Remove all the BUGS & SPIES from your COMPUTER!!!!UPDATE

Sorry....when I ran the program, files came up in two sections, one was all cookies, which I deleted, and the other was in the bottom one on the left side..spy someI had 20 in there.

Also, it seems since starting the reward programs, I ahve al lthese windows opeing up i do not want...any idea to get rid of them?

Thanks for the link and info Mal, I had 58 of them!
Thanks Mal, I have been running a similar program for 6 or so months and run it daily. Part of it is the cost of doing rewards programs.

Some of the worse offenders are:
Gator (I know lots of poeple who downloaded this for the 100 beenz you could get at the time) This is one of the most insidious examples of spyware. If a telemarketer called you to try to get this information you would probably laugh in their face, but I know alot of people who use it so they dont have to key in passwords over and over.:rolleyes:

Comet Cursor so you can see all those annoying trailing cursors that are everyware

Eeyorerulz, There is no problem in deleting any spyware programs from you computer, as a matter of fact I would do so ASAP. The little windows tend to pop up for 2 reasons, many rewards sites have sponsors that utilize mini popups as an additional source of revenue for the (there are several on milesource). The second most common way is if you use gator, they do it as an additional revenue opportunity as well.
Gee, I must be boring. I only had 1 spy reference. But then again, maybe I didn't do it right. :)
Thanks Mal, I only had 4 bugs but that was 4 too many.
Just wanted to let everyone know that there is an update to this program. They now have AD-WARE 5.2 version.
Wow i had over 70 of those little buggers! And now i know why i get Xrated email! there was about 10 adult oriented spyware programs running in my pc......Guess where they came from?
You got it My Comet Cursor.

Thanks again Mal, Your'e a doll :)
I did this last week and ran the 4.6 version at detec ted over 130!!!!! bugs and spy programs..I could not believe it! So I expected dozens MORE at home. When I went to the site showed a new version...5.2. When I d/l home computer proudly stated CONGRATULATIONS...WE HAVE DETECTED NO BUG OR SPY PROGRAMS WITHIN YOUR COMPUTER! about shocked! for the great site Mal....


After reading all the posts here, I decided to download this amazing program. Went to site, then to the download page and it is not available due to some computers having problems with the program. The site did say to keep checking back, but I was disappointed. :(
I know I must have a bunch of spy stuff on my computer because it seems to crawl these days. Also, for no apparent reason my connect to MSN thing just pops up out of the blue. Sometimes it does this when I am online and most of time when I am not. Weird.
Oh well, I will keep checking out the site in hopes the program will soon be available again.
Same here, the system is down!! :(

Would it be possible for someone to e-mail me the .exe file???

Good news!!

I just discovered that if you go to and search for "Ad Aware", you can download version 5.1.

Now all I have to do is install it and figure out how to work it!!

I can't get the Ad Aware thing to work. Is there ANY other program or any way to manually get this junk off my computer???!!!!! I know I have that Comet Cursor and I want it, and any other spies GONE!!!!

Thanks for the info on this great shareware! I downloaded today - they have a new version 5.5.

I had 53!!!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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