Official 2012 Princess Half Marathon Thread!

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I'm in for 2012. This would be my first half and I'm excited :goodvibes I went through all the blogs runners posted on these boards and I swear I was getting goosebumps looking at the Castle and the EPCOT golf ball. I kept thinking, that could be me next year too! My first ever race was Mickey's Halloween 5K and love it! I always ran to train for other sports but now I can run just for fun, and I've definitely gotten bit by the runDisney bug.
Hellllo Princesses!

I'm jumping over from the other thread and am thrilled to hear from so many others joining the run! I'm beginning the John "The Penguin" Bingham program in the "Marathoning for Mortals" book. It's a 14 week program which should be nice prep for my first 5K at the end of May. Since January 6th I have lost 11 pounds and have gained muscle (YEAH!). I can't wait to get outside and hit the pavement now that the snow in NJ is finally melting.

Let's go princesses!!princess:
I REALLY want to do it again next year. I'm not sure I can get the time off but if I can, I'm definitely in. I loved the experience and can't wait to repeat it. I'm even looking at doing the coast-to-coast challenge this year. :lmao:
You will be. I started six weeks ago at basically not running at all, moved to 2/1, then 3/2 now I'm at 4/2 in six weeks. I know everyone is different....dig deep, you can do it!

I am starting literally off the couch post partum 2 months and super slow this is my 4th week of running and today my average mile which I only did 2.6 was 16.5 . I tried the 4/2 interval today. I was definetely tired afterward:rotfl: But I am celebrating small victories these days!!
Hello...jumping over from the 2011 Princess thread! I'm planning to do the DL half and Wine & Dine half this year and really hope to be able to do Princess again in 2012, but still have plenty of time to decide :) I want to take time to get all the character pics the next time around!
Count me in - tentatively. It all comes down to money. :sad1: I may have to do one within driving distance, but if I can swing it, I'm there!
I am starting literally off the couch post partum 2 months and super slow this is my 4th week of running and today my average mile which I only did 2.6 was 16.5 . I tried the 4/2 interval today. I was definetely tired afterward:rotfl: But I am celebrating small victories these days!!

Atta girl!
I'm in! Initially when I finished last weekend I told my husband never again, two days later I was planning how I needed to train for the next one. I'm planning to do the Food and Wine in October and then the Princess in February.

For those of you with small children planning to do a trip with only the hubby I highly recommend it. Our trips to Disney with the kids are pretty high paced and I definitely didn't feel like that after the race. It was great to just go at my own speed (SLOW) and relax afterwards. However, the little ones along the route cheering for their mom made me a little homesick for my babies. They'll be with me in October as it is both mine and my DD3's birthday weekend, but I intend to bring plenty of support in the form of aunts and uncles.

I am really interested in participating in the Princess 1/2 marathon next year, but every time I "google" it, the race for January pops up. Can you tell me where I can find that info? thanks!
I am really interested in participating in the Princess 1/2 marathon next year, but every time I "google" it, the race for January pops up. Can you tell me where I can find that info? thanks!

I don't think there is a ton of information out about it yet. Once registration opens, there will be a lot more information posted about the race for next year.
Count me in! I hope to run the Halloween 5K this year and do the Princess next year (my first half)! I figure I have a year to start training, what could possibly hold me back?! :yay:
I'm in!!! I don't post on here very often but lurk and read posts all the time. I'm coming off 80lb weight loss. And by February 2012 I will be at my top fitness level, I am confident! :yay: My celebration will be combining my new love of beng physically fit together with my obsession of Disney, a perfect combo! I have my running partner, my sister, and my DH joining also. I'm so excited. We have ran several 5ks, a few 8ks and doing our first 10k this weekend. I still walk/run them all, but am happy with that right now. Excited about the Princess 1/2!!!!:woohoo::woohoo:
I'll be there!!:banana::banana: This was the best experience of my life. I'm so glad that for once, I did something for ME!!! I had a girl's weekend out, I did what I wanted to do, I had meals where I didn't have to worry about feeding someone else. Plus, it was the first time in my life that I STUCK TO SOMETHING!!!! I was a 6 time C25K dropout. Now I actually look forward to my runs. I want to shave a lot of time off (I did 3:17:09).

You rock!!! This is my goal to stick to something. To have a goal and your race report was so wonderful again congrats to your big accomplishment!!!
I'm so glad someone started an official thread! I can't wait for 2012!! :dance3:

There is a timed 5K in my area in November. I'm thinking that will give me a while to train, and hopefully will have a good time. Can you use your time from a 5K for placement in the corrals for the princess? :confused3 I'm not worried about actually racing in the Princess Half, but I want to make sure I have plenty of time for pictures and water stops! :rotfl: My goal is to finish and have fun!

I'll be running/walking alone. I'm going to ask my mom to join me on the trip. We took our first vacation to Disney last year, and we asked my mom to join us. She said no, but I get the feeling she regrets not going with us. She didn't think she could keep up due to health issues, but I think a relaxing mother daughter trip would be perfect.
Hi everyone!
I am also switching over from the other threat. I'm almost positive I am in. Thanks to whoever is going to keep a list of the single runners. I may be one of them! I plan on starting to train harder since Mardi Gras is OVER!! :)
I'm so glad someone started an official thread! I can't wait for 2012!! :dance3:

There is a timed 5K in my area in November. I'm thinking that will give me a while to train, and hopefully will have a good time. Can you use your time from a 5K for placement in the corrals for the princess? :confused3 I'm not worried about actually racing in the Princess Half, but I want to make sure I have plenty of time for pictures and water stops! :rotfl: My goal is to finish and have fun!

Unfortunately, proof of time for corral placement has to come from a race 10k or longer. There's still plenty of time from now to be ready for a 10k though! I did one last year for mostly the same reason you did...for a better corral with extra time cushion :)
So, I'm planning on doing the Princess Half, if one of my friends say that they will definitely run it with me (I have one "yes," and two maybes, but a year is a long time to change one's mind).

I decided that after watching the runners at the Disneyland Halfs, I wanted to feel that accomplished about something, and why not get the pretty medal as my own reward? The catch is, I really dislike running but I know once I get into it, I'll be good with it. SO lets do this, girls! :D
So, I'm planning on doing the Princess Half, if one of my friends say that they will definitely run it with me (I have one "yes," and two maybes, but a year is a long time to change one's mind).

I decided that after watching the runners at the Disneyland Halfs, I wanted to feel that accomplished about something, and why not get the pretty medal as my own reward? The catch is, I really dislike running but I know once I get into it, I'll be good with it. SO lets do this, girls! :D

I used to loathe running. I hated it with a passion. I think I might have been traumatized by running the mile in gym class as a kid. I love running now, and look forward to my races because I'm not the last person to finish anymore!
Unfortunately, proof of time for corral placement has to come from a race 10k or longer. There's still plenty of time from now to be ready for a 10k though! I did one last year for mostly the same reason you did...for a better corral with extra time cushion :)

That's what I was afraid of. I can't find any 10Ks anywhere near me in the fall, but I'm hoping some will be scheduled. :sad2:
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