Random Acts of Kindness


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Lets hear how you make a difference in this sometimes not so nice world. Tell us what you do to make someone smile either at WDW or out in the real world :goodvibes .

-when going through a toll booth I always pay for the person behind me ( if I have the change)
-when at WDW last December, I bought extra pairs of the stretch gloves ( you can find them for under a $1) and gave them to a couple of people who looked like they were chilly while at the parks at night.
There definately needs to be more random acts of kindness. I live in NJ in the Metropolitan area. Life is so stressed for everyone in this area due to the population density. In my life I always remember my p's and "k-you's", to be curteous while driving on the roads and highways, to be just polite & respectful and pray that my positive actions will spread to those around me. I have been told that my constant up beat nature and laugh is infectious.

One thing I always do is to leave the quarter in the shopping cart at the grocery store and the spare change in the vending machine.
I always hold the door for people. Especially if they're arms are full or if it's a
mom with little kids and stroller, etc. Why not? It's no skin off my nose to
take a few extra seconds. It always kills me when other folks who KNOW I'm
right behind them going in will just drop the door in my face. :confused3
Ah well, it is better to give than to receive.......................................
Where we live the parking is terrible and visibility sometimes nil because of the way people...I guess you could call it "park", but I use the term loosely :rolleyes1 . It can be difficult when trying to turn left onto a street. If allowable, I try to let them turn in front of me, this way they don't have to worry about someone hitting them, especially on a busy work evening when everyone is rushing to get home.

I also try to be courteous and hold doors for people who have their hands full, hold the elevator if someone is coming, pick-up something up if it's dropped, etc.

These small acts make me feel good. :goodvibes
I usually also try & smile as I pass people. Most times they smile back. If I can make some one smile that makes my day ;) :)
When planning my last trip to WDW, I found out a co-worker and his family were going on their first trip the week after mine. He has 2 sons and I sent each one of the a Mickey postcard and wrote on each that I (Mickey in disguise) was anxiously waiting for them to come and visit the next week and all the fun they would have when visiting me (alias Mickey). When we were both back at work, I was thanked and told that it made the boys soo excited that Mickey was waiting for them--just made me feel like I had spread some magic! pixiedust:
In April 2005 I had a fairy godmailer send a friends' DD a postcard(from the princess') for the childs' bday. When I was in WDW Dec. 2005 I had mailed a postcard to her son(alias Buzz, his fav) for his bday.
For this trip to WDW I bought extra glow sticks for the evenings in the parks. Kids love them and there is no way that my 2 grandsons will use 100 of them!

I'm doing the "Pay it Forward" for this trip...This will now become a custom and not an act of kindness! :goodvibes Signed up for 5 and am now up to 17! :goodvibes

In my home life when I'm in line at the grocery store with a cart full of groceries I'll let the person behind me who has just a few items go before me..
Thanks for starting this thread - I love reading about how people can be so nice, as it is so desperatley needed in today's world.

When I went to WDW in Aug I found did the "Pay It Forward" too! It was so great to get the PM and hear how the kids loved receiving the postcards. I even sent 2 to a family in Mexico.
We gave away fastpasses to people in the standby line at WDW on our last day. We had to leave, and didn't have time to use them.
we visit the parks alot and everytime we are leaving any park we put our passes thru any fastpass machine then give em all away(as we are leavin) sometimes we do it a few times a day,it always gets a smile! :thumbsup2
i saw an old man that i know from my neighborhood walking in the rain with all of his groceries.. i drove him home and he told me i was the nicest person around here :goodvibes
I live in a small town, that is part of a bigger community. It was bitterly cold wind chills of about 40 below, I passed (in my van) a young man walking to the high school. It felt like God saying to me..Go back, and again... Go back, so I turned around and pulled up and asked him if he wanted a ride. Dropped him off and as he got out he said "Thanks and God bless you" We both got pixie dust or maybe angel dust! I dont usually go around offering strangers a ride.
For me it seems I find someone taking pictures of their family and I just go up and say " go ahead and you get in, I'll snap all of you ". I'm usually just hanging around while wife is in a shop and it seems to make the family grateful. I did this in DTD for a family and before I knew it 4 other families asked if I could take their entire family picture. Wife can out of the shop and asked what I've been doing and I told her I qas the unoffical Disney photographer at DTD. Love seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they can all get into their group photo.
bab31 said:
I live in a small town, that is part of a bigger community. It was bitterly cold wind chills of about 40 below, I passed (in my van) a young man walking to the high school. It felt like God saying to me..Go back, and again... Go back, so I turned around and pulled up and asked him if he wanted a ride. Dropped him off and as he got out he said "Thanks and God bless you" We both got pixie dust or maybe angel dust! I dont usually go around offering strangers a ride.

That is so nice of you... :cool1:
Pepe of ohio :
I love your random act of kindness. Since I am the one always taking the pics in my family & have very few pics with me included. Great Idea. We are going in Nov.
I will not be going on some of the rides with DH & DD13. Now I will
have something to keep me busy. Thanks for the wonderful idea.

I like to let the person behind me in line go before me. Some give
me a confused look while saying Thank You. Other Thank you's come
and you know the kindness of it made their day.
I was in Toys R Us today and this elderly woman was looking for a "spongebob piano" game for her grandson. I overheard her asking about it and mentioned that Fisher Price has a piano that plugs into the tv and it does have a spongebob cartridge. Together we looked all around for it and finally found just the cartridges for it. She decided to go to Customer Service for help. Just as I walked away I saw the piano and tracked her down at customer service. She had made her grandson a promise whe would get this for him for his birthday. She had no idea what she was looking for but found it afterall.
On our first night, we went to Chef Mickey's for dinner and then headed over to the Magic Kingdom for Spectro Magic and Wishes. The skies looked clear when we left the hotel...... so..... silly me...... I left our rain gear in the room. We arrived at the MK, got great seats to see SM..... and all of a sudden we feel these HUGE rain drops start to fall.

We put our little on in the stroller and covered him..... but our older son had no protection.

To my shock..... this woman comes running towards us..... takes off her Mickey poncho and puts it over my son. I thanked her profusely..... and tried to tell her it wasn't necessary. I told her I would take him into a building until the rain let up. She wouldn't hear of it. She said we had great seats to see the parade and she knew we would lose them if we went inside.
After the rain let up I looked all over for her so I could return her poncho and tell her how wonderful I thought she was. But I never found her. Isn't that the way it usually works though?


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