PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 14

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DIS Veteran
Mar 3, 2006
What is Rice Milk? And where do you get it? Is it something I might be able to have since I am lactose intolerant?

It is in a box and totally vegan and lactose free (I believe). I tried it because my friend swore she lost weight from rice milk and special k for breakfast and lunch.

You get it in any store. It is in a box. I get the vanilla flavor. It is pretty good.
Howdy, PMSers! :wave2:

Bonnie told me to stop by. I love that lady. She is so delightful and friendly. Not to mention beautiful. I cannot praise her highly enough. :love:
Morning, friends :wave:

Angel, I'm so sorry. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope all the sickies feel better soon, and you too Scrappy!

We have houseguests coming in at noon today, just for one night. Fellow missionairies who are visiting the states - they used to work in Ireland, then Germany, and now they're going back to Ireland, which is cool for us, cause we'll get to work with them, and I'm excited about that.

Anyway, it will be fun to have them here, but at the same time, houseguests always stress me out a bit. Somebody give me a lecture about relaxing about the state of my house, will you? I need one.
Morning PMSers...

"Got Disney" shared this on our cruise meet thread and it was very funny. Because of the name of your thread and those of you that I know, I thought many of you might appreciate it! It starts out all nice, but don't let it fool you...:rolleyes1

Enjoy! And have a good day!

:lmao: My aunt sent me that a couple of weeks ago. That is so my life now :rolleyes:

Good Morning PMS friends :wave2:

Tig, I hope you have a wand up your hoo-hoo right now, or pretty soon from now. I am thinking of you, but not too much ;)

Bonnie, Merle, and any of the others that joined this pact with me: What did you eat for breakfast? I just finished a small whole wheat bagel with light cream cheese. And I have major PMS so you all had better be eating healthy with me cause I really want some chips and chocolate and ice cream right now! :guilty:

If she doesn't I'm gonna shove that wand up her hoo hoo myself! And I had a strawberry sugar free boost, a south beach protein bar and a glass of apple juice with super industrial strength drano in it! Yum yum! My dr called this morning and I spent 10 minutes on the phone discusssing frequency and texture and all sorts of really TMI things :rolleyes:

Oh, for the love of Pete. :rolleyes:

Pete had nothing to do with that!!

So we go upstairs to bed last night and at 11:45pm dh informs me he has no clean work clothes to wear. Was this something he knew when he got dressed in morning? Of course it was. Did he bother to inform me of this hours earlier? No. I asked him why not. He said he didn't think he had to. Ok, yes, I am a stay at home wife and I consider these kinds of things my job especially when he's working 7 days a week. BUT he knows that I have not been feeling well lately AND he's a big boy, all he had to do was throw them in the washer or ask me to do it. I don't keep track of his closet. And anyway, whenever I get down on myself for not being June Cleaver he tells me he never bought into that gender role crap anyway. He has never in all the time we've been together complained about my not getting something done around the house. The laundry closet is in our bedroom so I threw a load in and got into bed to read while it washed. He was fiddling with something and I asked what he was doing. He flopped over and said "I'm going to sleep, you do the laundry" :furious:

Can you say blue balls boys and girls? I knew that you could. So will he before he gets to bowl in my alley again.
Anyway, it will be fun to have them here, but at the same time, houseguests always stress me out a bit. Somebody give me a lecture about relaxing about the state of my house, will you? I need one.

Would you like me to take pictures of mine and send them to you? Then you will see that your house looks really great compared to how it should be! :rotfl:

First of all, don't clean anything they won't see--close all the bedroom doors. Just pick up the clutter--or put it in a nice pile so it looks like it is there for a reason-- and run a Wet Jet on the floors and maybe vaccuum. They really won't look under your cabinets to see how clean it is.

I feel very awkward if a home is too clean--like I can't sit down and am afraid to spill something or even set a drink down. The "lived in look" is much more inviting.

Or at least that is what I tell myself :lmao:

Lecture over:teacher:
Can you say blue balls boys and girls? I knew that you could. So will he before he gets to bowl in my alley again.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

DH used to wear industrial strength uniforms for work. The polyester kind that you can set fire to and nothing happens to them. He looked like a bus driver.

So anyway the company also had laundry service for them. You turn them in, they wash them and bring them back. I thought that was great! :thumbsup2

Um, no. He didn't like the service. The starched everything to the point that it would stand up by itself. So I agreed to wash them. And dry them. But that was it. So most of the time he would have to go out into the garage where the washer/dryer was every morning and get out a set of pants and shirt. He would leave the rest in the dryer and I didn't get them out. Because of the fabric they didn't wrinkle so we did that for about 5 years.

I am so bummed that he hasn't had uniforms like that since then. It was so easy to throw them all in on hot and not have to worry. Now he has to wear real clothes.
Angel :hug: :hug: :hug:

Tig, I'm thinking of your hoo-ha.........wait, should I rephrase that?

I'm in a mood and I do have a migraine......I have taken my meds. Unfortunately before I did, someone decided to email me. I don't know this person, they global emailed the entire I had a little something to say about their "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" type email. As a good friend told me not many days ago........(another favorite quote of mine now) "don't blow pixiedust and sunshine up my (fill in the blank)".

Here's our exchange for your entertainment. ;)

From: Them
Subject: Quote

Energy and persistence conquer all things.
*Benjamin Franklin*

From: Me
Re: Quote

Interesting quote. However, I would argue its validity. Not all things can be conquered by energy and persistence……….three that immediately jump to mind from personal experience are some illnesses, infertility in some people and death. The problem with any existential thinking is the word all. Like never or always, all simply can not be applied. There are few universals. Of course, the quote wouldn’t be as strong if he said “Energy and persistence conquer most things”. Orators know how to stir emotions in masses. Masses love universals.

Here’s my favorite Benjamin Franklin quote: Certainty? In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes. Or as Morgan Freeman said while portraying Joe Clark (the teacher portrayed in Stand By Me)………I don’t have to do nothin’ but stay black and die.

And doesn’t it seem to be at odds with the other quote?

Would you like me to take pictures of mine and send them to you? Then you will see that your house looks really great compared to how it should be! :rotfl:

First of all, don't clean anything they won't see--close all the bedroom doors. Just pick up the clutter--or put it in a nice pile so it looks like it is there for a reason-- and run a Wet Jet on the floors and maybe vaccuum. They really won't look under your cabinets to see how clean it is.

I feel very awkward if a home is too clean--like I can't sit down and am afraid to spill something or even set a drink down. The "lived in look" is much more inviting.

Or at least that is what I tell myself :lmao:

Lecture over:teacher:

Trust of my house will make you ALL feel like Donna Reed, June Cleaver, AND Alice the housekeeper all rolled into one! ;)

My house is so "lived in" you'd think we never left.:rolleyes:

Shug...I saw your post on that "did you live together" thread! :thumbsup2 :rotfl: :hug:

Paige...glad you are home and safe. And I LOVED your email reply!:teeth:
Morning :wave:

Angel- Big hugs to you. :hug:

So I have decided that I am falling back into my depression. I've been feeling horrible ever since we came home and it has just gotton worse and worse. I should probably call the Drs and get back on my meds but I don't feel like doing that. I don't feel like doing a blessed thing but hide in my bed.
My house is a mess, I need to shower and go grocery shopping but I don't want to. Heck I haven't even been hanging out online.
Someone kick my butt and get me back into gear...please.

OK, whine over.
EVERYBODY HALT!!!!! I need an answer to a very serious question....

Would you wear a red sweater with tan pants? :confused:
Morning :wave:

Angel- Big hugs to you. :hug:

So I have decided that I am falling back into my depression. I've been feeling horrible ever since we came home and it has just gotton worse and worse. I should probably call the Drs and get back on my meds but I don't feel like doing that. I don't feel like doing a blessed thing but hide in my bed.
My house is a mess, I need to shower and go grocery shopping but I don't want to. Heck I haven't even been hanging out online.
Someone kick my butt and get me back into gear...please.

OK, whine over.
I'm sorry 4s. I don't blame you for being depressed after what has happened. I know my 10 mg of celexa has made a HUGE improvement for me. Maybe it's time to try the meds again. :grouphug:
Angel, more hugs, sweetie. :hug: So sorry. :(

Howdy, PMSers! :wave2:

Bonnie told me to stop by. I love that lady. She is so delightful and friendly. Not to mention beautiful. I cannot praise her highly enough. :love:
Oh pluuuuueeesssseeeee!

If she doesn't I'm gonna shove that wand up her hoo hoo myself!

Can you say blue balls boys and girls? I knew that you could. So will he before he gets to bowl in my alley again.
Had it done...she took tons of pics, both external and internal. She wasn't exactly the type to hand our information, other than (after I asked) she said that they need to see if there is ANY change. The way she said it didn't exactly leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Mammogram was fun as usual, but at least I have good vibes about that. To top it all off, I was going to take a xanax this morning, but forgot. I'm usually so un-freaked out for any kind of exam or even surgery to the point that I talk and joke with anyone around, but today I was numb.

Why is it that husbands think they can be jerks and then want sex? And why is it that it doesn't take much convincing for me to fall for it? :rotfl2:

Tig, I'm thinking of your hoo-ha.........wait, should I rephrase that?

I have a comment, but don't need points. :woohoo:
Morning :wave:

Angel- Big hugs to you. :hug:

So I have decided that I am falling back into my depression. I've been feeling horrible ever since we came home and it has just gotton worse and worse. I should probably call the Drs and get back on my meds but I don't feel like doing that. I don't feel like doing a blessed thing but hide in my bed.
My house is a mess, I need to shower and go grocery shopping but I don't want to. Heck I haven't even been hanging out online.
Someone kick my butt and get me back into gear...please.

OK, whine over.

Awwww.....Phorse. :hug: Yeah, get back on your meds, it sounds like depression to me. Love ya, lady!

EVERYBODY HALT!!!!! I need an answer to a very serious question....

Would you wear a red sweater with tan pants? :confused:

Yes, it goes great! And on you, anything will look fabulous! :thumbsup2
4's, I'm so sorry that you're having a tough time. :hug: Remember that we're here to be your support, too...please hang out more. Do you have my phone number? If you ever want to talk, feel free to call. Come to think of it, I don't think I have your number. I'll add mine over at the clubhouse.

Paige, sorry about your headache. :hug: Good e-mail response back!
Trust of my house will make you ALL feel like Donna Reed, June Cleaver, AND Alice the housekeeper all rolled into one! ;)

My house is so "lived in" you'd think we never left.:rolleyes:

Shug...I saw your post on that "did you live together" thread! :thumbsup2 :rotfl: :hug:

Paige...glad you are home and safe. And I LOVED your email reply!:teeth:

You and Scrappy have both seen my house. We'll all get along just fine :rotfl:
And I worded that reply veeeerrrrry carefully just for you :rotfl:

Morning :wave:

Angel- Big hugs to you. :hug:

So I have decided that I am falling back into my depression. I've been feeling horrible ever since we came home and it has just gotton worse and worse. I should probably call the Drs and get back on my meds but I don't feel like doing that. I don't feel like doing a blessed thing but hide in my bed.
My house is a mess, I need to shower and go grocery shopping but I don't want to. Heck I haven't even been hanging out online.
Someone kick my butt and get me back into gear...please.

OK, whine over.

I bet it's pretty common after being a crime victim to become depressed. You should see about seeing someone even for a short time and if meds are appropriate, that too. And don't think your presence hasn't been missed lady.

Would you wear a red sweater with tan pants? :confused:

They do at Target everyday so why not? :confused3

Had it done...she took tons of pics, both external and internal. She wasn't exactly the type to hand our information, other than (after I asked) she said that they need to see if there is ANY change. The way she said it didn't exactly leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling. Mammogram was fun as usual, but at least I have good vibes about that. To top it all off, I was going to take a xanax this morning, but forgot. I'm usually so un-freaked out for any kind of exam or even surgery to the point that I talk and joke with anyone around, but today I was numb.

Why is it that husbands think they can be jerks and then want sex? And why is it that it doesn't take much convincing for me to fall for it? :rotfl2:

The tech doesn't normally tell you much because they aren't qualified to diagnose, even if they know what they are looking at. Don't read anything into his/her statements/tone of voice or lack thereof. They aren't allowed to let on. And please tell me you didn't go in there with the goo factor? :eek:
I am pleased to report, no fatalities overnight. Still 2 adult Mickey Mouse fish hanging in there and at least 6 babies but they are so tiny and hard to find the other 4 could be in there hiding so I'll consider them MIA for now.
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