Oktoberfest for Hukuna Matata!!!

Scott, you ARE the original EnergizerBunny, aren't you?

Hope the wedding was perfect and that the boarding passes got printed!!!

It was a beautiful day here, yesterday. I got so much done. My gym isn't pretty, yet....but it is a gym! :cheer2: I arranged my equipment and hung my charts....well, some of them anyway. I have my stability ball pumped up and it looks good enough for now.

I also went (don't laugh) 2 miles on the TM! It was quite a ways after all this time! My miles won't be much this next week, but I will have some of my very own! I also did my PT exercises.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

See ya! Connie
Just Checked TOT results, Iplaced first in the Men's Wyomig Division.
Hi Everyone:

I can see by Scott's post that everything went well in Fl. Mark and I made it to bed around midnight and thought of all of you.

It was a busy day but in all worked out. The threat of rain forced us to make some changes but in the end it was better and less rushed.

The kids had hair(hers done and his shaved) and dressed and met the photographer at the lake early in the afternoon before the rains came in. Then we split, went home to have lunch and refresh then to the event center for the ceremony. All went well and Miranda and Matt are now married. They should be landing in Orlando as I write this.

We have trick or treat here today from 1-4 so I have to answer the door and give out candy. Will post more pictures and a link later but hopefully this picture will come out on my post.

Have a good day all. Mark and I are actually thinking of some miles tonight to make up for all the food we've enjoyed the past few days.


Here it is - a kiss in the woods.

Sub-24! Sub-24!

My 5k this morning went well. I did it in 23:58 and I didn't even really feel that prepared for it. I placed third in my age group (which was 19-29, and I'm only 21 so at the low end) and 30th overall. Average pace was 7:43. I have almost 2 full months before my next race and I'd love to get the pace down to a 7:30 for a low 23 by then!

:wave2: Team!

Denise - the picture is beautiful and I love Miranda's hair. Glad to hear the wedding went well even though you had to adjust plans :bride:

Congratulations, Jen - Nice PR. :cheer2: :cheer2:

Connie - 2 miles on the TM - that is fantastic. Please, just be careful and take things slow. :goodvibes

Greetings to our Team at WDW-we miss you guys. :upsidedow
Denise, glad thingsworked out the colors loked great.

Jennifer you are a speedy rabit. KEWL!!!

I was 4 miin faster this year over my TOT tiem last year.

Did a short 5 K this morn, off to AK for early open, then 12:00 at UK fro a graze around the world.

Later I better get going,
Good morning team! Went out running a couple of times on the weekend, despite the weather. The forecast called for showers but I was lucky enough to miss the rain on both Saturday and Sunday. Not sure how I'd feel about running when I'm cold and wet. Next weekend, my long run is suppose to be 6 miles so I'm toying with the idea of entering a 10K. Runners get a cute medal with a squirrel on it. Problem is, the race is about an hour away from me so I'd probably end up spending around $75 to go (race fees + gas) so I'm still undecided.

Scott - Congrats!! Does this mean you get a prize?

Jen - Awesome! Sub-24 :)

Connie - WTG on the 2 miles! Psst... it's better than I've done lately... :blush:

Denise - Miranda looks gorgeous! I love the dress - especially the red sash :) Congratulations to you both! Btw, do you celebrate Halloween early? I noticed you mentioned trick or treating...

Margie - How's the foot/ankle?

Everyone else at WDW - :wave2:

Yes I should mention that in our city - in order to avoid vandalism- the kids trick or treat Sunday afternoon from 1-4 the Sunday before Halloween. It was a beautiful day too.

Most days it's cold or raining but we were lucky - too bad we didn't have that for the wedding.

If you want to see a slide show of some pictures, they were taken by Christine one of Miranda's bridesmaids.


Here is the link a witch will greet you - then it'll be Mark my DH then the rest of the day.

Just a quick drive by here,

No prize for being the Wyoming winner, Bunner. LOL
Scott, that is just so unbelievable and (darn it) just so unfair!! You should be recognized for being the number one man from Wyoming!!

Denise, the photos are beautiful and fun! What a lovely wedding.

Vickey, thanks for the psst. I needed that. Now, you get out there and do some training!!! That's an order from your Princess Captain! :rotfl:

Margie! HI! I'll call soon! How's the ankle? Saving up for that entry fee to the Goofy 2010, yet?

ToT-totalers! Did anyone besides Scott NOT win a special award??? :lmao:

Jennifer, Scott,the Energizerbunny, is right, you are a speedy princess rabbit.

Let's all get out there and "find our happy pace!"
Hey everyone! Gosh it's been quite a while since I posted, not very nice of the newbie trying to get to know everyone huh?

I ended up coming down with a cold a couple days before the TOT so I was at home fighting the majority of it so I ended up running the race with just a few sniffles! It was my first race ever and I was pretty darn proud of myself! I managed to finish right under my goal time of 1hr 45min with a time of 1hr 44min! :thumbsup2 I checked the results and I came in like 2000 something, I honestly don't remember 2000 people passing me!

Congrats to everyone that did the race! :banana: And double congrats to Scott for being Mr. Wyoming!!

Connie - I will PM you last week's hours and minutes as soon as I finish this post, sorry for the delay.

Jennifer - Wow what a great PR! I would love to get where you are one day! Like everyone else said you are quite the energizer bunny!

Well I'm off to make dinner. Back to work tomorrow! I took a short 1 mile walk with my pup today to work out the kinks in leg, it felt good...I've been walking around like a grandma since Sunday morning! LOL

Hugs and Disney well wishes!
:wave2: Team!

Connie :hug: Hope PT is going good this week and your pain is down :goodvibes

:cake: Happy Birthday, Mr Wyoming - Lynn, will calendars be available?

Congrats, on the ToT Race, Jen! :cheer2:

Ankle is some better everyday - I should be able to get in a couple of good walks. And yes Sweet Connie, I am going to start my savings for Goofy 2010 as soon as 2009 is all paid. :thumbsup2

They say snow tonight - I am not ready to start hoveling yet but NO one asked me.
Hi guys, every time I try to do a long post the Boardwalk internet knocks me off line, I guess I talk to much.

I had the pleasure of doing the ToT with LynnG. Erica walked with Tiger Lily and had a super race. This was a good warm up for the January events.

Denise, Miranda is a pretty young lady and the scrapbook of pics was precious.

Connie and Margie feel better.

Jen, sorry I didn't get to meet you, did you get to meet any of the group?

Off to bed, have a restful evening y'all.

Party Panda:hippie:
YEs Jen, sorry we did not et to meet up with ya , but congrats with your finish. Persnal goals are the best.

ok i admit it the Wyoming Division was prettysmall.

Just in from a 5K felt goos adn today there were several other folks out there.

I think we are off to teh studios this morn.
Good morning everyone! Went to see my PT yesterday about my "pain in the butt" (literally) and he said that I've strained my piriformis muscle on my right side. Lucky for me it hasn't affected the sciatic nerve. He gave me a couple of stretches and says I'm still good to run - yay! I joked that he must have given me every rehab exercise in the book by now :)

Scott - Happy birthday! Even the Wyoming division is small, I still think it's pretty awesome that you came in first! Have fun at HS!!

Dave - Any pics from any of the WISH ToT meets?

Connie - Yes ma'am! I will be out running after work. So I'll send you a PM with my hours either tonight or tomorrow! I plan to stick to my training schedule this time so I'll definitely be pulling in more miles.

Crunkyjens - Congrats on your ToT finish!!

Margie - I'm already thinking about Jan 2010! DF thinks that's funny but I always have fun planning for Disney.

Take care and have a great day everyone! Can't wait to see some ToT pics :)
Connie - Yes ma'am! I will be out running after work. So I'll send you a PM with my hours either tonight or tomorrow! I plan to stick to my training schedule this time so I'll definitely be pulling in more miles.

Oh wait... It's the end of the month so we don't have to submit our hours until Friday right? (I can't believe it's the end of October already... where did the month go??)
Hi again!

I haven't been out running since the race, but I did do strength training yesterday.

Today, I went to get my hair and nails done.

Also, no running tomorrow probably. Tomorrow's my big final Teach for America interview, so send the good vibes, prayers, and pixie dust this way.

I'll be back on the wagon come Thursday, don't worry. I'm starting to day dream about 23 minute races.

:wave2: TEAM!

pixiedust: Connie

:hippie: & Erica - Scott & Lynn - Jen - :cheer2: :cheer2:

pixiedust: Vicky - Ouch to the strained my piriformis muscle on my right side. Yes, Connie is all ready working on our Goofy 2010 training schedule! I am excited - but to be totally honest I am not looking forward to the 15-20 miles training walks by myself. :upsidedow

Jen- You Got It!
Tomorrow's my big final Teach for America interview, so send the good vibes, prayers, and pixie dust this way.

Went to the gym this morning to use the bike due to time crunch - then back tonight to do an upper body workout. I still am not walking, but if all is better in the morning I will try a couple of miles on the Dreadmill before the little guys get here. Still cautious about getting outside to bike or walk - as I do have some swelling. Pain not so much now :goodvibes

:thumbsup2 to everyone who adv congrats!

I am thinking I am going to sign up for the Princess Half Marathon in March however I am scheduled to work that entire weekend so hopefully I can be the first to snag the PTO for it. Anyone else doing the Princess run?

Connie I had no idea I got double miles for races?! That's awesome!

It's getting chilly here in Florida the past few days, at least for me! It was cool enough today that I shut off my air conditioning and opened up my windows and let the fresh, cool air come in. I love this time of the year because my electric bill takes a nice steady drop.

I'm still a little sore from TOT. To all you regular racers is it common to be sore still 3-4 days later? I took another nice slow walk with my dog today, I'm hoping tomorrow to start running again.

I hope all of you have a great night!!



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