Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Happy hump day everyone! :tigger:

Didn't do anything exciting last night, the pasta dish that I made was okay, we ate it. It will be good for a backup recipe.

Ds2 is coming over tomorrow morning to chill out and make the carrot dish for Thanksgiving. It was supposed to be just him, his girlfriend and ds3 at his apartment for dinner tomorrow. The girlfriend decided to invite her parents too. His apartment is so small, plus his big German Shephard dog, he's getting out of there until dinner. I'm making the green bean casserole later today for him to take and I have the pie and rolls thawing out.

I bought a butter bread roll from someone at work. I've never had nor made this before so I hope it turns out good. I figure I'll bake it in the morning while I'm getting ready for work and ds2 & 3 can have that in the morning.

lynxstch - I like the nightstand!

Hope everyone has a great day and try to stay out of the grocery store today!!!!! :crazy2:
Pretty nightstand, Lynn. 👍🏻

I had a workman here yesterday pretty much all day working outside. I felt bad, it was so cold out. I brought him some hot chocolate and banana bread and he was appreciative. But I didn’t get a lot done with him here. Had to cancel a hair appt last night because I didn’t have enough time to get there once he was done. His car wouldn’t start and we had to jump it.

Today I plan to stop by my elderly neighbor’s house and bring her lunch and a seasonal planter. She loved it last year and doesn’t get out much anymore so bringing the season inside seems best. She moved to an elderly housing unit, so I miss her living across the street from me. We could talk for hours! Just talked to her and she asked if I could help with her bath! Poor thing doesn’t want to bathe when alone. Will roll up my sleeves and help get her washed up. Been thinking about my mother a lot so this helps me feel close to her. She loved to do things for others and I carry on the tradition, as do the rest of my family. I have been watching the little things that DH and the kids do for people when out and about. We went to a craft fair recently and there was a man with a walker who couldn’t get down this stairs. I offered help but he and his wife said no thank you. I turned around and DH, who had gone to use the rest room, had him by the arm and was helping him down the stairs. It warmed my heart. I’ve been thinking for this year I’d like to focus on giving more than receiving. I think it’s one of the best things we can do when feeling sad.

Tonight we’ll cook and bake a bit but we’re going to SIL’s house tomorrow and working this weekend so no big meal prep for us here. It feels rather freeing, actually!

** DS is about to take his big test this morning at 10am. Any good thoughts sent his way are much appreciated!**

Sweetpeamama I hope you and all of your family members have a good time tomorrow.

Dazed, hoping things go smoothly with your surgery and recovery.

Wishing all Quackers a lovely Thanksgiving! 🐥🦃
Good Morning,

Thanks for the nightstand picture, Lynn :)

Prayers extra for DazedX3 and truly all of you, my Quacker family. Still also holding Kirby more in prayer since she's been awol for a while now, and of course, Tina, too.

Prayers for your DS, Pea! He will do just fine, my friend :)

Happy day before Thanksgiving and love to all of you.
Miracle, I weighed in under goal :cool1:

I’ve been thinking for this year I’d like to focus on giving more than receiving.
Your entire post was a wonderful sentiment. I especially like this.

QOTD - For whoever is making a turkey, do you have a favorite way or recipe?

I use Alton Brown's recipe but start at #4. It has worked for me. DD is going to use this tomorrow but from step 1 and brining it.
Good afternoon,

I hope all of you are having a good Wednesday. I just got a very kind reply from the new dentist. Feel much better about that now, thank God. I will contact my former dentist on Monday to be sure they know of my choice.

Good for you, Carol!

Current Catalog FYI. I had never ordered from them before. I just got my first of two packages from them. This one came much quicker at just about 2 weeks. Package 2, due to come Friday will be 3 weeks since I ordered but that's okay. Just a heads up to any of you thinking about ordering from Current right now to do so in advance. One of the things I got was a package of Christmas cards. I was very disappointed that the cards came flat! They are not folded and I don't care for the cover image. I'll be calling Current shortly to see what options I have. I also want to find out that the assorted birthday cards I ordered (expected Friday) will be folded! I've only had to fold cards that we had printed out ourselves at church but never any I had ordered. Minor, of course :) Updated to add so all of you know this: ALL Current cards are unfolded! The chat rep admitted to me that nowhere in descriptions does it indicate this :( I will be getting a refund on the Christmas cards, which turns out I did not need this year anyway (I would have saved for next year) and some tote bags that came bent. A supervisor is supposed to call me regarding a refund on another package of cards (Birthday) due to come on Friday. Like I said before, minor. I just, as all of you know, cherish honesty always! And feel customers should know in advance exactly what it is they are buying!

So thankful dad is home now. He may return a library book later but that's it until Friday. Terri did take our picture last night which really did mean so much to me. I look forward to her texting them to me later today.

Lol maybe I'll finally finish watching "Never Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater," later! I hope all of you have been enjoying something good.

I'll check back in later.
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Just popping in to say I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Just sort of skimmed through as I missed alot but want to let you all know I'm thinking of you always. Especially @Snowysmom hope tomorrow is OK for you.
@dazedx3 praying your surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery.
@Bianca and Bernard hugs to you and your son. Our DD has had some mental health struggles and it's so tough. She seems to be in a better place right now and I hope your DS continues to do well aswell.

It's been an emotional rough week or so in our house. Our boy is still hanging in there but we can see the decline more so every day. I had to have a talk with DH tonight because he's a bit in denial but I'm not sure Bingo will make it through the weekend, either on his own or having to put him down. :sad1: Thankfully he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable or in pain....it's just too sad to think about and making me a bit of a weepy mess thinking about mom a lot lately too.

I'm making dinner tomorrow for the 3 of us, my dad and DH invited a friend/coworker and his wife, who didn't have anywhere else to go. I should be prepping but I already feel exhausted so I think I'm just going to go to bed and do everything tomorrow. I making 2 turkey breasts in the air fryer, half ham in one crockpot, mashed potatoes in another and all the other sides will bake in the oven. I cheated and bought a pumpkin pie and an apple pie instead of making them like I usually do, I just didn't have it in my this year. Looking forward to start Christmas decorating this weekend to try and brighten our spirits a bit. :grouphug:
Well my day did not go as planned. I blew my nose this morning, and for the first time in my life, had a nosebleed. It was gushing out and scared me. After about 45 min of pressure on it, it stopped. Summer got here at noon and we went to get a new battery. On the way home, the nosebleed started again. I figured it had to be the blood thinner they have me taking. Got to my heart clinic appt and it was still bleeding a lot. She had someone go and get some kind of plastic pincher thing. Said leave it on, and pick up some Afrin. Which will help constrict the vessels, finished the appt, and came home. Took plastic thing off as directed, again blood was gushing out. Called SIL and niece who dropped everything and took me to our ER. After sitting there for 3 hours, and getting nowhere, with at least 12 people ahead of me, except to keep coughing up clots in my throat from the nose drippomg down into it, I told them I was leaving. They drove me to Potomac Valley Hospital IN WV where in the next 2 hours I was immediately seen, blood work done, and a Dr , the only Dr there, came in and said it was the Eliquis that caused it. He took.the plastic pincher off and the bleeding had stopped. He put more Afrin in and said to use it for the next 4 days. And to put a humidifier in the house so my nose doesn't get dried out again. Said all lab work was fine
It was almost 45 min drive. So it was almost 1 am when we got home. Had a small bowl of cereal and came to bed. Got nothing done for dinner today. And felt bad for holding up SIL and niece from getting the stuff they needed done. They are having 19 people for dinner. They both told me that I was more important. Bless them both!!!

Happy Thanksgiving all--I have yet another reason to be grateful this year!!!068d1ef187a8645ee26c8baea935a66e.gif
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Oh boy. Both very tough situations Auntie and Lynn, and I’m sorry you’re having these issues. They’re hard enough on regular days, but even harder over the holidays. Just said prayers for both of you. :grouphug:

Lynn, I thought you were quiet yesterday. You are so blessed to have such loving family members around you! DD had a patient recently who had a pretty bad nosebleed in the hospital and they used a tampon to contain the bleeding! It worked out pretty well. Not anything I’ve ever seen before, but hey, if it works! The blood thinners can be tough. They’re so important though. DH’s closest coworker’s (who he shares lunch with every day) wife took herself off her blood thinners last year and she wound up having a stroke while they were out walking one night. Fortunately they were able to emergently remove some clots from her brain and she is better now. It’s important to find a balance. Hopefully that will be the last of the nosebleeds. Be sure to follow up with whoever prescribed it or your PCP in case there needs to be a dose adjustment or such. They should get the information on what happened, but call to be sure, and let them know.

Auntie, I‘m pretty sure I shared this with Snowysmom when Jasper was ill, and I will share it with you. It helped me on several occasions when we were at that point with our beloved Shepherds, too. It is such a hard thing to go through. 🥲 And just a reminder that I read and hear a lot about a lot of near death experiences, and many people report seeing their pets in the afterlife, so I really believe we will see them again some day.

From petloss.com. Hope it brings you a small bit of peace.


You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.

In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997
(c) Karen Clouston
Happy Thanksgiving, Quackers! 🐥🦃 Thinking of all of you today and wishing you a nice holiday.

QOTD: I am not cooking a turkey this year (but I did pick up a frozen breast yesterday and we’ll cook it maybe next week, we love turkey dinner here and I thought prices were very reasonable) but normally we just put a little olive oil on the skin and then salt, pepper and garlic, and that’s it. Mom and DH always made the gravy in a group effort using the drippings, and we make a good stuffing if I do say so myself which is Bell’s with sausage, apples, cranberries, celery and onion in it. We’ll be doing some of that this morning to bring with us today as well as some roasted root vegetables and a gingerbread trifle. I think I’ll also bring a bottle of that cranberry wine I picked up a couple of months ago, too.

BTW, we went out last night and thought the stores and restaurants were eerily quiet. Grocery store was very full with items, even had plenty of butternut squash, which is almost always gone before a holiday, and just a handful of people shopping. Other stores had no one in them and employees standing around. Seemed strange, but who knows. I was just glad it wasn’t a madhouse.

I had a really nice visit with my neighbor yesterday. She makes me laugh, and she reminded me a lot of my mother. I’d taken my mother on a visit with me to see her shortly before Mom got sick, and we’d had such a good time that day, too. We talked about it. She’s had a lot of losses in her life and she’ll be alone today (but seeing family tomorrow) so I was glad I went. I was able to do a few little things for her when I was there, and she wants me to come back another time just to be there when she’s getting out of the tub, so we’ll arrange that another day soon. DS called while I was there and told her he’d come over to do a couple of chores for her as well, so that made her happy.

DS passed his exam so thank you all who thought of and prayed for him.

Going to end this before the Dis shuts down before 4am. Love to all.
Oh boy. Both very tough situations Auntie and Lynn, and I’m sorry you’re having these issues. They’re hard enough on regular days, but even harder over the holidays. Just said prayers for both of you. :grouphug:

Lynn, I thought you were quiet yesterday. You are so blessed to have such loving family members around you! DD had a patient recently who had a pretty bad nosebleed in the hospital and they used a tampon to contain the bleeding! It worked out pretty well. Not anything I’ve ever seen before, but hey, if it works! The blood thinners can be tough. They’re so important though. DH’s closest coworker’s (who he shares lunch with every day) wife took herself off her blood thinners last year and she wound up having a stroke while they were out walking one night. Fortunately they were able to emergently remove some clots from her brain and she is better now. It’s important to find a balance. Hopefully that will be the last of the nosebleeds. Be sure to follow up with whoever prescribed it or your PCP in case there needs to be a dose adjustment or such. They should get the information on what happened, but call to be sure, and let them know.

Yes they mentioned the tampon like thing, they called it a Rapid Rhino Rocket, lol! They decided not to try it tough. Thats why the cardiologist told the clinic Dr he didn't want to stop Eliquis, that I am so new to the A Fib that I am still a high stroke risk. I didn't take my last nites dose though as it was after 1, and if I had taken it then, and then again at my 7 am normal time, it would have been too close together. I did get the living room humidifier going, will shop for a bedroom one today. I am already on the lowest Eliquis dose, but maybe they want to drop it down to once a day instead of 2. Will find out tomorrow or Monday!

Auntie, I‘m pretty sure I shared this with Snowysmom when Jasper was ill, and I will share it with you. It helped me on several occasions when we were at that point with our beloved Shepherds, too. It is such a hard thing to go through. 🥲 And just a reminder that I read and hear a lot about a lot of near death experiences, and many people report seeing their pets in the afterlife, so I really believe we will see them again some day.

From petloss.com. Hope it brings you a small bit of peace.


You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.

In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997
(c) Karen Clouston
Just popping in to say I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Just sort of skimmed through as I missed alot but want to let you all know I'm thinking of you always. Especially @Snowysmom hope tomorrow is OK for you.
@dazedx3 praying your surgery went well and you have a speedy recovery.
@Bianca and Bernard hugs to you and your son. Our DD has had some mental health struggles and it's so tough. She seems to be in a better place right now and I hope your DS continues to do well aswell.

It's been an emotional rough week or so in our house. Our boy is still hanging in there but we can see the decline more so every day. I had to have a talk with DH tonight because he's a bit in denial but I'm not sure Bingo will make it through the weekend, either on his own or having to put him down. :sad1: Thankfully he doesn't seem to be uncomfortable or in pain....it's just too sad to think about and making me a bit of a weepy mess thinking about mom a lot lately too.

Prayers said for your boy, that he passes quietly when the time comes and is in no pain. He knows he was/is loved, he loves in return, all we can ask. We had to go by the vets office last nite, where our Midnite had to be put to sleep 3 weeks ago, I have to say I did shed a tear and whisper I miss you. I think he knows that. He was also loved, and loved in return, but was in pain, and I didn't want him suffering any more.

I'm making dinner tomorrow for the 3 of us, my dad and DH invited a friend/coworker and his wife, who didn't have anywhere else to go. I should be prepping but I already feel exhausted so I think I'm just going to go to bed and do everything tomorrow. I making 2 turkey breasts in the air fryer, half ham in one crockpot, mashed potatoes in another and all the other sides will bake in the oven. I cheated and bought a pumpkin pie and an apple pie instead of making them like I usually do, I just didn't have it in my this year. Looking forward to start Christmas decorating this weekend to try and brighten our spirits a bit. :grouphug:
Happy Thanksgiving!
Turkducken (didn't have a whole lot of the rice stuffing or duck; more bread stuffing and chicken inside it. But it was good, and came out moist and flavorful.
And Pumpkin Pie with homemade whipped cream. (tried a new recipe, with a gingersnap crumble crust). Got a little overbrown on the bottom, though.


Sadly, no photos of the pecan pie. Another new recipe, using whiskey and spiced pecans, in the crust. Dh took it to work.
I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving.
@dazedx3 Hope you are doing well and beginning your recovery to no more knee pain and better mobility
@AuntieMe3 So sorry about Bingo. My thoughts and prayers are with you all
Lynn I hope you are doing better after the nosebleed.

I ended up taking 2 walks today to get out of the house and I had to go upstairs to cry a few times. I just kept picturing Chris playing with the grandkids and running around outside with them. I did like to have the family together but it was obvious someone was missing.

Tomorrow I go to the house and try to stay overnight. I have my plans to go to the grocery store to pick up a few items as the fridge is empty. I have lots of canned goods in a pinch. I plan to get takeout tomorrow for supper at our local place. I will do some regular house cleaning like dusting and cleaning the kitchen counters etc. Then I hope to settle in for the evening in my chair in the living room and watch the shows Chris and I always watched in the evening. Then I will go to bed. I am hoping that will be OK as Chris did not sleep in the bed. If not I will sit in my chair and doze with the TV on. In the morning I plan to make a new routine so it will feel different. After we lost Jasper Chris said we need to make new routines that are different and we even changed where we ate at the table. I will make new routines and see how it goes. Older DS will be coming to the house on Saturday as we have the dumpster back and it is bigger than the last one. He will do the heavy lifting and I will fill the trash bags. I will most likely go back to his house in the afternoon as we need to come back to the house Sunday in one car to pick up a mattress to bring to his house for his oldest DS. If I can make it through the night with little to no trouble I think I will spend the weekends at the house and the weekdays at DS's house, excepting for snowstorms. I need the quiet and I need to feel like I am in my home sometimes. Wish me luck. I have asked Chris to help me out with this one. I will need it.
Just dropping in to say Happy Thanksgiving! I've been lurking mostly for awhile, praying where needed and giving thanks for answered prayers. Just haven't felt like talking though I think of ya'll often.

DS and fiance had Thanksgiving dinner at their house. It was both sides of the soon to be joined family plus a couple of friends. This is the first time in years that I was not in charge of the Thanksgiving meal. Felt strange but nice in a way. I did some cleaning up for them after the meal and a way of sadness hit me. This was the first Thanksgiving with my mom gone.

I've missed my mom quite a bit especially in the last couple of months. So many times I think to tell her something then I realize I can't. She would have enjoyed being around the GK's. They both speak of her often, more so now than they did after she passed away. I know I'll get through this, just takes some time.

Lou Lou has finally decided that going to the potty is much preferable than wearing pull-ups. I am so thankful for this.

DD finally heard from the social worker about her open CPS case. She is planning on closing it in the next week or so. We were so happy to hear that. They found nothing wrong, just like we knew.

DD also finally has a court date, December 8th for temporary custody. Her ex filed for full custody and wants temporary custody until full custody has been determined. Could use some prayer for DD as she prepares for the hearing. Her ex doesn't have a leg to stand on but it's still stressful.

I'll try to pop in more often.


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