Resolution In Action (Hopefully, It Keeps the Space)


<font color=red>DDC<br><font color=royalblue>And O
Oct 7, 2010
Hey Dads!

Since my overall New Year's Resolution was to get healthier (basically start exercising, stop smoking, and try to run a marathon by the end of the year). I just discovered the WISH part of the boards, and I know that all of us frequent that board more than this one. :lmao: But, I decided to do a sort of journal over here, rather than there. Mostly because I figured I would get more moral support on the boards where people know me.

Anyways, here's the info.

Now, I'm not really overweight or anything (just weighed in at 202lbs, my height is about 6'3"), but I can still remember back when I was about 175-185. That's around where I'd like to be. I also smoke about a pack a day (more if I'm drinking).

My Goals:
I'd like to lose about 25lbs, and hopefully be done with smoking, by April 7th. I've chosen this date due to this: Sorry, it's in Korean. It's the day of a marathon in the city next door. I want to participate in the 10k on that day. :scared1:

I have to meet up with DW right now, so I'll try to continue this when I get back.
Good luck Katoot! I have also started exercising, as they just opened a YMCA less than 2 miles from my house. Dont really have an excuse now not to start. I would recommend you check out the couch to 5k or 10k programs on . Im on week 2, just finished day 1 and I can feel it in my legs.

I need to join you on getting back to my workouts. I was doing really well, until an injury threw me off, and I didn't get back on it.

I'm a couple of steps ahead of you on the quitting smoking thing. I smoked a pack/day + for about 23 years. I quit cold turkey on February 14, 2010, so I'm approaching two years smoke-free.
Good luck Katoot! I have also started exercising, as they just opened a YMCA less than 2 miles from my house. Dont really have an excuse now not to start. I would recommend you check out the couch to 5k or 10k programs on . Im on week 2, just finished day 1 and I can feel it in my legs.


Thanks, Matt! Yeah, I've been looking at the Couch to 5k, and I think that's the plan I'm going to use.

Back to where I left off. Today was the day I started. Just to see where I stood, I (perhaps foolishly) decided to see how long it would take me to do a 5k. Keep in mind, the last time I went for a run was about two years ago, and before that...maybe five? Needless to say, I don't exercise much.

I planned out a course using and found an easy landmark to do 2.5k run to and from. I took about a five minute brisk walk, crossed the street, and went on my way.

Quick side note, my best ever 1mile time was about 7 minutes, back in elementary school.

I did my best to run most of the way to my turning point. But, once I got there, I decided to just briskly walk the way back (mostly due to fatigue, but also to see how long it would take just to walk).

Well, I kinda wished I didn't keep track of how fast I walked back. In total, the 5k took about 45 minutes, which I think isn't too bad for a smoker who never exercises. However, it took me 20 minutes to get to my halfway point (running and walking), and 25 minutes to get back (only walking...:sad2:) I got a lot of work to do.

Things I learned from this first day.

I do not have the right shoes for running. I have a pair of fairly new Nike hightops, and that's about it. Also, it's very difficult to find shoes my size in America, let alone Korea (I wear size 15, generally). I may have to hold off on my outdoor running until we get a chance to head to Busan in about a week and a half.

I can already see the benefits of running to help me quit smoking. I wasn't huffing and puffing after running, but I also wasn't craving a smoke (I normally smoke about once every two or three hours at work, but about once an hour at home). In fact, in the 6 hours I've been home from work, I've only had 4 smokes. That includes three in the past hour (habit of smoking right after eating, and walking home from the restaurant). My wife is also a smoker, but doesn't plan on quitting quite yet, so that may be a bit of a hinderance. However, she generally goes through a pack once every two days.

I plan on running every other day (once I get better shoes). On the days I don't run, I'll use WiiFit and/or EA Sports Active for my workouts.

I guess that's it for now. I thought I had at least one or two more points to mentions, but they escape me right now.

I welcome any questions, comments, suggestions, inquiries, facts, rumors, harrassment, encouragement, etc.

This is essentially my first time attempting something like this with an actual set date as a goal.
Since my overall New Year's Resolution was to get healthier (basically start exercising, stop smoking, and try to run a marathon by the end of the year). I just discovered the WISH part of the boards, and I know that all of us frequent that board more than this one. :lmao: But, I decided to do a sort of journal over here, rather than there. Mostly because I figured I would get more moral support on the boards where people know me.

Great idea, Casey! A few years ago I lost 46 pounds. I've slowly gained 20 of it back by getting lazy and not watching what I ate nearly as closely. My first goal is to get back to where I had been - and even 200 lbs (I'm 5'10", so I'll set a new goal when I reach that.) I did the couch to 5k program last summer and did a 5k run in September. It felt really good to run the entire thing and finish. (Emotionally good, that it. Physically I wanted to die. But that's besides the point.)
So I'll be here with you, trying to document and hold myself accountable.

Pace yourself on the running - stick to one of those programs. They're designed so you don't start too fast and burn yourself out.

I need to join you on getting back to my workouts. I was doing really well, until an injury threw me off, and I didn't get back on it.

I'm a couple of steps ahead of you on the quitting smoking thing. I smoked a pack/day + for about 23 years. I quit cold turkey on February 14, 2010, so I'm approaching two years smoke-free.
Congratulations Aaron! I've never been a smoker, but from the people I've talked to, it's a very hard thing to quit. Keep up the good work!
Hey Dads!

Since my overall New Year's Resolution was to get healthier (basically start exercising, stop smoking, and try to run a marathon by the end of the year). I just discovered the WISH part of the boards, and I know that all of us frequent that board more than this one. :lmao: But, I decided to do a sort of journal over here, rather than there. Mostly because I figured I would get more moral support on the boards where people know me.

Anyways, here's the info.

Now, I'm not really overweight or anything (just weighed in at 202lbs, my height is about 6'3"), but I can still remember back when I was about 175-185. That's around where I'd like to be. I also smoke about a pack a day (more if I'm drinking).

My Goals:
I'd like to lose about 25lbs, and hopefully be done with smoking, by April 7th. I've chosen this date due to this: Sorry, it's in Korean. It's the day of a marathon in the city next door. I want to participate in the 10k on that day. :scared1:

I have to meet up with DW right now, so I'll try to continue this when I get back.

I hear ya! According to BMI I am considered overweight at 6'2" and 200. I remember coming out of boot camp weighing in at 165 lbs! I gave P90X a try last year and fell out of the routine too easily. Did feel better and started losing weight the 2 months I did it!

Keep this in mind... you're body changes after you stop smoking. You might have a more difficult time getting the weight off initially.

I need to join you on getting back to my workouts. I was doing really well, until an injury threw me off, and I didn't get back on it.

I'm a couple of steps ahead of you on the quitting smoking thing. I smoked a pack/day + for about 23 years. I quit cold turkey on February 14, 2010, so I'm approaching two years smoke-free.

Your story sounds like mine. Smoked just as much for about 20 years. Will be smoke free for 4 years in March! :cool1: The only thing that worked was quitting cold turkey and keep telling myself I was no longer a smoker. Congrats on almost 2 years smoke free!!! :thumbsup2
This is a good idea. There was a DisDads Wish thread for a while, but we all got a might lazy about it after a while. Seeing it here may be a good motivator.
I need to join you on getting back to my workouts. I was doing really well, until an injury threw me off, and I didn't get back on it.

I'm a couple of steps ahead of you on the quitting smoking thing. I smoked a pack/day + for about 23 years. I quit cold turkey on February 14, 2010, so I'm approaching two years smoke-free.

Congrats! I'm always jealous of people who have been able to quit cold turkey. I just can't get a handle on those cravings. I suppose I'm fortunate, however, in that I've only been smoking for about six years (I started late, I guess, not till I was 23 or 24...not sure why I started, except that I was a university student in Japan, where cigs are readily available and pretty cheap...about $3 a pack)...

I'm sure (well, at least I'd like to think so) that it would be easier to quit if I were still in America, but smokes are even cheaper in Korea than Japan (less than $2.50 a pack). I do smoke pretty much the equivalent of ultra lights (1mg tar, .1mg nicotine), but that doesn't seem to help cravings when I'm without...
Good luck Katoot!

Pace yourself on the running - stick to one of those programs. They're designed so you don't start too fast and burn yourself out.
Good point. Burn out isn't the only worry- too much too soon can lead to injury. I dealt with that a little last year with P90X
I hear ya! According to BMI I am considered overweight at 6'2" and 200.

That's crazy! Every time we have a health fair at work, they tell me I am borderline obese. I'm 6' and 175 lbs.
Thanks, everyone, for the words of encouragement! And it'd be great if I could help motivate others!

Keep this in mind... you're body changes after you stop smoking. You might have a more difficult time getting the weight off initially.

Yeah, I'm aware of that. In fact, I know of a doctor that my mom used to work with. When he quit smoking, he took up running. However, he started running too much and HIS doctor told him to stop running.

Your story sounds like mine. Smoked just as much for about 20 years. Will be smoke free for 4 years in March! :cool1: The only thing that worked was quitting cold turkey and keep telling myself I was no longer a smoker. Congrats on almost 2 years smoke free!!! :thumbsup2

Great job on 4 years smoke free! :thumbsup2
That's crazy! Every time we have a health fair at work, they tell me I am borderline obese. I'm 6' and 175 lbs.

But isn't there a flaw in the BMI index where it doesn't take into account muscle weight vs. fat weight? I know that's the case with WiiFit...

Oh, another side note. DW doesn't think I can do this. She basically said that because she's seen how lazy I usually am (which, admittedly, I am quite lazy), that I will only last three days. I told her that I will at least see this through till April. She said, if I don't....she'll kill me...:scared1: (those were her exact words, but I'm 99% positive that if I do happen to fall off the wagon, it won't happen...however, she can be pretty scary sometimes, so that 1% is always there...taunting me...)
I need to join you on getting back to my workouts. I was doing really well, until an injury threw me off, and I didn't get back on it.

I'm a couple of steps ahead of you on the quitting smoking thing. I smoked a pack/day + for about 23 years. I quit cold turkey on February 14, 2010, so I'm approaching two years smoke-free.

Congrats on the achievement Aaron :thumbsup2
My goal is to get back in good enough to run a marathon. I ran the mini here in Indy before so I know what some of the training is like. I hate those weight/height charts because they alway list me as obese, but never take into account my body type.

I am overweight, but not obese...yet. My docotr even told me that those ideal weight charts will not work for me because of my body type.

The running programs are great because they map everything out for you. Good luck everyone. I hope we can continue to encourage each other as we work towards these goals!
Good luck Casey! It's easy to be lazy, and most of us tend to fall off the wagon regarding exercise. Or at least, I do. Quite a bit. I'm not sure I've ever been on the wagon, actually. What's it look like?
Good luck Casey! It's easy to be lazy, and most of us tend to fall off the wagon regarding exercise. Or at least, I do. Quite a bit. I'm not sure I've ever been on the wagon, actually. What's it look like?

You wouldn't like it. There are vegetables involved.
Thanks, Matt! Yeah, I've been looking at the Couch to 5k, and I think that's the plan I'm going to use.

Back to where I left off. Today was the day I started. Just to see where I stood, I (perhaps foolishly) decided to see how long it would take me to do a 5k. Keep in mind, the last time I went for a run was about two years ago, and before that...maybe five? Needless to say, I don't exercise much.

I planned out a course using and found an easy landmark to do 2.5k run to and from. I took about a five minute brisk walk, crossed the street, and went on my way.

Quick side note, my best ever 1mile time was about 7 minutes, back in elementary school.

I did my best to run most of the way to my turning point. But, once I got there, I decided to just briskly walk the way back (mostly due to fatigue, but also to see how long it would take just to walk).

Well, I kinda wished I didn't keep track of how fast I walked back. In total, the 5k took about 45 minutes, which I think isn't too bad for a smoker who never exercises. However, it took me 20 minutes to get to my halfway point (running and walking), and 25 minutes to get back (only walking...:sad2:) I got a lot of work to do.

Things I learned from this first day.

I do not have the right shoes for running. I have a pair of fairly new Nike hightops, and that's about it. Also, it's very difficult to find shoes my size in America, let alone Korea (I wear size 15, generally). I may have to hold off on my outdoor running until we get a chance to head to Busan in about a week and a half.

I can already see the benefits of running to help me quit smoking. I wasn't huffing and puffing after running, but I also wasn't craving a smoke (I normally smoke about once every two or three hours at work, but about once an hour at home). In fact, in the 6 hours I've been home from work, I've only had 4 smokes. That includes three in the past hour (habit of smoking right after eating, and walking home from the restaurant). My wife is also a smoker, but doesn't plan on quitting quite yet, so that may be a bit of a hinderance. However, she generally goes through a pack once every two days.

I plan on running every other day (once I get better shoes). On the days I don't run, I'll use WiiFit and/or EA Sports Active for my workouts.

I guess that's it for now. I thought I had at least one or two more points to mentions, but they escape me right now.

I welcome any questions, comments, suggestions, inquiries, facts, rumors, harrassment, encouragement, etc.

This is essentially my first time attempting something like this with an actual set date as a goal.

Congratulations on starting. Most couch to 5k training programs work to having you run the whole time. Once you complete that program I would start with a Galloway program that includes walk/run intervals. I think its a little easier on your body and you'll find it's easier to cover the milage (kilometerage.)

If you are having a hard time finding shoes I'd suggest Shipping may be a bit steep to Korea but their prices in general are very low for good shoes. Additionally the is a disboards code "WISHRACED" that gets you an additional 15% of everything.

But isn't there a flaw in the BMI index where it doesn't take into account muscle weight vs. fat weight? I know that's the case with WiiFit...

Oh, another side note. DW doesn't think I can do this. She basically said that because she's seen how lazy I usually am (which, admittedly, I am quite lazy), that I will only last three days. I told her that I will at least see this through till April. She said, if I don't....she'll kill me...:scared1: (those were her exact words, but I'm 99% positive that if I do happen to fall off the wagon, it won't happen...however, she can be pretty scary sometimes, so that 1% is always there...taunting me...)

I think there is a flaw in most BMI measurements particularly around muscle.

Potential death is a good motivator

My goal is to get back in good enough to run a marathon. I ran the mini here in Indy before so I know what some of the training is like. I hate those weight/height charts because they alway list me as obese, but never take into account my body type.

I am overweight, but not obese...yet. My docotr even told me that those ideal weight charts will not work for me because of my body type.

The running programs are great because they map everything out for you. Good luck everyone. I hope we can continue to encourage each other as we work towards these goals!

20th anniversary of the WDW Marathon is in 12 months. Its a really cool medal and would be an awesome first marathon.
Congratulations on starting. Most couch to 5k training programs work to having you run the whole time. Once you complete that program I would start with a Galloway program that includes walk/run intervals. I think its a little easier on your body and you'll find it's easier to cover the milage (kilometerage.)

If you are having a hard time finding shoes I'd suggest Shipping may be a bit steep to Korea but their prices in general are very low for good shoes. Additionally the is a disboards code "WISHRACED" that gets you an additional 15% of everything.

I think there is a flaw in most BMI measurements particularly around muscle.

Potential death is a good motivator

20th anniversary of the WDW Marathon is in 12 months. Its a really cool medal and would be an awesome first marathon.

That's what I was thinking, but if the convention is a different date I am not sure which one to do. I have thought about doing a local one first in case of injury (this happened before and I used as an excuse o get lazy).
That's what I was thinking, but if the convention is a different date I am not sure which one to do. I have thought about doing a local one first in case of injury (this happened before and I used as an excuse o get lazy).

That would be a tough choice. Marathon or DDC. If I have to pick between the two I'll probably pick the marathon. (If it goes really bad this year I'll want to redeem myself and if I do well, then I'll want a repeat experience.)
I think the big thing to prevent injury is to pace yourself training. I know in the past I am most prone to injury when I am trying to run too fast.


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