Saturday, In the Park - I Think it was the Fourth of July… Wrapping it Up 6/26

All caught up! Can't wait to hear about the offsite stay with Gramma and no iphone!

Great start V! Cracking up as usual. Love your musings and fun perspective. Looking forward to more!
Ooph. I'm going to hear this sometime, I know. I've not traveled a lot with my iPhone yet, but yeah...

I'm glad you're OK with it. :hug:
It's weird - I knew I was iPhone-ing a lot, and sort of realized it was impacting how "there" I was at any given time, but couldn't put it away, either. :guilty:

No dice. They know on which side their bread's buttered. (Read: Gramma gives them ice cream.)

All caught up! Can't wait to hear about the offsite stay with Gramma and no iphone!

Great start V! Cracking up as usual. Love your musings and fun perspective. Looking forward to more!
Thanks GB - that means a lot coming from you! :goodvibes Gramma seems oddly excited about this trip... I really don't know what to think, lol!
Mitch hates when I'm on the phone as well. Not that I'm on it that much, he just thinks I am. :rolleyes1
Ah, the announcement has been made. I'm sad your phone is gone, I was hoping for more tips. We're still in limbo here about what to do. Our Verizon contract is up in two weeks. We were going to switch to AT&T just to get iphones but their contract ends in June and then we may be able to get one with Verizon later this year. I really just need internet access to look up carbs and help calculate my daughter's insulin. If I'm gonna pay for internet though, shouldn't I get an iphone? :)

Looking forward to the time all your pic links are fixed. :thumbsup2
Ok... now I'm feeling really guilty about my own iPhone addiction.

Thanks for opening my iEyes....;)
Mitch hates when I'm on the phone as well. Not that I'm on it that much, he just thinks I am. :rolleyes1
Exactly! I'm sure I wasn't iPhone-ing nearly as much as Leo thought I was... :rolleyes1

Our Verizon contract is up in two weeks. We were going to switch to AT&T just to get iphones but their contract ends in June and then we may be able to get one with Verizon later this year.
See, I think I'd really wait in that case... the new iPhone's due to be released, too, and you may like it better OR be able to score the last model cheaper!
Looking forward to the time all your pic links are fixed. :thumbsup2
LOL, noted! ;) But I've got to upload all my pics from this weekend first! :faint:

Ok... now I'm feeling really guilty about my own iPhone addiction.

Thanks for opening my iEyes....;)
:rotfl2: I like that - "iEyes"!

Morning V!!!!
Hi Rosie! :wave:


WHEW!!! What a weekend. I have soooo much about which to tell you all! But first, downloading, then uploading, then fixing pics. So soon; an update from the Great Bday/Mother's Day Weekend will come soon! :flower3:
WHEW!!! What a weekend. I have soooo much about which to tell you all! But first, downloading, then uploading, then fixing pics. So soon; an update from the Great Bday/Mother's Day Weekend will come soon! :flower3:[/B]

Can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes
I seem to have developed a trend.

All too often, my “pre” trip report includes an actual trip. To Disney World.

Is that oxymoronic? Or merely moronic?

In any event, it’s happened again. And, once again, this little trip is not only a precursor to what I shall hereafter reference as the Big Trip, it also serves as something of a proving ground. The Pre-Trip-Trip offered an opportunity to test new products, new locales, new-to-us attractions and new experiences. So, while I’ll report on the Pre-Trip-Trip (PTT?!) chronologically, my focus will be primarily set on reviewing these new items in anticipation of the Big Trip.

Make sense? :confused3

Okay. Since the PTT began with a day spent poolside, I’ll start with the big question: how was the Hilton Bonnet Creek (HBC)?

Pretty darned great. Really! I’d recommend HBC to anyone, especially if you can get a good rate. :thumbsup2


I’m canceling my reservation there for the Big Trip.


I’ll share my Pros and Cons of HBC and I think you’ll see where I’m going with this…

*New, new, new! Everything in the place is fresh, clean and perfect, since it only recently opened.

*Décor – I loved the color schemes and abundance of artwork. Overall the décor gave HBC an ambiance of bustling relaxation, if that makes any sense.

*The pool – Leo loved the HBC pool, especially the lazy river. So did Gramma. I’m on the fence, but will have to post my pool review under Cons. You’ll see.

*Covered parking – Worth. Every. Penny. I cannot express how nice it was to enter my car at 4pm and not have it feel like the surface of the sun. If Disney built covered parking at their resorts, I’d gladly pay $14/night to use it, too.

*Service – this is it people, true resort service. Like WDW used to be. Like anyone should expect at a resort labeled “Deluxe.” Specific examples include:
~ An army of bell men and valets posted outside and in to open the doors for guests with hands full. Or not full. It didn’t matter; someone always opened the door with a smile and “Hello!”

~ Rather than passing the buck and sending me, the guest, in search of a birthday package sent to the hotel for Leo, I was directed to the Concierge, who made phone calls and offered to send someone to pick up the package from their business center and deliver it to our room. (We chose to get it ourselves, since the Business Center was on the way to our car, but the offer was appropriate and appreciated.)

~ At the pool, an attendant was never far away for any drink, food, sun products or other needs a guest may have.

~ That lovely Concierge team who helped find Leo’s birthday package? They made Leo’s special day even more special, just because. You’ll see.

Truly, we received the best hotel service at HBC I’ve experienced from a hotel in a long time. FYI, I’ve mostly stayed in WDW hotels for a long time. You make the connection.

Still, HBC had some cons, most of which were completely personal in nature and specific to me. But I’ll report them here so as to explain my decision to stay elsewhere for the Big Trip.

*The non-stop 80’s music. Everywhere. From the time we stepped out of the car, through the lobby, surrounding the pool, endless until we entered the sanctuary of our room. I know this may not be a con for all – I confess that Gramma liked it – but it drove me batty. I just wanted a little quiet time.

*Perfume-y detergents. Thank goodness the sheets weren’t bad, but the towels were washed in something with fragrance and it sent me into a fit of sneezing and coughing every time I used a towel. V can’t do scented detergent. And it’s not something I’d have thought to mention in a reservation, since I’ve never had that happen at other resorts.

*The bathroom Situation. (NO “The Situation”) There were a couple issues going on in the bathroom and neither of them pleased me. One, there was very little water pressure in the shower. I have thick hair and could not get the shampoo out of my tresses in the shower. I don’t enjoy spending my vacation showers bent over with my head under the tap, trying to get shampoo out. Two, no AC vent in the bathroom. HBC is not alone on this one – I see it all the time. And it’s stupid. It’s Florida, it’s humid, and I’ve just poured a half-ton of steam into the bathroom. WHY isn’t there an AC vent?!

*The pool, according to V – now, I can’t knock the pool exactly; it was very nice. But it’s new. The palm trees need some time to fill out and give the place some shade. And, as mentioned previously, the 80’s music needs to take a hike. I just could not get relaxed out there. Despite a wonderful, gigantic Pomegranate Mojito. Which, come to think of it, should be up there in the Pros. Heh heh.

*Outrageous food prices – A $14 hamburger. $10 chicken fingers for Leo. And no alternative; they’ve got a captive audience and no quick serve-type options.

Overall, I think HBC is a beautiful resort and I wish it had been around in the Disney years before Leo was born; his dad and I often expressed our wish for a hotel more geared to grown-ups, and the HBC is that. Don’t get me wrong; HBC offers plenty for families and at no time was I uncomfortable with Leo being there. But it clearly caters to the business professional; the young adult couple; the girls’ trip. HBC will be my first choice for short stays and all-adult trips if their FL rates stay competitive, for sure!

But, for the Big Trip, I want something that feels more home-y. More family-oriented. Not to mention something that includes EMHs and excellent transportation options, since we're going during one of WDW's busiest times. Where will we be? Stay tuned. ;)

Meanwhile, here are some shots of HBC...



Next: a day at the pool and a night to remember!
Thanks for the great list, V! It does look nice, but it's good to know the cons, too. I'm glad you got some 1st class service - and a pomegranate mojito... :goodvibes :rotfl2:
Ooooh, I don't know if I could stay off property at this point. I'm annoyed that Universal has the Harry Potter thing opening, now the family wants to see that and I have to decide if it's worth it staying at Universal a couple of nights and then transferring to Disney. I start to hyperventilate just thinking about it.:lmao:
What an awesome review! Loved your pros and cons... they are so helpful! The room looked very neat and fancy. Can't wait to hear more!! And I have loved, and will always love, your PTTs!!

I like that blue stripey bag! Is that yours or grandmas? And where can I find one?

:rotfl:Leave it to me to point out the bag! I love bags and purses! :goodvibes (oh and shoes) But what women doesn't! ;)

I loved your update. I agree it's would be a nice place for a weekend with adult friends. But Disney resorts have my heart :love:
This picture still makes me laugh! :lmao: Sorry V. LY!
It's okay - it makes me laugh, too! :rotfl:

Thanks for the great list, V! It does look nice, but it's good to know the cons, too.
You're welcome! It really is fantastic, but not perfect.
I'm glad you got some 1st class service - and a pomegranate mojito... :goodvibes :rotfl2:
Dude, that was one mean Pomegranate Mojito! :love: But I'm getting ahead of myself...

Ooooh, I don't know if I could stay off property at this point. I'm annoyed that Universal has the Harry Potter thing opening, now the family wants to see that and I have to decide if it's worth it staying at Universal a couple of nights and then transferring to Disney. I start to hyperventilate just thinking about it.:lmao:
I have to say, I've been dying to stay at Royal Pacific for years, but there's been no point since US didn't offer much for us. Now that Leo's older and Harry's come to town... I'm all over it once the heat and crowds of summer dissipate! :thumbsup2

What an awesome review! Loved your pros and cons... they are so helpful! The room looked very neat and fancy. Can't wait to hear more!! And I have loved, and will always love, your PTTs!!
Aw, thank you Susie! :hug: HBC does a really good job of blending fancy with comfortable... as I think on it, it felt a lot like the CR, actually.

I like that blue stripey bag! Is that yours or grandmas? And where can I find one?
It's mine, and I have good news and bad news: Good news, you can find it at Target! Bad news (maybe) is that it's a cooler! Thick, padded, vinyl, so maybe not a good bag-bag, but a very useful and also cute way to keep food, lol!
But Disney resorts have my heart :love:
I was genuinely surprised to find that I feel the same! I'm still hugely critical of them, but there's something to be said for the Magic of WDW resorts... :cloud9:
I still laugh at the iPhone pic too, Kate! :lmao:

Hmmmm....seems to me HBC sounds like an ideal "Adults Only" trip resort. :teeth: :thumbsup2
Was there anything else for Leo other than the pool? Any other kids there for him to hook up with at the pool for an hour or so? Jimmy loves to meet new kids at the pool when we're at Disney.

Seems like you are right and it is more a businessy, adults resort.

So begins As the Resorts Turn...but the real question will be will you speak with Cinnamon, Basil, or Paprika?????:lmao:


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