Please help warm my cold feet! (PHM first-timer)

I have not been training at all. It's bad. I don't know how to fit it in right now. I get up between 4:30 and 5:00 and leave for work around 6:30am. I don't get home again until 6:30-7:30pm and I am just exhausted. I am also flying by the seat of my pants and trying to get a routine going.

Don't feel badly. :goodvibes

I've been struggling the last week or two as well. Work has been insane (in the middle of midyear reviews, two days away at meetings last week, four days this week), DH has had various health issues which required me to take on most of his share around the house, body's been hurting the last few days. All of this has meant my schedule's off from missed workouts. :( Just this morning, I'd planned on getting out early for my morning run, but came downstairs to a kitchen that hadn't been cleaned last night and two kids who needed breakfast. After cleaning and breakfast prep, DH has come down to tell me he's not feeling well again this morning. Looks like it's going to be a treadmill run again today, and I sooooo need a run outside. And I could definitely feel the effects of not getting my regular training in last Thursday, when I was supposed to run/walk 30 minutes but pulled a muscle at 25 and had to stop.

I'm frustrated right now. Really frustrated. But I've committed, and I have to keep on going. Not sure what my run is going to look like today, and no clue how I'm going to fit it in over the next four days, but I've got to try.

Wish me luck. :goodvibes
laura428 pixiedust: to get through your rough stretch. Breathe deep and don't beat yourself up over your training. You have a lot on your plate, and don't need the added pressure of rigidity in your training schedule to add to the mix.

This is a race that's six months away. Most training plans don't take more than 18-20 weeks, so you have time. And you need to take care of yourself along the way.

I hope your run today went well, but if it didn't--just try and shake it off. It happens to everyone.

Good luck!


I have a half in mid/late October that I am way behind on training for. I'm less concerned about the Princess training at this point since it's 6 months away. The other one is about 8 weeks away. The time limit for that one is 18mm, so at least there is a little more wiggle room.

If I don't get my act together soon, I'm probably going to defer my registration so I don't hurt myself. As it is, I stubbed my toe last night on a box and it's more sore this morning than it was last night. :scared:
laura428 pixiedust: to get through your rough stretch. Breathe deep and don't beat yourself up over your training. You have a lot on your plate, and don't need the added pressure of rigidity in your training schedule to add to the mix.

This is a race that's six months away. Most training plans don't take more than 18-20 weeks, so you have time. And you need to take care of yourself along the way.

I hope your run today went well, but if it didn't--just try and shake it off. It happens to everyone.

Good luck!



Thanks Maura, I needed this. :)

As it turns out, I didn't get my run in today. Crazy morning, followed by crazy afternoon, followed by grocery run and dinner prep, followed by snuggling with kiddos since I'll be gone the next four days, followed by packing, followed by last minute prep for my meeting. And now it's 12:49am, and my alarm is set for 5:00am. Time for my nap. :D
Glad your training is going well. I remember the days of XC. I was always glad that my kids were runners instead of swimmers. Much more sane practice and meet times!

I finished the 5k plan I was working on--this is all in the name of very slow recovery from injuries piled up over the last year. I did a couple of races, which went pretty well. Now I have a 5k pace to base my new 10k training plan on (that's just how my plan works) Whether I can actually run the split paces remains to be seen. Tuesday
s workout did not go well, but I'm hoping that was just post-race fatigue.


I love XC because the coach was able to secure training times right after school. DS17's BFF's have a sister who swims, her schedule is crazy! Most of our meets are Tuesdays and the big invites are Saturdays so it shouldn't affect my schedule. Summer training did because DS had to run 400 miles so it's just been go go go these past few weeks. Thankfully that is over! We switched to fall afternoon training today.

I'm sorry everyone is having a rough time. I hope things settle down for everyone soon!!!
Hang in there and plug away if you can.
Laura, big hugs to you for all you and your family are going through. I hope things slow down and may your husband feel better soon and your pulled muscle heal quickly.

To everyone else, wow, it seems we're all in a little lull right now. I, too, missed a run last week and BOY did I feel it yesterday. I fully intended to go out Friday evening but my quick "cat nap" failed me. I woke up feeling sluggish and nauseous and decided to stay in. :worried:

But as Maura stated, we all need to take care of ourselves along the way. The PHM is just under 6 months from now. Time is still on our side. :thumbsup2

:goodvibes I'm sending good vibes to EVERYONE!

On another note, I've been meaning to ask you all... What interval is most comfortable to you? I know we all differ but I'm hoping to gather a general idea.

I am in Week 8 of C25K (one more week to go!) and I'm REALLY struggling with the 25 minute stretches. The program has called for 20+ minute runs since Week 5. To date, the longest I've run is 14 minutes. That day last week, I took a small walking break and then ran for the remaining 11 minutes. I can honestly say, I am NOT a fan of the longer runs at all. I become fatigued much sooner and ultimately slow down a lot, my legs burn, and I can feel an aching in my right foot and hip.

My running buddy loves the longer runs and that's fantastic. She's running with a newly healed knee injury and is usually about a minute or so behind me. I've tried to slow down and run beside her to see if that helps but all it does it cause physical pain. I need to maintain the pace that feels best for me but at longer intervals, I seem to be falling apart. My mind is telling me to listen to my body and start experimenting with shorter intervals to find my sweet spot. The long runs simply make me miserable. And so here I am fighting with the frustration of feeling like a failure (I know I'm not). Any suggestions?
Laura, big hugs to you for all you and your family are going through. I hope things slow down and may your husband feel better soon and your pulled muscle heal quickly.

To everyone else, wow, it seems we're all in a little lull right now. I, too, missed a run last week and BOY did I feel it yesterday. I fully intended to go out Friday evening but my quick "cat nap" failed me. I woke up feeling sluggish and nauseous and decided to stay in. :worried:

But as Maura stated, we all need to take care of ourselves along the way. The PHM is just under 6 months from now. Time is still on our side. :thumbsup2

:goodvibes I'm sending good vibes to EVERYONE!

On another note, I've been meaning to ask you all... What interval is most comfortable to you? I know we all differ but I'm hoping to gather a general idea.

I am in Week 8 of C25K (one more week to go!) and I'm REALLY struggling with the 25 minute stretches. The program has called for 20+ minute runs since Week 5. To date, the longest I've run is 14 minutes. That day last week, I took a small walking break and then ran for the remaining 11 minutes. I can honestly say, I am NOT a fan of the longer runs at all. I become fatigued much sooner and ultimately slow down a lot, my legs burn, and I can feel an aching in my right foot and hip.

My running buddy loves the longer runs and that's fantastic. She's running with a newly healed knee injury and is usually about a minute or so behind me. I've tried to slow down and run beside her to see if that helps but all it does it cause physical pain. I need to maintain the pace that feels best for me but at longer intervals, I seem to be falling apart. My mind is telling me to listen to my body and start experimenting with shorter intervals to find my sweet spot. The long runs simply make me miserable. And so here I am fighting with the frustration of feeling like a failure (I know I'm not). Any suggestions?

I'm still very early in the process, but with the Galloway conditioning, I'm only running 15s/45s minute intervals for 30 minutes on Mondays and Wednesdays, then walking or cross training for 30 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, off Fridays and Sundays, with my long run on Saturdays. Will be up to 2.75 miles thus Saturday, but that's still just at 15/45. It's tough to stop running after 15 seconds, but I have to say that it's saving my knees. C25k just didn't work for me for the very reason you're stating - running long distances that early was to hard on my joints. (By the way, my run is at a 6mph pace, and the walk is at 4mph, with 3.0-3.5mph warmup and cool down for 10 minutes each).

And thank you for the encouragement. I did get my run in last night at my hotel, and although it was a tougher run, it felt so good to get it done. :) I also totally feel it if I miss it, and I don't like that feeling. Eating an earlier dinner tonight so that I can change and get my walk in a little later. Tomorrow will most likely be skipped - early meeting start, then ushered off to the airport and not getting to my hotel there until 11:30pm. But I can fit a run in Thursday morning before my meeting, so I'm planning on that.
I'm still very early in the process, but with the Galloway conditioning, I'm only running 15s/45s minute intervals for 30 minutes on Mondays and Wednesdays, then walking or cross training for 30 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, off Fridays and Sundays, with my long run on Saturdays. Will be up to 2.75 miles thus Saturday, but that's still just at 15/45. It's tough to stop running after 15 seconds, but I have to say that it's saving my knees. C25k just didn't work for me for the very reason you're stating - running long distances that early was to hard on my joints. (By the way, my run is at a 6mph pace, and the walk is at 4mph, with 3.0-3.5mph warmup and cool down for 10 minutes each).

And thank you for the encouragement. I did get my run in last night at my hotel, and although it was a tougher run, it felt so good to get it done. :) I also totally feel it if I miss it, and I don't like that feeling. Eating an earlier dinner tonight so that I can change and get my walk in a little later. Tomorrow will most likely be skipped - early meeting start, then ushered off to the airport and not getting to my hotel there until 11:30pm. But I can fit a run in Thursday morning before my meeting, so I'm planning on that.

So glad to hear you got your run in last night! :yay: You're a busy one and I admire your determination.

Thank you for chiming in on the interval you're at. I think I've pretty much decided on adjusting my interval for the remaining two weeks of the C25K program. I absolutely loved the program until it took me from two 10-minute runs to a straight 25-minute run the next session. :scared: In a month I'll be starting the Galloway program so I think it's best I do this now.

I ran last night and felt compelled to do a little more tonight so while at my mom's for dinner, I hit her treadmill. Her's is a lot nicer than mine (much sturdier, LOL) so I did 2.5 miles at an interval of running 2-minutes walking 1. I enjoyed tonight's run MUCH more than the last few longer interval ones. The biggest bummer when running on a treadmill is I naturally slow the speed because I'm afraid I'll fly off the back end when if I was running on pavement, I'd run a bit faster. :rotfl: It's all a learning process, that's for sure!
You're going to have to just play with the interval times on your long runs.
I tried 30/30 (seconds) when it was so hot and humid and hated it. My brain just could not handle that rapid turn over in time. I felt very unorganized and unfocused.
I'm currently working on week 2 of C25K and the 90 second runs are easier for me at this point than the 60 second runs. In fact I missed a chime on a walk segment and didn't even realize I was still running. And that's at a 6mph run and a 3.5mph walk. So I know I need to move my run times up a bit more.
I know I will not run the whole race but if I can get my endurance up to a 5/1 I'd be thrilled. This is the reason why I switched from Galloway back to C25K, I feel like if I can get to the 20+ minute runs then I can back it off to 5/1 and finish well. In doing the 1/1 for the last few months I felt like I was not improving at all.

I had a good run yesterday. I did the treadmill on a 1% incline and did 6/3.5 speed. I was really pushing myself with the speed and I know it worked because I thought I was going to throw up on my last run. My outside runs have felt stagnant so this was a good workout.

I didn't do anything today though because I had a simply craptastic day. So tomorrow I run again. Hopefully it will be good!
You're going to have to just play with the interval times on your long runs.
I tried 30/30 (seconds) when it was so hot and humid and hated it. My brain just could not handle that rapid turn over in time. I felt very unorganized and unfocused.
I'm currently working on week 2 of C25K and the 90 second runs are easier for me at this point than the 60 second runs. In fact I missed a chime on a walk segment and didn't even realize I was still running. And that's at a 6mph run and a 3.5mph walk. So I know I need to move my run times up a bit more.
I know I will not run the whole race but if I can get my endurance up to a 5/1 I'd be thrilled. This is the reason why I switched from Galloway back to C25K, I feel like if I can get to the 20+ minute runs then I can back it off to 5/1 and finish well. In doing the 1/1 for the last few months I felt like I was not improving at all.

I had a good run yesterday. I did the treadmill on a 1% incline and did 6/3.5 speed. I was really pushing myself with the speed and I know it worked because I thought I was going to throw up on my last run. My outside runs have felt stagnant so this was a good workout.

I didn't do anything today though because I had a simply craptastic day. So tomorrow I run again. Hopefully it will be good!

Wow, you're doing great! Thanks for the good advice. Sometimes I get carried away in analyzing and I just get myself into a bind. I'll figure it all out through experience. Like you, the rapid turn over of shorter intervals gets frustrating. I totally understand that.

I liked the 2/1 but about half way through, I found myself wanting to keep running past the two minutes. I need to work on my speed too so it'll take some tweaking each time to find a balance.
Wow, you're doing great! Thanks for the good advice. Sometimes I get carried away in analyzing and I just get myself into a bind. I'll figure it all out through experience. Like you, the rapid turn over of shorter intervals gets frustrating. I totally understand that.

I liked the 2/1 but about half way through, I found myself wanting to keep running past the two minutes. I need to work on my speed too so it'll take some tweaking each time to find a balance.

You have plenty of time to work it out, but keep a written log so you know what you've tried and what you haven't.
I'd probably not focus on a set time, maybe just listen to your body for a few runs and walks and see how things feel. Get a watch or something with a lap button so you know what your runs and walks ended up being. Just mash the button when you switch.
I'm kinda tempted to bump my run times up, especially seeing how well you guys are doing! But I keep on reminding myself that, if I injure, I risk my ability to heal and prep properly for the race, so I'll most likely keep on with Galloway, for now. :)

Not doing anything tonight, though. I've been at the airport since 4:00, but luck was not on my side today. My flight out of LaGuardia got delayed until 11:30 (?!?!?!), so I rebooked for the morning. Waited forever to get my bag for the night, then waited forever for the hotel shuttle - on my way there now.

Exhausted - absolutely cannot wait to get to sleep tonight.
I'm kinda tempted to bump my run times up, especially seeing how well you guys are doing! But I keep on reminding myself that, if I injure, I risk my ability to heal and prep properly for the race, so I'll most likely keep on with Galloway, for now. :)

Not doing anything tonight, though. I've been at the airport since 4:00, but luck was not on my side today. My flight out of LaGuardia got delayed until 11:30 (?!?!?!), so I rebooked for the morning. Waited forever to get my bag for the night, then waited forever for the hotel shuttle - on my way there now.

Exhausted - absolutely cannot wait to get to sleep tonight.

You are 100% right about not risking injury. I struggle with my pace and want to gain some speed but it's not worth the risk. All in due time, we'll get it! :goodvibes

So sorry your flight got delayed. Rest well!
You have plenty of time to work it out, but keep a written log so you know what you've tried and what you haven't.
I'd probably not focus on a set time, maybe just listen to your body for a few runs and walks and see how things feel. Get a watch or something with a lap button so you know what your runs and walks ended up being. Just mash the button when you switch.

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I definitely needed it tonight. I have a watch that I use to monitor my times but I need to start logging them on paper now.

ETA: I typed this up last night but as I went to hit 'send', my laptop died. Have a great day all! Off to work I go.
I'm kinda tempted to bump my run times up, especially seeing how well you guys are doing! But I keep on reminding myself that, if I injure, I risk my ability to heal and prep properly for the race, so I'll most likely keep on with Galloway, for now. :)

Not doing anything tonight, though. I've been at the airport since 4:00, but luck was not on my side today. My flight out of LaGuardia got delayed until 11:30 (?!?!?!), so I rebooked for the morning. Waited forever to get my bag for the night, then waited forever for the hotel shuttle - on my way there now.

Exhausted - absolutely cannot wait to get to sleep tonight.

Everyone is different. I've been running on and off for 3 years so I know I can push myself to an extent without injury. DS17 wants me to run with him however, I know if I do I will get hurt.
Keep plugging away with Galloway, especially if it is working for you.

I hope you were able to catch your flight! Safe travels!
I'm kinda tempted to bump my run times up, especially seeing how well you guys are doing! But I keep on reminding myself that, if I injure, I risk my ability to heal and prep properly for the race, so I'll most likely keep on with Galloway, for now. :)

Not doing anything tonight, though. I've been at the airport since 4:00, but luck was not on my side today. My flight out of LaGuardia got delayed until 11:30 (?!?!?!), so I rebooked for the morning. Waited forever to get my bag for the night, then waited forever for the hotel shuttle - on my way there now.

Exhausted - absolutely cannot wait to get to sleep tonight.

Gah...the NYC airports and flight delays. :headache: I think I've gotten out of NYC on time once. Maybe. :rolleyes:

I hope you got home and are rested up now.

So....the park I used to train at for the Princess was in the news. They arrested a guy for possessing two guns and heroin on the playground. :scared:
Gah...the NYC airports and flight delays. :headache: I think I've gotten out of NYC on time once. Maybe. :rolleyes:

I hope you got home and are rested up now.

So....the park I used to train at for the Princess was in the news. They arrested a guy for possessing two guns and heroin on the playground. :scared:


I'm glad you said used to train at!

That's scary!
Gah...the NYC airports and flight delays. :headache: I think I've gotten out of NYC on time once. Maybe. :rolleyes:

I hope you got home and are rested up now.

So....the park I used to train at for the Princess was in the news. They arrested a guy for possessing two guns and heroin on the playground. :scared:

:eek: Yikes! And on the playground?!
Hey all! I've been thinking of everyone on this thread but have had a whirlwind a week so I haven't been able to check in.

How is everyone doing?! On my end, I've had a struggle. A dear family member fell quite ill and I found myself grief stricken and unable to get out and run. Then, my daughter came down with a terrible cold (as did everyone else in our family).

My last run was over a week ago (when I hit my first 5k distance). I promised myself to get out there tomorrow though.

Today we celebrated my daughter's upcoming 5th birthday with a pool party at my house. My sister-in-law was released this morning from the hospital and surprised us with a brief visit at the party. Talk about crying tears of joy! :goodvibes We almost re-scheduled the party because without her, it's just not the same. But we had to carry on due to work schedules with the intent to have a small gathering at her house when she's strong enough. It all worked out beautifully in the end!

So tomorrow I'm hopping back on the wagon. I hope you are all well!
Hey all! I've been thinking of everyone on this thread but have had a whirlwind a week so I haven't been able to check in.

How is everyone doing?! On my end, I've had a struggle. A dear family member fell quite ill and I found myself grief stricken and unable to get out and run. Then, my daughter came down with a terrible cold (as did everyone else in our family).

My last run was over a week ago (when I hit my first 5k distance). I promised myself to get out there tomorrow though.

Today we celebrated my daughter's upcoming 5th birthday with a pool party at my house. My sister-in-law was released this morning from the hospital and surprised us with a brief visit at the party. Talk about crying tears of joy! :goodvibes We almost re-scheduled the party because without her, it's just not the same. But we had to carry on due to work schedules with the intent to have a small gathering at her house when she's strong enough. It all worked out beautifully in the end!

So tomorrow I'm hopping back on the wagon. I hope you are all well!

Hey! I hope your family member (sister-in-law?) is on the mend, and your daughter, too. :)

Good luck getting back on the wagon tomorrow - I'll be right there with you! It's been a major struggle the last week or two with work challenges and pulled muscles. I managed a good 30 minute walk/run about a week and a half ago, but then last weekend's 2.75 mi was really tough. This last week I've been battling pulled muscles again on top of a crazy work schedule, so nothing Monday or Tuesday, then walked Wednesday, crosstrained Thursday, then only a 25 min walk Friday. Nothing today, but run/walk tomorrow - attempting 3 miles at 30/30, but we'll see. Listening to my body and will slow my pace as necessary. My official half training doesn't kick off until the first week of October, so I've still got time. But I really would love a couple of good 3 mi run/walks before I start.

Let us know how it goes tomorrow! :)


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