Official Glass Slipper Challenge Thread

The men can get over themselves.

Supposing it were reversed, and Disney did a male-centric event weekend (which they likely never will, since it's not as profitable), would you feel the same way?

I don't get what's so bad about guys (myself included) who are a bit put off by runDisney's gender bias offering their opinion on the matter.
Supposing it were reversed, and Disney did a male-centric event weekend (which they likely never will, since it's not as profitable), would you feel the same way?

I don't get what's so bad about guys (myself included) who are a bit put off by runDisney's gender bias offering their opinion on the matter.

It's okay to feel however you want to feel. Complaining about it on social media doesn't really help. Email runDisney and ask why they don't have a pirate race or a Peter Pan race.
It's okay to feel however you want to feel. Complaining about it on social media doesn't really help. Email runDisney and ask why they don't have a pirate race or a Peter Pan race.

It's not necessarily about expecting it to "help"; social media is about a lot of different things, one of which is sharing ideas, thoughts, and opinions. Some of us see it looking like little more than a cash grab.

Many people contacted runDisney when they announced the Tink, and I'm sure they will this time as well. Of course, we know what their reason is though, and don't really expect it to change.

To try to be fair and balanced, though, I will say that this time around, I'm far less up-in-arms, since it is a fairly logical addition to events that are already there. (Compared to last time, with lead-in marketing hype that ended up feeling like a slap in the face)

In any event, I am glad so many individuals are excited for these new events/medals, and for everyone participating, I hope they have a great time. :)
I am in for this!! Now,to get rid of my hip bursitis so I can start training again! Ack!
That glass slipper has to be mine! It would go so well with the Dumbo one..... Not so sure about the coast to coast medal... It sure is tempting but DH and I are planning on going to Africa at that time next year..... Decisions... Decisions...
I'm a woman and I completely see the male's viewpoint here. Sure, Disney can and will do whatever they want, but why is it necessary to exclude men from the 1st corrals and make them feel 2nd class? I, for one, would not be OK with a race that made women feel 2nd class.
I'm a woman and I completely see the male's viewpoint here. Sure, Disney can and will do whatever they want, but why is it necessary to exclude men from the 1st corrals and make them feel 2nd class? I, for one, would not be OK with a race that made women feel 2nd class.

I actually think it’s nice that rD even lets men run in women-centered races. In NYC, if there’s a women’s race, you have to be a woman.
I actually think it’s nice that rD even lets men run in women-centered races. In NYC, if there’s a women’s race, you have to be a woman.

This may sound really weird, but what they do in NYC makes more sense to me. Seems like it sticks to the principle of the race. They aren't gonna treat the runners the same, so they won't take the runner's money.
I actually think it’s nice that rD even lets men run in women-centered races. In NYC, if there’s a women’s race, you have to be a woman.

Not everyone likes races elsewhere that are gender specific either, although it's far easier to overlook it in regions or from clubs that put on a far larger roster of events. In WDW, the women's event weekend is one out of something like five(?), in DL, it's one of only 2.

In the case of rD, though men are "allowed" to enter, it's usually pretty clear that's not the intended audience. I suspect even that is largely just to avoid a bigger PR backlash.

For clarity though, I'll say again that this time is far less bothersome than the Tink announcement was.
So while I'm definitely in.. It makes me frustrated that there isnt the same 'combo' for January.. I'll have a Dumbo Medal, A Slipper Medal along with the 10K/Halfs but I'm doing the 10K/Half in Jan as well...

I'd love the pink C/C but thats going to have to wait till next year cause I cant justify a DLR trip twice within 4 months...

OK, I understand why the men get upset, but if it were not for the women-centered races, I would have never gotten into running in the first place. princess:
OK, I understand why the men get upset, but if it were not for the women-centered races, I would have never gotten into running in the first place. princess:

This is me, too. I started running because we were down in Orlando the weekend of the Princess Half in 2010, and I saw all of these women who didn't "LOOK" like runners to me with half marathon medals. It changed my entire perception of running, and I started Couch to 5k the following Friday.
I'm a guy, I ran 2 princess and doing this challenge. I did the second princess and the 5th. The 2nd princess, men were allowed to start the B corral and the 5th, they were in the C corral. I have no issue starting in the B corral, but to put people into the C corral is dangerous. I will say, I nearly ran over 50+ women that were in the B corral that were walking by mile 1, I was one among at least 100 men that were quickly passing thru B, we reached them by .7 miles. I did see a few guys, even some women that did run people over cause they were stopping, walking suddenly and just changing direction at a much slower pace. Combining two different speeds will cause injury on the course. More and more men are entering this race each year. I have an issue of corralling runners but then not "corralling" them, meaning that runners of same speed should be put where that speed is located, this is to control the race, allow for a smooth race and prevent anyone getting run over.

Also, this is NOT a women's centered event, it is a women's focused event. There is a difference. If the race is centered for women, it is solely for women, men would not be allowed to register. It is focused, meaning that is the target audience, but not solely them, as men are invited to run as well, they also have shirts in men sizes.

I feel men will still be in C this year, but I think it may work out better, since it will be the <2:10 corral most likely for this race. There will be an increase in corrals, I'm hearing from H to L with every 3 minutes letting people off. Personally, I would like to see men back into at least B, it prevents injuries and mis-corralling of the runners, and with the new corralling system, they should be putting them correctly no matter gender.

I have contacted rD about this and I know many others have as well. I feel they listened in part of the corralling situation in general, but to see if they listened on these two races in general will be another question.
OK, I understand why the men get upset, but if it were not for the women-centered races, I would have never gotten into running in the first place. princess:

Also, remember that this is the race that more runners get swept from than any other rD race. Those swept still get medals and they may not look like runners mainly cause they went 2 miles and quit, which is very common in this race. That was the reason the 10k was added this year, to give those runners the option of a shorter race to actually finish.
All right, I've finally reached my limit. Of course I think everyone has a right to their opinion. I also think many here are tired of people coming onto a race specific thread full of people who are excited to complete this race and proceed to bash the concept of women's themed races and put a negative tone on the thread. I think those that disagree with having 2/3 of the run Disney 10Ks non gender specific should start their own thread and leave those that are completing this challenge to their thread.
All right, I've finally reached my limit. Of course I think everyone has a right to their opinion. I also think many here are tired of people coming onto a race specific thread full of people who are excited to complete this race and proceed to bash the concept of women's themed races and put a negative tone on the thread. I think those that disagree with having 2/3 of the run Disney 10Ks non gender specific should start their own thread and leave those that are completing this challenge to their thread.

I am excited to do this race, but as you said, everyone has their own opinion. People can post on this thread both positive and negative, as long as it's main purpose is to talk about the topic at hand. Just cause you are running it and that person in the corner is not does not mean that person cannot discuss about the race, how it works and what happens, it's all part of an open discussion. I do not mind gender focused races, but what bothers me is that a lot of women think that this is a women only race and was originally conceived to be that way. This was never a women only race, they have always welcomed men, given coed awards and now offer male shirts. I feel not too far away from them actually giving men awards as well.


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