PROGRESS: DL/DCA Swap Elements & Pages - MAILED BACK, Photos Posted

I was going to start these today but my mom loaned out my Cricut carts to her friends. I specifically told her which one I would need and she loaned them out anyway, and she loaned out MY cricut! Oh well I still have plenty of time. I am getting most of my paper that I don't have tomorrow.
Hi everyone! Our first check-in day is on Monday, so if everyone could pop in and let me know your status.

With so few DL people on the boards, we probably aren't going to be able to get angels, so everyone is counting on everyone else to complete their pieces. I am going to WDW on June 18, so these packages will be on their way back to you before I leave, no if ands or buts.

I have been working on some title designs in CDS and have figured out at least one element for about 1/3 of my groups.

I have one group done...Pages- Group C - Adventureland


I have two groups where I have one element completely done. Haven't made up my mind on what to make for the second elements though.

Wow Hope, those are great! I have my paper, my cricut and carts are back home. I may start these tomorrow. We are going to WDW next TH and I am taking lots of pics!
Checking in for the 30th date. I have sketched my ideas for all and am now creating them in my wishblade software. Should have a prototype & good amount done by the 27th date.
Hopemax - I really like what you've created so far.

Checking in - I have my paper & my plan for Space Mountain & Aladdin - just haven't started putting anything together yet.
I haven't been able to spend the time I want on the DIS lately :) so I just want to check-in to all my current swaps in case it's check-in time.

I have started designing (CDS) the groups. Have the Character Swap to complete first.

Hope, love the meshes. I love creating them for backgrounds, but haven't made them for titles yet. Great job!
I have alot of paper pulled and lots of ideas swimming in my head but Im waiting to start this until I get back from DL. We are going Easter weekend and I plan on taking lots of photos of my groups for inspiration!

I wanted to ask, with the new theme being "What will you celebrate" and theres lots of sinage about "Celebration" if I get inspired can I use that for elements? My MS page is fine.
I have alot of paper pulled and lots of ideas swimming in my head but Im waiting to start this until I get back from DL. We are going Easter weekend and I plan on taking lots of photos of my groups for inspiration!

I wanted to ask, with the new theme being "What will you celebrate" and theres lots of sinage about "Celebration" if I get inspired can I use that for elements? My MS page is fine.

I would be fine with it. We are going to WDW for my birthday in April and Anniversary in Dec. so lots to celebrate. I don't know which group it is or if I'm it so my opinion may not matter.
I wanted to ask, with the new theme being "What will you celebrate" and theres lots of sinage about "Celebration" if I get inspired can I use that for elements? My MS page is fine.

I'm going to say, "It depends." I will not be going to DL during this promo, and I know Mischief Managed will be using her items to scrap a previous DL trip. I am going to WDW during the promo, so if Celebrate is done in away that the item could be used in a WDW book, go for it. Or lets say, you are inspired by a certain color combo, that would be fine. Using Mickey balloons would be fine, they've been selling Mickey balloons forever, so I could certainly use them in non-Celebrate type pages. But if it's something that could really only be used for DL pictures taken during the year of the Celebrate promo, then I would steer away. Does that make sense?
I have all my ideas on paper, and I have already started designing them in CDS. I will start cutting this week on some groups. I just got back from DL and took tons of pics to help me stay inspired on this swap!
I'm going to say, "It depends." I will not be going to DL during this promo, and I know Mischief Managed will be using her items to scrap a previous DL trip. I am going to WDW during the promo, so if Celebrate is done in away that the item could be used in a WDW book, go for it. Or lets say, you are inspired by a certain color combo, that would be fine. Using Mickey balloons would be fine, they've been selling Mickey balloons forever, so I could certainly use them in non-Celebrate type pages. But if it's something that could really only be used for DL pictures taken during the year of the Celebrate promo, then I would steer away. Does that make sense?

Thanks for thinking about me, Hope. :flower3:

Rita, I went to DL/DCA in 2007, part of the Million Dreams campaign (although never once saw the dream team there :sad2:), and it's extremely unlikely that I will be going to DL/DCA in the next couple of years - not until I finish my degree. So unless the pieces are made generic, I couldn't use them in a DL book.


ETA: Also like Hope, I could use the pieces if they specifically said What will You Celebrate (or something similar), but are non-park specific, because I live an hour from WDW. So I go a lot to Orlando - but the pieces couldn't be on rides or shows that are only in CA or specifically say Disneyland or DCA.
Here's what I was thinking~ have you seen the cute decorations that look like upside down party hats with Mickey icons and the other that Ive seen have dog bones, Im assuming for Pluto? I have the cricut cart that has the party hats and I was think of making that and putting pullout tags inside.
I dont know if I will use Celebrate or not or just Disneyland. And Im also hoping that they will have new paper packs when I go with the theme on it.
How does that sound?
Also for Main Street, Im going with a Dapper Dans theme, MS as title but using music themed paper with a colorful striped paper for mats. I think it will work.
I want to play with this one so much but I have to finish Super first!
I am going to be buying the paper this week for this swap. But I had a couple of questions about elements first.

1. I have digital copies of the retro posters of Disneyland rides/attractions. For each of my DL groups, I plan on doing one of the retro posters for that ride/area. It will be double matted, and then printed on vellum, attached with brads, and then there will be a ribbon loop like for hanging a poster. At 100%, the posters are about 5" x 3.5" (some are smaller). But I will shrink them to have them all be the same size - but no smaller than the smallest poster (4.5" x 3"). Does that qualify as being one element - it's not quite signage/bookmark, but it's about the size of a quote. They will of course be printed in color (on a laser printer).

2. For group D, I have Critter Country - because that's a land (I think it's a land anyway - don't know DL well), I have to do a title/topper right as one of my elements?

3. And this question is for anyone that has Cricut, has anyone made any of the houses from the Princesses carts? I want to make the Snow White house for Storybook Land Canal Boats. But I am curious about the size to make it. I don't want it too big to have it take up the page, but not too small that the pieces are terrible to work with. Any comments or recommendations?

Here's what I was thinking~ have you seen the cute decorations that look like upside down party hats with Mickey icons and the other that Ive seen have dog bones, Im assuming for Pluto? I have the cricut cart that has the party hats and I was think of making that and putting pullout tags inside.
I dont know if I will use Celebrate or not or just Disneyland. And Im also hoping that they will have new paper packs when I go with the theme on it.
How does that sound?
Also for Main Street, Im going with a Dapper Dans theme, MS as title but using music themed paper with a colorful striped paper for mats. I think it will work.
I want to play with this one so much but I have to finish Super first!

Sounds good!
I am going to be buying the paper this week for this swap. But I had a couple of questions about elements first.

1. I have digital copies of the retro posters of Disneyland rides/attractions. For each of my DL groups, I plan on doing one of the retro posters for that ride/area. It will be double matted, and then printed on vellum, attached with brads, and then there will be a ribbon loop like for hanging a poster. At 100%, the posters are about 5" x 3.5" (some are smaller). But I will shrink them to have them all be the same size - but no smaller than the smallest poster (4.5" x 3"). Does that qualify as being one element - it's not quite signage/bookmark, but it's about the size of a quote. They will of course be printed in color (on a laser printer).

2. For group D, I have Critter Country - because that's a land (I think it's a land anyway - don't know DL well), I have to do a title/topper right as one of my elements?

3. And this question is for anyone that has Cricut, has anyone made any of the houses from the Princesses carts? I want to make the Snow White house for Storybook Land Canal Boats. But I am curious about the size to make it. I don't want it too big to have it take up the page, but not too small that the pieces are terrible to work with. Any comments or recommendations?


1. Those sound great. I think I would count them as signage. So it would count as one element.

2. Yep, Critter Country is a land. It's where Splash and the Winnie the Pooh ride is, if you remember that part. And yes, if your topic is one of the land names, one element needs to be a title/topper/signage.

3. I have made a couple of the houses, but I don't remember how big I made them. I remember them being easier than I thought they would, so I think it would be possible to go smaller with them. The Dwarves' house has a bit of a pathway in front of it, so even if you went medium sized, the house itself might not seem that tall. And maybe it would work better to cut off the pathway part.
hey I was looking over my list of groups and no-one signed up for Maliboomer on group P is that right or was it forgotten and or can we get an angel or make 5 things instead of 6.
I do really need this attraction since I did get picks of me on it.And I'll never ride it again that's for sure....:crazy2:

And i was gonna give everyone in my group for NOS a bag of the New orleans Jolee's but since that doesn't count as an element you want me to just some of the peices on mats and around my Tile or what???? Or would the package count???
I am going to be buying the paper this week for this swap. But I had a couple of questions about elements first.

1. I have digital copies of the retro posters of Disneyland rides/attractions. For each of my DL groups, I plan on doing one of the retro posters for that ride/area. It will be double matted, and then printed on vellum, attached with brads, and then there will be a ribbon loop like for hanging a poster. At 100%, the posters are about 5" x 3.5" (some are smaller). But I will shrink them to have them all be the same size - but no smaller than the smallest poster (4.5" x 3"). Does that qualify as being one element - it's not quite signage/bookmark, but it's about the size of a quote. They will of course be printed in color (on a laser printer).Dude!!! That sounds so awesome!!! Oddly enough I did get a copy of one of the orginal Strorbookland ride posters and I made that the center of the page I did for that ride when Steve and went. I double mated it and it looked so cool.Can i get no ribbon on mine I'd like it to lay flat :thumbsup2

3. And this question is for anyone that has Cricut, has anyone made any of the houses from the Princesses carts? I want to make the Snow White house for Storybook Land Canal Boats. But I am curious about the size to make it. I don't want it too big to have it take up the page, but not too small that the pieces are terrible to work with. Any comments or recommendations? Hey how about a couple of small houses that are all in the ride like Jasmines crib and Snow whites and ciderella's but like smaller than you useually would so it'll be like your going through the ride.... Just my 2 cents:rolleyes1

That's just me though :)
I'm just checking in and letting you know that I am working on my stuff. I have to dig out an old Downtown Disney brochure and I'm going to use that for some inspiration. I have a few other things sketched out for the other stuff.
I am leaving Thursday for WDW. I will take lots of pics for inspiration. I love all the ideas so far.

I have made the princess castle but don't remember the size.

I don't remember and can't find my DL map, are Pooh and Splash the only rides in Critter Country? I have a cute idea for my page but need to know the rides in that area.


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