Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2

Thanks for all the responses! I got what I needed to know...that speed comes with endurance. Once I'm over my illnesses, I'll get right back at it and keep on keeping on. I am doing Jeff Galloway's training, and I'm going to trust that it will get me where I need to be.

Good for you! If there's one thing I learned in training for the half I did in 2010, it's that you can train your body to do this. I was never athletic, never did sports, but what was amazing was how the plan works when you work the plan. A friend of mine was with her husband's band at the 7 mile mark, and I gave her a big hug. She told me later that she was amazed at how energetic and fresh I seemed halfway through....she started running herself and just finished her first marathon.

You can do this! I promise. And your body will amaze you with what it can do, it's so beautiful. :goodvibes
This has not been a good training week for me. I have had a crazy busy week and I have not run at all. :mad: I am supposed to run 8 miles this weekend. I am a little worried about it. I will see how I feel and do what I can.
kat - i'm 27 and normal weight, and i 100% agree with you. training for a full marathon is a completely different beast than training for a half - it's much more demanding than simply doubling the distance. it's why i'm on currently on the one-marathon-a-year plan. i spend the first 6 months of the year working on speed, racing shorter distances, and building up my base before heading into a marathon training cycle.

i had a not-so-great first marathon (5:03 off a 2:08 half...ouch!), but i since learned from my mistakes, and had a much better second marathon. i kinda wish i waited longer, but i'm definitely the type to learn things the hard way. do as i say, not as i do! :lmao:
Well... I guess we'll see then. I'm looking at switching to the Galloway marathon plan to see how it goes, as distance-wise we're about the same distance for his beginner plan. I don't really know when a commitment is required. It'd really be just to finish not for a great time. I guess we'll just see. Tonight's run was very wet.
Well... I guess we'll see then. I'm looking at switching to the Galloway marathon plan to see how it goes, as distance-wise we're about the same distance for his beginner plan. I don't really know when a commitment is required. It'd really be just to finish not for a great time. I guess we'll just see. Tonight's run was very wet.

good for you getting out there in the rain! when it's a cold rain i usually hide on the treadmill

if you are ok with walk/running (and likely walking alot toward the end miles) and your goal is simply to *just* finish, you might be ok with an April marathon if your body can handle the longer distances. too much too soon can lead to injury - and also some runners are much more susceptible to injuries on their long runs with a low weekly mileage. And then here are some runners who can wake up after not running for weeks, nail out a 20 miler, and feel great! i'm personally on the injury-prone side, so i need to work up to my longer distances very slowly (and learned that after trying to run my first marathon on a mileage base, gave myself an injury...which came back to haunt me at mile 8 of my marathon. its a loonng way to go to start hurting)

you could always start following the plan and hold off on registering for the actual race until you see you handle the 16 and 18 mile long runs? worst case the extra mileage will only help you more for princess..can end up being a win/win situation :)
I finally found the new thread!!

Finally got back on track with the long runs this weekend-- 10 mi! However, since the 9 mi run had been about 3 or so weeks earlier with only a 10K and a bunch of 3-4 milers in between, it felt pretty rough at the end. But, I still finished with an 11 min mile pace!

I have a question for those of you experienced at long distances: I just picked up running seriously in June (hadn't done anything more than fun 5Ks before then) and am working up to the Princess half in Feb. My training partner is now thinking about training beyond that for a marathon, as there is one in April that might work out. Since we are already at 10 mi now, does 26 miles by April seem like a reasonable goal? I was thinking of following one of the Galloway plans for the WDW Marathon and just modifying the dates.
I definitely wouldn't rush into marathon training. I registered for my first marathon about 5 months before I ran it in August, and I still felt under trained. Like others have said it is not as easy as simply doubling the 1/2 marathon distance. There are a lot of great fall marathons all over the country!

This has not been a good training week for me. I have had a crazy busy week and I have not run at all. :mad: I am supposed to run 8 miles this weekend. I am a little worried about it. I will see how I feel and do what I can.

I don't recommend training like this, but I trained for princess this year doing mainly my long runs. I was so busy during the week and didn't have access to a treadmill, so I was lucky if I got 1 shorter run in during the week. Since you still have time, I would cut your LR by a couple miles and get to the 8 miles in another week or so.
Well, I've been off from running since last Sunday when I did 3.5mi (as my long run unfortunately). The week before I had been up to 7 miles! Ugh, what a dissapointment. At about 2.5 miles my knee kept me from running any further and I walked the last mile. It's been hard staying inside the last week but I'm hoping when I head out tomorrow that I can complete 4 mi without pain. I've been stretching, resting, icing, taking anti-inflammatory meds and even got fitted for a new pair of running shoes like a few of you recommended. We will see how a week off and $100 tab treats me tomorrow. Wish me luck! I am planning on kind of "starting over" at a less aggressive progression pace. Still keeping Galloway as my guide, but, slowing my running pace and mileage increases. It will be pretty cold here tomorrow AM but at least its looking dry. When the snow and ice hits I'll have to find a treadmill. I hope everyone enjoys thier long runs this weekend!
Wow - a NEW thread and you girls are already pages deep into it! :rotfl2:

I'm a full week behind in my Galloway training. Like a previous poster I'm finding it hard to get in the short 30min runs, and really only look forward to the long runs.

My bigger issue is work. I put in 12+ hours a day at work, plus have a family at home - and of course that is another job. I spent 5 days last week at a sales meeting where I worked 15+ hours everyday. I think that's why I'm burnt out on the 30 min runs (that, and it's SO dark at 8 or 9pm) and why I look forward to the long runs. The long runs clear my head and help me deal with my stress. Who knew I would learn to love running as a form of mediation?

My longest run so far has been 7.06miles at a 14:39 pace. Yes, that is slow, but I stopped to pee once, I also stopped to take a photo once, ate a protien bar and I was answering work emails/texts (seriously) as I ran. I did all that without pausing the app. So assuming I don't have to work DURING the Princess 1/2 - maybe I'll be OK. ;)


How do you carry your camera and your iPhone during the race? (Meaning what waist pack, if any).
Does anyone recommend iFitness? The bags look nice. I'm even considering the Hydration bag, but I haven't needed water during any runs yet. I don't think I want an arm band because I'll use my iPhone to text my daughter my location as well as keep tabs on my pace.

Does anyone use or recommend a GPS watch?

Thanks in advance! And keep running!!!!! :cheer2::grouphug:
good for you getting out there in the rain! when it's a cold rain i usually hide on the treadmill

if you are ok with walk/running (and likely walking alot toward the end miles) and your goal is simply to *just* finish, you might be ok with an April marathon if your body can handle the longer distances. too much too soon can lead to injury - and also some runners are much more susceptible to injuries on their long runs with a low weekly mileage. And then here are some runners who can wake up after not running for weeks, nail out a 20 miler, and feel great! i'm personally on the injury-prone side, so i need to work up to my longer distances very slowly (and learned that after trying to run my first marathon on a mileage base, gave myself an injury...which came back to haunt me at mile 8 of my marathon. its a loonng way to go to start hurting)

you could always start following the plan and hold off on registering for the actual race until you see you handle the 16 and 18 mile long runs? worst case the extra mileage will only help you more for princess..can end up being a win/win situation :)

The goal would definitely be just to finish, and I have no problem with walk/running. Mileage is getting up to 20 mi/wk now, so I don't think mileage is the problem. So far no problems with injuries (knock on wood), been increasing the long run about 1 mi/wk, which has been working well so far. The plan was always to work up towards ~18 mi before the Princess (whichever Galloway plan that was). I don't think we'd have to decide for a while yet, so at least that will give us a chance to push up the mileage and see how it goes. Thanks for all the advice!
Wow - a NEW thread and you girls are already pages deep into it! :rotfl2:

I'm a full week behind in my Galloway training. Like a previous poster I'm finding it hard to get in the short 30min runs, and really only look forward to the long runs.

My bigger issue is work. I put in 12+ hours a day at work, plus have a family at home - and of course that is another job. I spent 5 days last week at a sales meeting where I worked 15+ hours everyday. I think that's why I'm burnt out on the 30 min runs (that, and it's SO dark at 8 or 9pm) and why I look forward to the long runs. The long runs clear my head and help me deal with my stress. Who knew I would learn to love running as a form of mediation?

My longest run so far has been 7.06miles at a 14:39 pace. Yes, that is slow, but I stopped to pee once, I also stopped to take a photo once, ate a protien bar and I was answering work emails/texts (seriously) as I ran. I did all that without pausing the app. So assuming I don't have to work DURING the Princess 1/2 - maybe I'll be OK. ;)


How do you carry your camera and your iPhone during the race? (Meaning what waist pack, if any).
Does anyone recommend iFitness? The bags look nice. I'm even considering the Hydration bag, but I haven't needed water during any runs yet. I don't think I want an arm band because I'll use my iPhone to text my daughter my location as well as keep tabs on my pace.

Does anyone use or recommend a GPS watch?

Thanks in advance! And keep running!!!!! :cheer2::grouphug:

Highly recommend the Nike GPS watch! It's dead on and so fun! Great website that keeps track of everything when you are done. I had the Garmin 205 before and swear nothing could top it until........ It's worth the cost I promise!
Has anyone tried one of the new iPod nanos with the built it accelerometer? Any idea how accurate they are? The idea of one small thing that can play music, keep at least a decent estimate of distance, and clip to my shirt seems pretty tempting.
I just got an iPod nano, but have use the accelerometer yet. I have a Garmin watch. I'll have to try it and compare it to the Garmin. I'll get back to you on that.
Wow - a NEW thread and you girls are already pages deep into it! :rotfl2:

I'm a full week behind in my Galloway training. Like a previous poster I'm finding it hard to get in the short 30min runs, and really only look forward to the long runs.

My bigger issue is work. I put in 12+ hours a day at work, plus have a family at home - and of course that is another job. I spent 5 days last week at a sales meeting where I worked 15+ hours everyday. I think that's why I'm burnt out on the 30 min runs (that, and it's SO dark at 8 or 9pm) and why I look forward to the long runs. The long runs clear my head and help me deal with my stress. Who knew I would learn to love running as a form of mediation?

My longest run so far has been 7.06miles at a 14:39 pace. Yes, that is slow, but I stopped to pee once, I also stopped to take a photo once, ate a protien bar and I was answering work emails/texts (seriously) as I ran. I did all that without pausing the app. So assuming I don't have to work DURING the Princess 1/2 - maybe I'll be OK. ;)


How do you carry your camera and your iPhone during the race? (Meaning what waist pack, if any).
Does anyone recommend iFitness? The bags look nice. I'm even considering the Hydration bag, but I haven't needed water during any runs yet. I don't think I want an arm band because I'll use my iPhone to text my daughter my location as well as keep tabs on my pace.

Does anyone use or recommend a GPS watch?

Thanks in advance! And keep running!!!!! :cheer2::grouphug:

Regarding the iphone: I asked the same thing a while back and didn't get a good response. I am planning on using my iphone as my GPS (I use joggycoach app) so I can use 1 piece of equipment as my phone, GPS, & music. I don't mind just using an app as my GPS as I want to minimize what I have on my person as I run. I know not everyone recommends music or texting / calling during the race however I cannot see myself running without my friends (Pink, Cee Lo Green, Mariah Carey etc :rotfl2:) and can use my Siri on my phone for safety if I'm on a busy part of the course and I need to contact someone in an emergency. I really can't leave my little ones for hours without a phone handy.

Anyway, I have a Nathan running belt that I am training with even on the short runs to get used to the belt. I put my fuel in the one small pocket that it has (too small for iphone) and fill the 1 water jug. I don't really need the water either yet as I have only run 7 miles max. Just trying to get used to it for longer runs. I have been looking for an accessory for the belt to hold my phone securely but have had no success. So (now this might seem a little funny) I put my phone inbetween my two layers of sport bras. Yes, I wear two sport bras and put my phone in between the layers. For some reason it works for me. I realize I am going to have to modify this if I have to go to a gym now its winter. I might get looks!! I have tried arm bands but they slide right down my arm.

Nervous about my short run today as I will be getting a better idea about how my knee is recovering after my week off.
YAY I found the new thread!!

I've been blowing off some runs myself :headache: I've also been keeping up with the long runs on the weekend but only getting in one run during the week. Tinkeramy, thanks for your post, it makes me realize I need to find time to get those in or I could end up hurting myself!

I did do TEN miles last Sunday :goodvibes !! I was soo happy and even though I walked a bit I ended up averaging 11:11 / mile. I was BEAT !! Thankfully it was Sunday so I crashed on the couch and watched football all day to recover.

I was wondering about a good belt too.. Right now I'm wearing a nano (the old one) on my arm for music, my garmin watch for GPS, and my cell phone in my jacket pocket on the long runs (cold enough in Boston for a jacket). Seems like a lot to carry for 13.1 miles, and for the princess I'll be losing the jacket and adding in my camera !!

Happy Training Everyone !!
Cindy :yay:

So. Little. Motivation.:headache:

I have been putting in the absolute bare minimum lately! Last year, I was totally on it b/c I had never done this before and was almost religious about following "the plan" - Higdon's, which actually calls for more mileage than Galloway's. I'm now doing Galloway's, which I like, but my motivation is dropping. It's not the plan, it's the fact that I have a "been there, done that" attitude and I'm not freaking out about getting the mileage in so I'll be "prepared". The long runs are fine; it's the weekday runs that I am so tempted to blow off or just put in the absolute smallest amt called for. This is also how I got shin splints last summer - blowing off weekday runs and busting out 10K's on the weekend. It's one of those crazy circular things - I don't want to do the smaller, quicker runs b/c they just don't seem as easy as they used to. However, in order for them to be as easy as they used to be, I need to get out there and keep at it!!!

Thanks for letting me vent - about to drop the little man at preschool and hit the trail! The Galloway plan calls for 30 minutes. I think I will make myself do AT LEAST 3 miles, regardless of time.
After a crappy, bad run on Wednesday, I went out and hit 6.5 miles comfortably today. Got a little confidence mojo back and am just facing the fact that even though I used to knock out miles in less than 10 minutes, something has changed and I'm just not there anymore. I think I need to majorly overhaul my diet and get some core work in. Until then, I love my long runs - great stress busters and some peace & quiet!

I finally found the new thread!!

Finally got back on track with the long runs this weekend-- 10 mi! However, since the 9 mi run had been about 3 or so weeks earlier with only a 10K and a bunch of 3-4 milers in between, it felt pretty rough at the end. But, I still finished with an 11 min mile pace!

I have a question for those of you experienced at long distances: I just picked up running seriously in June (hadn't done anything more than fun 5Ks before then) and am working up to the Princess half in Feb. My training partner is now thinking about training beyond that for a marathon, as there is one in April that might work out. Since we are already at 10 mi now, does 26 miles by April seem like a reasonable goal? I was thinking of following one of the Galloway plans for the WDW Marathon and just modifying the dates.

I also toyed with the idea of continuing on to a marathon plan. I was born in Buffalo and there is a marathon there in May. I was actually looking at the half but the marathon went past streets where my ancestors lived and where my dad grew up. I figured it would be more motivating if I found a marathon that had a personal connection to me. However, I just don't know. That's A LOT of time to put in and I'm not convinced yet. Also, you need to consider where you are and what time of year you will be training. A May marathon would be good for me since I am in GA. A fall marathon would destroy me since I would be getting up in the higher mileages during a humid, 95+ degree summer. I may skip it, but keep my eye on the GA Publix marathon for 2013. I'm planning on doing the half for March, 2012.

Wow - a NEW thread and you girls are already pages deep into it! :rotfl2:

I'm a full week behind in my Galloway training. Like a previous poster I'm finding it hard to get in the short 30min runs, and really only look forward to the long runs.

My bigger issue is work. I put in 12+ hours a day at work, plus have a family at home - and of course that is another job. I spent 5 days last week at a sales meeting where I worked 15+ hours everyday. I think that's why I'm burnt out on the 30 min runs (that, and it's SO dark at 8 or 9pm) and why I look forward to the long runs. The long runs clear my head and help me deal with my stress. Who knew I would learn to love running as a form of mediation?

My longest run so far has been 7.06miles at a 14:39 pace. Yes, that is slow, but I stopped to pee once, I also stopped to take a photo once, ate a protien bar and I was answering work emails/texts (seriously) as I ran. I did all that without pausing the app. So assuming I don't have to work DURING the Princess 1/2 - maybe I'll be OK. ;)


How do you carry your camera and your iPhone during the race? (Meaning what waist pack, if any).
Does anyone recommend iFitness? The bags look nice. I'm even considering the Hydration bag, but I haven't needed water during any runs yet. I don't think I want an arm band because I'll use my iPhone to text my daughter my location as well as keep tabs on my pace.

Does anyone use or recommend a GPS watch?

Thanks in advance! And keep running!!!!! :cheer2::grouphug:

Wow - that's a bunch of hours. Any chance you can use a lunch hour to run? My husband has a gym in his building, but if you don't, could you run outside at lunch? I know there's no shower, but you could maybe sponge-bath it in the bathroom!

I only carried my camera during the race. I figured I really wasn't in it for time, so I didn't worry about having my phone & app with me. However, I also didn't need to get in touch with anyone, either. I have a spibelt and use it sporadically. It's okay, but I haven't used it on really long distances.
Just saw something interesting. If you go to the website allears dot net, check out their running blog. The latest entry is all about people finding "their runner" during the race. They are talking about the Jan. racing weekend, but I believe the half course is the same for the Princess. The main thing I took away from it was that in addition to the runner letting the cheerers know where they are, the cheerers need to do the same for the runner. Most times, it's easier for the runner to spot their family than it is for the other way around.
Wow - a NEW thread and you girls are already pages deep into it! :rotfl2:

I'm a full week behind in my Galloway training. Like a previous poster I'm finding it hard to get in the short 30min runs, and really only look forward to the long runs.

My bigger issue is work. I put in 12+ hours a day at work, plus have a family at home - and of course that is another job. I spent 5 days last week at a sales meeting where I worked 15+ hours everyday. I think that's why I'm burnt out on the 30 min runs (that, and it's SO dark at 8 or 9pm) and why I look forward to the long runs. The long runs clear my head and help me deal with my stress. Who knew I would learn to love running as a form of mediation?

My longest run so far has been 7.06miles at a 14:39 pace. Yes, that is slow, but I stopped to pee once, I also stopped to take a photo once, ate a protien bar and I was answering work emails/texts (seriously) as I ran. I did all that without pausing the app. So assuming I don't have to work DURING the Princess 1/2 - maybe I'll be OK. ;)


How do you carry your camera and your iPhone during the race? (Meaning what waist pack, if any).
Does anyone recommend iFitness? The bags look nice. I'm even considering the Hydration bag, but I haven't needed water during any runs yet. I don't think I want an arm band because I'll use my iPhone to text my daughter my location as well as keep tabs on my pace.

Does anyone use or recommend a GPS watch?

Thanks in advance! And keep running!!!!! :cheer2::grouphug:

I use an ifitness during my races and I think my dad got one for when he goes on walks. I've been able to hold my room key, ID, and park pass, along with a camera and phone (although I'm usually holding the phone or camera). I actually forgot it during a 5k last week and kinda missed it, although I didn't need to too bad then.

I use the Nike+ app on my iphone so that way I have everything in one device. I used it at the Disneyland Half in September and it worked well, but was about to die around mile 12.5. Using GPS is going drain your battery, especially if you're tinkering with it during your race. I did text during my race and I turned the app off, and my phone off, as I was finishing so that I had enough battery in case I needed to call my parents to find them at the end (which has so far not been a problem, but I could see it being challenging).
Finished 8 miles today!!! Only 5 more to go! That doesn't seem so bad at all :cool1:
I use an ifitness during my races and I think my dad got one for when he goes on walks. I've been able to hold my room key, ID, and park pass, along with a camera and phone (although I'm usually holding the phone or camera). I actually forgot it during a 5k last week and kinda missed it, although I didn't need to too bad then.

I use the Nike+ app on my iphone so that way I have everything in one device. I used it at the Disneyland Half in September and it worked well, but was about to die around mile 12.5. Using GPS is going drain your battery, especially if you're tinkering with it during your race. I did text during my race and I turned the app off, and my phone off, as I was finishing so that I had enough battery in case I needed to call my parents to find them at the end (which has so far not been a problem, but I could see it being challenging).

I've had the same issue with the Nike+ app - I think I was able to squeeze 15-16 miles out of it, but the phone battery was pretty drained. I also did alot of my long runs this summer on these wooded, back roads (aka I'm sure horrible for satellite reception), and the Nike app would be over a mile off as compared to my Garmin! And I knew the Garmin was close to accurate (although I'm sure not perfect) since the course was pre-measured for us. I use my ipod nano during races (or long runs) since I'm worried about my phone draining and then not be able to use to it post-race to find anyone
ran 8.35 miles today in 2 hours. im so tired but ready for the next 5 miles and i will be prepare for the race.

So i have a question: Im going to spend Christmas week at Disney, How can I keep my training while being there?
ran 8.35 miles today in 2 hours. im so tired but ready for the next 5 miles and i will be prepare for the race.

So i have a question: Im going to spend Christmas week at Disney, How can I keep my training while being there?

If you pack me in your suitcase, I promise to coach you and make sure you stay on track :lmao:

Honestly, I think your best bet is to set your alarm earlier than everyone else in your fam and nail out your workouts first thing in the am before anyone gets up. Yes you'll be doing alot of walking in the parks, but it's still not the same as getting in your workout. Plus, think about how much better you'll feel enjoying yummy Disney treats knowing you got your workout in the day before. Others can chime in on some of the best routes...I've never been to Disney as a runner for a non-race weekend, so I don't really know. Worse comes to worse, there's always the stupid treadmill.


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