Parks Game! Part 8! The game you must keep on playing!!!!

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Thanks Jay. :)

What does I.S. T.C. stand for, and where is it from?
Is it "International Space Trading Center" where Mission Space takes place?
Good to see everyone made it here :p Good to see you again Jay :D

Anyway....I'll have to second International Space Training Center at Mission Space for the answer to MK's question....

I'm outa here for the weekend...enjoy the new CC :D
KMH1, you are so close I'll give it to is International Space Training Center at M:S.
AAQ card to you and Higgs. :p
Oops, I meant TRAINING...I must be subconsciously thinking about TRADING Spaces or something. Thanks for giving it to me though.

Okay, new question:

On the Mickey's Toontown Fair Photo Claim Ticket (and probably the sign too), Mickey has two bushels in front of him...what type of vegetables are in these two bushels?

(Sorry, but I can't figure out how to make the question bold and my DH isn't home to ask...forgive me!)
Tomatos and Squash....Might be cucumbers. I know one is tomatos because its shaped in a hidden mickey just cant remember the second one.
No, not apples and carrots...

but now that you named a fruit I realized that one bushel is filled with something from Mickey's garden that is technically considered to be part of the fruit family (I think...I teach English, not science).
a Mickey shaped AAQ goes to Carpe'Disney for correcting stating Mickey shaped tomatoes.

But, squash is not correct...
I like what you did with the new digs Higgsi;) MBabe I'll take one of those Whiparitas ... let's start this thread off right by starting the weekend early.

Aren't there cucumbers and peppers at Toontown?
Tomatoes and corn?

Tomatoes and oranges?

Tomatoes and bananas?

Nice to see that the trusty shotgun still works after repacking it for the move! :)
Hi. :wave: I thought I would check out the new digs!

Is lettuce in one of the bushels?
A "corny" AAQ goes to Granny! Tomatoes and corn is correct!

There are also Mickey shaped pumpkins, but they are not in the bushels, they are in front of them. :D
Thanks, KMH1. Glad to see the trusty shotgun still has some kick! :p

And MK got me thinking about Dinosaur today, so here's another one:

In Dinosaur ride, the rider is sent back to the end of what period in earth's history?
Granny it was the cretaceous....65 miiiiiillion years ago!
Hi Jas
And a really, really old AAQ card to MK! Handle it carefully, we may be able to bring it back to life someday! :p

Why Miss nice to see you back in the Chalk Circle! Pull up an adirondack chair and stick around! :)
Guess it's my turn.

What item is the topiary Mickey holding in MGM? The one thats in front of where you take the sorcerer mickey picture.
Ok...from an extinct AAQ card to an extinct attraction...

Who sponsored Horizon's after GE pulled out in '93?
Sorry carpe, didn't see he holding a broom? Bucket of "water"?
MK, I'll say that Horizons was unsponsored after GE bailed out. And now, a moment of slience please, for the long, lost Horizons.
I now return you to your previously scheduled thread.
Carpe, Is he holding a clapboard?

and to try for a 2-fer--Isn't Horizons the only exhibit in future world to be unsponsored?
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