Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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I could deal with lack of parades and (since we wouldn't be going with our granddaughter on the next trip) meet & greets. I wouldn't be thrilled by lack of fireworks shows, but could live with it.

What would be a deal-breaker, however, is if they eliminate ride pre-shows. In my book, they are an essential part of experiencing the attraction.

And if all indoor attractions are closed????? That's most of them, so why open?
I think this will pass. There are no vaccines for SARS or MERS . The flu vaccines often don't hit their target. Once this has run it's course, things will get normal eventually. I don't buy the whole premise that "the world has changed forever". Some states went through this in 2009 with the swine flu and things eventually returned to normal.

But, until then, I think we are going to have to accept some changes to protect others, especially the people that work there.
They need to just have people sign the waiver, keep everything as clean and sanitized as possible and go back to normal business with everyone entering at their own risk. All of the suggested modifications are untenable, unrealistic and quite frankly overkill. It would completely suck the fun and magic out of the trip. People in high risk groups just shouldn’t go, they’re responsible for their own welfare. Harsh but true. If the virus has died down enough for them to open then it should be fine to just go back to normal, with an increased emphasis on hand sanitizing and washing. There was always a risk of catching the flu (which lots of people die from too) or something else there. This is a serious and scary virus but at some point you need to be rational and not be led by fear. I don’t wanna live in a world where I’m forced to where a mask and take medical tests to get into a Disney park.
This too shall pass. ( sooner would be better!)
911 was catastrophic...
but people eventually got back to their routines...not to be forgotten but moved forward.
I’d prefer to feel Confident in Covid Actual Numbers of Death, Infected, Asymptomatic ... but it seems skewed by agendas and talking points.
I would hope that Disney waits it out...before trying to recoup $$$, (not like they re not getting help) to provide a Safe, Well planned return so people Can Enjoy the Magic rather than Worrying while they re there.
Quite frankly, I don't think any amount of changes will make a difference. I feel until we have a vaccine Disney will not be able to open safely. I still haven't heard enough ideas yet, to have folks feel safe enough to go to the parks. I'm open to hearing more ideas though, isn't this the point of this thread?
Read through the 4/17 & 4/18 changes proposed. Dont know the source. No thanks. Park wont survive if all that become the norm till a vaccine. Maybe theme parks just dont fit the new normal. I've read a lot about how it all started. Walt filling that niche that didnt exist and it's the formula that made it a success. I'm with a lot of people commenting that this wont work till COVID 19 is in the history books. I see a lot of bad PR coming if there is a mass inoculation of the virus that can be traced back to the park. I wouldnt want to be the ones on that committee trying to make the model of a theme park work in an ongoing pandemic. Movie theaters are probably on the way out. A theme park industry that's been jammed since 1955 and depends on that as its model to operate at the level that makes it desirable???? I'm just a little more than sick about it.
Read through the 4/17 & 4/18 changes proposed. Dont know the source. No thanks. Park wont survive if all that become the norm till a vaccine. Maybe theme parks just dont fit the new normal. I've read a lot about how it all started. Walt filling that niche that didnt exist and it's the formula that made it a success. I'm with a lot of people commenting that this wont work till COVID 19 is in the history books. I see a lot of bad PR coming if there is a mass inoculation of the virus that can be traced back to the park. I wouldnt want to be the ones on that committee trying to make the model of a theme park work in an ongoing pandemic. Movie theaters are probably on the way out. A theme park industry that's been jammed since 1955 and depends on that as its model to operate at the level that makes it desirable???? I'm just a little more than sick about it.
Its balancing act. I think the virus will pass eventually - perhaps even without a vaccine. But it's going to take a while. Perhaps another 6 to 12 months or more.

Somehow the theme parks have got to try to survive up to that point.
So I think about how this formula works for the bottom line and it's all about what they promise Wall Street. Reduction in overall attendance by 50%. Half the people paying tickets and staying at the hotels. Increased operational costs to disinfect and they can only raise prices to meet it. Already super expensive so maybe double the prices to meet (maybe) the increased costs? You folks tell me how this all works. And if those quintessential Disney experiences disappear, is it going to be the Disney that people desire to return to visit year after year? There may be a new "Walt" out there that sees this and figures it out but that creativity isnt at the top these days. It stopped in 66 and they just rehashed the same out formula that may not work again.
on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, amusement/theme parks are high on that pyramid lol we need to think logically and realistically of what our needs are compared to our wants. I love Disney but I really hope they stay closed until there is a dramatic reduction of infection... it sucks but I'd rather people concentrate on food and housing, ya know, the basics

Well, there are thousands of people who depend on Disney for food and housing, ya know, the basics.
Out of fairness technology and creativity have never died at Disney. It just going to REALLY take an unprecedented level of leadership to navigate this. It may be time to move this into a different kind of experience. I dont know what that is. I'm just a utility company engineer. But I think it may take another American Original to figure it out. Not bean counters. They need those too but it's a different animal and it's going to take it to survive.
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I do not think that in the long term that making the parks more resistant to infection spread and improving the park experience are mutually excursive. With the creative nature of the Disney parks while the current situation is difficult, it will also open/accelerate innovation. Personally I am looking forward to virtual lines for both attractions, other interactions and food.
First post, have been following along and enjoying the ideas people have. I think the parks will be open sooner than a lot of people are suggesting but just my opinion.

Thanks for letting me share. :)

Also, Disney already has verbiage in their terms and conditions when purchasing packages or tickets.
  • Disney, its directors, officers, employees, subcontractors, agents and representatives, shall at no time be liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for any loss, injury, or damage caused or arising in connection with any transportation, hotel or other services or products of third parties provided through Disney, or as a result of acts of God, acts of Government or other authorities, wars, civil disturbances, hijacks, thefts, or any circumstance beyond its control. Disney reserves the right to accept, retain, decline or cancel any reservation or any guest as a participant in its packages at any time and for any reason. In addition, Disney reserves the right to cancel or modify a reservation, including the price, at any time prior to guest check-in if the reservation includes or was made as the result of a mistake or error of any kind, including but not limited to, a mistake or error in price or description of the package or package components, or where it appears that a guest has engaged in fraudulent or misleading activity in making the reservation. If a package is cancelled by Disney, Disney shall have no responsibility beyond the refund of monies paid to Disney for the package. The terms and conditions of any transportation services provided by airlines or car rental agencies shall be as represented by those third parties. Terms and conditions are subject to change by Disney without notice. If these Terms and Conditions contain any provisions construed to be unenforceable or unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall be deemed modified to conform to applicable law, or if this would cause an unreasonable result, such provision shall be stricken from these Terms and Conditions without affecting the binding force and effect of any of its other provisions.
This scenario, which is a real possibility IF they do testing, is definitely possible. I'm talking the Covid test here, not a temperature test. (And saying testing wouldn't work has just been disproved by this scenario - as it caught someone testing positive.)

I'm sure some health department would need to be notified of a positive test, and there would be a more thorough retest.

Say it's still positive. The multitude of questions generated by this scenario is long. For example, one person tests positive while the rest of the family doesn't. However, they have all been exposed but the length of exposure is unknown - do you allow the rest of the family to enter? How do you get back to the hotel without exposing others - certainly not via WDW transportation? Would you be allowed back into the hotel - because you know they've tagged your MDE as positive? How would you get to an airport? Would you really expose your Uber driver to this knowing you are positive?

Now if they test at the airport before you get on DME, I'm sure you would not be allowed to ride. You really don't want to remain with your family now, since you tested positive - do you? Would you be allowed on a plane after having tested positive?

The questions generated boggle the mind. While I think they could institute testing, I don't think they would do so without being told they absolutely had to as a prerequisite to opening the parks. They really don't want to go down that road, and the politicians will cave on having WDW (or any theme parks) do testing in FL, so my guess is no testing will be done.

The best bet is all airports do the testing... so you get tested before you even enter security, and if there’s a positive test, they escort you back to your car. But that doesn’t answer the question to the problem of what about all the money you paid for your vacation that’s non refundable? The downside to airport testing is if you test positive after your trip in the airport before you head home. So now what? Where do you quarantine? Who pays for your hotel? You could potentially be stuck somewhere for a very long time depending on when/if everyone in your group gets sick from the person showing the initial positive test. How does this work??? 🤦‍♀️

I don’t envy the executives at Disney having to make all of these decisions. I personally fall into the waiver/lots of hand washing stations/ extra sanitizing of surfaces with anti viral solutions camp. Stay home if you don’t think that’s enough or if you’re high risk.
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Quite frankly, I don't think any amount of changes will make a difference. I feel until we have a vaccine Disney will not be able to open safely. I still haven't heard enough ideas yet, to have folks feel safe enough to go to the parks. I'm open to hearing more ideas though, isn't this the point of this thread?

You may be one of those people who just shouldn’t go until there’s a vaccine or enough herd immunity to cause the virus to go dormant. 🤷‍♀️ Because nothing else is 💯 safe. Disney will do some of these other things to open because they won’t stay closed until they develop a vaccine.
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Wording worked into the ticket that releases them of liability for contracting a illness like a previous poster just mentioned, which in my opinion would be hard to prove where you got it from anyways. I don’t have a problem going back to Disney as I know I can get it from just going to the grocery store. The virus doesn’t just live at Disney.
Wording worked into the ticket that releases them of liability for contracting a illness like a previous poster just mentioned, which in my opinion would be hard to prove where you got it from anyways. I don’t have a problem going back to Disney as I know I can get it from just going to the grocery store. The virus doesn’t just live at Disney.

Yup, I’ll be there on day one.
It appears there are two groups: Those at risk and those who are not. Those who are at risk probably should remain isolated until a "vaccine" is developed. For the rest of us, life will go on and our bodies will develop immunity against it like every other disease out there.
Is Disney trying to push thru an Opening to
Avoid Refunding all the AP’s? Once parks open... with much less to offer for the money, the partial refunds end... hmmm
All I know is that I would never submit to a blood test before flying - I wouldn't resist it, I jus wouldn't fly - I have a ton of tattoos, but have a problem giving blood - makes me queasy and don't want to fly while feeling sick

Please , I would probably get arrested for having to.much Xanax in my system !
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