Pool rehab at FW

Shes feeling alot better, but getting stir crazy. She mopped the floor while I was at work the other night, crutch slipped out from under her....she was hurtin from that, but todays a better day.

I mopped the floor the day before this happened, just for the record!!!
Frank and Denise sent her a get well card today...really brightened her day up!!!!! Thanks again guys.

You are welcome..

Rog, I checked out your homepage for a minute, looks really cool, I will be on it again, the flashing was killing me, I am just getting over a migraine and couldn't take it. LOL

It was very blingy wasn't it?
Rog, checked out the page, but it stressed out my air card, so i will have to check the rest out at home....:laughing:
Its a little "graphics heavy"...but to be honest, ya aint missin much, I dont know why I decided to put it in my signature!!! 2goofs "usefull links" thread made me do it!!!! ;)
TCD.... this guy stays in the 100 loop every winter. Yes, the 100 loop! He claims that his poodle is a service dog!!! I've met him, talked with him, he has arthritis in his knees and had heart by-pass surgery about 8 years ago & claims he needs a service dog! Disney doesn't argue with him & lets it go. Other winter regulars in the 100 loop have vehemently complained - but nothing is done. I asked him why didn't he stay in a pet loop since he has the segway and all. He likes 100 and does not want to stay on a pet loop. (He's also closer to T.E. & the drink re-fills-my personal observation.) I told him by abusing disability privileges he would spend eternity in his own personal hell of "It's Small World"!!! He's a nice guy, but I have no respect for him. I've seen a lot of people worse off then he is, and they can stay in pet loops. He's just a hoser!

TCD.... this guy stays in the 100 loop every winter. Yes, the 100 loop! He claims that his poodle is a service dog!!! I've met him, talked with him, he has arthritis in his knees and had heart by-pass surgery about 8 years ago & claims he needs a service dog! Disney doesn't argue with him & lets it go. Other winter regulars in the 100 loop have vehemently complained - but nothing is done. I asked him why didn't he stay in a pet loop since he has the segway and all. He likes 100 and does not want to stay on a pet loop. (He's also closer to T.E. & the drink re-fills-my personal observation.) I told him by abusing disability privileges he would spend eternity in his own personal hell of "It's Small World"!!! He's a nice guy, but I have no respect for him. I've seen a lot of people worse off then he is, and they can stay in pet loops. He's just a hoser!

Don't hate the player, hate the game!!!!

Rog, all I can say is GOOD LAWD, that is a crazy page.
I hear that guy takes the segway to wilderness lodge to swim in their pool with his dog.
Wow, I had Taylor's ham for lunch today - haven't had that for about 10 years. Hey Ftwildernessguy, have you had it lately???

I had this manufactured Peanut Butter and Jelly round thing today. It was okay.
...anyway, to make a long story short...As she's walking out the door, I yell to her "I bet the next time someone offers you a million bucks to sleep with them, you'll be smart enough to swallow your dignity and bring your husband home a million bucks instead of your worthless loyalty, WONT YOU!!!!!"
If the Charges plan on winning this game, they'll need to outscore the Raiders.
You know, the Tampa Bay Rays just might have a chance at the play-off's this year!
Eagles can be seen early in the morning at Bay Lake feeding near WL.
Wrong, I heard that Donovan McNabb prefers Tonga Toast at the 70's hotel.
Oh I forgot... Guess neither one of us is the sharpest tool in the shed.


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