Official Glass Slipper Challenge Thread

I actually think it’s nice that rD even lets men run in women-centered races. In NYC, if there’s a women’s race, you have to be a woman.

exactly. the more fitness half was women only. done. there were no men along the sidelines crying about how they couldn't race.

the fact that men are STILL complaining about this is ridiculous. i agree that it's nice that disney gives men the option of running in this race. it lets husbands and brothers and partners travel with their wives etc and still be included if they too want to run.

if men feel like 2nd place citizens because they can't run in the first few corrals at a half marathon race, then those men need a reality check. #firstworldproblems. they don't like it, ignore it. run a different race.
All right, I've finally reached my limit. Of course I think everyone has a right to their opinion. I also think many here are tired of people coming onto a race specific thread full of people who are excited to complete this race and proceed to bash the concept of women's themed races and put a negative tone on the thread. I think those that disagree with having 2/3 of the run Disney 10Ks non gender specific should start their own thread and leave those that are completing this challenge to their thread.

:worship:Thank you!!! I'm feeling the same way!! :worship:
I was going anyway- and assumed a 10K was being added--- the Special C2C is just Pink and Purple icing on the cake for me! I'm ALL IN!

But I don't expect the guys to be pleased- I get it.
Another man here. Oddly enough I too found out about Disney races when I was visiting my dad who lives in Orlando during the Princess half weekend. My dad has lived there for several years now and this is the first I've even heard of these races. I've run a few 5k's, but after finding out more info I was inspired to start running again. I'm now signed up to run the Goofy (as well as 3 local half marathons and a full) and my wife has also been inspired and is going to run the Half with me. So even men can be inspired by the races too. :P

Corral issues aside, I have no problem with the women focused races. I'll probably never run one unless my wife does, but whatever gets people active and having fun.

If they are going to add something new beyond what they already have, I'd rather just see a different challenge altogether. Some kind of a mud run, obstacles, or something similar to the zombie races that are so popular right now.

Anyway, have fun ladies!
All right, I've finally reached my limit. Of course I think everyone has a right to their opinion. I also think many here are tired of people coming onto a race specific thread full of people who are excited to complete this race and proceed to bash the concept of women's themed races and put a negative tone on the thread. I think those that disagree with having 2/3 of the run Disney 10Ks non gender specific should start their own thread and leave those that are completing this challenge to their thread.

::yes:: yep. files those posters under the i-have-way-too-much-time-on-my-hands-so-i'm-going-to-whine-about-something category.

nothing wrong with discussing the race and the positives and negatives about it. of course! but the women focused (centered, concentrated, exclusive, whatever) talk? snore.


blah blah clearly i have too much time on my hands right now too (waiting for baby to wake from his nap and don't want to do my real work).

i think the race combo sounds awesome and i just love the name! i don't think i'll be doing it in 2014. i think i will just stick to the half but 2015? i'm in.
exactly. the more fitness half was women only. done. there were no men along the sidelines crying about how they couldn't race.

the fact that men are STILL complaining about this is ridiculous. i agree that it's nice that disney gives men the option of running in this race. it lets husbands and brothers and partners travel with their wives etc and still be included if they too want to run.

if men feel like 2nd place citizens because they can't run in the first few corrals at a half marathon race, then those men need a reality check. #firstworldproblems. they don't like it, ignore it. run a different race.

I agree too with Nancy and Amy. And I wouldn't care if there was a men's themed race. I don't protest the NFL.

I am excited to do this race, but as you said, everyone has their own opinion. People can post on this thread both positive and negative, as long as it's main purpose is to talk about the topic at hand. Just cause you are running it and that person in the corner is not does not mean that person cannot discuss about the race, how it works and what happens, it's all part of an open discussion. I do not mind gender focused races, but what bothers me is that a lot of women think that this is a women only race and was originally conceived to be that way. This was never a women only race, they have always welcomed men, given coed awards and now offer male shirts. I feel not too far away from them actually giving men awards as well.

I agree with that the race is focused towards women, not women only, which is why I used the word "themed" in my post. I was under the impression that race threads were to provide encouragement, organize meets, and provide information about the specific race. Of course anyone, even someone not participating in that race, is welcome to join the discussion. I thought a debate over women's focused races was a separate topic and would be better suited to its own thread.
This sounds great. Unfortunately it will have to wait until 2015 for me. The toll Dopey will take on my legs (not to mention my wallet) just won't allow it. Have fun everyone!
I agree with that the race is focused towards women, not women only, which is why I used the word "themed" in my post. I was under the impression that race threads were to provide encouragement, organize meets, and provide information about the specific race. Of course anyone, even someone not participating in that race, is welcome to join the discussion. I thought a debate over women's focused races was a separate topic and would be better suited to its own thread.

I agree, debating over having these races or not is not part of this thread. My only gripes I have with these races is being pushed two corrals back, I can deal with one, but having to run thru a crowd of masses tires you out more. I only do this so I can get further up, more towards the front, where the line for pictures are smaller. Second, is some of the fellow runners attitudes like they deserve to be the sole gender in these races. I'm not saying anyone here, but the attitude of some people is really disgusting, I have seen as bad as you're a guy, what are you doing here and even worse. We are allowed to run too in these races, if not, I wouldn't have been invited. If it were a women only event, then fine, I won't care, but this is not, it is open to all with a women focused theme, as you put.

I can careless these are women themed races. I like them, it is fun most of the time, and I love the theme of this race. As some of you know, I fully participate in the theme and dress up as a different princess each of these races. Also, I love pink and seeing that is the color associated with women, it is more prevalent at these races.

Since I cannot control my starting corral, I can only let rD know of the dangers of putting men in corral C, there is less of danger putting them in B since they are already close to A and can start toward front of B to spread properly. Now onto more important things, what costumes will I wear? I plan on doing the half as sea Ariel complete with a clam shell bra (most likely a sports bra decorated). The 10k, I have not decided, I might work from the Enchanted theme, though not sure if it is the movie or just enchantment.
I agree, debating over having these races or not is not part of this thread. My only gripes I have with these races is being pushed two corrals back, I can deal with one, but having to run thru a crowd of masses tires you out more. I only do this so I can get further up, more towards the front, where the line for pictures are smaller. Second, is some of the fellow runners attitudes like they deserve to be the sole gender in these races. I'm not saying anyone here, but the attitude of some people is really disgusting, I have seen as bad as you're a guy, what are you doing here and even worse. We are allowed to run too in these races, if not, I wouldn't have been invited. If it were a women only event, then fine, I won't care, but this is not, it is open to all with a women focused theme, as you put.

I can careless these are women themed races. I like them, it is fun most of the time, and I love the theme of this race. As some of you know, I fully participate in the theme and dress up as a different princess each of these races. Also, I love pink and seeing that is the color associated with women, it is more prevalent at these races.

Since I cannot control my starting corral, I can only let rD know of the dangers of putting men in corral C, there is less of danger putting them in B since they are already close to A and can start toward front of B to spread properly. Now onto more important things, what costumes will I wear? I plan on doing the half as sea Ariel complete with a clam shell bra (most likely a sports bra decorated). The 10k, I have not decided, I might work from the Enchanted theme, though not sure if it is the movie or just enchantment.

I completely understand your corralling concerns, it is a safety issue. And I understand run Disney's desire to have a woman finish the race first. I hope the new corrals will address both of these issues. I know it is forcing me to do a couple of 10Ks this summer and fall since my faster 10K time is from December 2011.

As a slower runner, the only time I've experienced something even close to you is when I did a local turkey trot with my family. We started in the back because we didn't want our small kids to get run over. It turns out we should have been in the middle. Having to weave around half the pack with kids in tow was a pain. Well, we know where to line up next year.

I have never seen a woman be rude to a man at a women's centric race (I have just done Tink twice, this will be my first princess), but that is just unacceptable and I'm sorry you've had to endure that. That is not how the majority feels.
I am so in ... I just can't get over my excitement!!! No C2C, but I'm in for the 10k and the Half.
I am pretty sure I am going to be in for this one! Life has been crazy and I don't think I will be able to do ToT or W&D this year, and I missed out on the Minnie 10k coming in January so I would love to do the Glass Slipper Challenge!

Getting three medals is always a good perk, plus I have never done the Princess! Well, I've only ever done the January Mickey full, so I could say that about almost any Disney race. :lmao:

I would love to do Coast-to-Coast next year too, but I doubt my hubby will allow that! :P
I am so excited by this news! I'm planning to C2C for Tink and Princess in 2014 and now I get to add the glass slipper challenge. If everything goes according to plan, Princess will be my fourth half marathon in three months, so adding the 10k will be a little challenging but hopefully my poor injury-prone body will be able to handle it if I train properly.

Five medals for three races. I can't wait to see the new glass slipper medal!
I'll make this my last post on the topic, as I don't think there will be much new ground to cover anyway. Before anyone offered their negative opinion on this thread, there were three different posts, by three different posters, that had already broached the issue. The first merely mentioned complaints on facebook, the other two were somewhat more biting towards anyone that felt that way. I know with my post, I wasn't looking specifically to complain, or to rain on anyone's parade, merely to offer some explanation as to why someone might feel negatively towards it. Another poster has offered some thoughts on the corral issues, and related some experiences where he felt as though he was treated poorly. Some of the more condescending posts on this very thread contain a sentiment not much different, sadly.

While I continue to feel as though the expansion of the gender-focused events is largely profit-related, I have re-thought my feelings on the wider issue a bit too. Some things I've read (not just here) have given me a bit wider perspective, and I'm happy to register for some of the other events; it's not as though I'd be travelling to Disney that many times a year anyway. If anything, perhaps the newly added events might even help to temper the demand just a bit for some of the others in which I am interested. (Maybe that's wishful thinking, ha) In particular though, I apologize for any ways in which it might have taken away from the excitement or enthusiasm anyone else was feeling. Was never my intent to do that, but it's been suggested that may have happened in some cases, and for that, I'm truly sorry.

More on point though, I do think the adding of the 10k is a welcome addition, and was sorely needed, especially at the princess half. That race in particular, compared to all runDisney halfs, has the dubious distinction of the slowest finish times (even looking at genders separately, that is) and most DNFs. That's just purely looking at the numbers. Anecdotes pretty consistent report the race as being very over-crowded, only compounding the issue. Hopefully the addition of the 10k race is a nice offering for those who maybe aren't yet ready for a half, but can still be part of the fun. That in itself might help the crowding during the half just a bit, but it also sounds like runDisney is trying to address that as well. Regardless of what I might think about their profit models, or entry fees, I definitely will say that they put on excellent events, and I suspect we can all agree on that. :grouphug:
I feel men will still be in C this year, but I think it may work out better, since it will be the <2:10 corral most likely for this race. There will be an increase in corrals, I'm hearing from H to L with every 3 minutes letting people off. Personally, I would like to see men back into at least B, it prevents injuries and mis-corralling of the runners, and with the new corralling system, they should be putting them correctly no matter gender.

I know I didn't really enjoy having the speedy guys blow past me (I started towards the back of B) during Princess very much (not for ego reasons, but because it seemed dangerous when they were having to weave around everyone and sometimes elbow through or run up on the shoulders).

I know RunDisney wants a woman to cross the finish line first, so maybe they could start the elite women in their own corral early enough to let the rest of us non-elites line up in our proper corrals regardless of gender? That way one of the elite women could still cross the finish line first but there wouldn't be this big group of very fast men blowing past the 10 minute mile women who were corralled ahead of them...

Just an idea...

ETA: And I'd love a more male themed race like pirates or peter pan. Well, really just pirates. I do like pirates. :D
I'm hoping that my husband agrees to another trip to Disney for February break so I can run the glass slipper challenge! Also hoping my husband and my oldest child (he'll be just 10 at the time) will run the 10k with me. I guess we'll have to ask my step-dad to come on vacation with us...again! :thumbsup2

I also just ran the More Magazine Women's Half and I'm running NYRR Mini 10k (another women's only race in NYC) and have enjoyed both. I did the Princess this year and can't say I liked it any better or worse than the other Disney races I've run (except I didn't love ToT so that doesn't count!). I did really love the Princess medal and so did my 7 year old daughter. Her response to seeing the medal is that she's running the race with me the minute she turns 14!

Given that, on average, men are faster than women, it is nice to have some races where women can really shine. I understand the safety concerns. I started the Princess in Corral B and was nearly trampled by some unapologetic men who passed me (I run/walk but finished pretty close to the expected time for Corral B). And I'm not AT ALL surprised that there is a high DNF rate for the Princess and I hope the 10k improves that (although I suspect many people will just sign up for the Glass Slipper Challenge whether or not they can finish the Half Marathon portion...).

I think since we're all runDisney fans (or we wouldn't be here in the first place!) we can all understand that the men wish there were more events that cater to everyone. I wish there were more events throughout the year, too. And I can understand that the anticipation surrounding the Tink announcement would have left a bad taste for men when there are only 2 weekends worth of events at Disneyland. Again, I think the answer is NOT to eliminate the female-themed events but to simply add more events on the calendar!

Anyway I'm excited about this new announcement. I'm missing the rest of the runDisney events in 2013 for various reasons but it looks like 2014 will start with some great medals! I'm running Minnie/Mickey in January and hopefully Glass Slipper in February!

I'm pretty sure I'm in for this. And Tink. Provided my bank account can withstand the registration fees:scared1: Since I decided to wait until 2015 for Dopey, I was already contemplating Tink and Wine & Dine for my C2C this year. But I can't pass up that pink medal:) So, it looks like 2014 will be joining 2013 as a year of Disney races. I did/am doing Tink, Princess, Dumbo and ToT this year. And now planning, Tink, Princess, ToT and Wine & Dine for 2014. That just leaves Dopey for 2015 (I did EEC in 2012) and all the runDisney medals will be minepixiedust: Provided they don't add any more new ones. I don't know what will happen if the DL Paris Half ends up becoming a reality - my poor wallet:faint:
I can't wait to sign up and the C2C medal being pink and purple just puts the icing on the cake. I was planning on the C2C challenge in 2014. Now I super excited about it. Okay - now I gotta go run and work off some of my excitement. :goodvibes
I'm pretty sure I'm in for this. And Tink. Provided my bank account can withstand the registration fees:scared1: Since I decided to wait until 2015 for Dopey, I was already contemplating Tink and Wine & Dine for my C2C this year. But I can't pass up that pink medal:) So, it looks like 2014 will be joining 2013 as a year of Disney races. I did/am doing Tink, Princess, Dumbo and ToT this year. And now planning, Tink, Princess, ToT and Wine & Dine for 2014. That just leaves Dopey for 2015 (I did EEC in 2012) and all the runDisney medals will be minepixiedust: Provided they don't add any more new ones. I don't know what will happen if the DL Paris Half ends up becoming a reality - my poor wallet:faint:

To give you an idea: My estimation is that it would be $430 if you did Tink and the Glass Slipper challenge ($175 for Tink and $255 for the GS). Start pinching pennies! ;)
To give you an idea: My estimation is that it would be $430 if you did Tink and the Glass Slipper challenge ($175 for Tink and $255 for the GS). Start pinching pennies! ;)

I guess it's better to get my hyperventilating out of the way now instead of once registration opens. Thanks for the reality check! I'm doing it anyways and it is totally worth it but OUCH! I think I'll be skipping the race retreat this year.
I was determined that I was not going to do the Princess next year, but Disney always pulls me back in..can't wait for this one. Just hope the price isn't too high.



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