Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

You take good care, Frog and keep warm yourself! I'm glad you got to enjoy some football games. Sometimes getting caught up in a TV show whether it's something we normally do enjoy or not or simply a pleasant way to spend an afternoon or cheer for a team is a wonderful thing indeed :)

Those are very cool, AuntieMe3!

:tigger:Alaska, the real Alaska, has now been accounted for! I am so very humbled by the kindness of so many who made this happen for my Dad and me, as well. Of course, always, all glory and credit goes to God, Who made this possible to begin with and saw it through!

Still cool here. I may need to put my night shirt back on. Grateful to have that. No mail or packages yet. Off to add in Alaska to Dad's stash. I will check back later. Prayers all of you are staying warm and having a good afternoon, too.
We went back to Lancaster today. The top I got didn't lay right so I exchanged it for another of the same. Tried on shoes at Merrill but didn't like the fit, and went back to the kitchen store to buy 2 more things we wanted.

Came home for lunch and the driveway had been plowed so we could get the car back in. That was good because then we went grocery shopping. I shopped a personal best because I bought a fair amount of meat. It would have been a real pain to carry it all in from the road.

Chili and salad for dinner. Balanced the check book and paid some bills. Now knitting and puzzle playing.

Here is a picture of the ride through Amish farmland in PA.
That's a very scenic yet quite snowy photo, Carol! I'm glad you were able to do an exchange and get some kitchen items. I'm sorry about the shoes not working out.

I did get to see Terri this afternoon when she brought me a couple things while out here anyway. Always good to see her. I did get an extra puzzle in the mail.

I'm wearing my purple night shirt right now. It was chillier out here today than it has been. Stay warm and sleep well, friends :)
Good Morning. I did not sleep well last night as my mind would not stop going. Tough work day being so tired. It is 2 degrees now with highs in the mid 20s.

47 years ago I went out on a first date with Chris. The rest is history, He did tell me that he knew we would get married.

Have a good day.
Good 12 degree morning. It will go into the 40's for the next few days, so we'll take it!

@Snowysmom-- :grouphug:'s for your not sleeping well, and it being the 47'th anniversary of your first date with Chris. I am sure that brings up a lot of happy, and now some sad memories for you. But you will get through it, still taking one step at a time, one day at a time. I appreciate your always telling us when it's a 'special' day, as we all care for you and are pulling for you to make it through this. Take care of yourself, and may today at least bring you a smile or 2 at recalling that special first date.

No big plans for the day--laundry, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms. Making grocery list, gathering trash..same old same old..lol

Have a nice day..HAPPY FEBRUARY!

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Good morning!

I was sort of missing in action yesterday as I had an electrician here.

Before leaving for Hilton Head I put my dishwasher problem on hold until after my return. The weekend was spent resting and watching the ice and snow. Got up yesterday and called a friend who is a master electrician, but retired from regular work for over a dozen years.

He now works sort of word of mouth when he wants to. So, I called him around 9 and he came by around 1pm. He was here all afternoon because the problem had to be tracked through the walls all the way to the electrical box. He fixed it and then we spent some time discussing other improvements he can do for me that I've been neglecting in 'this old house'.

Ceiling fan with light in my living room. Due to layout and design, my LR is the coolest room in winter and warmest room in summer. I've always thought a good fan would be a good investment for all seasons but never took the time to get it done. It means cutting holes in walls, and following up with a sheet rock guy and a painter, so a process. Get this - I bought the fan plus light about 3 years ago.

He wanted to see the fan so I dug that out of my cluttered basement. He approved and said excellent choice. Then I've got 4 wall outlets I want changed out, plus 2 ceiling fixtures. Plus I wanted a small light added at the top of my basement stairwell.

It's funny how the mind works. This is the significant other of a good friend, since quite a few years and I've met him several times. With the last two years, and not much social interaction, I'd sort of forgotten his profession, plus considered him as a retiree. Got reminded by another friend so made the call.

I did get charged which was expected, but it was a token amount. He said he likes to keep busy. Anyway, my other projects will be taken care of a couple of weeks from now as he's going to his vacation home out of state in a few days.

Enjoyed reading others posts as well, and loved the birthday pictures of LJ. Hope all have a great day. I've got to get to the grocery stores and get some milk and bread. Usually that costs me $100 to $200, lol!
Happy Tuesday morning! :sunny:

It's going to be cold but sunny today for us, then it turns into an ice storm starting on Thursday. I'm going to talk to my boss about letting us work from home Thursday and Friday. Fingers crossed he agrees.

Ran to Walmart yesterday after work to get Ds3 some new work pants. I also grabbed a new garbage can to keep in the garage for the recycling. I usually just keep a Chewy box out there but I decided they are too wide, I kept kicking it yesterday while I was in the garage. I found a tall, skinny can that I hope works better.

Nothing spectacular for dinner last night, just tuna casserole with some French bread. Tonight will be tomato soup and grilled cheese.

I'm going to stop at the Party store after work today and order some balloons for our big party. Ds3 turns 21 on Super Bowl Sunday so I'm having the kids over for a birthday/Super Bowl party. Called the bakery that Ds1 used for the wedding cupcakes and checked on ordering some cake pops for the party. Since I won't have a big order, they suggested calling the day before to set some aside to be picked up. I ordered him a Super Bowl shirt since it has the date on it. :cake:

Getting excited for the Olympics to start on Thursday! :cheer2: I feel so bad for these athletes that tested positive for COVID and are now unable to compete.

That's it for me today. Hope everyone has a great day! :wave2:
Good morning.

I have a QOTD Do you like the month of February?

So many people dislike February because they are getting tired of the cold, etc. But, because is it my birthday month, and now Tessa's too, I like it. And this year we have a special baby shower too. I am looking forward to the entire month.

And a secondary QOTD, because I am on a roll and @footballmouse brought it up, Will you watch the Olympics?

It will be hit or miss for me. The announcers do so much back story and so little sport, it gets annoying. That is at least how it has been in the past.
I don't generally watch a lot of the Olympics, but may catch some. I did used to watch figure skating with my mom, but that's about it.

And I'm afraid February is not going to be a great month here. DH's brother passed away last spring, and his birthday would have been this month. I think it will throw a sad note over things.
I guess I like February, 2 of my kids were born during this month. That's about all there is to look forward to this month for me.

Absolutely!!!! I will watch whatever sport is on or I'll find a cable channel that is also showing the Olympics and see what sport is playing on that channel. Starting Thursday, all my regular shows will be recorded so I don't miss the Olympics.
QOTD #1 I am kind of indifferent about February, I guess I like it in that it is one month closer to spring.

QOTD #2 I used to watch a lot of the Olympics but the last few not as much. Without getting to political I am opposed to many of the practices that surround the event.

Breezy Carol-- thanks for posting QOTD"s ... fun.

Snowysmom-- thinking of you as you face all the new "first" challenges. I wish you didn't have to.
Good Morning everyone and Happy February,

:grouphug:Snowysmom. Much prayer today does bring a happy memory to mind. One step at a time, my friend. We are here and care.

QOTD #1 Do you like the month of February? Dad's birthday month so, of course, February is special to me :) Plus, even though there is no man in my life currently, February is also Valentine's Day month. Like Christmas, Valentine's Day is an extra day all about Love and a reminder that God's very first Valentine to us all in Himself in Christ, will forever be the very BEST!

QOTD #2 Will you watch the Olympics? Maybe a bit here and there. When I was younger I did like the diving. Grandma liked the ice skating and gymnastics. Dad will sometimes watch segments of any event.

Thank you from me as well, Carol, for posting the QOTD's. They are fun and as I've said before help connect us in an extra way.

I have a big favor to ask one of you who is handy in photo editing. I would love to get printed at CVS a photo of a US Map Cake to put as a first page in Dad's birthday binder. I found the image attached. Is there a way to either get rid of the "Ryan" and replace it with "Dad" or just get rid of the entire "Happy Birthday Ryan" and I can make a "Happy Birthday, Dad," label. I am in no way partial to this particular image. I just liked that it clearly had each state labeled and said "Happy Birthday." :thanks::love:


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Sun is shining and we are up to 22. All of my chores are done, decided on chili dogs, fries, and coleslaw for dinner tonite, so just made a batch of the coleslaw up.

QOTD #1--It's just an 'okay' month. Nothing special except Valentine's Day,,and that it's getting closer to spring. We shall see what Puxatawney Phil has to say about that tomorrow

QOTD #2..a resounding YES. We both love the Winter Olympics,,I can take or leave the Summer ones. I love to watch the speedskating, the curling is my new favorite to watch. I love the figure skating and the bobsled, luge, and we even watch the Nordic combined events. Love to see the skiers, can take or leave snowboarding though. I hear they have not only having issues with covid over there, but now having weather issues too. I hope it doesn't delay any events by too much or cancel any of the events
Bumping up for the night crowd--

Just scored 3 variety packs (all different 'flavors') for the cats at Tractor Supply,,I don't know why I never think to check there. Chewy still out of almost everything..will see what Walmart has tomorrow, but probably not much. I ordered online at Tractor Supply, will pick up tomorrow when we are out doing errands and grocery shopping.

Have a nice nite everyone
I hit enter by mistake so half my message got posted. I will complete the sentence. Luckily my DS lives on a quiet street as I have to walk in the street due to the sidewalks being slippery. I think I have lost my mind today. I did have an ocular migraine this morning which was brutal for awhile but excedrin migraine always helps. And I am tired from a bad night of little sleep.

Have a nice evening.


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