Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread

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I was going to run the 2012 1/2 (ran the 2010 Princess) but then I got a bulged disc and listened to months of people telling me it happened b/c I was getting older (35!!!) so I went through physio, osteo, and therapeutic Pilates and was cleared to train for the Goofy today!

I had the bulged disc in Sept 2011 and am now up to 3.5 miles running with a 10K planned in May and a Half in Sept!

I can not wait! :goodvibes

Back problems are the WORST. Congratulations on getting cleared to run again, and good luck with your half and 10k training! :woohoo:

Thanks for that info. I was going to ask that question today... what training plans have past Goofy runners used. I also looked at Galloway's and wasn't thrilled by it. Have you used Higdon's for Goofy before or is this your 1st time running it? I'm just curious to see what everyone has used in the past that they thought worked or didn't work.

Glad I'm not the only one not impressed by the Galloway plan. I get that it's just to get you to the finish(es) but seems pretty light.

This will be my first Goofy. I used Hal Higdon's Novice 1 for the WDW Full this past year and felt pretty good the entire race, until the last mile when I got a cramp. So I am sticking with good ol' Hal again.

I googled something like "Goofy Training Plan" and that's where I found some discussion about Intermediate 2. I also asked a friend of mine from another board that's done Goofy a few times and he said to just approach it like you're training for a marathon alone...the trick is how you run and recover from the WDW Half. So who knows?! But I can't wait!! :woohoo:
Here's the Galloway plan from last year:

Eh...I don't like the look of it. It doesn't seem like enough to me. :confused3

That could just be me personally, though. I like Higdon plans better, and I've heard that lots of people have had success using Hal Higdon's Intermediate 2 plan (in the introduction paragraph he even mentions using it to train for going Goofy):

I have to say though, I don't think I want to run 5 days per week. Not only do I think that won't work with my schedule, I also think there's a strong change I'll just get exhausted/overtrained. Who knows. I think I'm going to use this plan and most likely take out the Wednesday run, and probably shift some of the Saturday runs to Fridays - keeping some of those weekends back-to-back Saturday/Sunday runs but not all of them. Lots to think about!

ETA: I'm going to correct what I said above: I think I am going to take out the Saturday runs (because I don't really care about my pace for Goofy...just want to finish without dying!). I'll move the Wednesday runs to Fridays for the most part. I'm going to move the Wednesday runs to Saturday for weeks 2, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 15 to get used to to back-to-back runs. I'm sure you didn't care, but there you go! And I should also add that the idea of 3 20-milers freaks me out!!!

And good luck in October!
Thanks! I am using Higdons Novice 2 for my first full in October, I have no problem running 5 days per week. I will have to look at the Higdon Intermediate 2 and see whats what there.
Here's the Galloway plan from last year:

Eh...I don't like the look of it. It doesn't seem like enough to me. :confused3

That could just be me personally, though. I like Higdon plans better, and I've heard that lots of people have had success using Hal Higdon's Intermediate 2 plan (in the introduction paragraph he even mentions using it to train for going Goofy):

I have to say though, I don't think I want to run 5 days per week. Not only do I think that won't work with my schedule, I also think there's a strong change I'll just get exhausted/overtrained. Who knows. I think I'm going to use this plan and most likely take out the Wednesday run, and probably shift some of the Saturday runs to Fridays - keeping some of those weekends back-to-back Saturday/Sunday runs but not all of them. Lots to think about!

ETA: I'm going to correct what I said above: I think I am going to take out the Saturday runs (because I don't really care about my pace for Goofy...just want to finish without dying!). I'll move the Wednesday runs to Fridays for the most part. I'm going to move the Wednesday runs to Saturday for weeks 2, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 15 to get used to to back-to-back runs. I'm sure you didn't care, but there you go! And I should also add that the idea of 3 20-milers freaks me out!!!

And good luck in October!
Thanks! I am using Higdons Novice 2 for my first full in October, I have no problem running 5 days per week. I will have to look at the Higdon Intermediate 2 and see whats what there.

I used his Novice 1 plan for the WDW Full this past year and liked it. Intermediate 2 is a whole different beast! 3 20-milers...yikes!!!! :scared1:
That could just be me personally, though. I like Higdon plans better, and I've heard that lots of people have had success using Hal Higdon's Intermediate 2 plan (in the introduction paragraph he even mentions using it to train for going Goofy):

I have to say though, I don't think I want to run 5 days per week. Not only do I think that won't work with my schedule, I also think there's a strong change I'll just get exhausted/overtrained. Who knows. I think I'm going to use this plan and most likely take out the Wednesday run, and probably shift some of the Saturday runs to Fridays - keeping some of those weekends back-to-back Saturday/Sunday runs but not all of them. Lots to think about!

I like Higdon's plans better as well, but that's because I can't stop running when I feel good. I do add in walking breaks, but they are not scheduled (except for water stops!), not timed, and only when I need them.

I'm also apprehensive about running five days a week, when I first started running/working out I would run pretty much 6 days a week and it was rough. I've found that 3, MAYBE 4, days a week is what works for me. Although the fact that it works for Goofy does have a certain appeal.

Higdon has another training plan that is somewhat between Novice and Intermediate but is designed for people who only want/can run 3 days a week:

I only found it because I was first I thought the plan was for people doing back to back to back marathons!
Does anyone remember how much the registration fees for marathon weekend were last year? Trying to figure out the budget to do the full and wondering if i can handle Goofy.
Does anyone remember how much the registration fees for marathon weekend were last year? Trying to figure out the budget to do the full and wondering if i can handle Goofy.

Including the fees, my Goofy registration for 2013 was $330.65. That's a little higher than for 2012, I think.
I'm also wondering about what plan to use for my Goofy training. I don't like Galloway's either. I'm thinking I'll end up making my own plan. I know I won't be running more than 20 miles for my longest run and I won't run more than 3-4 days a week. I am injury-prone and I am always thinking of that saying..better to be undertrained and uninjured than overtrained and injured..something like that. I'm going to start my official Goofy training in July. Right now I consider myself to be in pre-training.

My plan is to run my first full. Maybe I'm crazy?

I kinda think everyone who does a full is a bit crazy. lol

I was going to run the 2012 1/2 (ran the 2010 Princess) but then I got a bulged disc and listened to months of people telling me it happened b/c I was getting older (35!!!) so I went through physio, osteo, and therapeutic Pilates and was cleared to train for the Goofy today!

I had the bulged disc in Sept 2011 and am now up to 3.5 miles running with a 10K planned in May and a Half in Sept!

I can not wait! :goodvibes

Sorry about your disc..too funny about "getting older" at 35. lol I'm 35 too. I do notice things are starting to change as I've gotten in my mid-30's though.

I was off for 6 weeks this winter due to a foot issue. I started back up 5 weeks ago. I'm taking if very slow and am up to 3 milers this week. Next week my "long" run will go up to 4.

I'm also doing a 10K in May and I was going to do a half in Sept...But I think I'm going to save my pennies and not do that one. I figure I can do a "virtual" half in my neighborhood with friends for free, instead. That Goofy registration fee coming up is going to be hard to swallow! :eek:
I like Higdon's plans better as well, but that's because I can't stop running when I feel good. I do add in walking breaks, but they are not scheduled (except for water stops!), not timed, and only when I need them.

I'm also apprehensive about running five days a week, when I first started running/working out I would run pretty much 6 days a week and it was rough. I've found that 3, MAYBE 4, days a week is what works for me. Although the fact that it works for Goofy does have a certain appeal.

Higdon has another training plan that is somewhat between Novice and Intermediate but is designed for people who only want/can run 3 days a week:

I only found it because I was first I thought the plan was for people doing back to back to back marathons!

I'm with you on not running 5 days per week...I just don't have the time, and I'm not sure how my body would handle it.

Thanks for the 3-day Higdon plan. Looks intense! Not sure if I can fit 3 hour+ runs in per week, as I'm not speedy fast. :lmao: :sad1: Have you every looked at the FIRST training programs? They're also 3 days per week...sort of similar to the one you posted except with a day of speedwork. I'd like to try one for a half this fall, but these plans are a little scary (the tempo runs in particular freak me out for whatever reason)! I do like how they incorporate cross training though. novice marathon program.pdf

Does anyone remember how much the registration fees for marathon weekend were last year? Trying to figure out the budget to do the full and wondering if i can handle Goofy.

Including the fees, my Goofy registration for 2013 was $330.65. That's a little higher than for 2012, I think.

That's the ballpark I remember for Goofy (~$350ish without a discount?). For the 2012 Full my total with the fees + Disney Visa discount ($15 off the early registration fee, if I remember correctly) was $133.63. Hopefully some discounts will come out this year as well!

I'm also wondering about what plan to use for my Goofy training. I don't like Galloway's either. I'm thinking I'll end up making my own plan. I know I won't be running more than 20 miles for my longest run and I won't run more than 3-4 days a week. I am injury-prone and I am always thinking of that saying..better to be undertrained and uninjured than overtrained and injured..something like that. I'm going to start my official Goofy training in July. Right now I consider myself to be in pre-training.

I thought about putting a 22-miler in my training somewhere, but I think you're right that more than 20 miles probably isn't necessary. I know Galloway's plans work for some...I just like Higdon's better.

Has anyone ever used FIRST or SmartCoach (from
I'm also wondering about what plan to use for my Goofy training. I don't like Galloway's either. I'm thinking I'll end up making my own plan. I know I won't be running more than 20 miles for my longest run and I won't run more than 3-4 days a week. I am injury-prone and I am always thinking of that saying..better to be undertrained and uninjured than overtrained and injured..something like that. I'm going to start my official Goofy training in July. Right now I consider myself to be in pre-training.

Do you have a program you've used in the past for other marathons? If so, why use anything else for Goofy? It's not really necessary to do lots of back-to-back runs in order to run Goofy. Sure, it can help you feel what it's like to run on tired legs, but it's not something that has to be done. If a training program you've used before has gotten you good results and you feel comfortable with it, then stick with what works. :)
Liz, while at WDW in January I chatted up with some Goofy-medal-wearing folks and asked them about the race and training and stuff. They pretty much said the same thing. Just stick with a regular marathon training program, and throw in 1 (or maybe 2, if you want) back-to-back long run. Just so you have an idea of what your legs feel like on marathon Sunday. I'm not doing anything different than when I trained for the marathon 2 years ago. In fact, I may still stick with 16 as my longest run! OK, maybe I'll up it to 18.

Hey, I'm 2 years older than you and I have those injury prone areas too. Hamstring is the most annoying right now. Continue to take it slow and easy!
Ariel484Popping in to this thread, I noticed your comment on the FIRST plans. I have used them all. The 1/2 plan is the longest. Not sure why it's an extra two weeks. I have found them to be challenging, but good. I only run 3 days/week and have managed to use the plans to BQ and to do a decent half after a long layoff from running. And the speedwork and tempo runs can appear intimidating, but don't let them discourage you. I have had weeks where a tempo run or speedwork just didn't pan out. It happens. If you use these plans, make sure you do it based on a current base time--not what you want to run.

And if you buy the latest edition of the book--due out in April---check out page 38.....that's my "testimonial"

Does anyone remember how much the registration fees for marathon weekend were last year? Trying to figure out the budget to do the full and wondering if i can handle Goofy.

I want to say that I got $30 off Goofy last year with the Disney Visa discount that was emailed out. I think I paid just under $300, but I forget if that was before or after the active fee.
So I'm super torn on whether I want to run Goofy or simply run the full marathon in 2013. I'd love to do Goofy, but I'll only be there for the weekend before going back home. I do have some family running the 1/2, so I like my other option of spectating the 1/2, then running the full on Sunday too. Has anyone ever run Goofy, then gone back in future years and run only one of the races? Did you regret not doing both races again, or did you enjoy the weekend and your one race. I think my biggest worry about not doing Goofy is getting to Disney and seeing all the Goofy people and wishing that was me again. Should I just do Goofy even if it is an exhausting weekend, or do the marathon and have a more enjoyable time?
Thanks for all the input on plans guys, helped me out a lot! I think I'll give Higdon's a try. I'm a 4 day runner too. I always have 5 on the schedule, but inevitably, I always end up just doing 4. But I also take a couple of classes at night through our Parks and Rec so that helps during some of the off days.

Now that I've got my training plan, my next goal is getting my legs recovered enough that week for the Tink 1/2. I have a feeling the ice machine and bathtub will be my friend in WDW.

Hopefully some discounts will come out this year as well!
I second that thought!! I'll take anything that will cut some of the costs.
Too bad you can't combine discounts. I've got the Disney Visa, DVC, and AP if they do a discount for that. Althoug my AP is up in August. Debating whether or not to renew it. We probably won't make a family trip to WDW (DH is Disneyed out :confused3) Just me making trips to run.
I have/had the Disney Debit Card from Chase, and now with the new laws there are no longer any benefits from that card :(

Maybe if they offer the Visa card discount again, I can convince Dad to let me borrow his Disney Card for a few minutes :) LOL
So I'm super torn on whether I want to run Goofy or simply run the full marathon in 2013. I'd love to do Goofy, but I'll only be there for the weekend before going back home. I do have some family running the 1/2, so I like my other option of spectating the 1/2, then running the full on Sunday too. Has anyone ever run Goofy, then gone back in future years and run only one of the races? Did you regret not doing both races again, or did you enjoy the weekend and your one race. I think my biggest worry about not doing Goofy is getting to Disney and seeing all the Goofy people and wishing that was me again. Should I just do Goofy even if it is an exhausting weekend, or do the marathon and have a more enjoyable time?

I did Goofy in 2010. I skipped 2011. In 2012, I did the half and relay. I plan to return in 2013 and do the 5K and full and spectate and/or volunteer for the half. I may return in 2015 and do the Goofy for the 10th anniversary.

I really enjoy being a spectator and volunteer. If I were in your situation - short weekend - I would only do one race and be a spectator for the other day...and have fun! Sure, I was a tad bit envious of seeing all the "Goofy" people with their medals this past Jan. - for about 5 minutes. Although I did back-to-back halfs (or should I say halves), I was just glad I didn't have to do the full on Sunday. It was getting kind of warm out there. :scared:

Of course, only you know what is best for you. Good luck with your decision. :)
Disney visa discount for 2012 goofy was $280 plus fees for a total of $298.70.

I knew it was just under $300 because I honestly was able to tell my husband that it wasn't even $300 to run Goofy. His jaw still hit the floor in shock, but it sounded cheaper than $298. :lmao:
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