Now Approaching... Sleepingbooty's Sept. PTR (We're BAAACK! 9/26)

Chapter 43. In Two Weeks I'll be....

Two weeks from today will be our first full day at Disney. We'll have arrived at CBR the night before and probably have had a pretty late night. But, we'll try to get up and head to the foodcourt to use some CS credits for a good breakfast.

Then it's off to Magic Kingdom. It'll be opening at 9, and I'd like to be there by then. Not that we'll make rope drop, we never do. The crowd rating for the day is a 1.:cheer2: Woohoo! That's probably due to the fact that it'll be closing at 7 for MNSSHP.

I think we'll probably head straight to Fantasyland, and we'll hit Peter Pan first, or maybe Dumbo. Then everything else in quick succession. Its a Small World will be closed for refurb. I'm sure I'll take lots of pics of the Fantasyland expansion progress.

I'm thinking we'll head over to Toontown and try to get Fairy autographs before the line gets too incredibly long. We never did manage to last year. Maybe we'll hit up the Barnstormer.

Its up in the air after that. Whatever everyone feels like doing. We won't be taking a break today, so I bet we'll be able to get everything done that we want to considering the predicted low crowds.

We'll leave about 6 for our 6:30 ADR at Ohana. Ohana for the first night's dinner is a longstanding tradition with us so we are really looking forward to it.

After dinner, we won't be able to go back to MK, so we'll either hit up Downtown Disney, or just head back to the resort for some evening pool time. I'm thinking probably the latter, as the next day we'll have to get up pretty early!


On the planning front: I've successfully check off several items from my 'to do' list:

  • Arrange petsitting - check
  • Order IOA tickets - check
  • Order MNSSHP tickets - check
  • Make matching t-shirts - check (although I'm still perfecting mine)
and I've crossed off one item:

  • Order Halloween costumes (since we're making them instead)

Click here for the next chapter
Wow, crowd level of 1!! That's awesome! I bet you'll be able to cover everything you want. Mmm-- Ohana's bread pudding is the one Disney food I always wish I could take home with me!
Kylie, I've actually made that bread pudding at home - its super easy! I just followed the recipe on Allearsnet. Except I just make a vanilla caramel sauce because I don't like banana stuff.
Crowd level at 1......It sounds like you guys are going at such a great time! Wow....I can't even imagine Peter Pan with no lines. It's just....inconceivable.

I really wanted to meet the Fairies on my trip too, but 40 mins was just not worth it.
I know, 40 minutes does seem like a long time. I won't wait over 20 for a ride. But 40 minutes was the SHORTEST wait time we saw for the fairies last year. I think I'll wait this time.
Chapter 44. In Two Weeks I'll be...

Shoot! I missed a day! Well, its a holiday weekend, and considering we stayed home, we did manage to stay pretty busy. Saturday we headed down to the zoo - only to be confronted with insane traffic to get in. The south parking lot was already closed. We waited for about 25 minutes, but then realized it would probably take us another half hour to get in. So, we nixed that idea, and headed across the park to the St. Louis Science Center. It was such a beautiful day that we'd wanted to do something outside, but we couldn't drive all the way downtown to Forest Park and not do anything. Luckily the Science Center is free, and so is parking on the side we were on. After that we went to a place called Hodak's for dinner. This is an old St.Louis institution, and it gets voted best fried chicken year after year. YUM! Then we drove over into Illinois to the Skyview Drive In. This is the only one left in the area, and our kids had never been before so it was a fun experience. Saw Toy Story 3. Which all of us but Scott had seen, but it was more about the drive in experience anyway. It was a double feature with Shrek 4 showing afterwards, but we were too tired to stick it out. Then yesterday, we hit the Labor Day sales after church, finding some great deals on clearance summer clothes. We went to a family cookout in the evening. The weather here the past week has been amazing. I wish it would last, but its supposed to get back up into the 90's this week.

So, what will we be doing 2 weeks from now? Well, 2 weeks from yesterday is our big fat SECRET! The girls have no idea that we are taking them to Islands of Adventure that day to do the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Jenna will be on the moon when she finds out.

The four of us will be getting up pretty early. I still need to arrange our transportation over there, but I'd like to get there by 8:00. We have to pick up our tickets at will-call, and I've heard they are letting off-siters in about 8:45.

I think the plan will be to head to Ollivander's first. Apparently, the line for that will get long quickly and stay that way all day. After that, we'll head over to the main event, the Forbidden Journey. This line will also be long, but at least the queue is interesting. I'm sure we'll get the girls on Flight of the Hippogriff, since it looks pretty mild, but I have no illusions that we'll be riding the other one. I do want to spend time in the shops and have lunch at the Three Broomsticks. Can't wait to try butterbeer.

Not sure if we'll even bother to do anything else at IOA. I'm just not that into it. But I guess it'll depend on the time. We really don't need to be back until our dinner at Whispering Canyon Cafe at 5:30. After that, I think we'll head over to Magic Kingdom. They are having pm EMH, but I doubt we'll stay too late.

Then on Monday (two weeks from today) we head to Epcot. We'll either eat a quick breakfast in the room or grab something with snack credits at the foodcourt, and then try to arrive by 9. Of course we'll head to Soarin' first, ride and grab fastpasses for later. Then who knows? I'm sure we'll be able to do most of Future World and an hour or two of World Showcase before heading back to the resort for a midday pool break. We'll probably eat lunch somewhere at Epcot before we head back. If I had to guess, I'd say Sunshine Seasons or Mexico.

We'll probably head back to Epcot around 4. Dinner is at Le Cellier. I know my dad will love this place - he's a big meat eater. After that we'll tour World Showcase and take in Illuminations.

Oh my gosh - I still can't believe all this is less than two weeks away!

Next Chapter
If you do nothing else I would HIGHLY suggest you visit the fountain by Mythos/Posiedon's Fury and ride Spiderman.

Wow, I can't wait to hear about their reactions to WWoHP!!! Sounds like you have a pretty good plan going so far.

Eve EMH at MK is so amazing. I love how empty and quiet the park gets.
It's so fun reading your stuff when you talk about STL! I forget how close we are! We haven't been to the zoo since last year, are they closing the south lot for good or was it just full? We usually try to get a spot on the road, but you have to get there really early or get lucky with someone leaving for that. I hope the Science center was fun anyway, we used to LIVE there, we were there so often!

I cannot wait to hear about HP! I am considering doing the same thing as you, but I'm just not sure it's worth the $400+ for us all to get a Universal 1 day ticket. We love HP, but that's a lot of money for a couple rides and some butterbeer! :p Remember, I'm going to grill you when you get back, so take detailed notes! :laughing:
If you do nothing else I would HIGHLY suggest you visit the fountain by Mythos/Posiedon's Fury and ride Spiderman.


Is Spiderman a rollercoaster?

Whats up with the fountain? Just something cool to see? You know you are my 'go-to gal' on all things Dark Side!
Wow, I can't wait to hear about their reactions to WWoHP!!! Sounds like you have a pretty good plan going so far.

Eve EMH at MK is so amazing. I love how empty and quiet the park gets.

We've only done pm EMH at MK once. This was on our adults only trip for our anniversary in August of 07. We got over to MK about 9:30, and it was INSANE! Wall to wall people. Of course, this was in early August before the schools go back, so I knew it would be more crowded than our normal September trips. We only stayed until about 11 and then we couldn't take it anymore. Maybe if we'd stuck it out longer, the crowds would have thinned out.
It's so fun reading your stuff when you talk about STL! I forget how close we are! We haven't been to the zoo since last year, are they closing the south lot for good or was it just full? We usually try to get a spot on the road, but you have to get there really early or get lucky with someone leaving for that. I hope the Science center was fun anyway, we used to LIVE there, we were there so often!

I cannot wait to hear about HP! I am considering doing the same thing as you, but I'm just not sure it's worth the $400+ for us all to get a Universal 1 day ticket. We love HP, but that's a lot of money for a couple rides and some butterbeer! :p Remember, I'm going to grill you when you get back, so take detailed notes! :laughing:

Hey Karen, good to see you on my PTR again!

I think the south lot was just closed because it was full. When they re-did hwy 40 and all those interchanges, they put in a roundabout at the spot where you would normally turn left to get to the south lot. I think it was a huge mistake. Both times I've been since then the traffic getting in was unbelievable. I need to remember to get off on Skinker next time and enter the park another way. You should meet us there sometime!

I know, I really debated about spending all that extra $$ for a few hours of HP. In the end I decided to go for it. I figure, its just a few extra sub jobs. Of course, I haven't taken a few extra sub jobs, so I guess that plan went out the window. I'm also trying to fit in a lot of things we haven't done before in the interest of educating myself, now that I'm in the travel biz.

I will definitely take lots of notes! In the meantime, head over to Cynthia's (eandesmom) report. She hasn't gotten to the HP part yet, but you can be sure she'll have tons of details when she does get there!
Chapter 45. In Two Weeks I'll be...

I'm starting to think in two weeks I'll be feeling a LOT better. I just had my second visit to the chiropractor. I almost don't want to believe it, but I really feeling a lot of improvement. Is this really possible after two treatments?

Before I move on to our plans for two weeks from today- I thought I'd show you a purchase I just made for the girls. I wanted them to have something to wear to WWOHP that would look good against the backdrop of Hogwarts for pictures and such. I decided the school girls look would work, so I found a couple cute plaid skorts and paired them with tank tops.


Although, after looking at the picture, I'm not sure I like the tank tops. Maybe I'll do white tanks instead. Or look for white middy blouses. I want them to look like British schoolgirls, not naughty schoolgirls!

So, two weeks from today is a big day. Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. This will be our first time attending and I'm psyched!

We're starting our day at Animal Kingdom. We typically only spend a half day at AK each trip, so this should be okay. We'll get there by 9, and stay until 2 or 3. I imagine lunch will be at Flametree. Love their ribs and baked beans!

Must do's for me at AK: Festival of the Lion King and Dinosaur. We also enjoy Everest, Safari, Nemo, and hanging out in the boneyard. Last year the girls had some really beautiful face painting done - I'm thinking we may do that again as I think it will go with their gypsy costumes.

Oh - the gypsy costumes! I'd show them to you, but they're not done yet. Here's the one from costume express that inspired them:


Ours should be pretty darn similar. The white dress parts are done, we just (by we, I mean my mom) need to do the colored sashes and belt with the coin trim. We bought Halloween colored fabrics for the sashes so they would coordinate with the decor at MK.

We have a 5:00 ADR at Chef Mickey's, so we'll need to be ready and out the door by about 4:00. I don't think us adults will dress up. I may buy us some Halloween shirts though. Maybe do-rags and eye patches for the guys? We'll see.

Hopefully, we'll be done at Chef Mickey's by 6:30 and over at MK. I don't know how long we'll make it, but I'd love to stay for the whole party. I think the thing I'm most looking forward too is the parade.

I'm getting so excited! :yay::yay::yay:

Next Chapter
2 weeks from today we will be doing the same thing :) AK in the am, back to the resort for swim and rest then to MK for MNSSHP. The gypsy costumes will be very cute-can I call them cute or are your girls to old to be cute?? It is getting very exciting!
Hooray for MNSSHP!!! We're very excited for our first party as well. Old Navy usually has inexpensive Halloween t-shirts, but they only have ladies long sleeve ones out right now. Maybe check the ON website??

Love the idea for WWoHP for the girls. Those skorts are cute!
I love the skirts you bought! A blouse and plaid tie would go lovely with them.
Is Spiderman a rollercoaster?

Whats up with the fountain? Just something cool to see? You know you are my 'go-to gal' on all things Dark Side!

nope, not a roller coaster. It's a 3d ride but really a ride, not a show like most of the 3d stuff. Let's put it this way. FJ is kind of a combination of Soarin and Spiderman. Spidey is a MUST do.

And think PUSH...but a fountain and far funnier in a snarky kind of way. Totally kid appropriate but sneaky.
Kylie, I've actually made that bread pudding at home - its super easy! I just followed the recipe on Allearsnet. Except I just make a vanilla caramel sauce because I don't like banana stuff.
I read the recipe on AllEars and it does look easy-- I'm just afraid of expecting it to taste exactly the same and being disappointed! The bananas are the one thing I don't care for in the dish, too!

I've read nothing but amazing reviews of WWoHP-- except for those lines! Should be short enough when you get there, though. I've definitely read that the queue for FJ is part of the whole experience. Should be cool!
If you want to do anything else at IOA, I second The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman. It's an amazing 3d/simulator ride. Some of the water rides are great, too, if it's hot enough.
Your Epcot plans sound perfect-- what a better way to end a day than dinner at LeCellier! Have to enjoy it while it's still 1 credit for dinner!!
Actually - it DID pretty much taste exactly the same! Bread pudding is a super easy dish to make.

I did finally flip through a Islands of Adventure guideboook at Borders the other day. I think we will probably make our way through the park and hit the highlights after we've finished with Harry Potter. I scheduled our towncar pickup at 4:30, so I think we'll have plenty of time.


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