Once Upon a dream TR: Intimate WP/ Citricos Chef's Domain/ Grand 1/ Tour/ COMPLETE

Since you used Randy as your photographer, what did you do with the 2-hours of photography that was included in the Intimate package?

Also, did you have to pay Disney an extra fee to bring in an outside photographer?
Since you used Randy as your photographer, what did you do with the 2-hours of photography that was included in the Intimate package?

Also, did you have to pay Disney an extra fee to bring in an outside photographer?

Hi Chocolate Mouse :wave2: great questions! I was offered the chance to swap the included photography for a Magic Kingdom honeymoon shoot. We'll be provided with prints in an album as selected by the photographer we had (Ty). I was going to wait to post the link, but what the heck...here it is. (Actually I was surprised how fast this was available, we just had the shoot on January 9th!)


User Name: Murray / Ribbans Wedding

Password: 1971

I also read on this board a while back that you can change the park to Epcot for an additional fee of $50 if you prefer.

I was not charged an extra fee to bring in an outside photographer even though in my initial contract it included a price for that. It seems to be a discretionary charge. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that Randy works at Disney so much, and they know that he doesn't need an escort etc. I have read other cases of intimates using Randy who also were not charged an outside vendor fee.

Thanks for reading! I hope this helps!
We scheduled DF’s tux fitting with Carolyn Allen’s at 9AM the day before the wedding in case something didn’t fit. The lady that came was a bit early and super efficient.

Because the sleeves on the shirt she had brought for DF were a bit too long she suggested she bring another to my steaming appointment the next day.

The fitting was super easy. I highly recommend Carolyn Allen’s for both their tux rentals and their steaming services. DF really wanted the white Mickey vest and opted for the tux that was pictured with the vest on their website. He was so handsome!

With the fitting out of the way we were off to MGM.

MGM isn’t a favourite of mine, but DH loves it, so I let him run the show. We had been not too long ago and decided that we would make a point of focusing on the attractions we had missed last time and opportunities to meet characters. But we still had to go on tower of terror. Now I love rollercoasters…(so I was sad that Rock ‘n Rollercoaster was being refurbished) but I HATE drops, which means the tower of terror is my least favourite thing to do. But I do it because I know that DH does things for me, like for instance riding the tea cups in the Magic Kingdom. We headed over straight away to get a fast pass.

I thought it was interesting this trip that a lot more people were aware of the fast pass. When we went in May there was certainly a lot of people using the system, but this trip (or at least during the first few days when we were smack dab in the middle of holiday central) it seemed like everyone was obsessed with them. Most of the fastpassess we all handed out by early afternoon. It’s something to keep in mind if you’re going during the holidays next year.

While we were waiting for our time we rode the Great Movie Ride and strolled down Commissary lane to meet Mike & Sully. We missed them last trip so I was SO EXCITED to see them this time.

Next we headed to find the Mr. & Mrs. Incredible, who were waiting on the other side of the animation attraction.

And just before strolling onto the behind the scenes ride we ran into Sorcerer Mickey.

After all that it was time for the dreaded tower of terror. Ugh! I can’t help it I scream my guts out every time. The randomness is the worst part. You just never know when it’s really over.

We were meeting my parents for a late lunch / early dinner at Mama Melrose and had managed to get the fantasmic package for reserved seating for the 6:30 show. Everyone was happy to have a chance to get off their feet and share their day’s stories.

By the end of dinner it was almost time to head to Fantasmic. I love Fantasmic. I have a hard time ranking Wishes, Illuminations, and Fantasmic because every time I see each of them I feel as though it’s my favourite. But what I really love about Fantasmic is the bit that Pocahontas has. I’m always a little perplexed that she isn’t included as much as the first string princesses. It’s the same thing with Mulan. So it’s nice to see her at MGM (and the Animal Kingdom).

So there we were sitting all huddled together, enjoying the show when rain drops start to fall.

Well all pull out our ponchos because at this point, it’s second nature. And just when Mickey is facing that evil snake…

“Due to unforeseen circumstances this performance of Fantasmic has been cancelled.”

Oh drat. You just know by the time that everyone exits the amphitheatre the rain will have cleared.

And that’s exactly what it did. So instead of herding towards the buses like everyone else, we decided to visit the Osborne lights. After walking all the way to the other side of the park expecting to see thousands of sparkling lights we’re greeted by an apologetic CM who says the lights were turned off because of the rain.

And that is the sound of 6 dumbfounded Canadians wrinkling their noses and scratching their heads.

We exclaim to each other: “But…it’s just rain!?! I don’t get it…our lights work in freezing rain and snow.” So we shrug and giggle saying that maybe we can be hired as consultants for Disney to fix this very problem and use all that Canadian know-how regarding lights and bad weather.

After some souvenir shopping, a bus ride back to the hotel, and more time spent using my hair dryer to dry my shoes we all headed down to the Scat Cat at the POFQ.

The guy who was there was fantastic. He was a one man band all himself. He sang, he played sax, keyboard…you name it he did it. We just had a great time with both families.

DF: “So I guess this is our rehearsal hun?”

Me: “I guess so”

My mom: “Is there any thing that we should go over”

Me: “Not that I know of”

And I realize…I really don’t know anything about how the next day is going to go. I mean, I know that the limo will come for DF at 1:45 and will return to get me at 2:00 and after that I’m just clueless. :scared:


Just believe right? Just believe.

Next up: Wedding day - part 1 - Getting ready for a practically perfect day in every way
First I want to say that I feel like we went on the exact same trip!!

I have photos with/at nearly every place you have posted a photo- just insert my face. LOL-- so this TR is REALLY bringing back memories for me!!

DH and I decided that after a little unnecessary disney drama, we would just opt out of our honeymoon photo shoot (Yeah, we paid for it- but- oh well!). So we did our own little photo shoot-- and it was nearly all the photos you posted in this TR. How neat!!

I LOVE your DH's tux, and the photo of him in the tux is hillarious!! He seems like such a catch- with great personality.

I am right there with you on Tower of Terror. I road it in Sept 2005 for DH (DF at the time)... and I literally wanted off of that thing-- i thought it would NEVER END. I am somewhat scared of rock'n rollercoaster. Never road it... I dont want to feel the same about it too, ya know?

So they cancelled the light show for RAIN? lol--- I always thought the show must go on. I can understand Fantasmic to a degree (Or maybe them pausing it for a quick 15 minutes to decide what the weather will do)... but certainly not the light show. Haha... they are... outdoor lights right? I dont know-- might just be me but...:confused3 What the crap?

Great TR so far... keep it coming!

Your Honeymoon photo shoot looks awesome-- I especially love the photo of you and DH in front of the castle where you were standing on the lawn. I have never made it to the wishing well... is it along that path in the garden thing?
DH and I decided that after a little unnecessary disney drama, we would just opt out of our honeymoon photo shoot (Yeah, we paid for it- but- oh well!). So we did our own little photo shoot-- and it was nearly all the photos you posted in this TR. How neat!!

I completely remember...I read about how there was a mix up in times and you just missed your photographer. What's completely halarious is at the very time we were having the photoshoot I was thinking: I can't wait to tell Maggie that she totally didn't miss out on anything. You guys got all the same great shots and probably had way more fun!

I LOVE your DH's tux, and the photo of him in the tux is hillarious!! He seems like such a catch- with great personality.
Awww....thanks :cloud9: I'll tell him you said that. He does have a great personality - we have way too much fun together.

So they cancelled the light show for RAIN? lol--- I always thought the show must go on. I can understand Fantasmic to a degree (Or maybe them pausing it for a quick 15 minutes to decide what the weather will do)... but certainly not the light show. Haha... they are... outdoor lights right? I dont know-- might just be me but...:confused3 What the crap?

I KNOW. Seemed a bit strange to us, but at that point what can you do. I guess if there's no lights then there's no lights :rolleyes:

Your Honeymoon photo shoot looks awesome-- I especially love the photo of you and DH in front of the castle where you were standing on the lawn. I have never made it to the wishing well... is it along that path in the garden thing?

Thanks! I do have some criticisms about the experience, I'll have to send you a pm....the wishing well is just along a path behind the right side of the castle. You can get there near Storytime with Belle....it's so nice because it's tucked away off he beaten path.

I'm glad you're enjoying the TR and I could bring back some of the memories :yay:
I had spent the night with my parents, who are notorious early risers. When the alarm went off at 6AM I was so calm. No butterflies, just pure happiness that it was the big day. I had a busy morning lined up starting with an 8:30 appointment to get my nails done at the Grand Floridian Spa. Because I had to check into the GF because DF and I were staying there our wedding night it seemed to work the best logistically to book at the GF spa. I figured I’d splurge because I never get my nails done, and hey…it was my wedding day.

After a quick stop at the food court for some chocolate chip pancakes my mom, dad and I were off to the Grand Floridian. What I didn’t anticipate was that it was extra magic hours that morning at the Magic Kingdom and the buses were packed! :crowded: I was afraid we were going to be late. We reached the Magic Kingdom and hurried to the monorail because the ferryboat (which I read was the quickest way to get to the GF, was not operating yet).

The best thing about the manicure was the chair. After 2 and a half days in the parks my lower back was aching, and as I sat there enjoying the warm massaging chair I just melted. The aesthetician put a treatment on my arms that made my skin tingle. I was so embarrassed but had to ask whether it was supposed to do that. I have really sensitive skin and was a little worried that I would come out of the treatment with bright red forearms. Could you imagine?!?! I would have had to go on an emergency run for gloves.:rotfl:

While I was enjoying my manicure my mom and dad took some pictures of the wedding pavilion.


I had never had a French manicure before so I’m not sure how to rate the service, but I did take a picture of their work so that you gals can assess for yourself and decide whether or not to book there.

I thought they did a good job personally. What I should mention is that the entire treatment took an hour (way longer than I anticipated) and I had to sit for 20 minutes so not to ruin my nails. Because I had a 10:30 steaming appointment and I still had to check in to the GF, my dad was nice enough to go back to the hotel room to meet the Carolyn Allen’s representative.

I was so excited as I went up to the check in counter at the Grand Floridian. I couldn’t believe we were actually going to stay there that night. I had splurged a bit for the lagoon view, but I knew this didn’t guarantee a view of the Magic Kingdom.

As I checked in I explained that I knew I was way too early for check in, but I was getting married at the wedding pavilion at 2:30, so I wasn’t sure what to do. :bride: The CM assured me that it was better to come early and although the room wasn’t ready we could swing by later and get the room number. Then she corrected herself and said that there was a room available, but if we could wait then there was a really nice room that we could have. :scratchin I assured her that it was a ok with us and that we would swing by later for the room number. She printed off our room keys and my mom and I headed back to the POFQ.

As we headed back to the room, my mom and I ran into Carolyn Allen’s representative just outside the room. I have to say that she did a fantastic job! She also brought the shorter sleeved shirt for DF, which my dad brought over to him.

By the time she left it was time for my 11AM appointment with Anna from Makeover Majic. At this point I just have to thank cryssi, who was kind enough to answer my questions about how she has described her hairstyle. It wasn’t until I saw cryssi’s pictures posted on this board that I decided on having a professional do my hair. I had convinced myself that I could buy hot rollers and do loose waves myself. But then I saw cryssi’s pictures and she was so beautiful and I loved her hair so much. So thank you cryssi, for your inspiration!

I have to say, I just loved Anna. She was so friendly and easy to talk to. She made me feel completely at ease as I explained what I wanted. I was nervous because the 90% humidity was making my hair totally frizzy. She knew exactly what to do. I’m so glad I went with Anna. While I was afraid my hair was a bit too princess-y at first she assured me that the curl needed to be a bit tighter at first and would relax into softer curls.

After Anna left I began the process of putting on my make-up. I decided to do my own make-up because I’m pretty particular about how I like it. Instead of hiring someone I decided to go for lessons and invest in quality make-up. For those Torontonians out there I went to Gee Beauty in Yorkville -- and I found it to be fabulous, pm me if you want the details.

Half way though I received a phone call. It was my on-site WC. Hmmm…let’s see 1.5 hours before the ceremony and I finally get a call. :rolleyes: You’ve heard me go on about this before so I’ll save the rant…but seriously, DFTW needs to get their act together. :mad:

I clarified with the on-site WC that I did not bring a ghetto blaster for Commander’s Terrace but had my MP3 player and computer speakers instead. (After a close reading of my BEO, which I didn’t get until 10 business days before the wedding, I realized that Commander’s Terrace did not have a CD player or system set up and that we were required to bring our own if we wanted to dance to “This year’s love” by David Gray.) I told her that DF had everything she needed in his bag and if she had any trouble to ask my brother to help. (I noticed in my dad’s videotaping that my brother did wind up setting everything up, so I guess it was a good idea to tell her that.) She ran through the sequence of events for the cake cutting but left out the second dance (father/daughter mother/son) I requested. I explained to her that I had already talked to my initial WC about it and it was included in my BEO. I also asked her about the chimes and whether they would sound (I remembered reading about this in another TR, but they didn’t mention it to me). She indicated that they tended to always include the chimes at the Wedding pavilion unless otherwise specified. She asked if that was all my questions and confirmed that the limo would come and get me at 2PM in the closest parking lot to the room.

By that time I hung up my stomach was rumbling a bit, but the idea of heading to the food court for greasy food was not very appetizing. My dad was nice enough to go get a Diet Coke for me and I had a granola bar after I finished my make-up. I just love this picture -- it kind of goes to show my personality -- you can dress her up and all she wants is a diet coke.

Just as I took the last bite of my granola bar Patrick from A Magic Moment was there to start videography. Patrick was very friendly. I’m going to hold off on my review of the videography until I see the final product -- but I promise I will follow-up.

After a quick walk and talk along the river with Patrick I sent him over to DF and headed back to my parents’ room.

My dad was waiting outside and motioned to me to hurry up. To my surprise Randy was there! I wasn’t expecting him because he was going to start at 2 at the Wedding Pavilion. But he mentioned he had finished a previous engagement early and decided to come early! How lucky for us. :yay:

If Anna made me feel completely at ease, then Randy made me feel like everything would go off without a hitch. He’s just so great, and totally knows what he’s doing. He took some pictures of my dress, shoes and Mickey bag while I finished my lipstick.

Oh…the Mickey bag! I stumbled across an image of this little bag some time early in my planning stages but couldn’t find a picture of it later on in the process. I ordered the bag through Disney Floral and my BEO said that all floral would be delivered to the Wedding pavilion. I have to give credit where credit is due here. It wasn’t my WC (because my WC was actually off on vacation….which she informed me of exactly an hour before she left via e-mail and by the time I received the information it was too late to ask her any questions), but my sub-WC, Doreen went out of her way to get me my Mickey bag. I just left a message on her voicemail explaining who I was and that I really wanted the bag before I got to the WP and she made it happen. Frankly I was shocked because of my other experiences with DFTW. Yay Doreen!! :cheer2: She really came through. I absolutely love this bag!!!!


Randy and my dad stepped out and I happily (and literally) climbed into my dress. He took some shots of me in the dress and we headed outside to get some more shots because we knew that DF had already been picked up by the limo. Ten minutes later Randy was off to catch DF and my mom took a few candids.


As I waited for the limo with my mom and dad, brother and his girlfriend I was just so excited.

I was getting married!

Next up: Wedding day - part 2 - Zero to nervous in five minutes.
Yay! I am so excited for you! You look beautiful! I love that Mickey bag too! I ordered flowergirl baskets that look exactly the same. I didn't know they had the bag too... hmm... I guess I'll have to add that ;)
YAY!! First off, you look beautiful... and I agree- Anna did a fabulous job on your hair :thumbsup2 ! I cannot WAIT to hear about your room at the GF-- I hope you have pics. You look great in your dress. It suited you very well. So sorry about your experiences with DFTW-- I also believe that they do very little to help prepare the bride for the actual ceremony.

I have also come to terms with the fact that they NEVER (or atleast Ive never heard of such) sent your ACTUAL WC to your wedding. They always come up with an excuse to send someone else.:scratchin Maybe they dont wanna get their butt reamed at the alter by a bridezilla??:confused3

Everything looks great-- and so glad you booked Randy. What a good guy, aye?

Cant wait to hear more:flower3:
I love your dress, who designed it? princess:

Thanks MiaBella!

It's Alfred Angelo. I'm still trying to figure out a way to wear it again :scratchin I just loved it so much. I'm not having an at home reception, but a "wedding tour" instead, which will be backyard parties across Ontario....but I think it's a bit formal to wear to such an informal party.

I'm not going to lie, I'm considering just putting it on for fun and wearing it around the apartment :rotfl2:

I just loved it so much!
YAY!! First off, you look beautiful... and I agree- Anna did a fabulous job on your hair :thumbsup2 !

Awww....thanks so much:blush: I felt so dolled up -- a long way from the blue jeans and ponytail look that I usually go with

I cannot WAIT to hear about your room at the GF-- I hope you have pics.

You bet I do :thumbsup2 it was so beautiful.

So sorry about your experiences with DFTW-- I also believe that they do very little to help prepare the bride for the actual ceremony.

Ugh -- the worst is still to come. But you know, despite the issues I still had (what I felt was) the perfect day. It's funny...I mean I was SO upset and am still annoyed about it....but at the time, absolutely nothing was going to ruin the special day. :bride:

Everything looks great-- and so glad you booked Randy. What a good guy, aye?

I mean, I just can't say enough good things about Randy. There just isn't enough good words in my vocabulary to describe how great he is!
Love your TR so far!! You look absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to see pics of the wedding and your GF room. Congrats!!
I must second with MiaBella05 and everyone here, your dress looks beautiful and you look gorgeous in your wedding dress! Anna did such a wonderful job with your hair. Everything looks so great. And oh, I absolutely love the dress – on top of everything else that I love about your wedding so far. ;) I’m glad you got it in time for the wedding.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us. I can’t wait to read more and see more pics!!
One of my biggest concerns was exactly how I was going to get in to the limo. I mean, I didn’t have an exceptionally pouffy dress, but it was pouffy enough.

I had visions of my ankles up around my ears with tulle exposed everywhere and the driver trying to stuff it all in before slamming the door.

As it turns out I was right to be concerned, because there is a certain method to getting into the limo. You kind of have to back in and wrap your train around you and then re-shuffle when you’re actually in.

Phew! Made it….and did so with a little bit of grace…or at least no exposed tulle!

As the limo pulled away my excitement swelled. I thought: how cool is this? I know, I know….I’m totally a country mouse in the big city as I oohhh and awww over everything. Complimentary soda? How cool. But hew the last time I was in a limo it was prom, and that was a while ago.

I’ll just never forget that ride. I had a blast. I’ll never forget being there with my mom and dad and brother -- just being so excited. Runaway train was playing on the radio...what a perfect tune…I love the Counting Crows. It was so much fun. Who would have thought a limo ride would be one of my fondest memories.

The driver had instructed me not to get out until he came around. He said it was to ensure the groom wouldn’t see me. As I peered outside the limo I was relieved to see Randy there…because I didn’t have a clue what to do next.

The driver came around and let me out, with Randy and Patrick capturing every moment. With the WC no where in sight I asked Randy what would happen next. He explained that he wanted me to start to walk over the bridge, stop halfway and look back. Then the WC would meet me at the actual pavilion and take me into the bride’s vestibule.

How exciting I thought. I get to go to the bride’s vestibule -- I’ve been waiting to see what it looks like for months. :woohoo:

As I walked over the bridge and stopped halfway I urged time to slow down and tried to commit every sight to memory. It was just so pretty. :cloud9:

I stepped into the bride’s vestibule and focused on my bouquet that was waiting there for me. I loved it! I had gone back and forth between the French bouquet and the tussy mussy and in the end took a leap, and asked for the tussy mussy with light pink roses (if possible). I loved it as if I had designed it and spent hours choosing flowers myself.

As I turned around my WC came in shook my hand and gave me the bouquet. She pointed out the hidden Mickey made out of pearls. And at that time Rev Jack Day came in and introduced himself. When he left to assume his place at the apex of the festivities, the WC launched into her instructions. She said something about bringing me out to the doors and then

--- insert the sound of the teacher from Charlie Brown here --

wah wah wah

something about walk with a little kick so you don’t trip over your skirts

wah wah wah

something to my dad about walking close to me but don’t step on her dress

wah wah wah

something to the effect that “don’t worry Rev Jack will tell you what to do”

I can’t imagine what my face looked like. I can only guess my eyes were as wide as saucers. I just couldn’t process the amount of information that was just relayed to me. And all I could think of was…they chose 2 minutes before the ceremony to tell me what was going to happen. :scared:

And all of a sudden I was nervous.

I mean deep breaths, knees shaking, NERVOUS.

When I turned to my dad I realize he had felt the same effect as he said, “I wasn’t even worried about stepping on your dress until now!”

And some time amidst all of this I had begun to hear the familiar sounds of the music DF was to walk down the aisle to: Once upon a dream. She must have led us to the doors to the room, now firmly closed, but I can’t remember that.

All I could think of was how strong the scent of the Freesia was.

My dad took my arm.

I heard the chimes.

And as they ended the door opened.

Next up: wedding day - part 3 - Do you love me for keeps? I do.
wow you are building the suspense here lady!! Love the flowers-- and loving your expressions in the limo. My mom and i rode in the limo together-- my first time ever, as was hers. We were amazed. She was taking photos of everything.. lol. Glad to share that with her. You seemed to have felt the same way. Glad your wedding coordinator finally came around--- hmm... ill leave it at that.

And im waiting .... eagerly for more..:hourglass
Im a wedding photog and have seen ALOT of brides...........u look SPECTACULAR!!( but I am hating the way u are leaving us hanging now,,,ack...more soon please LOL!!!):rotfl: popcorn::
Oh my gosh your dress is beautiful! :love: I cant wait to read part three of the wedding. Ohh and those flowers...so beautiful. It truly sounds like a dream. Thanks for sharing your TR with us! Congratulations and im at the edge of the seat waiting to read more!


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