Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

QOTD--white or colored lights

we have colored on our tree, it has a remote and you can change the speed and sequence of the lighting. We have white lights on the porch. Icicle ones hanging at the top,,white ones wound around the garland that goes up the front steps and across the railing on the front
QOTD-- We have white outside and multi on our tree inside, I love both.

I haven't posted in awhile, but I read every day. I think it's because I hate to type, I'm not good at it. Please don't take it as not being interested.

My knee is very slowly getting better, I'm very impatient. There is so much I would like to be doing this time of the year but it's too hard.

My extended family and I have decided not to get together as a large group this Christmas, This makes me very sad, but I know it is for the best. I don't want my DH exposed to anything, while he is going through Chemo. My adult children will still be coming to our home, after testing first. Our DS is flying in, but he just found out he has been exposed, tested negative, but will have to test again in a few days.

I have been working on my holiday menus, trying to make as much " make ahead food" as possible. Also trying to keep it simple, something my family says is impossible for me. :confused3 So far the plan is....

Christmas eve-- Beef Strogonoff/sides etc

Christmas breakfast-- Quiche, fruit, potatoes, etc
Christmas dinner-- Lasagna, salad, garlic bread etc

Do you have any favorite "make ahead recipes"? I like to make things ahead of time so I'm not so tired and can spend more time with my guests.
🐥 and Good Morning!

It has warmed my heart so to read all the posts since I last came on yesterday. Beautiful family, Footballmouse! Praise God for that blessing for you and also the wedding sounded lovely. Yay, good to see you Taz and AuntieMe3! Continued prayers to you both always and Bingo, too! I'll PM you both later or tomorrow :)

Big prayers Lynn all goes well at your doctor's appointment today!

I apologize for not replying individually just now. Know I did indeed read all of your posts and that as always each of you are in my heart! LOL, don't ever try assembling multiple bags of two types of cookies in one day or if you do, don't label the bags until you bring them to the cookies and divide the cookies up! All is done and delivered now. It was such a blessing to be able to spread Christmas treat cheer that way to many friends thanks to God, of course, most of all forever, and also my dad and a couple extra elves who have helped me with deliveries!

Good chair news! Dad just got me a new chair at Staples for $113 including 3 -year protection plan. I was able to find we had $10 in rewards plus that at Staples.com the same chair was cheaper than it is in the store so they matched it. As I told him, any chair at this point has to be better than the zero support this huge chair offers me now. I'd appreciate some extra prayer that this one works out. It's the Traymore Chair

The QOTD, I tend to prefer colored lights but agree with others that white can be very pretty and peaceful at times, too.

Please stay well and warm, my friends. Have a good Monday as well. I will come back later!
Happy Monday! :sunny:

Just wrapped up all my doctor's appointments. Had blood work done, so I'll wait for those results. Dentist said my teeth look great so I'm happy about that.

Pea-n-Me - love the cutting board and bowls. I would definitely be getting those out all the time.

I think I'm done with my xmas shopping. Just finished up the last 2 people so I think that was it. I'll go through everything tomorrow and get it all sorted out.

Making chili tonight so I should have plenty left to run a bowl up to my aunt tomorrow. I can show her some of the wedding pictures from Saturday.

Everyone have a great day. :flower1:
Good afternoon.

I went out to lunch with a friend. She and I met while pregnant with our sons, 33+ years ago. The boys were friends all through school until they went their separate ways in college. It was nice to catch up after not seeing each other in 2 years.

After that I made a few stops on the way home. Finally found traditional red and white peppermint candy canes. They were not easy to come by this year. I found little ones and all kinds of flavored ones, but who wants sour patch kids candy canes?:confused3

And with the exception of waiting for a couple of deliveries, I think I am done all my shopping. I bought wrapping paper and tape while out too.

@lynxstch, glad your Dr's appt went well

QOTD: Do you like white or multi-color lights better?
I like both - I think white is more elegant, and multi is more fun. It's a mood thing for me.
I agree about white being more elegant and colored more fun. We have multicolored on the tree and white in the greens behind the cheche.

Do you have any favorite "make ahead recipes"?
One that works for me in sweet and sour meatballs. I make ahead then reheat in the crock pot and serve with rolls to make a sandwich. I can even make and freeze. Have also used the same sauce on shredded chicken for barbecue chicken sandwiches. If you want the recipe, I can take a picture of the recipe card and post it.
Lynn Glad your appointment went well. How nice that the doctor spends time with patients and isn't rushed.

Mona That desk chair looks nice. I always have trouble finding one I like that doesn't hurt my right hip. I need to find one sometime. Let me know how this one is.

@dazedx3 I am glad your knee is getting better. It takes time. I am impatient too but I made sure to take the best care I could so that the recovery would be the best it could be. You got one shot at it so make it the best.

Auntie3Me :grouphug: to you. It sure is hard at the holidays when you are missing someone special every day. Anxiety and the emotion of the time is definitely part of the feelings. My therapist tells me that the deep emotion you feel when missing a very special loved one shows how much you loved them and were loved by them. Sending good thoughts to you. This year is very tough for me so I am basically writing it off. I will put on a happy face for the grandkids when they open their gifts but other than that my heart is not in it this year. Glad to hear Bingo is feeling better. Once they learn the good treats come to them, that is all they want.

I am almost done wrapping the gifts for the kids and grandkids. Then I have to put the clothes I bought them in bags. Then they can just open the good stuff and toss the bag of clothes to the side for mom to look at. I am trying to decide whether to go the the virtual Christmas party my department is having this week. I don't feel like being festive and don't really want to try to be happy with everyone. I think I will just see how it goes. I have a dentist appt that afternoon and I know the hygienist, receptionist, and dentist will all express their condolences as they knew Chris for years and will probably talk about him. It will make me cry. After that I probably won't want to even think of a party. It

We always decorated our trees with colored lights. Growing up we did too.
Auntie3Me :grouphug: to you. It sure is hard at the holidays when you are missing someone special every day. Anxiety and the emotion of the time is definitely part of the feelings. My therapist tells me that the deep emotion you feel when missing a very special loved one shows how much you loved them and were loved by them. Sending good thoughts to you. This year is very tough for me so I am basically writing it off. I will put on a happy face for the grandkids when they open their gifts but other than that my heart is not in it this year. Glad to hear Bingo is feeling better. Once they learn the good treats come to them, that is all they want.
Thank you. I'm sure my grief doesn't even compare to losing your love...its been so much harder on my dad than me. I just saw this on Instagram and thought of you....

As for Bingo, he has these treats I have to put on top of his food so he'll eat it. So I've been calling them his sprinkles..."Do you want your sprinkles?" :sad2: :lmao: He's no dummy....lol
@AuntieMe3--that Insta thing you posted for Snowysmom made me tear up. I can only imagine how hard it is at Christmas time when you have lost someone recently (or even not so recently), and I have a feeling that when she sees it, it is going to make her tear up also

@Breezy_Carol-- I found red and white candy canes at Walmart for $1 a box..I think they were Brachs

PCP appt went very well,,I liked her a lot

Cute Dr from this morning just called me and told me NOT to pick up the Eliquis at CVS that they say will be $395 for 90 days. That he is personally going to contact the drug company tomorrow and try to get me a free year of it..which would be great! It's still under its patent..so they can't sell a generic, which is what he sent in for CVS to fill. He said noone should be paying those kinds of prices for drugs. And we came home to find an envelope in the mailbox, which had 3 Anoro inhalers for Mr L..that is 3 months worth, and last time we had to pay for it,,we paid almost $300 for the same 3. Can you just imagine how much they are making on each one of these expensive drugs?

Mr L called the girl at the hospital that works with the drug company's to get them for patients..and she said she has already been working on renewals for next years for a lot of patients..and that Mr L's Farxiga and Entresto are already on their way to the company..and as soon as January gets here..she will do my Entresto and Farxiga too. She said Eliquis would be the difficult one to get from the company, but maybe coming from the actual Dr himself tomorrow...will do something to move them..

Dinner is going to be corned beef sandwiches, coleslaw and maybe some peaches

.Mona--glad you got a chair you like..hope it's comfortable

Have a nice evening everyone!
that Insta thing you posted for Snowysmom made me tear up. I can only imagine how hard it is at Christmas time when you have lost someone recently (or even not so recently), and I have a feeling that when she sees it, it is going to make her tear up also
That did make my cry. It is very emotional. @Auntie3Me I hope your Dad is finding some peace this holiday. I am sure it is hard for him as the loss is so immense. It is hard for you too. I lost my mom when I was 17 and that was so hard. I still miss her especially when all those special life moments came along like wedding and kids. I will say losing Chris is so much more difficult. The grief is much more intense. He was everything to me, the kids, and the grandkids.
QOTD I don't have a theme. We have ornaments from when I was a kid that I painted with my mom, to Disney and glass balls and who knows what else, lol. This year, we decided to not dig out the old ornaments from teh storage shed, so went and bought a bunch of new lights and ornaments, and I ordered a tree topper and tree skirt on Amazon.

QOTD I like both. On my tree, I like colored lights, both the minis and the C9s; and some are steady on, some are blinking with whatever we set it to (via Bluetooth, lol). I like the white lights for an elegant tree or decor, though.

Making a new recipe today. Shwama spiced roasted chickpeas on dried apricot couscous mixed with roasted carrots and orange bell peppers, topped with a harissa garlic yogurt sour cream sauce, and quick pickled red onions. /crossing fingers it comes out good.
I lost my mom when I was 17 and that was so hard. I still miss her especially when all those special life moments came along like wedding and kids. I will say losing Chris is so much more difficult.
@Snowysmom, I think that actually explains a lot about your grief reaction now. That must’ve been a very traumatic experience for you early in your life. 🥲 And again, in one of those strange things that gets my attention sometimes - just a few hours ago we ran into a HS classmate of DD’s - who… just lost her mother a few months ago. Also quite young. But she did bring her mother up to us and we were able to talk to her about it a little bit. We said this season must be really hard for her and she said it was, but that she was just trying to stay busy. DD and I were teary walking away. But I was glad we were able to talk to her about it. I think the hardest part (for me, anyway) during bereavement was nobody mentioning the elephant in the room. I had an especially hard time with my father’s death when I was young and had to deal with a lot of the fallout. It seemed like no one wanted to mention anything because I’d likely start to cry, and then couldn’t stop. I was under a lot of stress at the time. Thankfully things were not that bad with any of the other losses I’ve had. That just happened to be a tough period for me. How did you deal with your mother’s loss? Relationships with moms and spouses are primal relationships.
Hug, Footballmouse, I’m so glad your medical appointments are over with. Good for you on the dentist report, yay. Have a nice visit with your Aunt tomorrow :)

That is such a blessing of a longtime friendship, Carol! I love reading shares like that. Years from now, perhaps we Quackers will be able to say that we have been friends for decades, too! :) Loved seeing your hand written recipe—brought back memories of my grandma hand writing most all of hers!

Thank you, Snowysmom! I will definitely let you know how this chair works for me. The cashier told y dad that she has the same chair and really found it comfortable so that was promising, too. Dad will start on it tonight sand finish tomorrow. I’ll share then. Such kind grace to AuntieMe3 you shared. Lovely words and so true. I’m grateful you do have extended support, my friend, you know that! LOL, to the “good stuff.” I do agree that often young kids don’t quite appreciate clothes over “fun stuff.” You are a wonderful grandma that is for sure :)

Dear AuntieMe3, thank you for that beautiful message. It truly touched me :) to Bingo’s Sprinkles! I shared how near the end of his life here on earth, Champ extra loved scrambled eggs. I’d make him one every morning and sometimes later on in the day, of course, too. He also really loved Gerber’s toddler chicken dog thingies. LOL. Not sure what to call them but they were like mini chicken hot dogs similar probably to mini pigs in a blanket minus the blanket. He loved those and the broth or whatever they came in. Maybe Bingo might enjoy that, too. Just a suggestion, my friend.

Wonderful update and news, dear Lynn! Hooray for your good doctor report and cute helpful doctor’s too! So glad Mr. L was helping with some of the needed phone calls, too! Thank you also for your chair good wishes!

I hope you enjoyed your dinner. B&B. Bright and white lights are all festive and bring joy indeed. Glad you also enjoy both! :)

Hug Pea, thank you as always for being the kind and loving person you are! I lost my grandpa when I was one month away from being 17. He was so dear to me although in retrospect, I only wish I had spent more time with him. The time we did have was one I cherished. I think I’ve shared that as an adult, I’ve truly realized that in how he lived his life, grandpa was really my first witness to Christ. I didn’t really grieve for him until I got to college. I think my childhood and growing up years was so rife with various trauma (just sharing to share, only gratitude to God for all and of course being with me always) that being on my own and way literally from the area for the first time in my life up North at college was shocking in more ways than one. It also allowed me to grieve but also for the first time ever process so very much and by God’s grace and friends and family He gave me begin to heal. Not an easy time at all though. I can’t imagine losing a loving parent that young! :’( Extra hug, Snowysmom!

Sweet dreams to all of you with love!
Good morning to all my DIS family. Going to be another sunny mid 50's day. I have laundry already done, gathered trash for pick up tomorrow. Plan on vacuuming the car and washing the windows in it later,,then going through the car wash on Thursday when its supposed to be 65!
I found a recipe for dark chocolate biscotti, and added the needed ingredients to my grocery list for tomorrow...they sounded good to me

Have a nice morning all



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