NOW is the time! It's MINE & I AM WORTH IT! (friends welcome to tag along!!)

Glad to hear that the test result came back with good news.:thumbsup2

You are certainly sounding more positive about your new outlook on life and I have to say, I love your motivation (Bugg related or not). Just send some my way if you can.

Have a great day!
2746 Cal. burned
1152 Cal eaten
1594 Cal Deficit
2 H 10 M Activity
13351 Steps

Well, today I figured out how to 'edit' my food. Yeah, me!!!

Supposedly someone is coming out later to put a new motherboard in the desktop. DH is coming home to 'supervise' them. Unfortunately, DH is relatively certain that the motherboard doesn't contain the communication module......sigh.....

DS19 still has no car....I'm guessing the part didn't come in. UGH!!!

I am VERY GLAD I did not sign on to grade tests full time. I would totally LOSE MY MIND if I had to sit for 8 hours!! I'm not a good sitter in the first place, & although the pay is good & it is easy, it is pretty darned BORING! But, for 9 wks for almost $13/hour, I can deal. I continue to be astonished at the lack of grammar, spelling, punctuation and basic english skills of a 10th grader. Tonight we take 2 qualifying scoring tests on the short answer/story grading. If I don't pass with the necessary 80% I think one of you should come shoot me!! (yes, I may eat my words later...... but I doubt it)

To make things just a little more difficult with the time change & evening job, I seem to be getting a head/chest cold. Last night it was as if the tickle cough was contagious in the room of almost 300 people. I was up for 2 hours coughing HARD & this morning I feel that wiped out, stuffy, coughing cold feeling. I've been popping my C & packed purell wipes, cough drops & kleenex for tonight.

Off to visit a few journals before I have to go pick up DD at school in 15 min. We STILL have the high winds.....hoping that is the source of my cough & not a cold.

Week is half over.......YEAH!!
Sorry to hear you are getting the sniffles. Hopefully it is the wind stirring stuff up and not a cold!

Hang in there, those boring shifts will be worth it once you get that paycheck!:goodvibes
WOW you are sure burning those cals.I can't wait for nice weather to be outside to get on my bike.
Any idea how to calculate cals. outside on a bike???????? That would be good info to have.

I have to laugh when you mention the grammar and spelling of 10th graders- ever really read some of the posts on the Dis????????? OMG!!!!!!! It kills me sometimes.

Hope your cold ends soon.Next time give Zicam swabs a try- I swear by them.Cold never gets me.

:hug: Julie....I hope you're feeling better soon!:wizard: Please be sure and get some rest today and drink plenty of fluids.

Have a good day!:goodvibes
Isn't it amazing how kids cannot write anymore, let alone spell? I remember correcting something that DD19 did when she was in HS and she told me that the teacher didn't care as long as the teacher had an idea of what she meant. If the spelling was bad, that was fine too. I asked DD21 about it and she said it was true. It is so sad that things have become so lax on basic writing skills. Good luck on trying to get through the tests!:wizard:

Hoping that you can get the computer problems solved. Also hoping you feel better soon.
3/11 -

2987 Cal Burned
1331 Cal eaten
1656 Cal Deficit
2 H 41 M activity
18156 steps

Yes, Amy, I'm sure a paycheck will help the boredom. Last night I ended up getting up & walking every time I was waiting for the other 280 people to finish. Yes, I passed the qualifier so I can actually score. But, the young 2nd
year law student next to me got 9/15 on the first & only 6/15 on the 2nd test. WOW! Tonight we do the expository writing & I'm not hopeful that they are any better at that!

Linda, I have NO idea how to calculate calories burned & that was pretty much the main motivator for me to get a Bugg. I know that 6 people can all weigh the same & be the same age & still burn different amounts in the gym. I never trusted the generic calculations on the cardio equipment. I never would have dreamed I burned this much in a day, though. But, if you figure an avg of 1.1/min for 24 hours (which I seem to burn most of the time sleeping), it does add up.

Computer is working for the moment, but the repair guy thinks it will go down again. Too much techno talk for me.

I'm feeling slightly better today, but I know the mile walk to a grocery last night while waiting for DH didn't help. DS19 was running sound(for pay) for a church on the far side of town so needed my bug. So, DH took me to grading. Well, DD had the BF over & needed to take him home. And, we finished early. So, instead of being on the way to get me at 9:40 when I called, DH finally got to me about 10:15. Windy & cold, but they wanted to close up the building, so I walked to the grocery nearby....plenty safe since there were lots of people around & well lit. But still........., Sorry, they won't be using my car again. I'm not waiting!!

I'm hoping for a tiny power nap in a few minutes as I'm still not sleeping well & when I got home, I needed to potty dogs, feed dogs & pick up kitchen a tiny bit before bed. Then DH watched TV until almost 11:30. UGH!! And, up at 5:30 as usual today....

I still haven't finished taxes. That will end up being my weekend as I can't seem to find enough time to dedicate to it w/o interruption during the day since I'm always hauling someone or something.

Today I did the 'Dancing with the stars Latin Cardio Dance' DVD. Let me tell ya, it ain't easy!! And I'm REALLY glad there wasn't a mirror in the room & no one was home!!

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday.....almost the weekend!!!
You sound about as coordinated as me when it comes to dancing!:lmao: I went to one cardio class at the gym and she wanted to spice things up and did a whole latin dance routine to Ricky Martin "She Bangs". I swear, I have never felt like such a fool, I looked like a robot compared to everyone else...

Keep up the good work, can't wait to hear the results of your next WI!
Julie, I am like you, I cannot believe how badly most kids and adults write! That is great you did well on the tests and can go the distance so to speak! That does sound boring, but I agree with Amy, a paycheck will help make it all worth it!

Hope you kick the cold before it starts full force. Rest up and be good to yourself! Your dance DVD sounds very fun!:thumbsup2
3/12 -

2788 Cal burned
1303 Cal eaten
1485 Cal deficit
2 H 10 min activity
14500 steps

3/13 - No formal exercise....just at home & WalMart
2966 Cal burned
1394 Cal eaten
1602 Cal deficit
3H 11 min activity
11878 steps

So, I went to WW yesterday for the first time since 2/13.....down .6 --- 171.2 I was thrilled.

As for is one week (well, on my computer program it now says I recorded weight on 3/11 when I tried to change my METS for exercise, so I guess Tuesday's will now be my week marker.)

Last Saturday when I weighed before I put the Bugg on I weighed 180 on my home scale. Today I am down 5.8 lbs -- 174.2......WOW!!!!!! My Calorie deficit was approx. 10,500 for the week...about 3 lbs, so I would assume about 1/2 of that is water weight. I don't care....I'll take it! That is more than I ever lost the first week of WW the several times I've restarted.

And, I'm not totally sure why. This week I have been following points, but monitoring/tracking with the Bugg. I am allowed 21 points. My week was:
F - 20, S - 20, S - 20, M - 21, T - 21, W - 19, Th - 25. I think the Bugg is making me more conscious of my food choices and making me move more in general. Knowing the armband is there like 'big brother' watching everything I do, and that I can go input the data at any time and see the effects of what I'm doing seems to be a big boost for me.

I really wish I could have inputed weight into the program today to see what, if any, it changed in my info. Oh well..... I will input on Tuesday and the first update will then officially be 10 days....sigh.....

Today I MUST do TAXES. I WILL FINISH my federal & state before I sleep!! DH is at work most of the day. DS19 works noon shift, DD works tonight. I'm hoping I can FINALLY get to bed early & get some sleep. I feel awful & cough for over an hour when I lay down before it settles. And of course it retriggers when I get up in the night. UGH!! It may be a cold, but I truly think it is allergies as this is what I was like most of the year when we lived in Phoenix. Not a pleasant thought....(allergies, not phoenix!;)

Well, off to get started....
My Taxes are DONE!!! Just waiting for DH signature & copies. Still have 2 kids Federal & 3 kids state to do.....they go quickly!

But, my activity, steps & calorie burn today SUCK!!! Must get moving NOW!!!!!
Great job on the weight loss and the taxes! Thank God my DH does our or we would end up in jail with my math skills!

3/14 - Saturday

2609 Cal Burned (it told me if i was at rest the remainder of the day I
wouldn't make it, so I kept walking for awhile hoping I had
enough to be over the top by midnight.....BARELY!!)
1141 Cal eaten
1468 Cal Deficit
1 H 39 M activity
13415 steps
thanks, T, T & L! I'm very glad to have taxes out of the way! As for weight, you know I'm happy about that!!

So, I just did WATP 5 mile fat burning walk & decided to get some info:

Mile 1 - 1341 steps 72 calories
Mile 2 - 1520 steps 100 Calories
Mile 3 - 1401 steps 92 Calories
Mile 4 - 1492 steps 124 Calories
Mile 5 - 1488 steps 113 Calories
Cool Down/Stretch - 227 steps 46 calories

Total calories burned in about 65 min - 549

When I did that dance DVD the other day, I only burned in the low 300s for the same amount of time. Gee, I wonder which I will do???

Off to get a few things done around here & do some more laundry. Hopefully visit journals tonight or tomorrow. DS19 is on spring break so I am not chauffer this week.....YEAH!!
Wow! That WATP 5 mile DVD burns some calories!:banana: About how long does that workout take?

I hope you have a great Monday!:hug:
Well, Monday didn't start out well. Desktop is still down with another problem & the repair company insists it has nothing to do with their changing out the motherboard. So, I was really bummed w/ no computer....again.....or should I say still?

Laid in bed & ate stuff I shouldn't all morning. Then I finally decided I'd had enough & went & bought a new laptop. FOR ME. I didn't want to spend the money, but I needed it & I ended up buying a MAC. Always had PCs, but people finally convinced me. So, it is up & running, but I sure don't know my way around it yet! Hopefully I'll have some time to work on learning it soon. Meantime, at least I can get online & upload my daily Bugg info.

Off now to WalMart, then to pick DD up at school. Didn't get exercise in yesterday & likely won't today.....grrrrrr!!!!! But the new computer is worth it!!

More later.....
Julie, I need to get that WATP 5 mile DVD. I have the 1,2, and 3 mile one but that it is some serious calories to burn.

Congrats on the weight loss! I am betting the Bugg is keeping you really accountable and on target with what you eat.

Good job getting the computer, you need that. And excellent job getting those taxes done!:thumbsup2


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