Parks Game--Part Three!! Let's Keep on Playing!!

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Morning all:wave: Welcome to the game btuftee.

I am going to throw out a morning softball to keep us moving while we wait for CarpeDisney to confirm or reject our answers;)

Where in WDW do we find Michaelangelo? What is he doing?
Jen, we see Michaelangelo in Spaceship Earth painting the Sistine Chapel.
A paintbrush AAQ (Ask A Question) card to Karen:)
Toss a question out there Karen:wave:

CD is the anwer 12:smooth:

Thought the hint would help.


Didn't think that one was shacky worthy anyhow. But ohhh wait! I just found some really really good ones in my last trips pictures (insert evil laugh)
Good Morning all, I will take disneyjen's lead and go with Studio 54, the infamous NYC Disco.
Think of a good question, think of a good question.....

What is the full name of the venue where Fantasmic is performed?
Who is the Harness Maker in the Magic Kingdom?

Hopefully my first hard question since vacation.

According to my guide map from last trip, the name of the theater is "The Hollywood Hills Amphitheater"
*Tink enters CC*

.......hello.......where is everybody?

Well I have no clue who the Harness Maker in the Magic Kingdom is so I'll put out another question

What is the name of the bird in Flight of Wonder that sings Yankee Doodle Dandee?

*hops into a hammock with a churro and dole whip and takes a nap*
Hello folks!

After a long stint of being gone... (i had some family troubles) i have returned! Now as soon as i catch up as to whats going on ill get into the game! IM glad to be back. A month back from the Land and i am having withdrawels already!
Welcome back Horizons.

the two active questions right now are:

Who is the Harness Maker in the Magic Kingdom?
What is the name of the bird in Flight of Wonder that sings Yankee Doodle Dandee?

Two pretty hard ones if you ask me :p

when the regular crew gets back, I'm sure they will attack and conquer them.
Tink...I'm expecting you or madonna to get the Harness Maker question. After all, those harnesses are made exclusively for Disney by a well-known Canadian harness maker. Oops...that was true for Disneyland...don't know anything about WDW harness maker.

Is the singing bird "Groucho" the parrot?
*Tink wakes up from her nap startled to see anyone in the CC send one of her patented "pixie dusted" AAQ cards to Granny*

Hmmm....i'll have to look for that harness maker thing, but right now i'm too tired and I have to go back to school 2 moro :( ugh!

*curls up in her hammock and falls asleep*

nite all
Howdy all ...

I was thinking yesterday as I watched news reports and press conferences about the Columbia tragedy how this game and the players, many of whom have become friends and family, started in the wake of another national tragedy. I hope that this little magical place on the internet continues to provide a little bit of sunshine on the darkest days ... I know it does for me ... Sending prayers and pixie dust and hugs to all of those who have been touched by this tragedy.

So with that said ... in the truest spirit of the PG Thread ...

I am turning in an AAQ to keep us moving on ...

Name the sponsor of the Universe of Energy.
Exxonmobile is the sponsor of Universe of Energy.


Feel the flow, here we go
Through the universe of energy.
Feel it grow, see it glow.
It's the universe of energy.

Come through time, set the course.
Sail the wind, tap the source.
From the sea to the skies,
There's a force beyond our eyes.

Feel the flow, here we go
Through the universe of energy.
Feel it grow, see it glow.
It's the universe of energy.

Cross the bridge, future bound.
There's a flame all around.
From the sea to the skies,
There's a force beyond our eyes.

Feel the flow, here we go
Through the universe, the universe, the universe
Of energy,
Of energy.

Good Monday morning!

Jen...I thought of that same thought this morning. And while this thread provides a great diversion, it also provides camraderie and support.

Since Carpe got the sponsor question, and is likely to throw out another brain buster ;) , I'll toss out a real Monday morning softball:

Where at WDW was this picture taken?

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