"Official" 2015 MNSSHP thread

My plan for 10/20 was to meet Jack and Sally (got in line at 4:30) and they came out at 5PM and by 5:30 we were on our way over to the 7 dwarfs.

We must have been right behind/in front of you!

We had a fantastic time at the 10/20 party. Going to go into more details once my pics are uploaded, but even though it was sold-out, I didn't think it felt that way.
I went to last night's party. It was very crowded, no announcements made before 7, and no one checking wristbands, not even to get on rides. The crowds were like when i went in July, i was expecting them to be a little better. We did a lot, but the crowds also influenced what we did and when, what we ate, etc, as we tried to avoid long lines with a toddler. It was very hot, I live in South Florida, and I was sweating the entire night. That's not disneys fault lol but it influenced our night. If i went again, it would be a Christmas party in December when it's a little cooler. The fireworks were amazing, though. I was disappointed with memory maker because it seemed that all the photographers were taking just 2 pictures each. In one, our eyes are both closed. At least if there were a few more to choose from it would be nice. Also got rushed through talking mickey when the group ahead of us had more time. That was awkward. In all it was a good night, just hot and crowded.

We went to Sunday night's party and this was pretty much our experience. We have been to several Halloween and Christmas parties (most sold out) and Sunday night was the most crowded I have experienced. They have definitely increased the cap. We had never seen lines for the candy stops until Sunday's party. The last Halloween party we went to was 2 years ago ON Halloween. It was sold out, but like I said no lines for candy, all rides were walk-on. Not this time. Candy lines started forming just before 7 and stayed that way pretty much until the fireworks (at least that's what we saw). Some rides were walk-on at first (Splash, BTMR). Haunted Mansion was 25-30 minutes which is much more than we're used to at these parties. Pirates was up then down then up again. It was HOT (like sweaty hot) and some of the candy melted a little, lol. We did go finish the candy stops after the fireworks (crowds thinned out after that). The fireworks were awesome, as always! Hallowishes is my favorite fireworks show.

Like mjmouse77, we heard no announcements about the park closing at 7. What surprised me was when we arrived around 4:30, we saw CMs located after bag check but BEFORE the turnstiles handing out the treat bags. In the past, we had to go through the ticket turnstiles to receive our treat bags and our wristbands. So that explains the guests we saw leaving the park with empty treat bags as we were arriving. We noticed a lot of people without wristbands back in Fantasyland around 6:50 (obviously not leaving). Also, we were in the candy line by Splash and a group of four 20-somethings were standing near us. I heard one ask what the line was for and another in the group said, "This is the line for candy. We can't get any, let's go ride." DH and I both saw no wristbands on any of the 4 as they proceeded to go through the entrance to Splash. The CM at the entrance DID NOT check for their wristbands and said nothing as they walked on through. :mad:

We had a good time, but it is frustrating when it's that crowded and wristbands aren't being checked. I miss the old days when they used to really CLEAR the park prior to the party. We will continue to attend the parties, but I don't think I will go this close to Halloween or on a weekend again.
I think we were in the MK on three party nights during our trip (including the night we actually went to the party) and I heard zero closing announcements on all three nights. This is a huge change from prior years when they started making announcements around 6:30.

Doesn't MK have a new head of Operations this year? Maybe s/he thought the announcements were in poor taste.
I think we were in the MK on three party nights during our trip (including the night we actually went to the party) and I heard zero closing announcements on all three nights. This is a huge change from prior years when they started making announcements around 6:30.

Doesn't MK have a new head of Operations this year? Maybe s/he thought the announcements were in poor taste.

Of the two nights my family went 10-18 and 10-20 we did not hear any messages and the only time they check our band was in the line for Jack and Sally and the 7 dwarfs. No other time did they look for our bands, trick or treating, rides, parade, passing between areas, nothing. But I didn't think either night was that crowded the wait time for the rides were minimal to me which is 20 min and under most of the night. Best time was during the fireworks everything was like 5 min then, after the fireworks boom times shot right back up to high 20s on most rides.
We must have been right behind/in front of you!

We had a fantastic time at the 10/20 party. Going to go into more details once my pics are uploaded, but even though it was sold-out, I didn't think it felt that way.

You may have been? My family were dressed as the Incredibles T-shirts if that helps?
Of the two nights my family went 10-18 and 10-20 we did not hear any messages and the only time they check our band was in the line for Jack and Sally and the 7 dwarfs. No other time did they look for our bands, trick or treating, rides, parade, passing between areas, nothing. But I didn't think either night was that crowded the wait time for the rides were minimal to me which is 20 min and under most of the night. Best time was during the fireworks everything was like 5 min then, after the fireworks boom times shot right back up to high 20s on most rides.

We were in the MK on the 18th, the 22nd, and 23rd. On the 22nd we had a 6:50 ADR for BOG and we got off the HM at about 6:48. I thought for sure we'd be stopped at least once and questioned about having party tickets based on past experience. But nope. I wonder if people complained about it? It did get pretty annoying to be told 70 times that you needed to leave by 7:00 when you were walking down Main Street in the direction of the park exit at 6:45, so I can see them not checking/reminding people until after 7:00, but I thought the park announcements themselves were a good, unobtrusive way to remind people that the park closed at 7:00.
Hey guys! Can I get some help please. Where is the map that shows us where the characters are? We are at the party and they don't tell us where they are! Thanks!!
I was at the Sunday, October 25th party with my sister, her fiancée, my 4 year old nephew, and my 11 month old niece.

We got in line about 4:25 for Jack and Sally, and there were roughly 8 groups in front of us. They came out at 5:01. After meeting them, we headed to the 7 Dwarfs. In line about 5:23, 3 groups in front of us, and the dwarfs started meeting at 6:48. We had a FP+ for Peter Pan from 6-7, and made it there just in time. Next up was Donald, Daisy, Minnie -- in line at 7:15, finished about 8:20.

Walked on to the Barnstormer next. Did a ToT stop. Went to the Emporium for party shirts. Dinner at Casey's, sat in front of the Plaza, had a great view for the fireworks. I saw the 10:40 Hocus Pocus show (I thought it was pretty good, the Sanderson Sisters were very well cast), while the rest of my group went trick or treating.

The only downside was all the parade spots were taken. People who had curb spots for the 10:40 HC show stayed put. I walked from the Hub to Liberty Tree Tavern, and the best we could do would be behind people. In 2014 we were able to get a spot right in front of the castle about 10 mins early, and in 2013 a curb side seat in Frontierland about 15 mins early, so this was a bit of a bummer.

There were crowds of people pouring out after the fireworks, so I was surprised at how crowded the second parade still was. We left after that, too tired to squeeze in one last ride, and waited maybe 10 mins for the bus back to Riverside.

The weather was much better this late in October, but before the sun went down, it was still very hot and sweat-inducing. I'm a native Floridian, but ugh, I hate the heat.

We must have seen each other! I was like the 10th group in line for dwarves! It was just my wife an I!

It was super busy, we did dwarves, the Jack sparrow (CMs had no clue where he was?) he was late but we formed a line and were 2nd to see him. After that is was Jafar/candy/potc. We actually caught the parade and literally followed the end of it. I was right behind the cast members with the lights.

We did haunted mansion ( why the heck did they turn off the fans in line??) then food (hotdog place on main.) perfect viewing of fireworks. We did mermaid (dwarf coaster was 60min at 10:45) then candy!! All the cast members we super excited at my costume and filled my bag!

We left at 11:30, so we could get bus back before the crowd. It was worth it, just wish it was a little less crowded.

I would do it again, (loved tricker treating in disney! :3 ) but only if I was taking some new, or had a really good costume to show off!
Is Talking Mickey in Town Square in costume during the party? We planned to do that later in the trip, but if he is in costume, we may make a point to stop there.
I attended parties on 10/22 and 10/25 and I really had a great time at both. But they were crowded, Sunday night more so than Thursday, but I just saw that the Thursday party wasn't a sell out. These were more crowded than what I remember Halloween night being in both 2012 and 2013. I got to see and do just about everything I wanted to. I didn't have a power list but wanted to get pics with characters that I hadn't met before like Cruella and Pooh and Company. I had tried several other times to get them and always failed. I screwed up a couple of times not being in place where I wanted to be for a show, parade or fireworks, but between the two nights I got to see everything I wanted to. I was able to watch the parade and take some pics from Main Street for the first time even though I was 3 people back because one couple was courteous and stayed seated on the curb through the whole parade and another lady in front of me was only about 4 feet tall! Then I watched CTM and Hallowishes from the FP+ area by the Plaza ice cream parlor, sitting down much less! The second night I didn't do so well for Hallowishes and only managed to get on the far left side of the hub close to Crystal Palace. Still nice and could see all of the perimeter bursts. I forgot all about pictures with Book, I would have liked that and I also never managed to get the poisoned apple/cauldron shot. I got the dancing ghosts all over the place.

PS, I am glad to hear others thought it was quite warm on 10/22 as well. I thought it was just me!
Is Talking Mickey in Town Square in costume during the party? We planned to do that later in the trip, but if he is in costume, we may make a point to stop there.

He was for our party, and the CMs we talked to recommended seeing him last because they told us his line will close last, and that's exactly how it was. After all the other lines had closed and we were leaving we got in his line on the way out. It was great!
My really quick review of the party - I went 10/18 and it was sold out.

Compared to 5 years ago when I last went it was way more crowded. We had to stake out a spot in Frontierland 1 hour before the first parade to get a good spot. OK spots were still available around 40 minutes beforehand. We are "early" people so we knew we wouldn't make it to the second parade. The candy lines were long but most of the time moved pretty quickly. Getting to go inside the Tiki Room with some of the anamatronics turned on to get candy was fun. There was plenty of room for Hallowishes thanks to the hub redesign. We were tired after the parade so we just went straight to the fake grass. We sat on the ground and listened to Hocus Pocus (could not see) and watched Celebrate the Magic (which was not changed for the party, just the same one as other nights), and Hallowishes. We got a little more candy and left shortly after. We did not do any character M&Gs.

For me personally, I won't be going back for a very long time. It was just too crowded feeling compared to 5 years ago. I think they are overselling it. My husband described it as hurry over there, then stand, then hurry over there and stand, etc. I don't mind waiting for the parade but for a non-mainstreet location having to get in position even 40 minutes ahead is a lot for a "private party".

All of that said it was still fun and I by no means had a bad time.
At the airport leaving Orlando after coming down for MNSSHP last night. We had a fabulous time and while I was a little concerned about reports of Christmas crowd level crowds I didn't find this to be the case at all. If anything it was less crowded than our typical vacation time in early May. When I get home I will give a full report but had to just say thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences. It really helped make it an awesome night.
A big thank you to everyone who posted in this thread. We went to the 10/22 party last week, which was sold out, and we had a great experience. Did we get to do everything? No way! But we were able to do the things that were important to us, and that was even with leaving at 11p due to sleepy kids! We had great spots for the parade, castle show, Hocus Pocus, and Hallowishes. It was very busy, but not unmanagable -and I think keeping up with this thread really helped me to have accurate expectations.

My biggest advice would be to not miss the Hocus Pocus show - it is wonderful. The Sanderson sisters casting was spectacular - they are just great and we all enjoyed the show so much. We had very good TOT experiences - CMs were generous and we were able to do 9 or so trails very quickly. I even found a photopass photographer who was able to do the poison apple shot - it took a few tries but we finally found one!

Our only regret from MNNSHP is that we were unable to ride Pirates the whole time we were there! It went down on our MK day and stayed down for a really long time, and then during the party we kept putting it off and eventually just abandoned the idea altogether when everyone got sleepy. Oh well, next visit!
Went to last nights party. While it was crowded I didn't think it was out of control at all. It was drizzly and damp pretty much all night. However it was still very warm and super muggy, so I was glad I went with a minimal costume.


I'm probably not the best example as I went solo and I wasn't trying to get pictures or ride fantasyland rides like PP, but here's what I did.

I got there and got in line which was let in at 3:45. Went and got my SotMK cards. I hung at the emporium to get a pin (no logo pins), got the Maleficent pin and bought one of the Mystery boxes (Maleficent/Scar).

I then headed for 7DMT since my FPs were 3:30/4:30/5:30. I also did stand by for rides including Splash and Buzz in between my other FPs, which were PoC and HM.

I hadn't wanted to mess with trying to get a meal so I got something at the resort beforehand, and did have a snack of fries at a mostly empty Caseys. I also stopped around 6:30 and got an ice water and sat at Pecos Bills which was mobbed.

Announcements were made and every single line I went into had people checking for wristbands and I consistantly saw CMs asking people including children to lift costumes so that their bands showed. The were also CMs stationed at entry points to each land that were looking.

Once 7 rolled around I did ToT. I hit all the spots once and looped a couple that were short lines including Space Mountain where the was no line to speak of. I did that twice in less than a minute. Guess no one likes yogurt covered cranberries. I was also surprised that I could loop the Werthers spot twice in about the same time. I did not get any Carmel Apple ones but that's okay cause I prefer the regular ones which is what I got. One tip Avoide the White Shirts. Regular workers were passing out handfuls, some big some small, but the managers were handing out just a couple of pieces at a time. A nice haul and it will mostly go to work to fill the stash that I keep in my desk for my coworkers.


I finished my loop in Tomorrow land just about the time of the 1st parade. This was the only time I found the crowds to be evident. My original plan was to do the second parade in Frontierland but since I was there I just watched the first one. I was probably 5 back and while not ideal, I could see and it set me up to walk across and get a rail spot (to have something to lean against) in front of the castle for the HP show and fire works.

It had been sprinkling/drizzling pretty steady so the HP show was cancelled. Celebrate the Magic castle show happened (hadn't really planned on that but it was great) and I had a great view of it.



I also recognized a Disney blogging couple from the UK that I follow (krispysmore) so took a selfie even though I was looking a bit like a drowned rat by that time.


I was worried about the fireworks being cancelled but they weren't. Again I just stayed at my rail and watched from the castle.


After that I was thinking either another ToT loop or rides and see if HP got to run later, but while checking my phone for the time I realized three different family members had been calling my phone (father was in the midst of a medical emergency) so I decided to call it a night so I could start looking at flights just in case. Luckily he stabilized so I didn't have to fly home today.

All in all I had a great time (even with my night being cut short). I don't know that I would do it again (and I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't pay to do MVMCP) as I think I would see it as a been there done that kind of thing. I would however suggest that it's one of those events that everyone should do at least once and I'd recommend it to others.


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