Non Fancy Fanatics Head to the Grand Floridian

Good thing they had those fish or they never would have found those bright pink bags!!!! (I hope you can sense the sarcasm, cheers!)

I'm a little confused as to why an oven mitt??? If she felt it needed to be more identifiable she could have used a bright ribbon. If the point is to pick the bags up using the oven mitts I would hate to think of what the baggage handlers might have done with them. Wouldn't put my hand in them now -yuck!
Enjoying your trip report. I love your writing style. I can see what you mean about the crown molding at the VGF. I like fancy, but I prefer plain. It's a beautiful resort though.

The colours at Epcot F & G are gorgeous.

Looking forward to reading more. Good luck on the sale of your home and your move.
You guys are all so sweet, I love how everybody loves a different part of the story.

Teetah said:
Following along! I am sorry you didn't fall in love with GF...we have never tried it, but I would like to at some point. I CRACKED UP at the reaction to all the crown moulding...I agree that it was too much, but The Hubs and I LOOOOVE us some crown moulding! We have been documenting some of our house renovation in our PTR, so I just lost it when I read that and saw the photo! :rotfl2:

I was supposed to be in charge of the crown molding in this house, but it turns out I'm terrified of saws, so it never got done. Maybe the next house I will become friends with the mitre saw. Now I have to go find your PTR and read about your renovations.

Fsudisney said:
LOL. Your witty honesty has me cracking up! I am just imagining the avocado margarita! Now I will say the cucumber margarita is quite refreshing, and I don't even like cucumber!

Cucumber! Hmmm...After the avocado I think I will steer clear of all vegetable flavored magaritas for the near future. Unless of course to you order one and I can have a taste. I promise I don't have rabies (seriously, I've been vaccinated).

Splashboat said:
I'm a little confused as to why an oven mitt??? If she felt it needed to be more identifiable she could have used a bright ribbon. If the point is to pick the bags up using the oven mitts I would hate to think of what the baggage handlers might have done with them. Wouldn't put my hand in them now -yuck!

Me too! I'm thinking there must have just been a big clearance on oven mitts that made them even cheaper than ribbon. That and they must really like fish.

Nora03 said:
Enjoying your trip report. I love your writing style. I can see what you mean about the crown molding at the VGF. I like fancy, but I prefer plain. It's a beautiful resort though.

The colours at Epcot F & G are gorgeous.

Looking forward to reading more. Good luck on the sale of your home and your move.

Thanks! We got our first offer tonight, we have to counter it, but yeah yeah YEAH!. I hope it works out. Thanks for joining me, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Epcot is just amazing during the flower and garden festival, and I'm totally not a flower person.
Avocado martini? Eeewww...and in your picture it looks like some kind of healthy smoothie. I do like savory drinks (and I love arugula, but I love bitter food) - or was it sweet? Either way, I know not to try that drink!

Great butterfly picture, especially for your phone. That's such a cool area to walk through.
CarolynK said:
Avocado martini? Eeewww...and in your picture it looks like some kind of healthy smoothie. I do like savory drinks (and I love arugula, but I love bitter food) - or was it sweet? Either way, I know not to try that drink!

Great butterfly picture, especially for your phone. That's such a cool area to walk through.

Wait wait wait! Since you love arugula you just might love the avocado martini. In fact, I bet they created it just for you. You should definitely try it next trip. It was bitter, not sweet.

On a personal note, we sold our house! Signing paperwork tonight. Such a huge relief! Actually ended up going to the very first people who looked at it over 6 weeks ago. It was a good lesson in patience for me. Also kind of creepy, we buried a statue of St. Joseph (Jesus's foster dad) after 3 weeks with no showings, and the only realtor to come visit the property after we buried him was named Christ. Bizarre right? Hmmmm...maybe there is something to that tradition. Once I figure out all the moving logistics, daycare situation, and temporary housing I'll be back I promise.
Wait wait wait! Since you love arugula you just might love the avocado martini. In fact, I bet they created it just for you. You should definitely try it next trip. It was bitter, not sweet.

Maybe...but at 13.50 I'm kind of scared I'd hate it!

On a personal note, we sold our house! Signing paperwork tonight. Such a huge relief! Actually ended up going to the very first people who looked at it over 6 weeks ago. It was a good lesson in patience for me. Also kind of creepy, we buried a statue of St. Joseph (Jesus's foster dad) after 3 weeks with no showings, and the only realtor to come visit the property after we buried him was named Christ. Bizarre right? Hmmmm...maybe there is something to that tradition. Once I figure out all the moving logistics, daycare situation, and temporary housing I'll be back I promise.

Congrats on selling the house! That is really weird about the statue, but, whatever works (and growing up catholic, I kinda believe in that stuff)!
By the way, did you sell to the people who were complaining about your running sump pump?! I just came upstairs from checking ours - we had torrential rains yesterday and our sump is clicking on every 10 seconds (last night it was every 8, so it's an improvement!) :)
Did you bury him upside down? You do that so he's unhappy and wants to get dug up and moved to your new house. LOL but I've heard St Christopher.

Congrats on the sale!! Very exciting!
By the way, did you sell to the people who were complaining about your running sump pump?! I just came upstairs from checking ours - we had torrential rains yesterday and our sump is clicking on every 10 seconds (last night it was every 8, so it's an improvement!) :)

No the sump pump people went with a different house. The family we sold it to was the first to visit, but said they wanted to get their house on the market first. Well, once they got their house on the market 6 weeks later it sold in a single day!!! I swear St. Joseph was working in our corner since the average sale time in our town is 60 days.

Did you bury him upside down? You do that so he's unhappy and wants to get dug up and moved to your new house. LOL but I've heard St Christopher.

Congrats on the sale!! Very exciting!

He was totally upside down! I will be digging him out and finding a nice respectable place for him in our new home.
I just came upstairs from checking ours - we had torrential rains yesterday and our sump is clicking on every 10 seconds (last night it was every 8, so it's an improvement!) :)

Oh wow! Ours runs every 45 seconds on a non-rainy day. Haven't timed it on a rainy day because it pretty much never shuts off. Glad to hear we're not the only house with a sump pump that actually runs!
The problem with not writing your trip report right away is that you forget all the wonderfulness that went on. Woe, my memory and photo documentation are severely lacking! So I believe I left you shortly after having a not so delicious puréed salad masquerading as an avocado margarita. That afternoon we had some time to kill as our new room wouldn't be ready until 4pm, so we happily wandered around Epcot. While wandering it came to our attention that the nefarious Constantine, The World's Most Dangerous Frog was loose in the World Showcase. We saw WANTED posters everywhere:


And seeing how we are generally friendly law abiding citizens, we took it upon ourselves to catch this evil villian. First stop, sign up to become secret agents. There may be more than one sign up spot, but this one was located on the left as you head towards Mexico. I'm not sure if sign up is still going on because [SPOILER ALERT!!] we caught Constantine. We both signed up and were given TOP SECRET mission books. I would show you a picture, but it was a TOP SECRET mission book, and it said I wasn't allowed to show anybody else (actual reason, I have no idea what I did with my mission book).

Sign Up Location:

Depending on which way you were headed around the showcase the book offered two different missions. We chose the mission that started in Germany because, well, salted chocolate caramel squares people!!!!! So rumor had it he was after some fancy clock in the Germany cuckoo clock store. We rushed there as fast as we could, but may or may not have had to get a Safari Amber on the way. You can never be too prepared to catch the World's Most Dangerous Frog you know. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts to hurry to Germany, he had escaped with the cuckoo clock before we could catch him red handed. Truth be told, I'm really not sure what I would have done had I actually encountered Constantine. Probably just run and hid behind some soccer jerseys. I was secretly relieved he was not there.


We got our secret mission books stamped by the store clerk. I think he may have thought I was crazy because I was whispering as though I was really on a secret mission to catch Constantine. Our next clue led us to Italy. At some point there was actually a clue to figure out, which involved train schedules, so there was some very minor thinking (ahem, I mean some tough analytical work) involved in this mission. We got to Italy just in time to scare Constantine off, we prevented him from stealing this precious Gonzo mask (Thank Goodness!), but unfortunately he once again scrambled away before we could get our clutches on his slimy little legs.

Gonzo mask we protected so that other visitors to the world can see this treasure (You may thank me at any point)

The tracks from Constantine. He weaselled away up this wall, but we are on to him!

Finally, the buzz in the showcase indicated that Constantine was headed to the American Pavilion. We headed there, forming a wide perimeter in hopes of flushing him out of his hiding spot. It worked! By the time we got to America they had capture him. Most likely because we had flushed him out. I'm surprised I didn't receive more praise for all the help I provided in capturing this very dangerous frog. Because of us, well mostly me, you guys will all be able to enjoy Epcot and the rest of WDW for years to come!

Here we are with Constantine. He is so dangerous they have to keep him locked up in a very secure locker. We waited a while to listen to him whine. About every 2 minutes he gets frustrated and talks a bit. I'm not sure if they've shipped him back to Russia yet or not.

After successfully catching Constantine we celebrated with some beers. I believe we went with a Black and Tan from the pub in England.

Um. Heck Yeah giant crocodiles and beer!

Before we headed back to our new room we did what any parents travelling without kids would do, took pictures of all the nifty playgrounds they have set up for Flower and Garden. Sure wish they left these up year round. I don't think it would hurt anything, and I know my kid would love them. Here's a Monster's University themed one we came across:


And then finally before heading back to our room to get ready for dinner, the obligatory picture in front of the golf ball (I mean geodesic dome of course) Have you noticed how Disney likes to give fancy names to mundane things? Here are a few of my favorites:

Normal Language: Giant Golf Ball, Disneyfied Version: Geodesic Dome
Normal Language: Arcade (Disney Quest), Disneyfied Version: Indoor Interactive Extravaganza of high-tech adventures
Normal Language: Bus, Disneyfied Version: Motor Coach


And it's back to work for me. On a personal note, house sale went through, we should be closing July 1. We failed a radon test so we had to install a $1000 radon mitigation system for the new owners. This wasn't too pleasing because besides spending lots of money on something boring, the bigger issue is 'How long have we been breathing in cancerous air???????!!!!!!!'. I've been very busy pack up a storm. I'm almost done I think...the piles keep growing, so I'm really not sure. 26 days until we move!

Up Next, fun with the Magic Bands and a pleasant evening at Ohana.
Phewww, thanks for catching Constantine! The WS has been made safe again just in time for our trip:)

I keep trying to get my family to go on one of those "hunts" (my kids really like Phineas & Ferb, even though they're a lot too old for it) but no one wants to do it! The way I look at it, when there's something new to do, you do it!

It sounds like your Black and Tan was a lot better than the avocado margarita.

I agree with you about the playground, WS really doesn't have much for the little ones, it would give them a chance to blow off some steam (maybe while mom & dad enjoyed an adult beverage!).

Happy packing, I'm sure it's not too much fun!


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