Prayers for Bobby

It's never too late to learn and grow as a person. Mary's strength lies in her ability to do so. Yes, she missed the chance with her son, but she has done a lot of good by letting other people know how she failed her son. Is she doing it to quiet her own guilt? Partly, I'm sure; but there is also the desire to help other families avoid what they went through.

My hope for her is that through all of the good she's done, she has grown and learned to forgive herself. She was never a bad person, or a bad parent. She was limited to the knowledge she had been given, and did the best she knew how. Her intentions were always good. She always wanted what was best for Bobby. Until she gained a different perspective, she couldn't see what truly was best for Bobby. So now she shows other people that perspective.

Truly a remarkable woman.

Well said!!

I hope this movie touches at least one parent or even more that are doing the same to their child and makes them realize the error of their ways.

I am grateful everyday that I have loving and accepting parents and brothers. They have made my life much easier since I came out in 1975.
If anyone hears of it coming to another channel or video, let me know.

Gay teens are the second most likely group to take their own lives. :(

This is so sad. But, the curious part of me wants to know who's the most likely group? (It's just sad to me that ANYONE would attempt suicide.)
The profile for the person most likely to commit suicide is:

White male, in his 80s who has recently lost his partner (wife most often).

Second group are "our kids."

I teach Mental Health to staff members of ALFs. Suicide is a detailed portion of the training. One of the things I insist on including are the stats for the kids. I want them all to know that as we move through our lives, what we say publicly can rebound on a young person.

Have your beliefs, but keep them to yourself in public places.
Ben's mom is a lot like Mary, she Recommended castrated one time so we would not burn in hell. She has gotten better over the years. When this movie comes out on DVD we'll send her a copy.
They live on a farm with cows so they know how it's done. :scared1:
I thought of killing myself several times now! As you can see It didn't work for me. I live in a small town in Pa and I was picked on so bad some guy broke my arm when he found out I was gay! I still don't know how I cope with life it is so hard for me I gaind like 50 lbs and am heavy now because of all the pain I'm in. About 7 years ago my family took us on a Disney trip and it happened to fall on Gay Day, It was the worst and best trip of my life, I never saw so many hot men in my life, but I'm still a clost case around my family if they knew for sure I would have no choice but to jump! We have a bridge down the road in the woods and it is high, I can't tell you how many times I was there just thinking about it. I just don't have the guts. I am now in my 30's and you don't know how much suffering this is causing me. I have no friends at all, the people in my town would never understand, it is about bars and hunting and manily stuff around here. I know people can tell by my actions and me higher voice, but my family never asked me. I hav been going to Disney alone for the past 4 years now, but I just don't have the guts to go on Gay Day because I am not a very outgoing person, like I said I'm heavy 230lb. 5'6" Im big, which is also a problem for me I just keep eating to make up for being gay! I was just surfing the net today thinking about getting a gay escort not for sex but just to have someone to eat and be with , But I don't have a extra $200.00 a hour to hier a friend. You have now Idea how many hours I spend on Disney sites to try not to thing about my problems, You guys are the only friends I got and you have no Idea how much you all mean to me! Disney Is my live. I can't wait because I'm going May 1-11 and it is like 3 months soon! When I watched that show saturday I couldn't sleep all night, I cryed for almost 1hr to I could calm down! You have now Idea how close I came to doing the unthinkable that night! Everybody always seems to thing it is just the young gay men but is also men who suffer also! I just want to thank you all for hearing me out! It is Disney that maks me fell like I am the same as everybody and not suck a freak!
I thought of killing myself several times now! As you can see It didn't work for me. I live in a small town in Pa and I was picked on so bad some guy broke my arm when he found out I was gay! I still don't know how I cope with life it is so hard for me I gaind like 50 lbs and am heavy now because of all the pain I'm in. About 7 years ago my family took us on a Disney trip and it happened to fall on Gay Day, It was the worst and best trip of my life, I never saw so many hot men in my life, but I'm still a clost case around my family if they knew for sure I would have no choice but to jump! We have a bridge down the road in the woods and it is high, I can't tell you how many times I was there just thinking about it. I just don't have the guts. I am now in my 30's and you don't know how much suffering this is causing me. I have no friends at all, the people in my town would never understand, it is about bars and hunting and manily stuff around here. I know people can tell by my actions and me higher voice, but my family never asked me. I hav been going to Disney alone for the past 4 years now, but I just don't have the guts to go on Gay Day because I am not a very outgoing person, like I said I'm heavy 230lb. 5'6" Im big, which is also a problem for me I just keep eating to make up for being gay! I was just surfing the net today thinking about getting a gay escort not for sex but just to have someone to eat and be with , But I don't have a extra $200.00 a hour to hier a friend. You have now Idea how many hours I spend on Disney sites to try not to thing about my problems, You guys are the only friends I got and you have no Idea how much you all mean to me! Disney Is my live. I can't wait because I'm going May 1-11 and it is like 3 months soon! When I watched that show saturday I couldn't sleep all night, I cryed for almost 1hr to I could calm down! You have now Idea how close I came to doing the unthinkable that night! Everybody always seems to thing it is just the young gay men but is also men who suffer also! I just want to thank you all for hearing me out! It is Disney that maks me fell like I am the same as everybody and not suck a freak!

kenman, first of all, know that you are not alone. If nothing else you've got us to talk to.

Secondly, be proud of yourself for not jumping off of that bridge. It takes courage to face the world every day, regardless of who you are. Celebrate your bravery! You're stronger than you think you are.

Thirdly, while you may not be the idealized "gym body" guy, please know that most of us aren't. Very many of us are bigger guys and gals. We have people who love us, so there's no saying that you can't find someone yourself.

And lastly, and here's the tough part. Seek professional help. If you're constantly miserable (which is what you're saying here) you have serious issues with depression. Proper treatment for depression will help you in many, many ways.

Please take care of yourself, and come and post more often here on the GLBT board. You're always among friends here.
Well you're certainly NOT alone!
We're all freaks. ::yes::
And We're all (here on the DIS) your friends. ::yes::
You can talk with us any time it gets tuff.
Hey I came from Maine - the sticks as I like to call it.
I know how small towns can be.

But please don't do anything to harm yourself.

Is there some kind of a group you could join around you?
Small town in Ohio here, I know where you are comming from....

You are not alone, in the gay department, or the "lack of a gym body" department!

Please know you are amongst friends here!:grouphug:
Except for me. :upsidedow

Watch out for me! ::yes::
I have a trash mouth, loose morals and shouldn't be trusted.

Hey - I know my weaknesses! :rolleyes1

Don't let Wally kid you. He's a big softy!
Where to hell did you go? :guilty:
Talk with us dude! :hyper2:
I just ate some lunch! I already did talk to a shrink twice. But you know it is not like talking to someone in your shoes! No one really knows how you fell like someone going through the same thing! I often think were did I go wrong, what caused this? Did I choose this? Then I started to think about it and I rember looking at guys in gym class. How about you?
A big softy, with a trash moth and loose morals, of course! :rotfl:

A shining example of the kind of moral support
one can count on here on the DIS.
Your friends :grouphug: right behind you ...
with a knife. ::yes::

Rob's always right behind me - he likes to stare at my butt. :flower3:


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