Princess 1/2 walkers?

We ARE in!! So happy & TERRIFIED at the same time!!!! Yikes - what have I done???? I better get moving! My fit bit goes on tomorrow - goal = 10,000 steps daily .... Too much? Too little?
We are in!! I'm so excited & TERRIFIED!!! What have I done???? Who else is in?
My fit bit goes on tomorrow - the daily goal = 10,000 steps ... Too much? Too little? Thoughts???
Woohoo! I'm in for the GCS, I hope to register for the 5k on Friday.
I'm scared too! But super super excited.
DS16 already started working on a training plan for me.

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How nice of your son to help you out! Will he do the race with you?

He's going to do the 5K with me. He'd love to do the 1/2 but we only banked enough money for me to do it. As it is they weren't even supposed to come down but they have vacation that week, so now we are all doing the 5K together.

He wants to go to school for sports nutrition and personal training so I guess I'm his first client! LOL
Hello everyone! Good to see you are still around John! I can NOT believe I have been talked into the Glass Slipper Challenge 2014!! OMG!!!
Welcome Keahgirl8 & Pinkflmngo! So glad you are here! Pinkflmng how old is you daughter? Will this be her first 1/2 Marathon? We are in the same boat - which is why we are planning to get our C2C in DLand at the 1/2 Marathon in late Aug/early Sept 2014 instead of Tink in Jan2014 - gives us more time between races to save and dream!! plus Dland is the further one from us so we want to get the C2C medal there! Rundisney just told me the sign up for that will be in Jan2014 (just before Princess) I'm super nervous though.....
Keahgirl8 - have you ever done a 10k then 1/2 next day combo before? You are lucky to be able to do a run/walk combo - I am STRICTLY A WALKER ONLY.
Ihave tried many times to run with the combo but just never can do it - too much on my knees etc....
This will be my 3rd Princess - but the first one with the added challenge (if we get in!?) of the 10k the day before.....I pretty old and approx 20/25ibs over weight right now so I am wondering WHY??? I think this is a good idea???? My daughter has a way of talking me into things....

Hey, Dreamer!

I love seeing this thread back in action and am SO excited that you and your daughter have signed up for the GSC! Me too!!!!

You can totally do this!!!! I would think that, because we're walking both races, we'll need less of a recovery time. Many who train for the Goofy walk the half marathon on Saturday so that they can run the full on Sunday. We'll be doing the same thing, just twice instead of once.
Debbieandroo that's one way to think about it! Did you walk the whole distance last time? What was your time? I am getting back into training mode...FITBIT ON! Today I have done over 12,000 steps ( the 4 miles I did on the treadmill clinched that!) I'm happy to report that I did those four miles at a 15:30 pace....I am glad there's time for improvement! Have you re-started or never let up from before?
Debbieandroo that's one way to think about it! Did you walk the whole distance last time? What was your time? I am getting back into training mode...FITBIT ON! Today I have done over 12,000 steps ( the 4 miles I did on the treadmill clinched that!) I'm happy to report that I did those four miles at a 15:30 pace....I am glad there's time for improvement! Have you re-started or never let up from before?

nice work!! 15:30 is awesome! They say to train at a 15, so you are on target.

I did 4 miles today too. It went better than I thought. I probably could have done more but I had to get the kids from school.
Debbieandroo that's one way to think about it! Did you walk the whole distance last time? What was your time? I am getting back into training mode...FITBIT ON! Today I have done over 12,000 steps ( the 4 miles I did on the treadmill clinched that!) I'm happy to report that I did those four miles at a 15:30 pace....I am glad there's time for improvement! Have you re-started or never let up from before?

Wow, 15:30 is a great start - go you! My fastest pace is right at the 16 mm mark - no matter how hard I try.

I've been pretty consistent in my training. Back in February, I joined a gym and have been taking a lot of their classes -- spinning, weight training, Zumba, kick boxing. I look pretty funny doing all of that but have really enjoyed them.

I still manage one long walk per week - between 1-2 hours - to keep up my endurance. I've signed up for a series of races - 2 per month that get longer each month as in 2 5ks, 2 5-milers, 2 10ks, 2 10 milers, and 2 halfs. These will be a huge motivation for me to keep adding miles and, hopefully, cut off some time. At the last Princess, I finished - walking only and snapping pictures [although none with characters] - in a little less than 4 hours. At other local races, I've finished in a little over the 3:30 mark. I am hoping to shave off enough time by November [that first half marathon] so that I can send in a better time to run Disney. I'm trying to stay out of that last corral!

That being said, whatever happens with my corral placement, I do think that, with a PHM under my belt, I won't be as unnerved by the sweepers as I was last February. Even [gulp] if I am in the last corral, I have become a strong enough walker [albeit slow], that I can keep a fairly steady pace. I hope!

Oh, and I really am committed to walking only. Running and I are not compatible.
nice work!! 15:30 is awesome! They say to train at a 15, so you are on target.

I did 4 miles today too. It went better than I thought. I probably could have done more but I had to get the kids from school.

4 miles is great!

I remember your posting on the exercise thread last spring and was always so impressed with all that you did, even with your large family. Are you still having to do all of that yard work?
4 miles is great!

I remember your posting on the exercise thread last spring and was always so impressed with all that you did, even with your large family. Are you still having to do all of that yard work?

Sadly yes. After the car accident DH just couldn't do yard work anymore. DS16 does help a lot, and I'm teaching DS12 how to run the lawn mower. But wood stacking, gardening etc is all me. Mom and I tackled the side yard this spring, and got a good jump on some of it but I have 9 pine trees that need to be cut down. I'm hoping to get a tree guy out this winter to get those.

I did forgo the big garden this year though. I really wanted to get a larger garden off the ground here but we don't have time so we are just doing the small garden at moms. Maybe next year.

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I still manage one long walk per week - between 1-2 hours - to keep up my endurance. I've signed up for a series of races - 2 per month that get longer each month as in 2 5ks, 2 5-milers, 2 10ks, 2 10 milers, and 2 halfs. These will be a huge motivation for me to keep adding miles and, hopefully, cut off some time. At the last Princess, I finished - walking only and snapping pictures [although none with characters] - in a little less than 4 hours. At other local races, I've finished in a little over the 3:30 mark. I am hoping to shave off enough time by November [that first half marathon] so that I can send in a better time to run Disney. I'm trying to stay out of that last corral!

You have plenty of opportunity to get a good time placement! I think you have a great plan.

I need to find a 10k in late fall to see if I can get out of the last corral. I'm terrified of the sweepers! Lol

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Debbie awesome plan! You are one busy lady! I have no races scheduled and most likely I won't but think its great that you are! I'm glad to know I'm not going to be the ONLY STRICTLY WALKER!! I really hope we will get a chance to meet up?!
Just got back from our 40th anniversary cruise and went to this thread first. AWESOME seeing all the action.

Keep up the great work and keep it fun. :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

D2012-took me 3 years before I finally added some jogging and now my knees are hurting a bit from my laps on the cruise ship. Going to start very easy again and am hoping to be much, MUCH better by the time I have my Ironman in November.
Hello everyone! Good to see you are still around John! I can NOT believe I have been talked into the Glass Slipper Challenge 2014!! OMG!!!
Welcome Keahgirl8 & Pinkflmngo! So glad you are here! Pinkflmng how old is you daughter? Will this be her first 1/2 Marathon? We are in the same boat - which is why we are planning to get our C2C in DLand at the 1/2 Marathon in late Aug/early Sept 2014 instead of Tink in Jan2014 - gives us more time between races to save and dream!! plus Dland is the further one from us so we want to get the C2C medal there! Rundisney just told me the sign up for that will be in Jan2014 (just before Princess) I'm super nervous though.....
Keahgirl8 - have you ever done a 10k then 1/2 next day combo before? You are lucky to be able to do a run/walk combo - I am STRICTLY A WALKER ONLY.
Ihave tried many times to run with the combo but just never can do it - too much on my knees etc....
This will be my 3rd Princess - but the first one with the added challenge (if we get in!?) of the 10k the day before.....I pretty old and approx 20/25ibs over weight right now so I am wondering WHY??? I think this is a good idea???? My daughter has a way of talking me into things....

Hi Dreamer2012 -- My daughter will be 27 at the time of the race. I have a "6" in my age! This will be our 3rd Princess. We have also done the Wine & Dine. I have never done any back-to-back races before, but I will find out what it is like in January. We will both be doing the 5k, 10k, and half. Then my daughter will do (or SAYS she will do) the full so that she can accomplish the Dopey Challenge. My good sense tells me what my limits are!

I am much more of a walker than a runner, but I try to do intervals for the first half of the race to get off to a faster start and build more of a cushion for the second half. By the second half, my knees say that I am done running. I am able to walk pretty darn fast and that helps me a lot, too.

I also have a FitBit Zip and find that it really helps with motivation. At the Princess, I logged over 45,000 steps for the whole day, but that includes all the steps at the park after the race too.

My daughter and I really want to do the C2C with the Tink, but it will have to wait at least a year since we are doing the January WDW races this year. She is a cast member and the CM discounts make it a lot more affordable for me to go to the races. It also helps to have a credit card with frequent flyer mile benefits!!! I could never do all this otherwise.

Good luck to you and all the others in their training. It is getting really hot and humid in Illinois now. I guess that helps adjust to what it will be like!
Hi everyone! :wave2:

My mom and I were originally going to sign up for the Princess Half, but decided we wanted to do the Enchanted 10K because of the inaugural bling. While I could do the GSC, my mom probably couldn't, at least not back-to-back. So we're going for the 10K this year and focus on the Half for 2015. I am very excited! Right now I'm working at the gym at a 16mm...fastest mile I've done was 15:45. I'm currently playing in two softball leagues right now, so that's cut into my gym/training time. Once these seasons are over in the fall, I'm only going to be playing on one team, so hopefully I can get back to training then. Good luck to everyone! :)
Hello all!! Planning to participate in this thread again this year, even though I'm walking in the January half marathon (and the new Minnie 10K) and not the Princess (can't afford to do both unfortunately!).

Right now I'm training to walk in the Rock n Roll half marathon here in Chicago in a few weeks. My walking is still slower than I'd like, but I'm gradually starting to see improvment (which I guess is the point of the training, haha). On Sunday, we did 8.75 miles and were able to average right at 16 minutes per mile. On Tuesday, we did 5.23 miles and were actually under 16 minutes, so that was exciting. But then last night's 3 miles was back hovering at that 17.5 minute range. Still having issues with very tight calves and achilles. I've been trying to remember to roll them a couple times a day with the Stick...when I'm consistent with that, it definitely helps...but I get so busy at work, I forget....a LOT!

I'm hoping to be under 16 minutes per mile for the RnR (they also sweep if you're slower than that pace) and then keep working on gradually getting faster. I'd like to be under 15 minutes by the time January rolls around just to build in a little security blanket. I don't want to be too close to those balloon ladies!!

It's so strange--most of the time, its such a struggle to push myself to go faster and it just feels so hard...and then sometimes, suddenly, I'm walking really fast (for me) and I don't even feel like I'm working THAT hard. There were a couple miles on Sunday before the heat got to me that I was going about 15.25 per mile, and I felt GREAT. The other night, my last mile was actually under 15 minutes, and I've never done that before. But the first couple were really tough. It seems like my first 3 miles are always super hard. Don't know why that is.

Anyway, I'm so glad this thread is still alive. I know the runners move twice as fast as I do, so I'm usually not comfortable talking too much in those threads, but in here, I know you guys can relate to the same concerns that I have...

Have a good day everyone and if the Princess is going to be your very first race, you could NOT have picked a better place or race experience!!!! Start walking now, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Beginning miles can be sluggish because the body is not dialed in yet. The warmer and humid weather WILL also make things harder no matter how fit you are.

With the weather getting warmer, please take liquids with you no matter how far/long you are planning to exercise. It might happen that you feel really good and decide to add extra miles so having fluids on hand will be helpful.

Enjoy and have fun.

McFlurry John
I am so happy to see old friends returning and new friends joining!! I have been working hard doing 3 or 4 miles on the treadmill nitely. I have been reaching my daily FITBIT goal of 10,000 daily steps!! And recently have added some lower body weight training...weights have only been a few times so the proverbial jury is still out on how effective it will be! Anyone already booking where they'll be staying? Best rates? I'm taking more ppl (5of us total) so we are having a difficult time finding affordable accommodations at a good price - we want to be on property - the cost for two rooms is not much less than a deluxe - I don't want to end up being penny wish and pound foolish...any thoughts?


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