Scam Stories

I know not everyone uses VMKPal but i do and when i am making a trade i am always taking a screen shot picture of everything that is going i have the i button open for the room we are in, i click on the other player so i have a shot of his or hers title or if i cant then i will write down that person's title and what room we are trading in to cover myself from this happening but always remember nothing is perfect :)

That is good advice and something everyone should do.
the other day some dude in the potc lobby wanted me to believe a water cooler was rare and worthy of my sorcerer mickey hat which i had ALREADY told him "was not for trade". He put he water cooler and i said "no that is not a fair trade" and he types "yeah it is really rare" then he added two barrel seats! i cracked up and then reported him. dumbo

Is that really a reason to report someone?, When I first got a sorcerer hat Awesome (2nd Best friend in real) was borrowing it and she thought that it was worth minnie! o_o
So she went into trade rooms and was like "Trading sorcerer for minnie" luckily someone set her straight. Reminds, me I was never scammed before but I was close to it actually, I was in a trade room and I was trading basically my bird hat, my dream shirt and some other rare stuff. And someone traded me:
Me: Hello
Person: *Puts ticket into box*
Me: No thank you
Person: Wait!
Me: Ok
Person: This ticket leads to a room with lots of free rare!
Me: Still no thank you sorry
*closes trade*
Another person trades me
Me: Hiya
Person 2: Did that girl just trade you a ticket?
Me: No
Person 2: That's my friend and she's mad at me and I really want that ticket
*puts bird hats, dream furnish, ears and lots of rare in a box*
Me: Ok..
Person 2: Get the ticket from her and i'll give you all of this!
*exits trade*
A few minutes later person 2 traded me again and was like get the ticket from her! and I left the room
Is that really a reason to report someone?, When I first got a sorcerer hat Awesome (2nd Best friend in real) was borrowing it and she thought that it was worth minnie! o_o
So she went into trade rooms and was like "Trading sorcerer for minnie" luckily someone set her straight. Reminds, me I was never scammed before but I was close to it actually, I was in a trade room and I was trading basically my bird hat, my dream shirt and some other rare stuff. And someone traded me:
Me: Hello
Person: *Puts ticket into box*
Me: No thank you
Person: Wait!
Me: Ok
Person: This ticket leads to a room with lots of free rare!
Me: Still no thank you sorry
*closes trade*
Another person trades me
Me: Hiya
Person 2: Did that girl just trade you a ticket?
Me: No
Person 2: That's my friend and she's mad at me and I really want that ticket
*puts bird hats, dream furnish, ears and lots of rare in a box*
Me: Ok..
Person 2: Get the ticket from her and i'll give you all of this!
*exits trade*
A few minutes later person 2 traded me again and was like get the ticket from her! and I left the room

Same thing happened to me i just exited and left...
I entered into one of Yavn's room (of course he was not there just missed him) and some girl came up to me and in a trade window insisted that I had to pay her to be in the room. So I said of course and started to put up any rare item I had. I said How much do I need to pay. She said any rare will do. I closed out of the window, and reported right away. After I was done reporting I noticed the trade request from the girl, so to keep her in the room I appologized for accidentally exiting the trade. I kept accidentally exiting instead of clicking accept until finally she either left or was booted. hehe

To me with a scammer it is so much more fun for me to lead them on to believe that they are going to get away with this scam and report them. I then proceed to act really dumb and see how long they will try before either being caught and boot by staff or just give up. :thumbsup2
my friends are like the meanest ppl (in a good waylol) there was a guest and he had gold mickey ears. my friend traded with him and said "oh u have gold ears?" he said yah r they rare?? she said no but ill give u a rare pin 4 it (which was the free emploruim pin!) he traded then said "wait i got this pin 4 free" and my friend left!:earsboy:
The other day i was in a trade room.
this girl comes up to me and tells me to trade
Girl: - puts up stuff in trade window -
Girl: I'll give you this stuff for your tron
Me: no ty sorry :(
Girl: I am going to report you then
Me: thats a scam
Girl: no it isn't
Me: - turns trade window off -
Girl: i am trading gold ears!
Me: fine
Girl: put up tron
Me: ok
Girl: press accept
Me: first offer the gold ears
Girl: no press accept!
me: - left trade and reported her -

Thats what i did to teach her a lesoon :)
This may be common knowledge to most of you all, but I just want to share this story anyway. I was in a room tonight where we were all just chatting and I noticed two other players trading for awhile. A few minutes after they were done, Girl #1 left. Girl #2 shouts, "oh no! She just left and she has all my clothes!" I asked her why she had given this other girl all her clothes and she said that Girl #1 wanted to play Cute or Boot but she had no clothes to wear so she asked Girl #2 if she could "borrow" all her clothes and promised she would give them back. I feel bad for the poor Girl #2, but she should have known better. I know this may seem obvious, but some people are too trusting. Please everyone, do not let anyone else borrow your clothes (or other items) for any reason unless it is a family member or very close real-life friend!
or very close real-life friend!

Not even a close, real-life friend.

One day my best friend in rl had a blue dress....I had a yellow one. My friend asked if she could borrow my yellow dress and I could borrow her blue dress. I said only if she would give it back when I wanted it back. ---- Once I wanted the dress back, she would not give it to me. I told her parents, and my friend still would not give me the yellow dress back. Then, my friend, quit VMK. She still has my dress. But I did happen to get another yellow dress after that incident.
Ok, so here's my attempted scam story. Notice I say attempted. :cool1:

Girl: Hi, are you trading girl pirate?
me: Sure, what would you like to offer for it?
Girl: well I have a red stich code for trade
me: red stitch code? what is that?
girl: red stitch code for a stitch hat that is red
me: huh?
girl: you know just like the blue on but red
me: hmm, never heard of that before
girl: well i will trade the red stitch code for girl pirate hat shirt and shoes
me: umm, can i see the red stitch hat?
girl: i need to put the code in first
me: ok well do that and then we trade
girl: no first do accept then I come back after put code in and give you hat
me: i dont think so put code in first then we trade
girl: well my computer doesn't work that way
girl: I can only do on part of the trade at a time
me: nvm then not interested
**end trade**

First of all I thought it was really weird that I had never heard of a red stitch hat. I have only been playing for like eight months but read everything I can possibly get my hands on for game info, so I am pretty sure this doesn't exist. Secondly, If she did have a red stitch hat then why would she trade for my girl pirate outfit, it's not a very rare item. Duh. Anyway, I left the trade when she became so flighty about why she couldn't enter the code first and then how she couldn't do both ends of the trade at the same time. Then a girl I know was in the same room and she started a trade with her immediately after me. I started reporting her while they were trading. As soon as the trade ended I asked my friend to trade and she had tried the same thing with her. She thankfully did not fall for it either. Just thought I should let everyone know about my mysterious RED STITCH hat encounter.
Well, the red stitch hat is on a card for the new trading card thing, but nobody can play it yet. She was hoping you thought it was already out.
So does that mean there will be red stitch hat's to wear on your vmk person? Or is it just going to be a trading card, like the pins are?
Yavn said it was outside game so I'm thinking you wont be able to actually have the items in the game.
hello everyone!
heres a scam story i guess u could say :l

well i know her in real she doesn't live to far from me. i know her parents cell her cell and all.well she is jeolous that im so rich and shes not as rish as she goes on my account and takes 3 sparrow compass pins ( when they first came out early in the month ). i see that im missing some pm her that im missing them she says oh sorry and trades them back to me.but later on when im not on she gets on my account again and takes the extra magic i have which was like teleport fireworks and something else. i notice they are gone and then i go on her account and get my stuff back. i delete her from my friends list on vmk. and we haven't talked since and im glad bc shes to much of a backstaber to be a real friend and her sister follows in her steps.
also they prank call me every summer and her parents do nothing. >_< :sad2: and another friend on mine i know in real as well shes my best friend and doesn't like them either ( so she says ).

only reason she knew my account info was bc she was the 1 who told me about vmk.

sorry if im off topic i would just really like to knock some sense into them if they weren't younger than me >_<

idk if she plays vmk anymore i really cont care. but uh i know her account info so i can just check and see if she has been on lately.

if anyone would like to know more about these 2 ppl just PM me i will be happy to tell u the story of us being ' friends ' btw weve known each other for almost 7 - 8 years now >_<
my friends are like the meanest ppl (in a good waylol) there was a guest and he had gold mickey ears. my friend traded with him and said "oh u have gold ears?" he said yah r they rare?? she said no but ill give u a rare pin 4 it (which was the free emploruim pin!) he traded then said "wait i got this pin 4 free" and my friend left!:earsboy:

So your saying you like your friends who scammed a new player out of a cool item.. or am I wrong? If these were my friends, I would tell them to find the guest and give the trade back.:3dglasses
hi im the 1 who lost like all of my stuff.. Thanks you to all pl who are gifting it is really nice of you if you want to gift, send me a pm.. :( i just really sad.

hey yeah two things i will gift you(i have NO rare sorry)and my webkinz name is BouncieBubbles so i hope to see u there too i am in the yellow zone! oh and on vmk i am rosebudpetal so hope to see you there too!
i was scammed today. a girl told me to give me her stuff bc she was gonna throw a party(im a newbie so good thing Vanilla was there.) i reported her and i really hope she gets whats coming to her.


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