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From the social media pics I've seen, stores were very busy today, and if you want TP, paper towels or tissues you will likely be out of luck until they get restocked.
I heard the news about the school closures just after 4 pm and decided I'd better hit the stores tonight instead of tomorrow. Loblaws was insane at 5 PM and out of toilet paper.
I left Metro at 10 PM and had grabbed the second last package of TP. When I got into line the Manager was just bringing a few cases of TP out to the shelves and people were grabbing them off the cart.

I never finished my shopping. I'll be out again tomorrow. Ah well. Then I can stay home with the kids.
I went to Walmart and Shoppers last night. Walmart had lots of holes on the shelves and no toilet paper in sight. Shoppers was out of milk, wiped clean. I was hoping to use my milk coupon but I will try today on the way home. Neither store was particularly busy but it was close to closing time.
I went to Loblaws after work getting a few items. The line was all the way to the back wall of the store. I gave up and left. It’s not Disney! So I am not waiting in that long line. Unless there is no supply, worse comes to worse, I will buy grocery online if I have to “self-isolate”. I don’t see the need to be in such panic.
Friday is my regular weekly shopping day. I have this vision that I will get in the store this afternoon and it will be picked clean. Until yesterday I was saying the same thing...what's the panic. Well, I work in long term care and things got VERY real yesterday. Now I'm a tad concerned but not about getting sick it's more about having to stay home and a bunch of other stuff. I agree I will just order groceries from Instacart or Grocery Gateway......and put a note on the door that says 'drop food, ring bell and run'. The reality of this virus is that we all need to stick together and help one another...not hoard the TP.
I am going to start my shopping tonight as I think it will be a road trip having to find everything. I might have to forget about collecting points for a bit too as I might not be able to meet thresholds.

Also, I have decided to stop redeeming my points for WDW cards until this has blown over. I haven't checked my WDW cards on the site in a few days and I don't plan to LOL I don't want to see the exchange right now.
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I just went out at 7 am to Metro, which I usually avoid. Since my community FB group was blowing up last night about huge lineups at all my area supermarkets like Walmart, and shortages. Sure enough, no paper products, no Tylenol only Advil, no dried pasta, not much meat, no canned products, no frozen vegetables.

It was surprisingly really busy but what made it worse is that only self check out line was open. Imagine everyone in line with carts packed full doing self checkout.

I’m working from home today but I think I will have to go out again this morning to another store.
I just went out at 7 am to Metro, which I usually avoid. Since my community FB group was blowing up last night about huge lineups at all my area supermarkets like Walmart, and shortages. Sure enough, no paper products, no Tylenol only Advil, no dried pasta, not much meat, no canned products, no frozen vegetables.

It was surprisingly really busy but what made it worse is that only self check out line was open. Imagine everyone in line with carts packed full doing self checkout.

I’m working from home today but I think I will have to go out again this morning to another store.
We were at our 24 hour metro last night from 1-2am waiting in line, luckily they had 3 cashes open
I just went out at 7 am to Metro, which I usually avoid. Since my community FB group was blowing up last night about huge lineups at all my area supermarkets like Walmart, and shortages. Sure enough, no paper products, no Tylenol only Advil, no dried pasta, not much meat, no canned products, no frozen vegetables.

It was surprisingly really busy but what made it worse is that only self check out line was open. Imagine everyone in line with carts packed full doing self checkout.

I’m working from home today but I think I will have to go out again this morning to another store.

That's funny. Was it the Bowmanville Metro by chance? I ended up heading out there at 9 PM last night. I finally got out at 10 PM. They only had 2 cashiers last night.
This morning I dragged myself out of bed at 5:45, jumped in the shower and was at Whitby Sobey's by 6:30 AM. They had items in the flyer I wanted to get and I picked up a few other items. Dropped it all off at home and was at Loblaws by 8 AM. I had PC offers on my APP for foods I wanted to get. Huge line-ups at the cash registers and self-checkout. But the 12 and under lane only had a trickle of people in it. I had just 12 items so I was in and out quickly.

I only got of bed so early because I was expected at a friend's house for breakfast at 9 AM with others and didn't want to cancel on her. I really wanted to have breakfast but wanted to get the shopping done. So, early morning early bedtime.

Later I hit up Shoppers for advil, tylenol, iron pills (I take daily and didn't realize I was almost out), and sudafed.

Shoppers opens at 8 AM tomorrow. I plan to be there early as they have stuff on sale we are out of or almost close to. Basics stuff. Tea, dish detergent, shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste, butter, bacon and coffee. Ohh, I have all the fixings for pizza (dough, homemade sauce) but no cheese. I'd really like to find some vick's rub but that seems to be gone.
I went to shoppers today. There were still some in-store savings, but not many. I am sure I lost out of some savings, but it was worth it to me to just get all my shopping out of the way today.

I spend 122$, earned around 30,000 points. So really not great. But oh well...it’s done!
I need some butter and I always wait until it’s 2.99 at shoppers and get it there but I have a feeling I better be there for opening if I want to get any before it sells out. Sigh . I have zero interest in being up and dressed and in line for an 8am open. It’s butter , not rope drop at the Magic Kingdom :scared:
Butter doesn’t seem to be an item people are concerned with. RCSS had a bunker filled to the top with butter.

I may or may not get up early and go to Shoppers. I think I’ll decide based on what time I wake up. Turns out I got some bad info about my PC account. When I shopped today the cashier scanned my new card and a big red message came up on the screen. She had no idea what it was or how to fix it. I mentioned my situation. All she could offer me was a new card and to do the missing points enquire. So this is going to get fun...I would have earned 17,400 today plus whatever I will be owed if I go to Shoppers tomorrow. BTW...I arrived home to see another email from PC saying that they have changed my password. I think this is the 5th or maybe 6th time....I’ve lost track
Did my Shoppers run at store opening today. It was lined up like crazy, but everyone was calm. I like that Shoppers has limits on the number of items like TP and PT.

I spent $97 taxes in and earned 33,000. Not the best return, but I just wanted to get outta there!
Thats still a great 30% return...i would be happy
Okay, PC gurus, I have a question. I have earned and redeemed at the same time at Loblaws lots of times, so I thought I could at shoppers. However I loaded the 20x, and headed to shoppers this morning. I got over $110 in stuff, used points so I get a Disney gift card equivalent. I earned 0 points on the transaction, I thought I would have lots! Is it because I redeemed points? Or should I put in a missing points request?
Ugh.. no. I'm sorry. Shoppers is different and took me a long time to earn. I'm not sure how your transacation worked this morning but here's some information for you.

When Shoppers has their Spend X amount and get X amount or 20X (ie, Spend $60 and get 20X) - However much you spend, if you redeem at the same time and that redemption brings the amount you owe down below the spend threshold mark, you no longer get points. For example. Spend $60 get 20X. If I purchased $70 worth of product before taxes but then said I wanted to redeem $20 in points, that brings my payment down to $50. Because that $50 (pre-tax) is LESS than their Spend $60 - I will not get the 20X points... Sucks eh?

As always, you can't earn points on gift cards unless they have a special promo for it. So if you purchased $110 of stuff; added in a $110 Disney gift card; but then redeemed $110 worth of points at the same time... your threshold was brought to $0 and Shoppers won't give you the 20X.
I goofed this weekend on the 20X event. For some reason I thought there was an APP offer for Friday, March 13th AND a flyer offer for the weekend.

On Friday we spent $120 or so on various medicines and things. I can't remember the last time we spent that much but wow those are expensive products. I was almost out of iron pills, advil, tylenol and sudafed. We bought regular adult vitiams and over 50 adult vitiams. Shaving cream, deodrant.. adds up. $38 in points back.

Then on Saturday I went out for their sale to get food items we needed. Butter, cheese, tea, toothpaste, shampoo, dish detergent... That came to $68. I didn't get any bonus points! When I inquired, I found the offer on the APP and flyer was a Friday - Sunday one time use offer... not two separate events!

Sigh... My fault for not paying better attention. I would have waited and bought everything at once. I lost out on at least $15 in points, maybe more.

Worse, yesterday, somehow while placing the items in my shopping cart onto the counter, my darn back had a minor spasm! Now I can't straighten up properly and it hurts. Sitting down and lying down make it stiffer. That hasn't happened in at least a year. I actually have to use my mom's cane to place my weight on in order to get out of bed. LOL I had all these March Break de-cluttering and painting plans. At least the timing for this was good. I have time to recover before having to work again.
Okay, PC gurus, I have a question. I have earned and redeemed at the same time at Loblaws lots of times, so I thought I could at shoppers. However I loaded the 20x, and headed to shoppers this morning. I got over $110 in stuff, used points so I get a Disney gift card equivalent. I earned 0 points on the transaction, I thought I would have lots! Is it because I redeemed points? Or should I put in a missing points request?

agreed with Disney Addicted... it totally sucks that the multiplier offers don’t apply when you’re redeeming points. The individual offers will still apply (like spend 2$/get 200 points on bananas), but not those nice multipliers. I think it’s really unfair and the first time I got burned by this, I put in a points request. It was quickly denied.

Typically, I save my points up for the redemption events that happen once every 6 weeks-ish. Then, 50,000 points is worth 65$. Earning with the multipliers and redeeming at those events is the best way I’ve found to maximize the program.


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