Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning all. Going to be a chilly day, hopefully our Son in law gets here today and cleans those gutters! Also need to get to the battery place and get our chariot a new one, lol.

Today the turkey starts getting defrosted..hopefully the last few days in the fridge, instead of freezer, started the process. Speaking of freezers,,was checking Lowes for a new chest one, and now delivery on a lot of them says next April/May? Yikes!

Mr L wants to start putting together the 2 new nightstands today, but he's said that the last 2. I vacuumed the whole house yesterday, and brought several trash bags and piles of broken down boxes to the shed for trash day tomorrow. That and dishes was about all I did, but I am really trying not to overdo it. I love my FitBit Luxe,,its got a constant read out of my heart rate, and tells me if I am doing too much!

Have a nice morning everyone..enjoy your Tuesday!giphy.gif
Good morning. It is 28 degrees here with the high for day going to maybe 39. BRRRR!

@dazedx3 Best wishes for a great surgery. Your knee will feel better soon after surgery. The pain you feel will be a healing pain, not the pain of a bad knee. It is different and you know it will get better and better. Always follow what PT says. I used ice alot for pain relief in addition to keeping up with the pain meds, and was as active as I could be given the surgery. Ask PT for guidance. I found getting up and walking around the house every hour at first really helped me. Sending positive thoughts to you.

proud of how strong you’re being. I know you probably don’t feel that way right now, but that’s how I see it. Praying for you, also. 🙏🏻
I really don't think I am very strong through all this. I cry all the time and can't stay at the house. Others can do it but I find it too hard after what happened. I have to keep busy or I just fall apart. I miss Chris more than anything and I really just want to be alone on Thanksgiving. My therapist is concerned that I am not really doing much self care and am only a 4 on a scale of 1-10. I just have so much to do to transfer over financial stuff, the grandkids are very chaotic at my DS's house so I can't really have quiet time or go to bed when I want or need to. I think people (relatives) who come to the house think I should be watching the kids when they are sick so DIL can go to work. Well, I can barely take care of myself, never mind anyone else. Not trying to be selfish, just realistic. Some days I am not even sure what I am doing. I appreciate and need the prayers.

I talked with my manager yesterday about work next week. Boy, did they change alot while I was out. If I had known that was going to happen I would have tried to stay working even though it would have been every difficult. Oh well, I have a big learning curve ahead of me and a mashed potato brain to use. I am concerned that I may be out of a job at some point as they seem to have brought back someone who had been laid off and everything has been settled as far as who does what part of my job. My main issue now is I need to pay bills and need medical insurance so this job is important. Although I just got an email from my boss and he seems to be welcoming me back to work so who knows. My anxiety seems to get worse, not better. Time for deep breathing.

Off to the house as this is the last week I can go most weekdays. Once I am working I am going to try to go on Wed to put out the trash and do a bit of cleaning. That will be all I can manage during the week. The weekends will be at the house of course.
Good morning. It is 28 degrees here with the high for day going to maybe 39. BRRRR!

@dazedx3 Best wishes for a great surgery. Your knee will feel better soon after surgery. The pain you feel will be a healing pain, not the pain of a bad knee. It is different and you know it will get better and better. Always follow what PT says. I used ice alot for pain relief in addition to keeping up with the pain meds, and was as active as I could be given the surgery. Ask PT for guidance. I found getting up and walking around the house every hour at first really helped me. Sending positive thoughts to you.

I really don't think I am very strong through all this. I cry all the time and can't stay at the house. Others can do it but I find it too hard after what happened. I have to keep busy or I just fall apart. I miss Chris more than anything and I really just want to be alone on Thanksgiving. My therapist is concerned that I am not really doing much self care and am only a 4 on a scale of 1-10. I just have so much to do to transfer over financial stuff, the grandkids are very chaotic at my DS's house so I can't really have quiet time or go to bed when I want or need to. I think people (relatives) who come to the house think I should be watching the kids when they are sick so DIL can go to work. Well, I can barely take care of myself, never mind anyone else. Not trying to be selfish, just realistic. Some days I am not even sure what I am doing. I appreciate and need the prayers.

Right now you need to take care of yourself, not anyone else. You are correct that it is not selfish, its just realistic. You are going to have those days where you cry and think you are not strong. But those days will get fewer and farther between as time goes by, believe it or not. You ARE being strong. You are doing what you have to do. I do understand the wanting to be alone on Thanksgiving though. Maybe spend just some time with the kids and grandkids, and then go and spend time by yourself. It is supposed to be fairly nice on Thursday..maybe go for a walk, go to a movie, anything to get your mind off things for just a little while, it might make you feel better.

I talked with my manager yesterday about work next week. Boy, did they change alot while I was out. If I had known that was going to happen I would have tried to stay working even though it would have been every difficult. Oh well, I have a big learning curve ahead of me and a mashed potato brain to use. I am concerned that I may be out of a job at some point as they seem to have brought back someone who had been laid off and everything has been settled as far as who does what part of my job. My main issue now is I need to pay bills and need medical insurance so this job is important. Although I just got an email from my boss and he seems to be welcoming me back to work so who knows. My anxiety seems to get worse, not better. Time for deep breathing.

Take work the same way as you are taking the house, and most everything else. One day at a time, and try to be pessimistic about the job. Maybe things have changed, but so has the world, and your world especially. Since your boss seems to be welcoming you back to work, thopefully things will work out and be okay. Maybe they had to bring someone back, just to cover parts of your job while you were off.
Off to the house as this is the last week I can go most weekdays. Once I am working I am going to try to go on Wed to put out the trash and do a bit of cleaning. That will be all I can manage during the week. The weekends will be at the house of course.
Snowysmom.... I know that you do not feel very strong, that is the way grief makes us feel. Please remember that grief is love. It takes a long time. Those of us on this thread think you are doing great, but I get why you don't feel that way. Your body and mind are in shock, but it will get better over time. You will always love Chris, and he knows . Go easy on yourself, surround yourself with people who understand and support you. Everyone grieves differently, if you can't stay at the house then that's OK. I know you want the pain to stop, but there is no timeline.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, I am feeling calmer as it gets closer.
Good morning. It is 28 degrees here with the high for day going to maybe 39. BRRRR!

@dazedx3 Best wishes for a great surgery. Your knee will feel better soon after surgery. The pain you feel will be a healing pain, not the pain of a bad knee. It is different and you know it will get better and better. Always follow what PT says. I used ice alot for pain relief in addition to keeping up with the pain meds, and was as active as I could be given the surgery. Ask PT for guidance. I found getting up and walking around the house every hour at first really helped me. Sending positive thoughts to you.

I really don't think I am very strong through all this. I cry all the time and can't stay at the house. Others can do it but I find it too hard after what happened. I have to keep busy or I just fall apart. I miss Chris more than anything and I really just want to be alone on Thanksgiving. My therapist is concerned that I am not really doing much self care and am only a 4 on a scale of 1-10. I just have so much to do to transfer over financial stuff, the grandkids are very chaotic at my DS's house so I can't really have quiet time or go to bed when I want or need to. I think people (relatives) who come to the house think I should be watching the kids when they are sick so DIL can go to work. Well, I can barely take care of myself, never mind anyone else. Not trying to be selfish, just realistic. Some days I am not even sure what I am doing. I appreciate and need the prayers.

I talked with my manager yesterday about work next week. Boy, did they change alot while I was out. If I had known that was going to happen I would have tried to stay working even though it would have been every difficult. Oh well, I have a big learning curve ahead of me and a mashed potato brain to use. I am concerned that I may be out of a job at some point as they seem to have brought back someone who had been laid off and everything has been settled as far as who does what part of my job. My main issue now is I need to pay bills and need medical insurance so this job is important. Although I just got an email from my boss and he seems to be welcoming me back to work so who knows. My anxiety seems to get worse, not better. Time for deep breathing.

Off to the house as this is the last week I can go most weekdays. Once I am working I am going to try to go on Wed to put out the trash and do a bit of cleaning. That will be all I can manage during the week. The weekends will be at the house of course.
Hugs. And one more.

You have been through a lot. And so has your family. All of your worlds have been turned upside down. Basically in crisis, and all trying heal, as well as find your new normal. On top of taking care of all the work that has to be done and details that have to be sorted out. It would be overwhelming to anyone! When I say I think you are strong, I think that just getting out of bed every day and driving to your house, which I know isn’t right around the corner (it’s a good ways away, right?) takes a lot of stamina. Some people probably wouldn’t be able to do it right now. Yet you do it regularly. That is being strong. The rest of it? It’s natural. It’s natural to cry. And it’s natural to feel overwhelmed with everything before you. Then you have your job to worry about, on top of Covid and flu fears, crazy things happening in our world, prices rising, and all that other stuff. Many of us already feel that anxiety, but you have had a crisis on top of all that. Give yourself credit and time to work it through. Day by day; hour by hour if necessary. You are doing ok.

I was telling my daughter recently about a time in my life where I felt like I didn’t have a place to call my own. It was hard. I imagine you are feeling somewhat similar. I mean, it’s your home, but it is hard for you to be there now. And you want a different place that will be your new home. I think that is a positive outlook. You just have to get there, and it will take what seem like insurmountable bounds to get there. But you will get there. And you will feel better having everything nicely sorted and arranged, some new things mixed in with your old and beloved things, your grandkids will be growing up a bit, and you will forge through with some new friendships and things you never imagined having. And you will come to appreciate them. Nothing will ever take the hurt away that you feel losing your beloved Chris, but you will feel better about things once you get past this crisis of things being so upended. Hold on to that.

A few things I thought of while reading your posts. Is there a way you can excuse yourself in the evenings when things get crazy w the kids so that you can go to your room and relax, maybe with a cup of tea or something? Surely your sons and DILs will understand your need to do that. And it might actually be easier for them, as well. My mother lived in our house with us for a year or so when we were building our in law apt, after she’d sold her house. At that time, we were trying to have a baby. And she was in the room right next to ours. To make matters more fun, we were going through infertility, so, ahem, things had to happen at certain times. Talk about awkward! And my mother sort of didn’t know what to do with herself. She was definitely out of sorts not having her own real space. But once she moved in to her apt, she was good. And we all breathed a sigh of relief. (She spent the next 25 yrs with us right next door but the door in between our places was very important.) Everyone really needs their own space. So I would suggest that if there is a parent at home w the grandkids, to just retire to your space early and find something to do that relaxes you. Wear earplugs or headphones if you must, or turn on your TV. Don’t come out again until the kids are asleep! Part of their behavior might be that their routine is a little disrupted, too, and their parents may not want to discipline the kids the way they normally would with you there, etc. (We sometimes had those issues even with the door.) Not to say your not wanted there, by any means. Just saying that change can happen when normal routines are disrupted, so trying to get back to normal even when together might help.

I think it’s great that your boss sent you that note and I thank him or her for that. It sounds like they are looking forward to welcoming you back. I always find that I worry a lot about work before I get there, but once I get there, things are usually fine. Try not to worry about work too, too much. It will be fine, and it might even be good for you to get back there and help get some normalcy back. I have been eternally grateful to the boss that I had when I was returning from cancer treatment and my kids were little, etc. I was rushing back when she, intuitively, told me to “cross work off my list of worries”. It meant the world to know that I could have a little breather in one area of my life anyway. (Things are not like that today where I am, so I count that as a blessing that she was there during my time of crisis.) Anyway, hope some of these thoughts help. I agree with Lynn you need to eek out some time to take care of your needs, too. Don’t worry about what anyone is thinking. Also take advantage of people you trust who are offering help. Some extra hands in your house could make a big difference. My SIL who lost her husband was taken to a financial planner by one of her husband’s brothers. It was a big step and now she can talk to that person by herself and has them to help with financial stuff. Baby steps.
Good morning.

A lot of good support for each other here.

Prayers and healing thoughts for you @dazedx3.

I used ice alot for pain relief in addition to keeping up with the pain meds, and was as active as I could be given the surgery. Ask PT for guidance. I found getting up and walking around the house every hour at first really helped me.
All excellent advice. Even a short walk to the window or bathroom counts. And ice, LOTS of ice. If someone is coming to visit and wants to bring something, tell them a bag of ice. Those ice machines use a lot. I had a patient that was a school custodian. She lived near her school and her coworkers brought her ice every day. Best gift ever.
Lynn, I have a story for you, too. 😝 Recently I was at work and I saw a lady power walking up and down the hallway of the hospital unit. I didn’t think too much of it until she didn’t stop for close to an hour! She had just had what you had, AFib with Rapid Ventricular Response, the day before, but was now, thankfully, back in a normal rhythm. So I asked her nurse to ask her to curb the power walking now. Her nurse said something to her, but she kept it up. So I went over to her, introduced myself (old battle axe!), and told her that I was concerned about the strain she was putting on her heart after just having had this emergency yesterday. She told me she normally walks three miles a day. I said yes, but again, you had this happen, and we’re very glad things are back to normal, but your heart needs to rest right now in order to heal. So she said ok, and went back to her room, shut the door and relaxed. In the old days I was the younger/newer nurse and I was surrounded by older nurses who had rules but for good reason. Today it’s the opposite, I’m the older one surrounded by many newer nurses (true everywhere, it seems). Plus we’re working in a culture where nobody wants to say anything to anyone and people don’t want to be told what to do, either. But I feel like I would be remiss if I didn’t impart what I know to be important. Sooo, you know where I’m going with this! :teeth: Staying active is good. Overdoing it is not. What in the world are you doing moving stoves around, girl? And painting vents? Good grief! :lmao: Please, try to take it easy to let your heart rest and heal and not put extra pressure on it right now. At least for a while! That rhythm can recur and then they will have to try other things that you probably won’t like too much! My words of wisdom for the day. Quack.
Thanks so much, dear Pea. We haven’t tried the Kindle much ot yet but got it all set up. Thank you always for all your extra love and prayers for my dad and I. Using the Nesquik sounds like a tasty idea and one I never thought of. I sure did enjoy it in chocolate milk as a kid. As I’ve shared, a milk drinker, I am not and never have been. When I was younger, an occasional chocolate milk was good. That was until I discovered milk shakes :D Aw, Happy Birthday dear Toto! How sweet he is a Thanksgiving time dog—adds to the blessing God gave you in him. As always, what kind and loving words you share with us all, especially Snowysmom, thank you! LOVE your wise words to Lynn! Amen!

Wishing you a terrific Tuesday, too, Lynn! What kind of night stands did you get? I’m looking for a small new one. Prayers you and Mr. L enjoy an extra thankful Thanksgiving! I sure am grateful, my friend, that you both will be together and at home!

Big hug Snowysmom and a ton of continued prayer! We are here. We care. One day, one moment at a time, my friend. You are not alone. Much love.

Huge prayers and hugs :hug: for you Dazed, and what a beautiful message of support to Snowysmom! ITA.

Carol , I thank you always extra, too for the loving care you have given so very many over the years! It really is little things that we often don’t think much about that can make the biggest difference to someone!

Dad is currently at the eye doctor. Praying that goes well. I'm scurrying getting what I have for Barbara Ann's stocking surprise stuffed and ready for my friend Terri to pick up. Anything else we get she can add later, same with our friend Santa's helper friend who is assisting us with this secret Christmas mission. It will be wonderful to see her later.

:grouphug:🌼to all of you!
Happy Tuesday everyone ☀

Sunny day today! Went and did some errands today, needed to buy gift cards for the St. Nick stockings. Lowe's has already started their Black Friday sale so I went down there and grab a 9 gallon wet dry vac for ds1 for Xmas. They had a much smaller one on their wedding registry but for the same price, I was going to get the bigger one. Him and future DIL were easy to buy for this year, I just took some things off their registry for Xmas. Got ds2 done also. I already had him 1/2 way done and then he asked for a $100 pair of gym shoes so that finished him up. Just have ds3 and one of the girlfriends.

Stopped at Hobby Lobby yesterday and got some Xmas decorations. I have a big country type lantern in my living room so I want to decorate it this year. Ds1 is also going to use that on the welcome table to their reception so I want it to look country-Xmas.

Not much else going on today. Trying a new pasta recipe tonight so hopefully it turns out good. Have a good day! :wave:
Lynn, I have a story for you, too. 😝 Recently I was at work and I saw a lady power walking up and down the hallway of the hospital unit. I didn’t think too much of it until she didn’t stop for close to an hour! She had just had what you had, AFib with Rapid Ventricular Response, the day before, but was now, thankfully, back in a normal rhythm. So I asked her nurse to ask her to curb the power walking now. Her nurse said something to her, but she kept it up. So I went over to her, introduced myself (old battle axe!), and told her that I was concerned about the strain she was putting on her heart after just having had this emergency yesterday. She told me she normally walks three miles a day. I said yes, but again, you had this happen, and we’re very glad things are back to normal, but your heart needs to rest right now in order to heal. So she said ok, and went back to her room, shut the door and relaxed. In the old days I was the younger/newer nurse and I was surrounded by older nurses who had rules but for good reason. Today it’s the opposite, I’m the older one surrounded by many newer nurses (true everywhere, it seems). Plus we’re working in a culture where nobody wants to say anything to anyone and people don’t want to be told what to do, either. But I feel like I would be remiss if I didn’t impart what I know to be important. Sooo, you know where I’m going with this! :teeth: Staying active is good. Overdoing it is not. What in the world are you doing moving stoves around, girl? And painting vents? Good grief! :lmao: Please, try to take it easy to let your heart rest and heal and not put extra pressure on it right now. At least for a while! That rhythm can recur and then they will have to try other things that you probably won’t like too much! My words of wisdom for the day. Quack.

LOL the stove is on sliders..its no harder than anything else to pull out. And I took the vents to the cellar and sat down to grind and sand them, and then paint them..nothing strenuous! I am really taking it easy (easier then I was), so thanks once again..and QUACK back at you!
LOL the stove is on sliders..its no harder than anything else to pull out. And I took the vents to the cellar and sat down to grind and sand them, and then paint them..nothing strenuous! I am really taking it easy (easier then I was), so thanks once again..and QUACK back at you!
Ok, good! You must just be a very active person!!
When I had my knees replaced I bought large ice wraps from Amazon and kept them in the freezer. I had 2 pair so I could swap them out. We bought a little freezer just for my ice wraps and a bag of ice too for when I wanted more icing. Ice is definitely your friend after a knee replacement.

I just got back from the house. I did some stuff but then I sat down and watched TV and chilled out a bit. My TV, my TV shows that I like. I don't have a TV in my room at DS's house. He offered me one and I think I may take him up on the offer. Then I called one of my best friends and told her it is a tough week for me. She is so good and talked with me and let me vent or cry or whatever I needed to do. She knew Chris too. Then we just chatted a bit. She offered to go to NH with me in May. She lives in NH so I can pick her up on the way. I am going to cancel my May Disney trip and go to North Conway for a few nights. I told her I was going to try to stay the night at the house on Friday. Like many here, she told me I can and will do it. She is waiting for me to text her on Saturday to tell her I did it. She also said to call on Thanksgiving if I need someone to talk with. It is so good to have support from friends here and from other friends. Some people I have worked with or friends I email alot seem to have faded away after the first month so I figure they are not comfortable with the grief and the situation. I consider that their problem, not mine. Some people want grief to go away quickly and it doesn't really go away at all. It just maybe softens and becomes integrated into your life over time. I am so grateful for the caring and support on our Quacker family thread. @Pea-n-Me Glad your SIL has someone to go over finances with. My younger DS is an investment analyst so he is my financial guy. Once I get all the money issues straightened out with social security and the life ins, he and I will be talking with Fidelity and I know DS will be the best advocate for me. Then I can figure out when I can retire and when I want to retire. I suspect I will want to work for a few more years before retiring. I need to keep busy. I will take lots of walks on Thanksgiving and go to my room alot. Last ditch effort I will drive to the house. It is a 50 minute drive to the house but if I have to, I will.

Have a nice day. And @dazedx3 Thinking of you and know you will do well.
Good afternoon and evening friends,

Dad's eye doctor visit thank God went very well. He does not need to go back until this time next year :) I'm waiting still for Terri to come get the stocking, I did start filling it up earlier! I also emailed the new dentist sharing my specific dental needs with him. I wanted to be upfront with that for sure. I pray he does kindly reply. Regardless, because my former dentist will be retiring in just 2 weeks, I'll need to call his office to let them know to please send my records to the new dentist. Also, my kind old dentist told me at my last visit he is calling all the new dentist choices of his former patients to share their history and needs. I absolutely want him to do so for me! Like all, I trust in God and know He has this just fine, too.

Footballmouse, I miss Hobby Lobby! Such a fun place to browse, I'm glad you were able to go there.

Sliders or not, that still sounds like a bigger job, Lynn! I'm glad it's done.

Praise God for your friend, Snowysmom and that you trusted in her to reach out as well. I'm also so glad to hear your DS offered you a TV in your room. I hope that will provide you extra comfort. Sometimes just watching anything fun is a positive relief. You will be just fine indeed on Friday night and going forward. I believe in you, my friend and am here. :grouphug:

Thank you again for the link to tonight's service, Carol. I loved last Sunday's message!

Love and Quack to all.
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My favorite hot chocolate is Delectables Gourmet Hot Cocoa which is made by Melaleuca. Their Chai Tea is also wonderful as well.
My next choice is either Land O Lakes especially the caramel and raspberry ones or making my own using 1st choice Girahadelli Cocoa and 2nd choice Hersheys. It is really easy as it takes 4 cups dry milk powder, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup cocoa powder. If you don't want it was sweet or as rich you can reduce the sugar or the cocoa to 3/4 of a cup. You mix it in a bowl and then store it in an air tight container. To use mix 1-2 spoonfuls into 6-8 oz of hot water depending on how strong you like it.
It only took till the last possible minute to determine what we were doing for Thanksgiving. We are going to DH's younger brother's house for dinner with DH's family. Not sure how long we are going to stay but there is a high chance that we will not be staying really late or even very long. 14 year old does not do well with the chaos and the volume when there is a whole lot of people around. There could be as many as 30 that are just family or those dating family members. 10 or less is her comfort level for longer visits. Add that chances are high that we won't have her ipad back. At last report it sounds like it was being sent back to Best Buy from Apple after the repairs and that was as of Saturday so we were told to give it a day or two and we should get a call to make an appointment to come and pick it up. As of today (Tuesday before Thanksgiving) there has been no call. We also do not have a portable DVD player as ours started acting up and they did not have a replacement in the store so one had to be ordered and won't be here till the 29th. At least that we have a date for getting replaced. This means that we are going to be taking a couple of her puzzles, her non hardening clay (which we will have to ask if it is ok for her to play with at a table after dinner), and maybe her dominos though since we got her the train ones we will pull the trains out and leave them at home as one of them that will be there is DH's niece's 15 month old and 3.5 year old kids plus another of his nieces has an 8 month old. To add to things we were told that it appeared back at Easter that 16 year old was rude and it was obvious that she did not want to be at bil's house. We have been told that if she does not want to be there she does not need to come so since DH wants us to go as a family she has agreed to be on her best behavior. However she does not do well with having to socialize for a long period of time as she is very much an interovert so even with her having her ipad and her earphones plus she is going to take her embroidery project she is working on for fair 22. We are going to tell people that she puts on her earphones and her music when working on her project so that she is not distracted by outside noises so she doesn't make a mistake. She is also going to take her sketchbook and work on some of her art. I am predicting that we will leave within a couple hours of the meal being done to come home.
Good chilly morning all..currently 21 and a very hard frost. I just took the trash down to the street. Summers hand has been bothering her and I told her not to come till around noon. She will take me down in our car to get a new battery , stop at Sheetz so I can put 1/4 tank of gas in (since June,,lol) and add dry gas for the winter, and then take both of us to our 2:00 appts. They are in the same medical bldg, just 2 different floors

Will be saying prayers for @dazedx3 that her knee surgery goes well, and saying prayers for all of my Quacker family in general. I know that they holidays are stressful for a lot of people, and I am sure that some of us will be having some trying times , so extra prayers can't hurt!

@flyingdumbo127--will post a pic of the night stands we got at the bottom..they came from Wayfair..

Have a great day all!Carnforth+1+-+Drawer+Nightstand+in+Whitewash_Rustic+Gray.jpg09fce8243196851e8b06ed042f0ec125.jpg
Good morning.

28 here. Up early because I feel like I have a lot to do. First on the list, go to a WW meeting to weigh in. It won’t be pretty and I’ll probably have to pay.

After that, it’s food prep day.

The church service lat night was interesting, but long. The leader of the Sikh community was especially interesting. His accent was pretty heavy but he was funny too. There was a leader from the Jainism group was there. I had never heard of it and, after googling, not sure if I’d call it religion or cult. Also there, Islamic, Jewish, Quaker, Unitarian, Baptist, Presbyterian, Baha’i, United Church of Christ, and of course, Methodist.

I'm up early here, for no particular reason, but I'm enjoying my quiet coffee and kitty cuddles While watching some of the Gilmore Girls binge-a-thon.
I’ve been watching Gilmore Girls on and off too, looking forward to A Year in the Life.

Good wishes for @dazedx3 today. Check in when you can.

Interesting, I've not heard of this religion before....and it is one of the eldest known religions!

How is everyone doing today? I hope well- I'm soon off to pick up my bakery order and stop for last minute vegetable needs for tomorrow. Then back here and I'll start getting myself in gear for tomorrow. We won't eat until 5 tomorrow afternoon so if I pace myself correctly I should not be to overwhelmed with stuff to do. No big breakfast to make in the AM as the menfolk are going hunting 2 hours south of here so it will be noon or so before they are even home. Oh - and I have to pop into Home Goods, I am short 3 napkins so I need to pick up another pack. I hope they have something decent that matches my existing napkins. I think next year I'm going to treat myself to new table linens for the holidays.

Safe travels to those of you traveling today, tomorrow or this weekend. Good luck DazedX3 with your knee op, I hope all goes great for you! Good thoughts going out to those of you who are perhaps struggling this year, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all.


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