October People: What have u left to do??


<font color=purple>The music in the Disney Plannin
Apr 29, 2004
What's left to do for you?? Did u plan your dining plans, etc?

Also, is October hurricane season?

I still have to buy those $1.00 ponchos to carry around and the otterbox to protect my camera.

I have to go over the dining plans to make sure all is cool.

We decided to stay @ Hawthorn Suites. Anyone been there? hope we love it.

When do you confirm your airplane reservations, hotel reservtns, etc?

Dance w/ me only.....days left: :cheer2:
We have everything ready to go up to about the two week mark. At that time we have to arrange someone to feed and maintain our marine tank and look after the cats. After that, all we have to do is pack. Boy its been a long wait.
Usually the hurricanes are gone by October. I can't even remember a tropical storm in October.

You should have your dining planned and reserved about now.

Never been to Hawthorne Suites.
Pretty much everything is done. I'm working the Autograph Books for my kids. I make them a new one for each visit. All there is really to do is wait.:p
all i have to do is buy film and pack and just wait for my package to arrive. cant wait.
Um, let's see ...

*Buy MNSSHP tickets
*Make a decision as to Park Hoppers or AP and then buy them
*Arrange for transportation to / from MCO / Disney
*and lots more!

I had a period of time where I got real depressed and stopped planning anything. It was right in the middle of the "Yeah! We're going to Disney" and "Why is it taking so long for time to pass?". I just realized had we went with our original plans we would have left on Friday the 27th. We'd be in Disney by now if we wouldn't have had to change our plans. :sad:

I guess I better get busy and finish up planning!
I'm here feeling like a TOTAL SLACKER.
I've allowed my husband to be in charge of booking everything and with 34 days left to go before our trip, NOTHING is booked.
Nothing, not a hotel, not a plane, not a car, nothing. My husband is waiting for cash from God (or his parents) to allow us to stay at the Poly. The cash ain't comin so we have to book elsewhere. He's just dragging his feet...
I think I'm taking over today and getting everthing DONE and then I can sit back and relax and finish packing!
(1) Make a few Priority Seatings
(2) Buy passes at local AAA office
(3) Buy disposable cameras

Other than that, I am ready.

As a Florida resident I can tell you that hurricane season runs until November. This is because it remains quite warm (as does the water in the ocean) until then. We were hit by Hurricane Opal in October 1995 so it does happen but is rare. This hurricane season has been unreal! Very active. Just watch the Weather Channel and plan accordingly. (Me, I would rather be at WDW if I had to endure another one).:p

Hope everyone has a great time and great weather!:wave2:
Well, lets see..

MNSSHP tickets ...Check..arrived a couple weeks ago.

Plane tickets (leaving sat 8am from Nashville Oct 2) Check...Just finished that.

Hotel Res...Nope...codes just came out, now I'm trying to decide..Value or Moderate..

Spending money....Oops a few unexpected bills...gotta build that up over the next few checks...cutting it close...

Halloween Costumes...Been slacking on this and gotta work on it for the party...going as Pirates so shouldn't be too hard..may wait till I get there (don't want to be arrested for taking toy gun and sword through airport lol)

Pal Mickey - Check - New batteries and he is really getting home sick.

Packed? - You gotta be kidding - I'm of the male species and can pack in hours (note: doesn't necessarily mean I'll remember to pack everything...just that I'm fast)

Preium Anual Passes - Check - Need to put some more wear and tear on these babies.

Paitence - None left - :magnify: Checks countdown clock :teacher: Humm...still not close enough...perhaps a little magic is needed :wizard: ....Darn, didn't work. Anyone got any Paitence I can borrow? :sad:
Just have to pack & buy my AP when I get there. Solo trip for an event, so I don't have anyone but me to pack for - no PS's to make as most meals are part of the event - the others, my friend & I will play by ear. An easy trip.
My DH and I just went over the budget yesterday. We need to get a few snacks for the drive down because our 2 DS's (11&13) will have us stopping every hour for food if we don't. Then we just need to pack. I can't wait to go!!

I was giggling at your post about your DH. If I let my DH make the plans, we'd never go anywhere. I do everything from watching the airline prices and later purchasing the tix. Then I check around for hotels and make the reservation. I also make the car rental reservation. DH doesn't have to do anything but give me some money and be ready when it's time to go.

The only thing we have left to do is get our park tickets/passes. We're also going to hit an outlet mall this weekend to look for those end-of-summer bargains. I think the weather will still be nice in FL in October to wear some warm weather clothes.
-Print boarding passes
-Pick up a few toiletries (advil, toothpaste, etc.)
-buy disposable cameras for the kids to use
-save more $$$

We've got some ps's made (wondering if we should have more). We got our matching halloween t-shirts.

I think we are pretty much under control. (I hope ;) )
Isn't it nice that our trips are getting so close?:tongue:

Let's see -

Plane Tickets - Purchased

Towncar from MCO to Poly - Reserved

Resort - Reserved (and all paid for!!!)

Park Passes - Reserved (Part of the 5+2 package)

MNSSHP Tickets - Purchased

Dining - All PSs Made

Work - Both DH & my vacations are approved

DD's School - Talked to her teacher @ Meet The Teacher Night last week and everything is all set! She's going to give DD the work she'll miss so she can work on it while we are gone.

I just have to do the pre-packing shopping & organization stuff and we'll be ready to go! Oh, ask DSIS if she'll check on our cats while we are gone. Hmmm ... and have the mail delivery stopped. Gee, there's more to do that I thought! :eek: :D

The DH and I are all set to go!!! Just patiently (Ok, Ok, impatiently) waiting for the ticker to tick away!!!! I simply cannot wait to go, I think I may go nuts or at least drive my DH nuts with the waiting!!! But not too much longer now!!
Let's see
i have to

buy MNSSHP tickets
buy our sea world passes ( we are going the first day we hit orlando)
confirm our PS
and as always try and save more $$$$$ to spend:D
i can't wait till the trip gets here ::yes::
Let’s see………….

Airline Tickets – check

Hotel Ressie’s – check and paid for

Park Tickets – Ohhh got to get them out of the safety deposit box

Sunrise Safari – reserved

Food and Wine event(s) – reserved

PS’s – none sorry folks don’t do that

Pet sitter - reserved

New Underwear – bought

Need to do/buy – film

Time - please go by quicker ! ! !
All we have left is for me to make 1 PS for Bistro de Paris for our anniversary. They will not take the PS any earlier that 30 days out so once that''s done all that's left is to pack. I'm having a hard time to keep from staring now.
I have been done with all the planning for a long time it seems now, I have sort of been in this funk lately, like now that the planning is over I kind of have the trip on back burner, I guess I need a little something to kick it into high gear again, I still have to buy our MNSSHP tickets, been procrastinating on that one, maybe I need to watch those WDW programs I taped on my DVR a few weeks ago maybe that will get me into the WDW mood again.

Ps I am still excited though :teeth:


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