Random Acts of Kindness

Cy :wave2: What a wonderful idea :thumbsup2

Little things mean so much and little by little, we CAN make a difference and change the world. I truly believe that.

I truly believe this, and it only takes a second to make someone
else as well as yourself feel good.

I also want to Thank you and dvc at last ! for teaching kindness
and compassion in your classes not just ABC. As teachers you
have daily contact with our children and definitely can make a difference.
I teach this to my daughter at home, but I know there are parents out
there that don't and it sure doesn't hurt the ones who get it from home
either. It just strengthens that message. I am fortunate that my
DD13 has wonderful teachers as well. Thanks
On Sunday I was at the grocery store - I had a very full cart and the store was pretty busy - people were stocking up because of bad weather. I saw a man with just a few items and allowed him to get in front of me. He could not believe it - he asked me 3 times if I was sure. The smile on his face was worth the 2 extra minutes at the check out stand.

I love reading this thread - it is good to know there is nice people in this world.

Hope this thread gets busier during the CHRISTmas season
Cee said:
I always hold the door for people. Especially if they're arms are full or if it's a mom with little kids and stroller, etc. Why not? It's no skin off my nose to take a few extra seconds. It always kills me when other folks who KNOW I'm right behind them going in will just drop the door in my face. :confused3

I do the same thing and I especially wait if it's an older person who walks with a cane or walker. They always seem to apologize for "taking too long" but I figure they're going as fast as their legs will let them. I would like the same consideration when my legs don't go too fast too.
After reading the beginnings of this thread, I spoke with my family about it. All loved hearing the great things people do. We decided to buy some glow in the dark necklaces and bracelets, to bring on our trip to the World at the end of December :goodvibes

My kids (DD13, DS11) are thrilled and excited about taking some to the parks each day and passing them out to others at night. We have 200 necklaces and 100 bracelets, so they should be able to brighten a few people's / kids experience. We hope so at least. :woohoo:
Last night a call came through and we didn't recognize the number so we let the machine pick it up. I hear this little voice, "Daddy, this is Allison, I wanted to remind you about my game on Friday"

I hurryed and picked up the phone and talked to this girl, told her she had the wrong number and I wanted make sure her daddy got the message not a stranger. She handed the phone to her mom and I explained it to her. Turns out our number and her dad's are very close and the little girl had hit the wrong button when dialing. The mom thanked me several times, as she didn't want her daughter to be thinking her daddy didn't care.

I just couldn't have let that go. Even if we hadn't been home I would have called the number back, it would have broken my heart to know that if I didn't this little girl would think her daddy didn't care.

Love this thread!!!! Some of these posts brought tears to my eyes! :blush:

On the last day of our June WDW trip, DH and I still had several counter service and snack credits left on our DDP, due to an unfortunately timed stomach bug midway thru our trip. Initially, we thought we might use up the credits by buying food to take with us on the plane (no meal service on our short flight!), but when we went to The Mara for breakfast w/DS6 and DD5, we noticed a couple with their 2 young children who were quietly discussing the cost of their meals as they ate. (It was apparent that they were on a budget and not on DDP, so we offered them our remaining credits.) They were thrilled to have their meals bought for the remainder of that day. Made us feel so good to do something nice for someone else. Later, we explained to DS and DD what we had done, and how it was the right thing to do to help others when you can.

The lesson was successful, I'm happy to say. DS (now 7) came home from school early last week asking if I could give him all the coats and hats he's outgrown so that he could bring them in for the school's coat drive. He also asked if we could choose a child from the "Angel Tree" at church.

Santa's going to be so good to that boy this year!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love:
This is such a sweet thread! I think it's everyone's responsibility to bring kindness into this not so nice world.

I always hold open doors for people especially if i see a mother with a stroller
I always smile at everyone

I work in an afterschool program and i have my own group of little grade ones who i make sure get extra special activities that go beyond program requirement. In the seperate older group of kids there is a child with autism and everytime we are all together as a big group I make sure I spend lots of time playing with him and giving him lots of attention and he loves it! It just brings a smile to my face when i see him having so much fun and giving me hugs :lovestruc

I also used to volunteer at a school for children with special needs :blush: those children are so special
pepe of ohio said:
For me it seems I find someone taking pictures of their family and I just go up and say " go ahead and you get in, I'll snap all of you ". I'm usually just hanging around while wife is in a shop and it seems to make the family grateful. I did this in DTD for a family and before I knew it 4 other families asked if I could take their entire family picture. Wife can out of the shop and asked what I've been doing and I told her I qas the unoffical Disney photographer at DTD. Love seeing the smiles on peoples faces when they can all get into their group photo.

Good for you. We were in Gatlinburg in Sept of 04 and someone just came up to us and offered to take this shot out of the blue...


My olderst daughter died suddenly of menengitis in May of the following year and aside from one Christmas picture taken that year- this is the last family photo we have of us all together. I know I thanked him but I wish I could really let him know how much this picture means to us now. :angel:
Good for you. We were in Gatlinburg in Sept of 04 and someone just came up to us and offered to take this shot out of the blue...


My olderst daughter died suddenly of menengitis in May of the following year and aside from one Christmas picture taken that year- this is the last family photo we have of us all together. I know I thanked him but I wish I could really let him know how much this picture means to us now. :angel:

Wow what a touching story! Your story makes me want to take pictures for everyone now.

I am so so sorry for your loss.

Thanks for sharing - God Bless!


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