News Round Up 2016

I've read some positive stuff about the Frozen show, especiall about the technology being used. I read that they are using some really complex live projection mapping that follows the person on stage to make Anna look like an ice statue. Hopefully we'll have the full version of the show soon.
Yes they do I saw a short video of it and it looked great. While it is Frozen I think Disney did a great job with this new show.
A couple of comments. As has been said - not a surprise that it is a less than stellar show - and of COURSE Disney is going to play it up. The question is, does the choice to open the nighttime stuff with this show in (hopefully) sub-par shape and limited other offerings hurt Disney? My guess is it doesn't - except it being a symptom of a greater problem that could someday bite them. I think If ROL becomes what we expect, then this will probably be a footnote.

That said - I think it's pretty neat that we are in a phase of lots of new stuff coming all at once. Much of it admittedly minor, but between these a the Frozen ride and Soarin and the new fireworks at DHS, plus Pandora hopefully less than a year's at least a good time to be a Disney fan. (Ticket price wise, maybe not so much!)
Well, that was fast lol

Watching it right now. I'm really impressed with how they managed to blend some of the projections with the physical props and just the overall staging.
Sorry for my ignorance, but is this only st DLR or is it coming to HWS as well?
Sorry for my ignorance, but is this only st DLR or is it coming to HWS as well?

No plans currently to bring it to Florida. The Aladdin show that was there for 15 years never crossed the country either - so it's pretty believable that they won't. The productions in that theater are pretty high end - Disney doesn't seem to be interested in doing that kind of thing in Florida for the tourists.
Whoa - of all the things to complain about on these boards - this to me is HUGE.

I have to CHANGE BUSES AT DS or AK to get to a water park? Wow - that SUCKS! Honestly makes me less likely to go to a water park, especially now that DD is older.

The thing is - it isn't even a cost reduction strategy. The old system was you took the DAK bus, and it stopped at BB. Now you have to take DAK bus, and they have a seperate bus to take you from DAK to BB. So you actually need additional bus routes. I suppose it shortens the wait times for those that DON'T want to go to BB, so perhaps that's is why they did it, but man they sure made it more of pain to take on the Water Parks.

While this sucks for water park goers, I was really tired of the bus to AK stopping not only on it;s way to AK but also on its return trip-- the water parks were getting double service as opposed the the actual park--- equal would be fine, but double was ridiculous. I am happy for the change.... although I havent been to one of the waterparks in about 10 years....
WDWNT quick review from their Twitter:

Jungle Book: Alive with Magic is bad. Rushed, uncreative, should not be marketed as a nighttime show. It is culturally beautiful at moments, but just makes you feel cheated as a nighttime show. As daytime atmosphere, it would be fine. If you invest more than 5 minutes waiting for this, you made a terrible mistake.

Well... duh.. :D

To expand on that, there's no way a show that was put together in what, a month, was ever going to be more than filler.
I think that might be a bit harsh. From what I've seen, the performers and live singing is quite good but the story overall is nothing special. I think they of course had to rush something and it is what it is until rivers of light debuts.
I agree. I watched a chunk of it on periscope, and it looked pretty good especially for something that was rushed into production . I mean that's just my opinion but I really don't know what people are so upset about (except the RoL delay, which I can understand angst about)
Sorry for my ignorance, but is this only st DLR or is it coming to HWS as well?

I don't think it will. California can afford a 1 hour long show because most of its visitors are locals that don't mind spending an hour of park time in a theater, but in Florida they tend to make shorter shows to keep tourists flowing around the parks. Though then again, the Nemo show is what? 45 minutes long? You never know.
I agree. I watched a chunk of it on periscope, and it looked pretty good especially for something that was rushed into production . I mean that's just my opinion but I really don't know what people are so upset about (except the RoL delay, which I can understand angst about)

I think the issue is: One should not watch a Disney nighttime show and say, 'Oh, that was pretty good.' I'm looking for mouths agape, oohs, ahhs, and wows, and a burst into uncontrollable cheering at the end. That's the Disney standard.
I think the issue is: One should not watch a Disney nighttime show and say, 'Oh, that was pretty good.' I'm looking for mouths agape, oohs, ahhs, and wows, and a burst into uncontrollable cheering at the end. That's the Disney standard.
This wasn't meant to be a permanent spectacular though. It's not meant to be wishes, illuminations, Star Wars fireworks, or fantasmic. It's a filler show until RoL is ready.
I think the issue is: One should not watch a Disney nighttime show and say, 'Oh, that was pretty good.' I'm looking for mouths agape, oohs, ahhs, and wows, and a burst into uncontrollable cheering at the end. That's the Disney standard.

That's the standard? Wow. They are in trouble even with their existing shows.

I thought the standard was to make AK a compelling nighttime park and bring more value to its customers so they commit to more hours/days in Disney parks.
It might have almost been better if they showed the parts of ROL that worked and billed it as a sneak preview of the full show coming later this year. Jungle Book is a mess and maybe a waste of money... yikes.


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