Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good afternoon.

Not sure how much time I have. Carter is here and napping. Should be up soon. He and Tessa still have coughs but he has a fever on and off. PCR tests negative so I have him today.

Mine have spinach, feta cheese, and tarragon in them.

It can snow as much as it wants, as far as I am concerned. 2-4 inches predicted with up,to 6 possible.

Its just starting to snow here. They have it listed as a storm warning now..saying it could be up to 4-8. But it says Central and Eastern Allegany, so we might luck out and not get that much as we are on the Western side of Allegany County, but not the extreme west where they do get a lot of snow at times that we don't get as much as a flake~ And if you want it..then keep it on your side of the state please!~

@Bianca and Bernard, sorry to hear about your DBIL.

Good suggestion. I bought dog food at Tractor Supply.

Will do.

I found the old nursery monitor I used 35 years ago with DD and DS, and it still works. Poor DGS is coughing a lot in nap time.
Thanks for the prayers. Z was seen and given meds for the lung inflammation. I worry because he has issues because of diabetes and that puts him in a higher risk category. Hopefully the meds will get him over the hump. My daughter from another mother was so scared. I told her she is stronger than she thinks and the prayer chains were started, have faith. My grandson Ben has been diagnosed with Covid again and I was with him for about 15 minutes yesterday. I am not overly concerned as I am vaxxed but I have had cold like symptoms since November, not unusual for me, but I won't know how to tell the difference. I'm just laying low for a few days.

We are in the path of the snowstorm and supposed to get 2-4 or 3-6 inches, maybe more. Of course the grocery stores look like Snowmageddon is coming. I was in line for 20 minutes with everybody buying milk and bread. I needed cat food and a few things for my planned dinner on Sunday. I did notice that a lot of treats and wet food sections were very low on supply. Thankfully my cats like dry food and I was able to get that, and I got treats the other day. The dog has food and treats so I am good there.
I must live close to you, lynxstch. 2-4” predicted here as well… and after we got about 10” earlier this week. ❄ My kids are going stir-crazy. They can’t even play in what we have because it iced over 😕

Cumberland,,and for now it's down to just a few flakes. Maybe 1/4" on the ground so far. We didn't get one snowflake out of the storm the other day.
We're in Northern Virginia, not too far. It's supposed to hit us overnight. Stay safe and warm!

snowing pretty steady and heavy right now. I just swept the back steps so I could see how much has fallen. Maybe an inch so far in some places, but right in front of where the car is parked,,there is barely a dusting, weird. They say we could get an inch an hour until 1 am..that's another 5 hours, and I want to know how they know it will stop at 1 am? LOL! Stay safe!
AAA came and jumped the van and I asked the guy should I buy a battery as my memory is that the battery is about 4-5 years old. Or time to replace.

He said, no, it's good. Just run it for 30-40 minutes to get it charged up. So, I drove it a bit and let it run then backed it in, in front of one of our cars and turned it off.

Tried to start it again and no go. Just a click click. Too late for me to mess with them anymore tonight so they get to come back tomorrow.

They sent the battery truck so you would think they would have sold me a battery.
Just extra love and prayers, all-around dear friends. PollyannaMom, I feel exactly the same way! I really thought last June that by the end surely sometime over the summer I'd be able to get my haircut and maybe go to Old Navy, as well. This doesn't seem to end at all. I keep in prayer for a kind end every day to this pandemic that's for sure. I know above all else, God has this and each of us too! He truly does and we are so blessed beyond. May all of you also always know, how much I care for you, too :)

I got to see my friend Terri earlier when she stopped by to pick up a few things to bring another friend and a surprise Valentine decoration for herself which she really loved. She was so kind to take a picture of my dad and I together which meant so much to both of us. She also took a surprise picture of just me for dad as a birthday gift.

Small Christmas Tree has a new home with my friend. She promised to take pictures :)

Which table cloth do all of you like best? The first one, to me, is a bit much! But it is bright. Does the second one look like it has a clown's hat rather than party hat on it? Not a clown fan lol. The third one I know is more Christmas-y than Birthday but is so cute! What's your vote? Thanks :)

Be warm, well, and always safe. Sweet dreams with love.


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Up early this morning and just finished watching "This Is Us" - I'd forgotten how much I missed that show!
I love that show and hate that this is the last season.

We are reading The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell. I am really enjoying it.
I've put it on my "to read" list.

Rough week. (sad news ahead)

DD#2 left for Cali today. It seems too quiet.

Two days ago, my sister (3rd oldest, 11 years older than me) calls and tells me her DH had a stroke 6 months ago (in addition to the other issues he had); also, they both had Cvd19 this last year and both hospitalized for it; neither vaxxed STILL and that DBiL went into the ER that morning, because he was peeing blood. [He was addicted to opioids, due to injuries from motorcycle accidents, and a tow truck accident (lost the top of one of his feet from ankle to mid-foot, then lost the rest of the foot/toes) years ago; and the drs kept telling him he was blocked up due to the opioids, for the last year.] They did a bunch more tests, and found his bowel died, and his kidneys were failing, and he was going to rapidly descend into multi-organ failure. So, she signed a DNR, and they kept him sedated, and he passed yesterday. They were together 44 years, and it is breaking her. No funeral or anything; it's not what he wanted. He's being cremated, and once spring or summer come, they are taking him up to Grand Lake/Granby, CO, and spreading his ashes there, just his kids, grandkids and DSis. I sent her a basket of flowers (to be delivered today); said to call if they needed anything at all, and offered to come up, but she said no.

I will read later but can you all keep my daughter's BFF's family in your prayers. The best friend is a daughter to me. Her husband was taken to the ER today with COVID and some bad symptoms. He is high risk to begin with and couldn't get vaccinated because of an ongoing infection. She is terrified right now. I know some prayers her way would mean a lot. His name is Isai, or Z as we call him. Thanks
Prayers lifted up.

Which table cloth do all of you like best?
I like #1 the best.

@easyas, my book club is going to read The Radium Girls this month. I started reading it months ago but decided that I wanted to bring it to the club before I went any farther. They decided they would like to read it. I'm going to start back at the beginning just in case I have forgot something.

We're getting a hard frost tonight, they second one this week. My pansies are kaput.

Tuesday was a hard day. All I'm going to say is that DD's ex was especially difficult and Lil Joe's drop off ended up as a mexican standoff with police present representing her and him.

I had a very nice surprise today. A friend of mine that I met back in the late 70's called me today. I haven't seen her in 12 years and haven't spoken to her in four years. I hadn't been able to find her, she wasn't returning phone calls, answering letters. She's been through a divorce, had some troubled times and just now felt able to contact me. It was so good to hear from her!

#1 for me also, Mona! I will work on getting you some crossword puzzles from Boston.

DH’s surgery went well, it was just a long day! We both fell asleep after dinner. (DD made a French onion chicken dish which was really nice and in the oven when we came home.) It might take him a few days to feel better. Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers for him/us. DD is better but not fully recovered yet. She did go back to work this week but is cancelling a trip she had scheduled for next week (to WDW, unfortunately). She has follow up next week, had bloodwork and it’s still a bit off. She does not need Covid on top of her other issues, and all the issues with flights and stuff is just too much to risk.

Praying, also, for those who need prayers.

Was touched by your stories of helping out your cat colonies. We don’t have many strays but we did have one one year who had kittens under our shed in the middle of January. We trapped them and took them into the house while we figured out what to do. (Fun with a German Shepherd not used to cats! She was actually great but Mama cat wasn’t buying it. We did get the two of them to hang out together just one night, though.) It took weeks to find them a suitable place to go (could not find a shelter to take them as they were all full) but the kittens found a home with a feral cat lady someone put me in touch with, and a good friend kept Mama cat (obviously once someone’s cat), who had a good forever life with her as a house cat until she passed a year or two ago. The following year we had another cat under the shed and DH dug out a spot under the stairs where it liked to go and put a bed and some sort of shelter there. We haven’t had one since then, but we are definitely people who do things like that for stray animals, too. :goodvibes

Heard from rescue we were approved from. Dog we wanted already has people in front of us, once again 😬 so not optimistic about that. Happens all the time - dog is either already adopted or has others in line first who do adopt the dog. Can’t seem to win. But I will keep my eye out as they do seem good to work with, at least. Feeling somewhat defeated about it, though. We’re probably pushing 60 applications at this point. Always some kind of fly in the ointment.

Stay safe in the snow, everyone! I will, too. Working this weekend. Waiting for the treat I bought myself to come - my Dooney bag. The original one I ordered never materialized, but I found another, so cancelled the first order and bought the second, which has shipped, supposed to arrive today. That will make me happy. (Shopping therapy!) Bought a new wallet to go with it and everything. Work has been very tough, so a little bright spot will be welcomed. Please keep all of us frontline healthcare workers in your thoughts and prayers. Things are not good right now, and most are struggling. 🙁
Pea N Me Glad the surgery for your DH went well.

Mona I like tablecloth number one

It is snowing here. WE are expecting 4-8 inches by early afternoon. The plows are out. DS has to go into work but it is all main roads to they should be clear and treated. They take care of roads near hospitals so he should be fine there. I am working from home as usual. Grandkids have the day off from school. It will be noisy trying to work.

Have a good day.

#1 for me also, Mona! I will work on getting you some crossword puzzles from Boston.

DH’s surgery went well, it was just a long day! We both fell asleep after dinner. (DD made a French onion chicken dish which was really nice and in the oven when we came home.) It might take him a few days to feel better. Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers for him/us. DD is better but not fully recovered yet. She did go back to work this week but is cancelling a trip she had scheduled for next week (to WDW, unfortunately). She has follow up next week, had bloodwork and it’s still a bit off. She does not need Covid on top of her other issues, and all the issues with flights and stuff is just too much to risk.

Praying, also, for those who need prayers.

Was touched by your stories of helping out your cat colonies. We don’t have many strays but we did have one one year who had kittens under our shed in the middle of January. We trapped them and took them into the house while we figured out what to do. (Fun with a German Shepherd not used to cats! She was actually great but Mama cat wasn’t buying it. We did get the two of them to hang out together just one night, though.) It took weeks to find them a suitable place to go (could not find a shelter to take them as they were all full) but the kittens found a home with a feral cat lady someone put me in touch with, and a good friend kept Mama cat (obviously once someone’s cat), who had a good forever life with her as a house cat until she passed a year or two ago. The following year we had another cat under the shed and DH dug out a spot under the stairs where it liked to go and put a bed and some sort of shelter there. We haven’t had one since then, but we are definitely people who do things like that for stray animals, too. :goodvibes

Heard from rescue we were approved from. Dog we wanted already has people in front of us, once again 😬 so not optimistic about that. Happens all the time - dog is either already adopted or has others in line first who do adopt the dog. Can’t seem to win. But I will keep my eye out as they do seem good to work with, at least. Feeling somewhat defeated about it, though. We’re probably pushing 60 applications at this point. Always some kind of fly in the ointment.

Stay safe in the snow, everyone! I will, too. Working this weekend. Waiting for the treat I bought myself to come - my Dooney bag. The original one I ordered never materialized, but I found another, so cancelled the first order and bought the second, which has shipped, supposed to arrive today. That will make me happy. (Shopping therapy!) Bought a new wallet to go with it and everything. Work has been very tough, so a little bright spot will be welcomed. Please keep all of us frontline healthcare workers in your thoughts and prayers. Things are not good right now, and most are struggling. 🙁

Loved your kittens under the shed story! Something similar happened a few doors down some years back. I looked out and saw a dog in the rear of my property. It's a few hundred feet to back there, so grabbed my phone to try to get a pic. Turned out to be an Australian Shepherd, maybe pure but who knows.

Anyway, no homes back there so I figured it would go back where it came from. Then I started to see it regularly and called the animal people to come get it. They came out, couldn't find it and now I'm the silly old woman.

I started feeding her. She would come to eat but wouldn't let me get close. Meanwhile I had another neighbor with a Golden that often got loose.

January arrived. It's cold and my neighbors took a cruise to the islands. When they returned home, they found her, under their deck with puppies. The pound came and got them and put them all on the website for 1 day. Then took it down and no more to be heard and no questions answered. I was interested in adopting but I guess someone else saw an opportunity. Edit: forgot to say I think she mated with the Golden Retriever from the look of the puppies.

This morning there is a couple inches (?) of soft looking snow out there covering everything again. DD will work from home. I will be working in/on my kitchen.

After it gets bright I will call AAA and get myself on the list to bring me a battery this time. Since I'm not going anywhere today they can work me in when they get into my area. And I'm happy I have the van facing out, which makes it easier.

Anyway, sorry you are not progressing with getting a dog. Are there any other options that might work?

And Dooney! I have several of those, including one my son bought me and a few Disney ones. I had the original large Disney tote and carried it for quite some time. It got so many comments! Later I got a smaller bag with Minnie and Mickey at a romantic cafe (can't remember the name of the purse). It was white with red and black, and also got a lot of attention. Now, all in the closet and I'm carrying a cheap Land's End tote, which I don't have to care much for. Enjoy yours! I know I did and will again if I see any that appeal to me.

Also, many thanks to you and all the health care workers that are there for us when we need them. I thanked my doctor extra last week. He was working so late to try to get everyone taken care of before he went home, as were his staff. I mean probably up to 7 or 8 pm because when I left there were still people waiting to be seen.
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Happy Friday! :banana:

Pea-n-Me sorry to hear about not getting the dog. Do you have a dog pound in your area that you can go to? My sister kept getting turned away from rescues this past summer because she was not giving her older dog, that was dying (hence why she wanted to get another dog before she passed), heartworm pills. Katie ended up dying before the end of summer. She didn't see the point since she wasn't going to make it past the summer.

A friend posted on FB about a dog living on a farm that the people want to rehome. He's been living outside, on a chain with only a wooden doghouse with some hay inside. He's a full grown German Shepherd, supposed to be very gentle and good with other dogs and cats. I've inquired about him but I work this weekend. I might go get him Saturday and then tell Ds3 to stay home Saturday night, then I'll be home with him Sunday and Monday. I have 2 dogs now so I want to make sure they are comfortable together. It's too cold outside and I can't stop thinking of his living conditions.

Didn't get much snow yesterday but it did freeze when it hit the ground. It must be pretty icy out this morning because a lot of schools are called off. Ds1 works for a landscape company and in the winter they do snow removal and salting for businesses. One of the contracts they have is with one of the hospitals I work for. He was out salting yesterday at the hospital. Usually if he's there while I'm working, I'll take a drink and snack out for him. I don't think he likes that I'm only there on the weekends now. :D

My cats only eat dry cat food so I haven't had a problem with finding food. Chewy was out of the brand I usually get so I had to go to the store last week since they don't offer a replacement before shipping it out. Last year when things were so hard to find during the shutdown, I couldn't find dry dog food. I thought that was just crazy.

Everyone have a good day and stay warm! :wave2:
Good snow covered ground Friday``about 4" fell, and that's enough for me for the whole winter. I swept paths to the shed, around the house, the steps, and a path down to the steps of the bank, as I am expecting USPS and Chewy to deliver packages today. Will see how much melts later and go and clear off the end of the driveway where the plow dropped snow. They must have been up and down the road at least 50 times from 7 pm till at least 1 when the snow did taper off. 2 of the outdoor cats were rolling around in the snow, 1 other one was taking tiny little gingerly steps to get to the back door where the food is, like he was afraid to get his pretty paws wet. 3 others came out from under the front porch to eat at the top, and I think the other one is in the wood shed. Going to take some food and water out there now, so they don't have to keep walking through the snow to get to it.
@Pea-n-Me, saying extra prayers and many thanks to you and all of the other frontline workers. It does seem to be getting worse right now, but hopefully things will take a better turn soon.

@flyingdumbo127--Mona, I like #1 the best,,#3 is way too Christmas themed in my opinion
@Judique--Our battery had to be replaced this year too. It was the original battery from when the car was new in 2017. I hope AAA doesn't give you any problems about sending the guy out again,,with a new battery!

Everyone stay safe and warm,,our high today will be 26, so I don't expect much of it to melt :(

Good morning everyone - we got about 4"? here I guess. We decided not to open the office until 9 AM in order to give the Roads dept. time to get all the roads plowed, but my husband and I came in around 7 AM and the roads were great! Those fellas must have put in a long night of snow plowing the roads.
sTarted looking seriously for a place to move to next month
Good luck with your search.
Rough week. (sad news ahead)
That's rough, what a difficult time, it's so nice you are there for her.
Poor DGS is coughing a lot in nap time.
Poor thing - that is one thing neither of us can shake, a cough at the moment. I hope he's feeling more the thing today.
Hopefully the meds will get him over the hump.
Fingers crossed - is he still in the hospital?
They sent the battery truck so you would think they would have sold me a battery.
Really! Hard to believe they missed a opportunity there! I hope they get you straight later today.
@easyas, my book club is going to read The Radium Girls this month. I started reading it months ago but decided that I wanted to bring it to the club before I went any farther. They decided they would like to read it. I'm going to start back at the beginning just in case I have forgot something.
Enjoy! It really was a good book, and so very interesting.
Tuesday was a hard day. All I'm going to say is that DD's ex was especially difficult and Lil Joe's drop off ended up as a mexican standoff with police present representing her and him.
What a shame - he's damaging his children with this, via his ex-wife. I hope your daughter and grandkids can find some peace with this situation soon.
DH’s surgery went well, it was just a long day! We both fell asleep after dinner. (DD made a French onion chicken dish which was really nice and in the oven when we came home.) It might take him a few days to feel better. Thanks for your good thoughts and prayers for him/us. DD is better but not fully recovered yet. She did go back to work this week but is cancelling a trip she had scheduled for next week (to WDW, unfortunately). She has follow up next week, had bloodwork and it’s still a bit off. She does not need Covid on top of her other issues, and all the issues with flights and stuff is just too much to risk.
Glad to hear surgery went well and your daughter is feeling better. That chicken dish sounds good!
Heard from rescue we were approved from. Dog we wanted already has people in front of us, once again
How frustrating. Are you going thru the same rescue each time? I think someone up thread mentioned local humane societies/aspca facilities - maybe that would be a option. Or perhaps a reputable breeder? You know how much I'm involved in dog rescue & fostering, but I do think there are some decent breeders out there and it's not a total sin to go that direction when others don't work out. Our two great danes came from reputable breeders. We tried to go thru a great dane rescue but kept getting turned down because either our fence wasn't high enough -mind you we didn't NEED a fence, but if we had one it had to be higher than average- or we were unable to take our other dog up to meet potential adoptive dogs because he didn't travel well and we didn't want to put him thru that. This is one of the reasons it took me so long to find a suitable rescue to work with - most of them, and I don't care if this is sexist- are operated by the most militant women who, though well meaning, let these dogs sit in foster care searching for a 'perfect" home when in fact there are very few "perfect" homes but a lot of loving homes that could give them a damn good life.
Things are not good right now, and most are struggling
:flower3: That they are. And if not for them a lot of us would be worse off, yet people are still taking advantage of the fact that they are here for us without being there for them.
Happy Friday! :banana:

Indeed! It's been a long week, which seems strange to say considering we were closed Monday and I've been off since before Christmas. I'm glad I've got nothing on my agenda this weekend except for maybe a bit of grocery shopping Saturday afternoon.

Well the sun is shining bright and the clouds, along with the snow they brought, are gone. Have a good morning.
AAA came and jumped the van and I asked the guy should I buy a battery as my memory is that the battery is about 4-5 years old. Or time to replace.

He said, no, it's good. Just run it for 30-40 minutes to get it charged up. So, I drove it a bit and let it run then backed it in, in front of one of our cars and turned it off.

Tried to start it again and no go. Just a click click. Too late for me to mess with them anymore tonight so they get to come back tomorrow.

They sent the battery truck so you would think they would have sold me a battery.

Whenever our battery would go dry so quickly, it turned out to be the alternator. You should have that checked.
Thank you for all your good thoughts, I really appreciate them! Just for the record, we’ve never been turned down because of veterinary or other references, or because we don’t have a fence, or any of that. We have a pretty perfect home for a dog, tons of experience, and all of our applications and home inspections have passed. The issue is that the dogs that I‘ve applied for are never available by the time I get to them, somehow - they’re already adopted or have people in front of us in line for them already, etc. A couple of dogs have been out of the country, one was getting ready to travel to us when the foster’s mother gave the dog away to someone else. 💔 The one last week we all loved was not allowed to come to the USA (rules have changed in the past year due to a dog from out of the country that came here with rabies) which I didn’t know from the profile (you have to do a whole application before they will even talk to you). Some aren’t allowed to come to MA because of some agricultural rules (that rescues either choose to comply with, or not, from what I can tell). One dog last month was the only one they thought our home might be too busy for because it was a rescue from the asian meat trade and was terrified of people coming into the home, which wasn’t stated in its profile; I didn’t find that out until we were well into the process.

Many rescue dogs in our area come up from the south. There aren’t a whole lot of local dogs available for rescue. Many times you can’t meet them ahead of time, which I want to do to make sure it’s a good fit for our family and for the dog we already have. We do have some local animal shelters and I watch them all the time, and have visited (and came close to adopting a dog there several years back which bit my older dog in the face twice before we left and the manager called it off, saying it wasn’t fair to my old dog to put up w that from a rescue), etc. Oftentimes at shelters, no one answers phones there so if you take a chance and go by, dog is often gone already but website hasn’t been updated. (DS and I found that out the hard way one holiday weekend and sat in traffic for three hours only to find ALL their dogs were already adopted and cages were empty.) I am looking for one a little older, a certain quiet personality and of course one who will get along well with my other dog. This is probably the type of dog that many other people are also looking for. I do want to try and rescue one, if possible. I had to take a break from special needs dogs because my last two German Shepherds were on wheels and it was not only heartbreaking, but very difficult caring for them (carrying them outside and expressing bladder, etc.), along with caring for my elderly mother, who lived with me, at the same time, in addition to being a caregiver for work. Right after my mother passed, Covid began, and work got crazy (in Covid ICUs), plus I was still trying to heal and recover from the stress of caregiving and losses so close to my heart, so I didn’t really even apply much for a while. But that’s basically why I got a little dog after a lifetime of German Shepherds. But I’ve missed having one so I am looking for one or a mix who has the right personality type, and preferably female. So I do have a little bit of a narrow window, otherwise it would probably be easier to find one. One of my dogs was reactive and that’s not something I want to deal with at this point in my life, either, and unfortunately, that can be rather common in GSDs. Eventually the right dog will come along. Sometimes I think the universe helps us out more than we know, so I don’t always question why. I am pretty comfortable with, “it just is” in a situation like this. It just gets me down a little sometimes.

ETA This was my last sweet girl (sunning herself at a ball game). I miss her so much!

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