Please help warm my cold feet! (PHM first-timer)

Did my 6.5 on my treadmill at home today. Much better than last week. I maintained a 13:36 pace. Much better in terms of wiggle room. Mentally I felt a little better too.
Hello fellow Princesses! I'm just checking in after a long hiatus. :goodvibes

I'm doing ok at this point, but getting a little nervous about longer distances I'm looking to tackle in my long runs over the next seven weeks. I missed a whole month of training due to an insane schedule, but am nearly back on track at this point. I ran a Galloway MM on Sunday and came up with an 11:27 minute mile that estimated just over a 3 hour finish time for the race. Not where I'd like to be - I'd prefer a bit more wiggle room for bathroom breaks :blush: - but I'll take it for now. I've been a mile shy of my long runs since the month break - ran 7 my last long run two Sundays ago. If I try to get back on track this coming Sunday, I'd have to run 9.5 - thinking about shooting for 8.5 and seeing how I feel.

Anyway, I hope you guys are doing wonderfully well. Btw, when are you guys getting into Orlando?
Hello Princesses!

Just checking in with everyone to see how this weekend went for you all...

I saw Laura updated on the PHM thread. Congrats to you! I'm so proud of all of us! :cheer2:

Here is my recap:

I'll be honest, in January, I contemplated dropping out due to more family emergencies (SIL critical in ICU again after her intestines ruptured) and general road bumps and fear. It felt like the last several months of training went out the window for me and I started to stress my pace and the distance involved. But, I found my inner strength and reminded myself that I started this as a commitment to myself and quitting was not an option.

Instead, I busted my butt and made a "no excuses" rule. I had less than two months to go and NO time to spare! I figured if I tried and didn't finish, I'd be better off than not trying at try it was. I had the perfect inspiration (my SIL) and the determination to go along with it. So, I created an 8-week training schedule and stuck to it.

We arrived in Orlando on Friday and hit the Expo. We picked up my daughter's race packet (200m dash) even though I knew she most likely wouldn't run due to walking pneumonia. Poor girl couldn't make it up and down the stairs at the villa without a coughing fit so we had her lay low and relax for much of the weekend.

We had a family day out for lunch and an Ikea shopping spree on Saturday. We were back in our villa at 8PM and I started preparing my necessities for the run. I was in bed later than I planned and only managed about two hours of solid sleep. Nerves kept me up and at one point I remember getting frustrated with myself over it. LOL

I had butterflies to the point of nausea on the morning of. My bladder was in overdrive and my sciatic nerve was sending jolts of pain down my right leg. I irritated it on my last long run during training and had to see my chiropractor on Thursday for an adjustment. I seriously started to worry at that point...

My friend and I met a lovely woman in our corral who had a similar pace. We shared training stories, talked about the weather, and our jitters and worries, and overall got to know each other while we waited to start. Chatting seemed to help us all calm down and realize we were there for the challenge, the experience, and the moment...why stress?

Once we started, a sense of peace fell over me and I literally hit the ground running. By the time I made it into MK, my sciatic pain disappeared. It was overall pretty smooth and uneventful for me. I skipped character lines because I wasn't willing to lose time.

Around mile 8 I wanted to throw in the towel due to incredible pain in the arches of my feet. It was a pain I've never felt before. I decided to take some time for a bathroom break and to stretch and off I went to finish my journey. Just before mile 10, someone started yelling to us about having only four minutes to get to the bridge. There were several sweep buses parked on the sides of the road so everyone hauled butt. Then, someone informed us that it wasn't four minutes until a sweep, it was four minutes until the character at the bridge went on break. :lmao: Needless to say, I was thankful for that adrenaline rush.

Miles 11 and 12 seemed never ending but I was in the home stretch at that point and nothing was going to stop me...not even the balloon ladies on my rear as I approached the finish line. I ran for dear life and I FINISHED!


Overall, it was one of the hardest things I've done in my life but I walked away believing in myself all the more. I'm so so so thankful I decided to stay in the game and allow myself the chance to try.

And best of all? Not only did I finish my first half-marathon but my SIL got to go home after several weeks in the hospital. What a memorable day for my family!

I'm already planning on next year's PHM. I want to challenge myself even more and continue on with running. I really enjoy it and it's keeping me motivated to continue on with my weight loss. I plan on submitting a time for better corral placement. That will be my goal.

During the drive home this morning, my husband said he'd like to start running too. We are going to participate in some local 5Ks in the next few months. He says he can't even begin to think of a half...but maybe one day. ;)

I know this got long but before I end this post, I'd like to thank each and every one of you on this thread. You have all encouraged me from the very beginning and I appreciate the support. I hope to hear back about your weekend and I look forward to what's to come!
I'm so happy you finished and SIL is home, that is great news!!

I had so much fun. I will post more after I gather my thoughts. I want to get it all down on paper first.
I have thoughts and ideas for next year and recommendations of things to do and not do for any newbies that see this.
Hey there! Congrats on finishing the PHM - that's wonderful! I've missed seeing your posts and am so glad you decided to run. :)

It was an amazing experience for me. As I was just discussing with a coworker, I expected the physical benefits, but my biggest gift was the mental toughness that miles 10 and 11 took to get through. Accomplishing that, and then the elation of seeing mile marker 12 and joyously running that last 1.1 - I'll never ever forget it. :)
Hey there! Congrats on finishing the PHM - that's wonderful! I've missed seeing your posts and am so glad you decided to run. :)

It was an amazing experience for me. As I was just discussing with a coworker, I expected the physical benefits, but my biggest gift was the mental toughness that miles 10 and 11 took to get through. Accomplishing that, and then the elation of seeing mile marker 12 and joyously running that last 1.1 - I'll never ever forget it. :)

I'm so glad you had this kind of experience! It's exactly how I felt during my first half (and a little bit still each time). Miles 10-13 are where I feel the most challenged and the most accomplished. And when you finish that, you feel like you can literally do anything you set your mind to or that maybe you used to be afraid of.

Congrats to you and all the princesses! Simply amazing!
Posted my abbreviated story here:

I had a blast and I am already planning for another triple crown next year. DH is even on board and is talking about a coast to coast!
I think he was glowing more than I was, he and the kids were so proud!

What a great recap! I received notification of your reply on my phone so I was excited to get home from work and catch up. I'm so glad everyone had a memorable PHM! :thumbsup2 Congrats to you!

I see you just posted on the ToT thread... I am heavily considering registering for it this weekend. A friend (not the one who ran the PHM with me) is already registered and she's just about convinced me to as well. It looks like a lot of fun! My only hesitation is spending the money on registration...I'm still recovering from last weekend. LOL!

Here is where I need to pick some brains... I am absolutely IN for the PHM next year as long as I can nail down the logistics and pick right back up with my training. I cannot even begin to explain how much last weekend has changed me and inspired me to strive for more, push harder, and continue on.

Truthfully, I have my eyes on the GSC. Here is my dilemma -- I will be in my second month of nursing school next February. Nursing school is going to be quite demanding, if not grueling at times. I currently work on our hospital's Nurse Resident floor so I've already polled several new nurses about what their first semester was like. Most say to go for it given how passionate I am about doing this...while one thinks I'm nuts and strongly advises I accept the fact that "there are no vacations in nursing school" and any time spent outside of school and studying is a vacation. :scared: He even said he's been known to study while waiting in lines at Disney. He did say it's doable but to plan on bringing my books to study/do homework whenever possible. I am a very dedicated student and I strongly feel I will manage both school and training. But am I being unrealistic? FWIW, I will not be working full time during school. I will still work but it will be per diem with only a few shifts every few weeks.

BernardandMissBianca, I know you did the GSC. Was your training any different than it would have been if you were training for the half alone?

I feel that running will be my sanity during school. I'm going to need a little something away from school to keep grounded. Aside from my family, I really think running will be my "escape".

Just thinking out loud here now... I will be in school and have clinicals Monday - Friday. For the GSC, I will need to head to Orlando some time Friday after school and hit the expo and check-in to our hotel. I will need to be back Sunday after the half in order to rest and prep for the school week. I only live 45 minutes away so it won't be a major road trip or anything.

Am I just nuts? I really really want to do this! :confused3
What a great recap! I received notification of your reply on my phone so I was excited to get home from work and catch up. I'm so glad everyone had a memorable PHM! :thumbsup2 Congrats to you!

I see you just posted on the ToT thread... I am heavily considering registering for it this weekend. A friend (not the one who ran the PHM with me) is already registered and she's just about convinced me to as well. It looks like a lot of fun! My only hesitation is spending the money on registration...I'm still recovering from last weekend. LOL!

Here is where I need to pick some brains... I am absolutely IN for the PHM next year as long as I can nail down the logistics and pick right back up with my training. I cannot even begin to explain how much last weekend has changed me and inspired me to strive for more, push harder, and continue on.

Truthfully, I have my eyes on the GSC. Here is my dilemma -- I will be in my second month of nursing school next February. Nursing school is going to be quite demanding, if not grueling at times. I currently work on our hospital's Nurse Resident floor so I've already polled several new nurses about what their first semester was like. Most say to go for it given how passionate I am about doing this...while one thinks I'm nuts and strongly advises I accept the fact that "there are no vacations in nursing school" and any time spent outside of school and studying is a vacation. :scared: He even said he's been known to study while waiting in lines at Disney. He did say it's doable but to plan on bringing my books to study/do homework whenever possible. I am a very dedicated student and I strongly feel I will manage both school and training. But am I being unrealistic? FWIW, I will not be working full time during school. I will still work but it will be per diem with only a few shifts every few weeks.

BernardandMissBianca, I know you did the GSC. Was your training any different than it would have been if you were training for the half alone?

I feel that running will be my sanity during school. I'm going to need a little something away from school to keep grounded. Aside from my family, I really think running will be my "escape".

Just thinking out loud here now... I will be in school and have clinicals Monday - Friday. For the GSC, I will need to head to Orlando some time Friday after school and hit the expo and check-in to our hotel. I will need to be back Sunday after the half in order to rest and prep for the school week. I only live 45 minutes away so it won't be a major road trip or anything.

Am I just nuts? I really really want to do this! :confused3

DH and I are on the fence between ToT and W&D. I think we are now leaning toward W&D.

With the Glass Slipper training, it was similar in the beginning but towards the middle and end you double up every other week. So like one week it was runs 3 times a week, M-W-F then the next week it was M-W-F-Sat. So Friday would be a 4 mile walk and Saturday would be a long run.
But I can also tell you that I didn't follow the schedule to the letter. I blew off a few weeks here and there and the longest run I did was 11 miles. I still did well though. I would recommend to not completely stop running though. I have a 1/2 a dozen 5K's in the works for the next several months just to keep the muscle memory going.

the training calendar is here for the race we just had. You could modify it and put it in next years calendar.
If you print the calendar now and can add the days you have clinicals then you have a pretty organized calendar and you would know if you can pull it off.

The GSC calendar wasn't up yet when I started training so I printed the Dumbo Double Dare schedule and printed a blank calendar and added the info myself. I also modified because I wanted to run M-W-F to not interfere to much with family time. I could run while the kids were in school.

If you can stay organized I don't see why you couldn't do the training and school. I'm flighty when I'm on vacation so I know I couldn't do homework and run but I'd say go for it if you think you can do both. I agree with running being an escape. I know it helps me clear my head. And when DS17 is having a hard day he goes for a run and feels much better.

I'd also make sure that you are prepped for the following school week before you leave for the races. That way you have one less thing to worry about when you come home. I made sure the kids backpacks and uniforms were ready to go before we left since I knew I'd still have vacation brain when we got back.


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