Rumors that Disney is in negotiations to sell Star Wars back to George Lucas!

People forget that TFA made TONS of money and had generally good audience reaction. I remember sitting in the theater preparing myself for another cringeworthy movie, and as soon as Poe said “so who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?” I breathed a sigh of relief and thought “okay, this is going to be fine.”

But then we got two more movies that didn’t have an overarching story and each contradicted the last.
TROS definitely contradicted TLJ, but TLJ didn't contradict TFA. TLJ was a master class in "Yes, and" collaborative storytelling, while TROS was an object lesson in why "No, but" storytelling doesn't work

Now, the TV shows, they're a complete mess of retcons and contradictions and do nothing but cheapen the original films. It made me so sad when I heard that they're going to let Filoni make one of the new movies. And he came right out and said he's going to use it as an excuse to cram in as many of the TV show characters as he can. It's like he's playing with action figures instead of trying to actually tell a good story that has something to say.

I do agree that the sequel films were enjoyed by more people than the current internet discourse would lead one to believe. I know people who absolutely loved them when they saw them in the theater, then came home, read some Reddit post, and then decided they didn't like them after all. Toxic fandom has been an issue with Star Wars since the dawn of the 21st century
Strong disagree on this one....TLJ threw out a lot of things from TFA

Really, neither "contradicted" anything. In fact, I really think TROS built on TLJ, because most of the really subversive ideas put forth in TLJ were contradicted by the end of the movie. All that stuff about "letting the past die" is proven wrong in that movie. So TROS didn't have to go back on anything - it was already done.
TROS definitely contradicted TLJ, but TLJ didn't contradict TFA. TLJ was a master class in "Yes, and" collaborative storytelling, while TROS was an object lesson in why "No, but" storytelling doesn't work

Now, the TV shows, they're a complete mess of retcons and contradictions and do nothing but cheapen the original films. It made me so sad when I heard that they're going to let Filoni make one of the new movies. And he came right out and said he's going to use it as an excuse to cram in as many of the TV show characters as he can. It's like he's playing with action figures instead of trying to actually tell a good story that has something to say.

I do agree that the sequel films were enjoyed by more people than the current internet discourse would lead one to believe. I know people who absolutely loved them when they saw them in the theater, then came home, read some Reddit post, and then decided they didn't like them after all. Toxic fandom has been an issue with Star Wars since the dawn of the 21st century
I disagree about TLJ, it I 100 percent agree about Filoni. I know people love him but I find his shows so tiresome now. I have no idea how anyone who didn’t watch the animated shows are going to be able to follow Ahsoka.
I disagree about TLJ, it I 100 percent agree about Filoni. I know people love him but I find his shows so tiresome now. I have no idea how anyone who didn’t watch the animated shows are going to be able to follow Ahsoka.
Ah, I don't know. I didn't follow the Clone Wars cartoons at all and it didn't change how I felt about Rebels, which I loved. When Ahsoka showed up, it didn't strike me as something I had missed. Same with Darth Maul. I just accepted it and still enjoyed the show. I'm sure we'll get some sort of retrospective that explains how we got here with Ahsoka, Sabine, Ezra, and Grand Admiral Thrawn.
Ah, I don't know. I didn't follow the Clone Wars cartoons at all and it didn't change how I felt about Rebels, which I loved. When Ahsoka showed up, it didn't strike me as something I had missed. Same with Darth Maul. I just accepted it and still enjoyed the show. I'm sure we'll get some sort of retrospective that explains how we got here with Ahsoka, Sabine, Ezra, and Grand Admiral Thrawn.
It might be fine, but I’m annoyed about the show in general because 1) Ashley Eckstein IS Ahsoka for me, 2) a Rebels sequel should be animated, 3) I don’t know why they’re following up with Rebels in a show about Ahsoka when she wasn’t the main focus of that show, 4) I think she should have died at the end of Season 2 and any explanation they can provide for where she was during the OT won’t satisfy me. But I’ll probably watch it and grumble anyway because Thrawn. :P
I wonder if they should have a movie or Disney+ series about the Emperor. I know it's been touched on in SW 1-6, but perhaps just focused on the Emperor showing the progression to the ultimate villain.
After watching the 2nd Spiderverse movie, I really feel like Kathleen Kennedy should've let Lord and Miller finish out Solo. Maybe it wouldn't have worked but it didn't work any way with Ron Howard.
I liked the guy they chose but really the reason Solo didn’t work was bc nobody else brings what Harrison has to the table. Insanely difficult to replicate what he does, you can say that for both Han and Indy.
I liked the guy they chose but really the reason Solo didn’t work was bc nobody else brings what Harrison has to the table. Insanely difficult to replicate what he does, you can say that for both Han and Indy.
I think Alden Ehrenreich was really good in the role, and Donald Glover was great, but SOLO just felt like… “yeah, and?” Like, did we really need to know Han Solo’s backstory? Also, IMO they glossed over or changed the stuff about his backstory that really made him interesting, like being a TIE pilot and defecting from the Academy after rescuing Chewbacca.

Also, the fact that he got the name Solo because he was alone was SO dumb.
I liked the guy they chose but really the reason Solo didn’t work was bc nobody else brings what Harrison has to the table. Insanely difficult to replicate what he does, you can say that for both Han and Indy.
I forget where it was, but my favorite review of Solo was someone writing that fans would rather watch Harrison Ford and just pretend he was 60 years younger.
This is a "rumor" board so take it for what it is worth. The bill that comes due as shalom mentioned is larger than Disney can afford and will have to sell off assets to do this. This is an accumulation of bad decisions made over the past 10 years.

This Comcast issue could be the end of Disney. In my opinion, might not be a bad thing seeing how they can't run a lemonade stand at the moment.
Rumors are one thing, it seems like your forcing an opinion with no argument based in logic. This seems like a "hopes and dreams" topic for some, and i can tell you flatly without any numbers in front of me that it will not happen. They are as open to selling the Skywalkers as they would be to selling Mickey Mouse (Only half joking)
I liked the guy they chose but really the reason Solo didn’t work was bc nobody else brings what Harrison has to the table. Insanely difficult to replicate what he does, you can say that for both Han and Indy.
Disagree on this. Solo was a financial disaster because of backlash from TLJ and TROS. Rian Johnson basically split the fan base down the middle with the mess he did in TLJ. He darn near singlehandedly ran off all the OT fans.
I personally think Disney had greatly mismanaged the Star Wars IP, but I don't know if I believe they are ready to sell it. As an Originally Trilogy fan who does not care for the theatrical direction that Disney took Star Wars, I could see it as a good thing. I just don't think it will happen. Most of us older OT fans just have accepted that we got the incredible Original Trilogy from George, and just to be happy watching that occasionally. Even Lucas's prequels seemed to get better with age and comparison to the Disney stuff.
Star Wars has completely lost its luster.

It became huge by the fact it wasn't in your face every year.

It was special from the 80s and then again in the 2000s

Now with a new show all the time, it just lost its special feeling. And the new movies sucked but still.
The Rise of Skywalker wasn’t out yet.
You are correct, but the damage was done by Rian Johnson by then. He pretty much split the fan base in half with his deconstruction of Luke Skywalker.

JJ tried his best to fix things, but TLJ had screwed everything up so bad.......that it was unsavable at that point. Rian killed the big bad a movie too early, Rian Johnson killed Luke a movie too early, Rian Johnson killed the love of the OT fans completely. Rian Johnson pretty much killed Star Wars.


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