am trying to get my Mom to sign up for it and if she does I will do it with her, but not for speed but for support for her. I am signed up for the Half and that will be the next day, so don't want to outdo myself the day before.
I am a little disappointed. I have just found out that the "bling" for the 5k that I have registered for is actually rubber. I know that there is always a starting point for a "newbie" in competition. I just would have liked to have that little something more. That is the human side of me, not the side that is a health and Disney nut.

On another note, DW has said that she wouldn't tell me that I couldn't do the race. What she is doing is trying to use it as bargaining power for her to be able to take a trip as well. So I am trying to talk her into doing the Princess 5k. It will of course be her first as well and it will also be on her birthday. She isn't too keen on the idea yet but I am hoping for the best. Her pace right now is slow, about 20-25 minutes a mile. Her stamina is 1 mile with rest afterwards, then another mile. My thought is at least she is moving so I am trying to be as supportive as I can be. Anyway, I will keep you updated on what happens.

I just really would like the real "bling". Maybe TOT 13k '09??

Tracy and Dave - Thanks so much for the support. I did get out, but only for 4 miles instead of 6. I did feel much better afterwards so it was definitely worth it. I don't usually have too much trouble kicking myself out the door (sometimes it is harder than others) because I believe in your (Dave) mantra 'Earn This'.

Bryan - I like your tagline. You are doing fantastic. I think you can positively do the Circle of Life 5K and not neglect your family. Sometimes things we do for ourselves actually benefit our loved ones by having a more positive attitude because we have done something important to us.
Good morning walkers.

There is a rule of thumb that if you stress a body part then you need to rest that part the next day. That is how you progress in building strength and speed.

You use some different muscles when you go slow and when you go fast. That's a reason you shouldn't do LSD or speed drills every day. A hard day should always be followed by an easy day.

When you weight lift, for best results you should not train the same muscles every day. A lot of bodybuilders do legs one day and upper body the next.

Where I'm going with this is to make sure you get enouth rest for muscles that you worked hard. That is where the best intentions and motivation is stomped on. We are enthusiastic and get out there every daya and train hard and we are soon injured and then it's hard to get back going again.

Having said all that I think I'll take an easy day today.:)

Have an awesome day y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I am a little disappointed. I have just found out that the "bling" for the 5k that I have registered for is actually rubber.

Bryan, the "medal" is vinyl, but I will say that in the past they have been quite colorful and actually are some of my favorite Disney souvenirs. I understand about your desire for hardware, but I think you may like this rubber medal more than you think. The only other "warning" (not really -- my 2 cents, perhaps) about the 5K would be that the Disney 5Ks are not (in my judgment) really geared toward those who are extremely competitive. They are low-key and relaxed and kid-friendly -- and I love that about them, but I know a lot of guys in my other running groups tend to get really frustrated by the crowding and the number of folks who are at the front who -- in their estimation -- "shouldn't be". I don't know if that would bother you -- but I wanted you to know that Disney 5Ks really aren't an atmosphere for setting a PR. On the other hand, they are the perfect place to introduce a spouse or kid to racing. (A pretty good tradeoff!)

Good luck talking your wife into the Princess 5K. I think she may get more interested as she sees your success and your "bling."

Again, you are making remarkable progress. Congratulations!
Hey everyone! It has been a long day but that is because of my workouts more than my job. (Dang economy is killing me at my job right now.) Anyway, after I did my workout in the gym (worked out my back and then rode the bike for 30 miles), I went to the track. I took the first mile nice and easy. Probably an18-20 minute per mile pace. Then I kicked it up some. I didn't time myself as I was walking but I did time myself for a 3.25 mile trek since I am trying to prepare for my first 5k. Well, I was able to do that in 44 minutes. When I checked the average, that was a 13.25 minute average. If I did the first mile as slow as I think I did, I was "hoofin'" it for the other 2.

Anyway, thought I would share.

PS: I was going for 5 miles but with one lap left something got into my eye and I couldn't get it out so I had to stop. I have been home for over an hour now and I still can't get it out. Man, this hurts but I am confident it will be gone before I get up in the morning.

Have a great night everyone!!!
Bryan:woohoo: :yay:
Byran, do you wear glasses to walk? I wear perscription glasses so it's not a concern for me since I have them on anyway. Sunglasses of course are a must for UV protection, but also for fending off the buggies and bits of stuff floating in the wind this time of year like pollen and seeds.

Always wear lens made from polycarbinate material. It is shatter proof and regular plastic and glass are not, a fall could blind you with the wrong lenes in your glasses.

I wear the transition type lenes and they do fine for me, but when driving I wear a good pair of polerized sunglasses.

Walking Panda:hippie:
For most of the walk, I was wearing my sunglasses but then the sun started to set so I took them off. I do not wear glasses normally so once the sunglasses came off, there was nothing on in their place for eye protection. That was one thing I never even thought about. (But I also do most of my training inside a gym.)

Update I went to the eye doctor this afternoon and they found a bug under my upper eyelid. Very painful but they got it out. Afterwards, I decided to take the day off from exercising and recuperate a little.

Next step will be to get some sort of wrap-around glasses to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Thanks everyone!
Bryan: Yuk, eeuuu, about having a bug in your eye. Gosh that does sound painfull.
Glad you took some rest time.

I had a rest day today, I did some of Amy's 5 for a core workout. I did 3miles yesterday after work and they weren't pretty as I said in the weekly thread. SO, I have 3 miles tomorrow and hoping they go ok.
Bryan, glad they found what was wrong (bug!), hopefully there will be no lingering effects.
I wear the transition lenes in my glasses so if the sun goes down my glasses will clear, they are nice for an event like the Disney Races that start at 4 am, staging time for a 6 am start. You can get transitions put in regular sunglass frames for walking glasses, I like small super light glasses that I can't feel at all.

I had a wonderfull walk today with a brisk wind that keep the hot humid morning comfortable. I love a windy walk on the hills, light weight training along with the walk. I cruised along at an average pace of 13 mpm including the slow first mile to warm up.

Tomorrow I'm due an easy day so probably just a 4 miler and some pool fun, not sure yet.

Tracy, all the walks can't be aces but if you didn't get run over or bit it can't be to bad.

Have an awesome evening y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
I did a late night walk tonight after a hard day at work and then a long bike ride at the gym. I did come home and rest some and then went back out. I also made sure that I had some glasses on as well.;) I only did 10 laps in 33 minutes. I felt sluggish. I thought I was out there moving pretty well but I had no endurance or a lot of speed. I was able to do 10 laps though as my daughter did 5. I am hoping though that my next outing will be better. I guess I had the phobia of another bug flying into my eye so I was proceeding with caution.

More to come after next outing!
I did a late night walk tonight after a hard day at work and then a long bike ride at the gym. I did come home and rest some and then went back out. I also made sure that I had some glasses on as well.;) I only did 10 laps in 33 minutes. I felt sluggish. I thought I was out there moving pretty well but I had no endurance or a lot of speed. I was able to do 10 laps though as my daughter did 5. I am hoping though that my next outing will be better. I guess I had the phobia of another bug flying into my eye so I was proceeding with caution.

More to come after next outing!

This has been a weird week, I get a flying dog and you get bugged. Next week has got to be better.

Walking Panda:hippie:
HELP ME!! I think I am loosing my mind, as well as my sanity. I am planning on going for a long walk tomorrow. The longest I have done so far is 5 miles. Well, because I am being pushed (suggested) to do the 1/2, I am going to try to do a 13 mile walk. I am not going so much for time but distance. Just to see if I can. If I get tired, I will stop and rest. I will not go all out the whole way. May not do it at all. I just want to see what I can do. I will have my glasses on to protect my eyes and sunscreen on to make sure I don't get sunburned.

I know I am crazy but is this a bad idea? I didn't walk tonight but I did go to the gym and got a pretty good workout plus 23 miles on the bike. If I don't get some common sense before I go out there, I will let you know how it goes. I will say for now that I have a feeling tomorrow night I may be crying for a good rub down.

Never said I was the smartest guy in the world!

:confused3 Bryan
HELP ME!! I think I am loosing my mind, as well as my sanity. I am planning on going for a long walk tomorrow. The longest I have done so far is 5 miles. Well, because I am being pushed (suggested) to do the 1/2, I am going to try to do a 13 mile walk. I am not going so much for time but distance. Just to see if I can. If I get tired, I will stop and rest. I will not go all out the whole way. May not do it at all. I just want to see what I can do. I will have my glasses on to protect my eyes and sunscreen on to make sure I don't get sunburned.

I know I am crazy but is this a bad idea? I didn't walk tonight but I did go to the gym and got a pretty good workout plus 23 miles on the bike. If I don't get some common sense before I go out there, I will let you know how it goes. I will say for now that I have a feeling tomorrow night I may be crying for a good rub down.

Never said I was the smartest guy in the world!

:confused3 Bryan

You haven't done a 10K distance and you wat to do a 1/2 marathon???

You are violating the 10% rule of not increasing your long day(or weekly mileage) by more than 10%. You increase your risk of injury and being on the shelf.

Very bad idea but it is your body. Hopefully you won't get hurt. Remember you don't have to train race distance for the race.
Byran you will probably have the endurance for the 13 miles because of the bike work you have been doing, but I have to agree with Robert about the 10% rule. There are different muscles involved with the walking. You will more than likely get through the distance just fine but you are going to have some problems after, like shin, ITB or tendon pain. I would recommend doing a 6 miler first at a brisk pace and each week add one more mile to your distance, then in 7 weeks you will be doing a half marathon distance with no problems at all.

I only do 4 to 5 miles at a pop right now but I do them on hills and at a good speed so if I go longer I have the strength in my walking specific muscles. When it's time for ramping up for marathoning I do just what I told you to do.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Bryan: When are you doing the half?? In Jan 09??
I also feel as Panda and Robert do that I think it is too soon for you to try 13.10 miles. Just in my opinion. I was into a 16week training program at week 14 before I did 13.10 for the first time in my life, kept about a 15:10 pace and at mile 10 I had the cell phone in my hand getting ready to call someone to pick me up because I was doubting I could make it back home. I had to keep talking myself into making it to the next stop sign, light pole, pick up truck, ect. It was tough. I just don't think you have enough miles walking in yet to just jump into a half marathon mileage. Plus, I think you may feel horrible afterwards and then get into a funk.

I hope it works out for you if you decide to do it, but be prepared for shoes/socks issues, chaffing, fueling, sun, water needs and the such. I think these things don't come up until you start hitting 7/8 miles and you find what works best on the longer walks.

Best to you and let us know how it goes.
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