Official 2018 Star Wars Dark Side Weekend

Coming off Christmas and marathon weekend, DH and I have a trip planned with his parents April 22 to 28. I said let’s go one day early so we are in for the half. @JClimacus hope you get to enjoy this after the snow storm. I had a not so great marathon with norovirus right now I have my new dopeybadger plan and am hoping to PR the half.
I am in for the half marathon, and virtual half + kessel!

I’m not a huge Star Wars geek but I am a fan, and will enjoy the theming. I look forward to seeing how this race compares with the other Disney races. I haven’t done any of the Star Wars specific races yet!

I like that they’re offering the kessel medal. I have no plans to get out to Disneyland anytime soon, so the fact that I can earn that medal solely on the east coast is great. Sold!

Just finished the WDW Marathon and am in post-race withdrawal. I decided now is as good a time as any to try this race. I originally was planning for my next race to be Wine and Dine, but I decided I’ll do the half for Star Wars, and then do the 2-course challenge at Wine and Dine.

Looking forward to it!! Now I need to get out and see the new Star Wars movie (yes, I am way behind)!
Looking forward to it!! Now I need to get out and see the new Star Wars movie (yes, I am way behind)!

DH & I HATE going to the movies! He is a huge huge huge SW fan and even he doesn't care to see in theater. I am trying to find the release date on blu-ray. Hoping it's before the race as if not, we may need to venture to the theater for the first time in probably 5 years.....
I am intending to sign up for Kessel Run challenge on payday. For me it will almost be a coast to coast challenge anyway as I intend my virtual half to be the Phoenix-Mesa half in February anyway.
Last years Dark Side Half Course was fantastic. That area on bear road was super cool through the forest.
Definitely in my Top 3 moments of the race weekend!

That was a tremendous part of the course. My only complaint about the course was that it did not spent very much time in the parks at all, around 3 miles or so, which is less than what some Disneyland races spend in the parks. I also understand why they had to do that. Last year, Avatar was not yet open and Hollywood Studios is still a major construction zone. They may not have been able to do much in the parks because of those issues, but they certainly did some cool things outside the parks to help make up for the lack of park time.
All long distance races at WDW will include lots of highway miles, because that's the only way to get from one park to the other. DS actually has more park time than the Jan. half or PHM, which only include two parks. The only way to reduce highway miles would be to increase in-park miles... but then how do you get from park to park without adding distance to the race?! They have a little wiggle room in the AK parking lot, but not much.

I'm currently signed up for the Half, and want to transfer to the challenge.

I just called RunDisney and they said that I have to just register for the challenge and then email asking for a refund on the half... but that it is at their discretion and I may not get the refund.

To be honest they were not very helpful and I'm a bit worried...but I really want to do the challenge. Any words of wisdom before I take the risk?
That is the process, and I've done it a number of times successfully. Calling only gets you to a call center, though: you really have to email rD to get this done.

So if you submit proof of time when you first register, my understanding is that this is okay. I do not believe they will honor it if you try to enter one after initial registration. I could be wrong however.
You can update your POT info as many times as you want after registering... as long as it's done before the deadline. The deadline is hard: you can't get in to change it past the deadline. My understanding with charity/late registrations done after the POT deadline is that you absolutely must enter POT info while registering, as you will not be able to do so afterward.
Definitely in my Top 3 moments of the race weekend!

All long distance races at WDW will include lots of highway miles, because that's the only way to get from one park to the other. DS actually has more park time than the Jan. half or PHM, which only include two parks. The only way to reduce highway miles would be to increase in-park miles... but then how do you get from park to park without adding distance to the race?! They have a little wiggle room in the AK parking lot, but not much.
I think 2012 Wine & Dine had more park time than 2017 Dark Side. At least it felt like it did. Like I said, I think they did an excellent job with on course entertainment outside the parks. I would love maybe a mile or 2 more of park time, but I also understand that with a lot of construction going on right now, that may not actually be feasible.

Dark Side has a similar amount of park time over 3 parks that Disneyland's shortest in park race had with 2 parks. In fact, I think Light Side 2017 may have had more in park time than Dark Side 2017. Again though they do have to get from park to park and get up to 13.1 miles. Non park miles must be involved. And they do a good job with on course entertainment.
I think I know the answer to this but I wanted to get a few more opinions. I was tossing around the idea of doing an Ewok costume variation with a spear. According to the rules on the website - "Acceptable accessories include: transparent wings, plastic light sabers, toy swords, and tutus. Headwear may be worn as long as it does not cover the face." Amazon has a plastic Ninjago spear on their website for $10 but I don't know if I should risk having to throw it away. To me, it's fairly obvious it's plastic BUT I know that's subjective and it's based off a picture.

Should I chance the $10 spear or should I craft one out of felt and a cardboard tube or something?

Picture of the spear for reference -'s_Spear.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20170526190518
Hopefully in 2019 or 2020, we will be able to run thru the new Star Wars Land in Hollywood Studios for these races!
Probably 2020. We don't know when Star Wars Galaxy's Edge will open, but I'm guessing it will be after April 2019. All we know is that Disneyland's version will open first.

I think I know the answer to this but I wanted to get a few more opinions. I was tossing around the idea of doing an Ewok costume variation with a spear. According to the rules on the website - "Acceptable accessories include: transparent wings, plastic light sabers, toy swords, and tutus. Headwear may be worn as long as it does not cover the face." Amazon has a plastic Ninjago spear on their website for $10 but I don't know if I should risk having to throw it away. To me, it's fairly obvious it's plastic BUT I know that's subjective and it's based off a picture.

Should I chance the $10 spear or should I craft one out of felt and a cardboard tube or something?

Picture of the spear for reference -'s_Spear.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20170526190518
That's a tough one. I think you can argue that a plastic spear is no different from a toy lightsaber or plastic sword. But you don't know what security is going to say on race day itself.
so today i signed up for the challenge and i'm very excited about it. i'll sign up for kessel challenge also

Congrats! Last years Dark Side Challenge/Star Wars Weekend was my favorite race weekend out of the 6 RD weekends I attending in 2017 and I can't wait for the 2018 edition!
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.
With Disney races you are paying for characters and atmosphere. If I wanted to PR every time, I would sign up for a non-Disney race and pay half the amount. How you do your race is up to you, but most of the people who run Disney races do it for the atmosphere and characters.

However, you can still enjoy the atmosphere and run fast times. There have been a few times where I didn't stop at ANY characters because my body felt great and since that rarely happens, I decided to keep running and try for a fast time. So honestly, my race strategy sometimes isn't even decided until after I start the race.
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.

I think it depends a couple of things. For this race especially how much you like star wars. This will be my fourth rundisney race and I only stopped for characters during the light side star wars race last year because our group needed our picture with BB-8. But in other races and was just happy with trying to PR and watching all the characters and atmosphere as I ran by since the character lines can get long. I guess it is important to note that there are characters to pose with before and after the race too if you still want to get a pic. It's just usually characters/settings that are different than on the course I think?
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.

It depends. I stopped for no pics when I ran the 2015 Princess 10K, but I was short on time and had to get the race done as quickly as possible (long story). I ran all 3 races for 2017 PHM. For the 5K & 10K I took my time and stopped at every photo op. It took my an hour for the 5K and 2 hours for the 10K! I wanted to save my energy for the half. I'm running all three princess races again this year. I'll be taking it easy again for the 5K since I'll have my daughter with me. The 10K & half will be training runs for me so I'll probably stop for a picture or two. The SW 10K will be another training run so I'll stop for pics. The half I will be running for time.
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.

I think it's up to each person. I am very competitive with myself and it's hard for me sometimes to stop for pictures during the 10K and Half. In years past I have not stopped but for a brief second to take pictures with the 501st cosplayers or storm troopers with no line. If I can officially PR my sub 2 hr time (I ran the virtual Star Wars Half Marathon on 1/7/18 with a 1:58 finish time) during Princess then I might stop more.

I do turn off my music while in the parks and try to just enjoy running through Disney!

Also I added the 5K this year that I wasn't planning on originally, doing it with a friend and we might stop more for pictures since that is untimed. Also they have characters in the corral area before and after so i have started just waiting in line for those so it doesn't affect my race pace
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.

Since this is your first Disney race, I would say get a bunch of pictures and hit the character spots. Just take it all in! However, you can still make that competitive. Last year I got in every character stop and finished in 2:06:38. So the big goal this time will be to break 2:00 with all the stops.

I found this strategy is also not easy. The stops are front loaded, so I was zipping between them for the first half of the race. But then they started to spread apart in the second half, and I was not prepared! With the heat coming on I was pretty beat by the end. Now that I'm older and wiser, I'll have a better approach. :)

EDIT: Also... dress up! It doesn't have to be some elaborate costume, and there are a lot of star wars running shirts and things out there. IMHO it's the only way to really do it right!
As I mentioned before an earlier post this will be my first Disney run. I am a pretty competitive Runner I run out of pace of about 9 give or take. My question to all you or Runners out there when you run in this race do you stop and enjoy taking pictures with the characters and enjoy the scenery and the atmosphere? I'm still a bit undecided on how I want to do this race. I have another half marathon a month after this so I'm not sure about that about not being competitive but also yet enjoying myself with all of the sights and sounds and pictures and whatnot. Just looking for advice on how lot of you run the raise and go from there. Looking for all as much as advice as I can get.

I love the ambience of the Disney races and the last thing anyone needs is pictures of me, with or without characters in them, so I run Disney races like I run any other race. I enjoy seeing what characters they have put on course and really enjoy the themed music and video clips. For these races, you have to decide the right way for you to enjoy them and not worry about what anyone else enjoys.


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