Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread

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I did Goofy in 2010. I skipped 2011. In 2012, I did the half and relay. I plan to return in 2013 and do the 5K and full and spectate and/or volunteer for the half. I may return in 2015 and do the Goofy for the 10th anniversary.

I really enjoy being a spectator and volunteer. If I were in your situation - short weekend - I would only do one race and be a spectator for the other day...and have fun! Sure, I was a tad bit envious of seeing all the "Goofy" people with their medals this past Jan. - for about 5 minutes. Although I did back-to-back halfs (or should I say halves), I was just glad I didn't have to do the full on Sunday. It was getting kind of warm out there. :scared:

Of course, only you know what is best for you. Good luck with your decision. :)

Great points to think about! I love the idea of volunteering!
For the Princess 1/2 in 2010 I used John Stanton (Running Room) and was fine with it and looked and it will work out for the RnR (Montreal) 1/2 in Sept and the Goofy with the added LSR in.

That said, I think I am going to try Jeff Galloway for the 10K in June. Turns out the May 10K I had found was running up and then down a ski slope, think I will skip that one!

I want to try something new as the Running Room one is very running intensive, but I am nervous that the Galloway one is not enough. So I figure I will try it with the 10K and see how it goes.
Ariel484Popping in to this thread, I noticed your comment on the FIRST plans. I have used them all. The 1/2 plan is the longest. Not sure why it's an extra two weeks. I have found them to be challenging, but good. I only run 3 days/week and have managed to use the plans to BQ and to do a decent half after a long layoff from running. And the speedwork and tempo runs can appear intimidating, but don't let them discourage you. I have had weeks where a tempo run or speedwork just didn't pan out. It happens. If you use these plans, make sure you do it based on a current base time--not what you want to run.

And if you buy the latest edition of the book--due out in April---check out page 38.....that's my "testimonial"


Thanks Maura! I'm thinking about using FIRST for a half I want to run in September. And I'm glad you said to base the paces on a current time...I was going to ask about that. Very cool that you will be in the new edition! :worship:

Disney visa discount for 2012 goofy was $280 plus fees for a total of $298.70.

Please let that be the case this year! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. ;)

I knew it was just under $300 because I honestly was able to tell my husband that it wasn't even $300 to run Goofy. His jaw still hit the floor in shock, but it sounded cheaper than $298. :lmao:

Yeah, I know I told my husband how much it costs at some point...not sure if he remembers though. That will be a fun conversation! :scared1:
Do you have a program you've used in the past for other marathons? If so, why use anything else for Goofy? It's not really necessary to do lots of back-to-back runs in order to run Goofy. Sure, it can help you feel what it's like to run on tired legs, but it's not something that has to be done. If a training program you've used before has gotten you good results and you feel comfortable with it, then stick with what works. :)

This will be my first full so I don't have a tried and true marathon training plan. But I have absorbed a lot from different sources and I agree with the thought that not a lot of back-to-backs are necessary. And for me, being injury-prone, would only increase my risk. I did the half and relay(first leg) this year and although I know doing the full is a whole different ballgame, I think doing the back-to-back halfs was a great pre-Goofy experience. In my training I did very few back-to-back training runs. And I did fine at those races. I actually felt fantastic during the relay. I was thrilled!

Liz, while at WDW in January I chatted up with some Goofy-medal-wearing folks and asked them about the race and training and stuff. They pretty much said the same thing. Just stick with a regular marathon training program, and throw in 1 (or maybe 2, if you want) back-to-back long run. Just so you have an idea of what your legs feel like on marathon Sunday. I'm not doing anything different than when I trained for the marathon 2 years ago. In fact, I may still stick with 16 as my longest run! OK, maybe I'll up it to 18.

Hey, I'm 2 years older than you and I have those injury prone areas too. Hamstring is the most annoying right now. Continue to take it slow and easy!

I always think about you and your longest run being only 16! I think I will need the 20 miler if only for the mental side of it. It will be less intimidating facing 26.2 knowing I did a run "in the 20's" least I hope

So I'm super torn on whether I want to run Goofy or simply run the full marathon in 2013. I'd love to do Goofy, but I'll only be there for the weekend before going back home. I do have some family running the 1/2, so I like my other option of spectating the 1/2, then running the full on Sunday too. Has anyone ever run Goofy, then gone back in future years and run only one of the races? Did you regret not doing both races again, or did you enjoy the weekend and your one race. I think my biggest worry about not doing Goofy is getting to Disney and seeing all the Goofy people and wishing that was me again. Should I just do Goofy even if it is an exhausting weekend, or do the marathon and have a more enjoyable time?

I'm planning to go down for 2, maybe 3 nights for my Goofy trip (I'm thinking it will NEED to be 3 because after I finish the full I'll need time to go back to the room and clean up/pack up which of course would be past check out time?). Most of my race trips have been 2 nights (one was only 1 night). I'm wondering why you feel doing the Goofy for a short trip might not be a good idea? What am I missing as a newbie Goofy? lol I don't think I will be doing any park time, partly due to cost of tickets and partly because I will want to be well-rested and there just won't be a lot of time for parks! I didn't go into the parks on some of my other race trips and I'm fine with that.

I will add that my friend and I cheered on those doing the full in 2011, and that was very fun!!! We were in AK by EE and we were waiting for our other friend to run by us. But in the meantime we cheered on everyone else passing by and it was such a great feeling! I would love to volunteer/spectate again sometime.
I'm planning to go down for 2, maybe 3 nights for my Goofy trip (I'm thinking it will NEED to be 3 because after I finish the full I'll need time to go back to the room and clean up/pack up which of course would be past check out time?). Most of my race trips have been 2 nights (one was only 1 night). I'm wondering why you feel doing the Goofy for a short trip might not be a good idea? What am I missing as a newbie Goofy?

You're missing Marathon Monday. Even if Disney doesn't pay for it, going to the parks on Monday is a fantastic way to celebrate your accomplishment. Everyone is wearing their medal, all the cast members offer their congratulations, and and the walk is great recovery for those tired legs. I personally recommend the Drink Around the World challenge at Epcot as the best way to celebrate. :)
I'm planning to go down for 2, maybe 3 nights for my Goofy trip (I'm thinking it will NEED to be 3 because after I finish the full I'll need time to go back to the room and clean up/pack up which of course would be past check out time?). Most of my race trips have been 2 nights (one was only 1 night). I'm wondering why you feel doing the Goofy for a short trip might not be a good idea? What am I missing as a newbie Goofy? lol I don't think I will be doing any park time, partly due to cost of tickets and partly because I will want to be well-rested and there just won't be a lot of time for parks! I didn't go into the parks on some of my other race trips and I'm fine with that.

I will add that my friend and I cheered on those doing the full in 2011, and that was very fun!!! We were in AK by EE and we were waiting for our other friend to run by us. But in the meantime we cheered on everyone else passing by and it was such a great feeling! I would love to volunteer/spectate again sometime.

We're going 3 nights for marathon weekend next year. This year we were there for 10 total nights, so quite a cut back next year. I think my biggest fear about doing Goofy on a short trip is not getting the park time, or doing the parks and tiring myself out outside the actual races. If you are planning a more relaxing few days, then I think it's totally doable. I have family going that will running on Saturday, and I know they will want to enjoy the parks after their race. I think lack of sleep is what made me crash after finishing Goofy this year, so I'm worried about feeling the same thing next year and having to get on a plane the day after the races.
I am toying with the idea of doing the half in 2013. I have always wanted to Run Disney and this will hopefully be the year. I'd go for the full but I just don't think I can put the time commitment in to train for a full, but maybe someday. I am doing a 15 K here in July, the Virginia beach half marathon (again on my birthday September 2nd) and looking at a solo trip to Disney for the half.
You're missing Marathon Monday. Even if Disney doesn't pay for it, going to the parks on Monday is a fantastic way to celebrate your accomplishment. Everyone is wearing their medal, all the cast members offer their congratulations, and and the walk is great recovery for those tired legs. I personally recommend the Drink Around the World challenge at Epcot as the best way to celebrate. :)

That does sound nice... I'm not sure it's nice enough to justify paying for a one day ticket though..we'll see.

We're going 3 nights for marathon weekend next year. This year we were there for 10 total nights, so quite a cut back next year. I think my biggest fear about doing Goofy on a short trip is not getting the park time, or doing the parks and tiring myself out outside the actual races. If you are planning a more relaxing few days, then I think it's totally doable. I have family going that will running on Saturday, and I know they will want to enjoy the parks after their race. I think lack of sleep is what made me crash after finishing Goofy this year, so I'm worried about feeling the same thing next year and having to get on a plane the day after the races.

Oh ok, gotcha. Yeah, I definitely won't be doing any parks on Friday/Saturday/Sunday. And it will be early to bed for me as it always is on my race trips. I can understand it being more difficult when you have family there with you doing the parks. Good luck deciding what to do!
It sounds like I should get a Disney Visa just for the Goofy discount! :lmao:
I think we'll be at Disney Thurs-Mon. I love Marathon Monday! :love:
My current stress is that we'll be traveling with 5 adults and 3 children = Expensive!!! Can't decide where to stay...

RunDisney has pricing posted for the 2013 WDW Marathon Weekend!

If registered by June 19th:

Full - $150
Half - $150
Goofy - $320
5K - $55

So, standby for Noon on April 10th -- warm-up those credit/debit cards! :rotfl:
Those are amazing prices, considering. Especially for the Goofy, which I am not ever going to do. LOL.
We’re staying at AKL because it’s got the best pricing of any Deluxe resort, has the best pool of any Deluxe resort, and is incredibly peaceful to come back to post-race.
It sounds like I should get a Disney Visa just for the Goofy discount! :lmao:

You should! I love mine and if you go to WDW/DL a lot it's worth it. The big plus is that you get points/$ for Disney depending on your purchases and you can save them up and use them a couple years out. You also get a discount if you spend over $50 in 1 purchase even at expo for race souviners. I'm doing that now for January. You can use it for hotels, park tix and in the park. I might not even need $ for food. :woohoo:

RunDisney has pricing posted for the 2013 WDW Marathon Weekend!

If registered by June 19th:

Full - $150
Half - $150
Goofy - $320
5K - $55

So, standby for Noon on April 10th -- warm-up those credit/debit cards! :rotfl:

Thanks for that Rick! It's interesting that they have the full and the 1/2 at the same price.

Caved and called to book the room today. I know it's early, but I really wanted to stay at AOA and was worried it would sell out fast b/c it's new. Now all I have to do is wait for airfare to drop and I'm ready to go.
Thanks for that Rick!

Caved and called to book the room today. I know it's early, but I really wanted to stay at AOA and was worried it would sell out fast b/c it's new. Now all I have to do is wait for airfare to drop and I'm ready to go.

Agreed! Thanks Rick!

I am with you on AOA... assuming there is only one bus stop like POP. Still considering POLY with the monorail but hard to justify with just me...
Looks like I'm dropping over $700 on 4/10:eek: Two halfs, one Goofy and two 5k's. OUCH.
Looks like I'm dropping over $700 on 4/10:eek: Two halfs, one Goofy and two 5k's. OUCH.

"OUCH" is right. That is a load of cash. I'm looking to save every penny I can on this trip. I'd love to stay at AOA, but right now it's more expensive than the other values, so I'm not sure I should go that route. Of course, I've dreamed of staying at the Poly, and the monorail transportation race morning is certainly a benefit, but to pay 3 or 4 times ( or more) what a value cost... not sure I can justify it. Good thing I have time to think it over, change my mind and think some more. Why is it that only in Disney can you overthink booking a hotel room??????:confused3

Here's my vote for a Disney Visa discount coming out!! Every penny saved is another Mickey bar!:banana:
Looks like were going to be booking soon. I unfortunately have the task of reminding my parents, that yes Run Disney for some silly reason moved this race up a week and the Tinkerbell back a week (still annoyed with Run Disney about this). However there looks like there may be a slight glimmer of hope concerning me getting to do New Years at Magic Kingdom. Not guaranteed yet but I do know if we do schedule that length of a trip I know EXACTLY where I'll be at the 180 day mark for ADRs.
Hubby and I are signing up for our first marathon AND our first Goofy!! Don't know if we are crazy or what :)

Already have our studio booked at SSR and that works for us.

Now about the Disney Visa... I have one, have had it for a while but I thought the discount was just at certain locations. If I am reading correctly I can purchase a whole mess of stuff (like I did this last marathon weekend) and get a discount???
boo to the 1/2 marathon being the same price as the full. 1/2 the race should be at least a little less. When do they usually say if there's a disney visa discount?
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