No Flash Pictures Please --- Redux

there is always a camera, or 1 person on the boat to spoil it. Even if its an annoying teen screaming..
but my new peeve are the parents that let their kids wear those night light up necklaces on the ride. you glide through the tunnels, with multicolor reflecting off the walls. it's like a pirate disco.
ha ha! Actually that is very annoying too! I most agree! I also tell people to please turn off their light up necklaces, etc. So far, they have all been very good little tourists, and have done so. But then, I do not visit the pirates everyday. I can only hope that others will carry on my work, until my return. Maybe I should try speaking in pirate language, such as; Arghhh, me mateys, ye best be stowin away al' of yer flash picture takin devices, along with them blinking contraptions, otherwise it will be Davy Jones locker fer you, you flea bitten, mangy bilge rat, scalawags!!!...............I love it! Do you think it may be a bit over the top? Seeing how I do not work for Disneyland, I could get away with it. he he! :)
wow. i know i'm going to catch fire for this, but now it's unacceptable for kids to wear glow-in-the-dark necklaces on the ride?!!! come on, give me a break.

i barely even NOTICE other people on the ride, let alone what they are doing/wearing. i think complaining about little kids wearing glow-in-the-dark necklaces on the rides is being just a little uptight.

the ride is full of loud sounds and so much to see, i am amazed that people could be distracted by glow-in-the-dark necklaces, unless they were actually looking for things to complain about. sheesh.

if somebody told my kids to take off their glow-in-the-dark necklaces (which can't actually be "turned off"...they'd have to be taken off and stuffed into a purse or something) while we were on that ride...well, let's just hope we're never on the same ride together. i wouldn't be very pleasant about it.

(my kids have actually never worn those on rides at disneyland, but i wouldn't hesitate to allow them to).
The CM'S will also tell people to turn those blinking things off. I do not see anything wrong with people respecting not only policy, but what I do not doubt would be the wishes of the majority as well. It is not just me. I am not interested in a pirate disco effect, either.
i've never once seen or heard a cm ask somebody to turn one of those things off. disneyland SELLS "those blinking things"...they must expect that they will be worn on rides.

it is not their policy. it's yours.
No, it is not my policy. When I was visiting the pirates this past August, the CM that was making the announcements, at the start of the ride, did make that statement. I was glad that he did. I am not going to argue over what should be a clear cut case of common courtesy, instead of a few people thinking that they have the right to spoil things for everyone else. I am sorry to see that you are in the latter category. .........Next.................
i wouldn't be so sure that you're not the one spoiling things for others...(sorry, i refuse to be dismissed).
i've never once seen or heard a cm ask somebody to turn one of those things off. disneyland SELLS "those blinking things"...they must expect that they will be worn on rides.

it is not their policy. it's yours.

They also sell disposable cameras with flashes. ;) Just because they sell it doesn't mean it's okay. They come equipped with an on/off switch or battery removal option.

Glow in the dark necklaces are different from the FLASHING ones. Those drive me up the wall! It makes me feel like I'm at the state fair.
The only lighting that I care for on the dark rides, is what occurs from the rides themselves. So therefore, no flash pictures, no video taping (Unless one can do that without the light) no blinking, flashing, or glow in the dark accoutrement!
We were there between Nov 8-11 and rode Pirates several times. On one of the rides, there were a few people taking pictures with their phones and the flashes would go off each time. It was quite annoying, but I didn't say anything. At one point inside the caves, a CM got onto the speaker and announced that no flash photography was allowed.

DH took several pics, using his digital Nikon with no flash. The pics were a bit grainy but turned out okay. Here's one:

-- Hulamom
Gisele, I needed you with me on our trip in October. We rode Pirates three times. The first time, the group seated in front of us carried on a conversation about their evening plans the whole ride. The second time, the lady seated in front of us took pictures of each scene and then showed the picture to her husband.
Thankfully, we were able to really enjoy it the third time.

I was upset by the talking and picture taking, but I find it difficult to speak up.
Hula mom, I love your photo. See one can take a nice picture and not use flash. :) Thank you for sharing it. I think that it is beautiful! :) Matter of fact, I may just have to borrow it from you. :)

I know what it is like all too well when it comes to needing to ride pirates several times, in order to be able to do so peacefully during at least one voyage!

I would have been more than happy to have acted as your personal speaker. :) Normally when I have something to say to someone, when I find it very important to do so. I am not told to mind my own business, or to shut up, sometimes though, yes it has happened. Oh well it goes with the territory.

That sounds like a pretty place, Star, in Idaho.
Hula mom, I love your photo. See one can take a nice picture and not use flash. :) Thank you for sharing it. I think that it is beautiful! :) Matter of fact, I may just have to borrow it from you. :)

You're very welcome! They're DH's pics and I actually have more. He enjoys the challenge of holding his camera still enough to take those indoor pics. I can post more if you'd like.

-- Hulamom
That is funny! ;) :) he he, that your DH ,likes the challenge of holding his camera as still as possible,while taking indoor ride pictures. I give him credit for that. :) I would love to see more of your pictures. The POTC, is one of my very most favorite rides of all time. :)
It seems Disneyland has slacked on enforcing flash photography during the rides, I remember as a kid they would actually take your camera.

Back in the early 80's I was riding POTC and I happened to get seated with a boat full of Japanese tourist. They were having a blast taking pictures like mad before the ride actually started and several cast members mentioned to them about the Flash policy.

Anyway, once the ride started one guy whipped out what looked like a professional camera and started lighting up the place, rapid fire and going nuts with it. My sister and I dropped our jaws and stared at each other because we thought it was like taboo to do such a thing. We never thought about this ruining the ride, it was just fodder that Disney was so "Top Secret" about everything and didn't want people stealing their ideas.

So a cast member, from out of nowhere jumps on the boat and tells the man he can't use flash photography and takes his camera. The man was talking in Japanese so I don't know what he was saying but a few minutes later he whips out another camera (same style) ad starts going at it again. He was laughing and having a good old time, heck my sister and I were chuckling too. Another cast member jumps on the boat and takes his camera and then disappears.

Finally, he whips out another camera and starts taking more pictures. They stopped the ride and took the dude and his camera off the boat. I never did find out what happened and I've never ever taken a picture on that ride.


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