Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@Kirby - the caffeine does me in also. I can have only one cup of coffee early in a day and I stay away from soda anyway. Occasionally I'll slip and drink another cup, forgetting to do decaf and be sleepless. I'm okay with a cup of hot tea in the afternoon, not as much caffeine to bother me.
Checking in from MA while we have power (and hoping it stays that way!)

We did apparently lose it briefly in the middle of the night - a couple of blinking appliances when I got up, and trouble with a fish tank filter not restarting properly. But it must have been a "blip" that was corrected quickly, as all the lights are working now.

Will try to post some snow pics later if I can.
The plows are running here and a few inches of snow on the ground. Just hoping like everyone else that the power stays on. At DS's house it is snowing light to moderate right now. He left for work so he should be OK as it is only 20 minutes to the hospital. By the time he gets out the roads should be in better shape but he will have alot of snow to remove from the driveway. I feel bad for him to work hard all day and then have to snowblow the driveway and clean off my car. Looking at my house it looks about the same and the front door light is still. We always lose power in these storms at my house so I m expecting that. National Grid said they have brought in more crews to help. I am concerned about the temp as it is supposed to go down during the day and night to single digits. Not good for power outages.

Caffeine always bothers me if I have it past 2 pm. I be sure to have all my coffee before that and then decaf tea after 2 pm.

Hope everyone who has been sick is feeling better.
Good morning. We lucked out with the storm here,,barely a dusting of snow, not even enough to bother sweeping off. Stepson in Salisbury says they got quite a bit and its still snowing. He just told me they are at about 10" and still snowing. But that it's blowing so hard that it's forming huge drifts and hard to get a real measurement! Its cold out here,,16, feels like 1, and the high will be 19. Brrr. I hope all of my Quacker family in the path of it stay safe!

Today is strip the beds day, wash the removed sheets, do another batch of laundry, and make a no bake strawberry cheesecake (Jello brand). I like them every now and then.

Mr L is feeling a little better I think. He fell asleep in his chair about 1 am. I had to go to the bathroom and turned the living room tv off when I went through. He's still asleep. He's not coughing much, and has no temp, so I guess it's just a slight head cold. He also found out last nite that he forgot to take his pills the night before (despite my asking him if he had, and his replying yes :( ), so he didn't take his Singulair which keeps him from being stuffed up.

Stay safe everyone, feel better all of you who are sick (or still sick).

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Great Horned Owl in the Eagle's nest at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge on Maryland's Eastern Shore.

I hadn't checked the web cam's for a few days since I was traveling so didn't see this until this morning. The refuge is hoping an egg will be laid.

You can access the cams via this link if interested. There are plenty of snow geese to be seen this morning also.

Eagle Cam | Friends of Blackwater NWR


Oh, she looks so cold! - The poor thing. (I hope the weather improves there soon!)

Thanks for the link!!

You can get another nest view by touching the screen with your mouse or finger if you have a touch screen. The other cams move quite a bit so sometimes you will see water and birds and other times, just trees and marshy areas. The eagle was on the Osprey perch eating a fresh fish earlier, but he's gone now.
Good morning.

19 here and lightly snowing but wind is so much the snow is going sideways. Inside the screened porch has a layer of snow. Total snowfall about 2 inches but hard to tell with the wind. The way our driveway is, it will fill in with the blowing snow and can get up to a foot deep there while the grass around it still shows.

(I have a feeling that DH's sister did all the shopping of items which means that only her grandkids got anything as they are the only other ones under 18 other than my girls).
Maybe your DH could ask his dad is you and he could shop for the girls. My mother had macular degeneration to the point that she needed my help with a lot of things even though she was in independent living in a retirement community. I would shop for my two plus my brother's two, who lived farther away. As things progressed, we would just mail my SIL a check so she could shop for their two. Then as the 4 grandkids got old enough to appreciate some spending cash, that is what she would send them all. Even DH and I looked forward to getting to "mad money" from her at birthdays and Christmas.
Good morning all,
Thinking of all of you in the storm's path, hoping for no power losses. The longest power loss we ever had was 12 days during an ice storm, I never want to experience that again.

Tomorrow morning we are going out for brunch with DD and SO. She reserved one of those "huts" with a heater. Sure hope that heater works well!

Yesterday, we finally did some Christmas returns that had been sitting here since early November. Of course, we spent more than the returns totaled, oh well.

Snowysmom.... Thinking of you everyday, and wishing for strength and peace.

Pea n me..... I hope your work weekend is the best it can be. Thank you for the kindness you share with your patients, it truly is a bright spot in an otherwise difficult time. I've been thinking about your son and hoping things are getting better.

Judique... Nice webcam. i know it's nature, but she just looks sooo cold.

Have a great day, everyone.
Good Morning friends,

Hooray for being out of quarantine, Kirby! :) to Lou Lou and her fried eggs. Kids (of all ages including us adults) do get into a favorite food groove at times. For me, now that I'm thin and healthier all-around, I find even more sticking with what works for me to work for me. Heavier foods just don't sit well for example. I also am not a caffeine person at all. I don't think hot chocolate has caffeine in it. Wishing you a healthy and happy weekend, my friend.

Prayers continued for you to be well, Sweetpeama! Good to hear from you.

Judique, prayers you are healed from your injury a few days ago! Great picture. ITA with PollyannaMom that the eagle looks frozen :(

:hug:PollyannaMom and please stay home and safe! I do hope your power stays on today!

Prayers for your DS to be safe on the road, Snowysmom. You, my friend, I give extra prayer for daily🌺

🙏continued for Mr. L, dear Lynn and always for you!

:hug:Carol and I'm sorry your mom went through macular degeneration. I remember a close friend of my grandparents dealt with that when I was growing up. Now, my friend Sue who is headed toward 99 has almost lost all sight :( While this is probably mostly due to being almost 99, she has had eye issues for years. Vision is precious indeed! Prayers you and your DH are all well and have a warm weekend, too!

Prayers you truly enjoy your brunch, Dazed! I'm happy to read you have something fun to look forward to. Thank you for sharing such kind and so very true words to our friend Pea. ITA. Pea, thinking of you!

Cool Saturday morning here. So grateful dad is staying home. I'm off to spend some time working on his surprise. Later we'll play a game. I'm recording Hearts of Winter tonight on Hallmark. It sounds familiar but I'm not 100% sure I have seen it so checking it out again.

Have a good and warmly safe Saturday everyone. Be well!
Good morning all,
Thinking of all of you in the storm's path, hoping for no power losses. The longest power loss we ever had was 12 days during an ice storm, I never want to experience that again.

Tomorrow morning we are going out for brunch with DD and SO. She reserved one of those "huts" with a heater. Sure hope that heater works well!

Yesterday, we finally did some Christmas returns that had been sitting here since early November. Of course, we spent more than the returns totaled, oh well.

Snowysmom.... Thinking of you everyday, and wishing for strength and peace.

Pea n me..... I hope your work weekend is the best it can be. Thank you for the kindness you share with your patients, it truly is a bright spot in an otherwise difficult time. I've been thinking about your son and hoping things are getting better.

Judique... Nice webcam. i know it's nature, but she just looks sooo cold.

Have a great day, everyone.

It's nature. They somehow survive like this. I'm pretty sure their feathers are water proof and they fluff up to retain heat. Their feet are scaly. This is when they start nesting and producing eggs as well so it's a whole process. I read one article that says owls are lazy in building nests and will adapt by taking over other bird's nests. Or finding a hollow tree. On the other hand, it's doubtful the snow will last long on the refuge. Plus snow can also insulate.

If I were an owl I'd probably fly to Florida.
Good Morning friends,

Hooray for being out of quarantine, Kirby! :) to Lou Lou and her fried eggs. Kids (of all ages including us adults) do get into a favorite food groove at times. For me, now that I'm thin and healthier all-around, I find even more sticking with what works for me to work for me. Heavier foods just don't sit well for example. I also am not a caffeine person at all. I don't think hot chocolate has caffeine in it. Wishing you a healthy and happy weekend, my friend.

Prayers continued for you to be well, Sweetpeama! Good to hear from you.

Judique, prayers you are healed from your injury a few days ago! Great picture. ITA with PollyannaMom that the eagle looks frozen :(

:hug:PollyannaMom and please stay home and safe! I do hope your power stays on today!

Prayers for your DS to be safe on the road, Snowysmom. You, my friend, I give extra prayer for daily🌺

🙏continued for Mr. L, dear Lynn and always for you!

:hug:Carol and I'm sorry your mom went through macular degeneration. I remember a close friend of my grandparents dealt with that when I was growing up. Now, my friend Sue who is headed toward 99 has almost lost all sight :( While this is probably mostly due to being almost 99, she has had eye issues for years. Vision is precious indeed! Prayers you and your DH are all well and have a warm weekend, too!

Prayers you truly enjoy your brunch, Dazed! I'm happy to read you have something fun to look forward to. Thank you for sharing such kind and so very true words to our friend Pea. ITA. Pea, thinking of you!

Cool Saturday morning here. So grateful dad is staying home. I'm off to spend some time working on his surprise. Later we'll play a game. I'm recording Hearts of Winter tonight on Hallmark. It sounds familiar but I'm not 100% sure I have seen it so checking it out again.

Have a good and warmly safe Saturday everyone. Be well!

No, no frozen eagles! It's a great horned owl on an eagle's nest. On the webcam you can see her move around and twitch her head a little. She's trying to nest, otherwise she'd find an abandoned tobacco barn or something.
Still here, and still have power (fingers crossed!)

I did a bit of cleaning, but otherwise have been lazily watching TV.

I still have power also. My old neighborhood above ground power lines are usually the first to go, but they are pretty good about keeping the trees trimmed along the lines in the last few years.

We probably got an inch and a half of snow, but nothing is moving outside. It's chilly and planning to stay that way until Monday.
Just came in from clearing the steps and the gas exhaust pipe. Here are some pics:

642889Initially forcing the door open

642888After clearing these steps, with what fell while I was doing the pipe.

The drifting is amazing! Some spots have feet of snow, while others are blown almost clear. It's pretty weird.
Good afternoon.

It is 19 degrees and the snow is over. I was very blessed that the neighbor I share steps with did that shoveling. When I went out to do the driveway, sidewalk and into the street my new neighbor on the other side had already done my sidewalk and driveway. We worked together to dig into the street. That was so nice because the last 3 neighbors didn't shovel at all.

I started to make the dessert for LJ's birthday party and learned a big lesson. Never check the food processor for lumps by hand. I sliced the tip of my thumb open. I probably needed to go to Urgent Care but instead just cleaned it a bit and wrapped it tightly with THREE band-aids. When I change them I will use the liquid bandage and then wrap it up again. My daughter the nurse said it should work since the way I described the cut they probably couldn't stitch it anyway.

I got to spend a little time with LJ yesterday, which was his 1st Birthday. He is toddling all over and just goes DaDa, DaDa, DaDa. He was at my daughter's house and her boys keep him very amused. He even let me hold him for a few minutes before he started crying for Aunt Beth. It makes sense that he has bonded so well with her, my grandson and daughter have always had a very special bond.

The electrician is coming out Monday February 7th so we can finally get a move on getting the rest of the downstairs done. I'm glad it was put off a week since I still have some things to do downstairs to get ready. Mostly I still need to throw junk out, but after 39 years of accumulation is it hard to let some things go. I will do it though because I am ready to decompress the house a bit.

Hope all of you that were in the path of the storm are warm and safe while shoveling. Have a great day.
Wow to the snow❄, PollyannaMom! As always, you take beautiful pictures! I just pray doing so today didn't cause you to freeze all the more, same with you, Judique, I meant to say that earlier.

Lynn, prayers you are warm out there and that Mr. L is doing okay!

Oh no! Taz. Big hug, my friend. Please be good to yourself and take care! Hooray for LJ! :)

Much prayer and extra love to all of you in the storm's path. Know I am sure thinking extra of you with love.
@tazdev3225 Ouch to your finger. You learned a lesson the hard way, as did I. When we first got a mandolin, I had the safety thing on, but somehow managed to cut the tip of my finger, and it was bleeding so bad it wouldn't stop. I too didn't go to Urgent Care, but I used some of those bandaid fingertip bandages that are waterproof. I had to put on 3 of them to stop it. It throbbed for 2 days, and then finally started healing. Hope yours heals well
Its 22 outside, but feels much colder. Just gave the outside cats some cat treats and refilled their water bowl with warm/hot water for the 6'th and final time today. No point in leaving it out overnite,,I just filled it at 3:30 and had to refill it just now as it was 2 giant ice cubes

Stay warm and safe everyone


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