*Sept 10th 2011 WB Transatlantic* - From Spain to Space Mountain - Part 6

:hug:Pat.:hug: I ache with you. Pets entwine themselves in our heartstrings. We had our cat Lion 18 years - brought him home from Germany with us - we believe he waits for us (mostly DH, his self designated pack leader) at the end of the rainbow bridge.
Michelle....been having the "blues" since coming back! DH surprised me yesterday and said maybe we should take a 3/5 day Bahama cruise early next year! I'm shocked! He won't admit it, but obviously he's having withdrawal symptoms too! lol He had been researching the cruises yesterday afternoon and found a 5 day cruise in early May he thought we'd be interested in. I was floored but extremely thrilled (even though it is MY job to research trips!!! lol) Keep your fingers crossed for us! :thumbsup2

Hi Deb.

We booked on board for February 4th Western Caribbean on the Magic, so our post vacation blues are not so bad,how-about joining us!!! We Pirate fans are few and far between. pirate:

To everyone else still lurking on this thread, it was a great pleasure meeting you all and we hope to meet you all again WBTA2013, or a reunion do:grouphug:, or another cruise in between ( Hey Sarah and Tony how about Jamie's in Liverpool?).

I would like to say :thumbsup2 Thank You to all those who organised trips for everyone, a heroic effort, it's a stressful enough time organising ones own vacation let alone hordes of others.Again thanks to the unsung heroes!!!

Best wishes to you all.
Jane And Dave
Hi Deb.

We booked on board for February 4th Western Caribbean on the Magic, so our post vacation blues are not so bad,how-about joining us!!! We Pirate fans are few and far between. pirate:

Hey Jane! Unfortunately Pirate fans are few and far between! :rotfl2: It sure was nice to meet some on the cruise! Husband said to tell you and your husband "GO BUCS!" Enjoyed meeting both of you while cruising and hope you have a great time on your Caribbean cruise in Feb!
I am so lucky to be going on the Magic again so soon. I can hardly wait. It's going to be such fun to do the 7 day so soon after the TA.

Hey Claire, any update on Stammy? I hope you're all doing well. We'll keep the prayers and good karma coming your way.
Hey Claire, any update on Stammy? I hope you're all doing well. We'll keep the prayers and good karma coming your way.

Hi Pat. :wave:

The wounds seem to be healing very well and he is back to his usual self...although he is very bored and doesn't understand why he can't go on walks, play, get up on the sofa etc. I keep getting the big sad brown eyes look from him. :guilty:

We haven't had the lab results back yet, hopefully we will get those this week or next Monday when he goes back to have his stitched removed.

Thanks for asking. :hug:
How do you keep a dog from walking, playing and jumping on the sofa?

I'm glad to hear he's feeling well, otherwise.
How do you keep a dog from walking, playing and jumping on the sofa?

I'm glad to hear he's feeling well, otherwise.

I know!!!! It is impossible......

We have kept him confined to the lounge (with me, i'm going :crazy:) I take him out every few hours into the garden on his lead to do his "business".
I was just sitting here thinking how much I was missing all you guys! Both on this board and on the cruise itself. I'm sitting here in the cold rain of Scotland and have had no luck planning another holiday. My dad is still sick in the hospital and will be having heart surgery next week (after it was postponed from a few days ago), and I just desperately want something to look forward to.

We looked at a NCL Jade cruise out of Spain on Jan 2, as we could be back before Calum needs to go back to school after Christmas... but Steve's not keen on Spain and he wouldn't be visiting any new places, and their 3rd and 4th passenger rates aren't great. But I couldn't find anything else that has access to toddler childcare (I won't touch RCI until Eilidh's over 3... the babysitting is up to $19/hour and I would spend every second clock-watching) that hit the right dates. :headache:

I just want to feel the sun on my face again, and have something to plan and look forward to. We can't go to Canada for Christmas - my dad's doctors think that staying with them would be too much stress for my dad when he's still recovering, and we wouldn't be able to afford a hotel after buying Christmas flights.

Sorry to moan... I'm just thinking of happier days onboard!
$19 an hour?!! ouch!

we're the same, haven't got anything planned at the mo, so not on the dis anywhere near as much as i normally am. if i wasn't doing the UK community board quiz this month it probably wouldnt even be on a daily basis.

hope your dad gets through the surgery ok, give him a big get well soon from all of us.

claire, how's stamford doing?
I was just sitting here thinking how much I was missing all you guys! Both on this board and on the cruise itself. I'm sitting here in the cold rain of Scotland and have had no luck planning another holiday. My dad is still sick in the hospital and will be having heart surgery next week (after it was postponed from a few days ago), and I just desperately want something to look forward to.

We looked at a NCL Jade cruise out of Spain on Jan 2, as we could be back before Calum needs to go back to school after Christmas... but Steve's not keen on Spain and he wouldn't be visiting any new places, and their 3rd and 4th passenger rates aren't great. But I couldn't find anything else that has access to toddler childcare (I won't touch RCI until Eilidh's over 3... the babysitting is up to $19/hour and I would spend every second clock-watching) that hit the right dates. :headache:

I just want to feel the sun on my face again, and have something to plan and look forward to. We can't go to Canada for Christmas - my dad's doctors think that staying with them would be too much stress for my dad when he's still recovering, and we wouldn't be able to afford a hotel after buying Christmas flights.

Sorry to moan... I'm just thinking of happier days onboard!

:hug::hug: I hope your dad recovers well and you soon have happier things to look forward to!

Have you scrapbooked your photos and written your trip report yet? I find the mere act of sorting the photos and remembering the stories and getting them all organized and down on paper helps me revive the memories of my trips. And then, I have the tangible reminder for the times when I get mentally low on fuel.
But I couldn't find anything else that has access to toddler childcare (I won't touch RCI until Eilidh's over 3... the babysitting is up to $19/hour and I would spend every second clock-watching) that hit the right dates. :headache:

What? You don't have your own au pair to watch him? ;) (Not letting that one go any time soon. :rotfl: )

Seriously, I hope your father's surgery goes well and his recovery is quick and easy.

I wish I had some good ideas for you for a trip. We're lucky to live within driving distance of Orlando, otherwise we wouldn't be going anywhere. Have you looked into prices either before or after Christmas? I know the first two weeks of December are supposed to be good for visiting WDW. You could look at places on the west coast of Florida, too. Sarasota and Sanibel Island are two places that come to mind. No guarantee that you wouldn't get some cold days if you went in Jan or Feb, but it's usually pretty nice.
I was just sitting here thinking how much I was missing all you guys! Both on this board and on the cruise itself. I'm sitting here in the cold rain of Scotland and have had no luck planning another holiday. My dad is still sick in the hospital and will be having heart surgery next week (after it was postponed from a few days ago), and I just desperately want something to look forward to.

We looked at a NCL Jade cruise out of Spain on Jan 2, as we could be back before Calum needs to go back to school after Christmas... but Steve's not keen on Spain and he wouldn't be visiting any new places, and their 3rd and 4th passenger rates aren't great. But I couldn't find anything else that has access to toddler childcare (I won't touch RCI until Eilidh's over 3... the babysitting is up to $19/hour and I would spend every second clock-watching) that hit the right dates. :headache:

I just want to feel the sun on my face again, and have something to plan and look forward to. We can't go to Canada for Christmas - my dad's doctors think that staying with them would be too much stress for my dad when he's still recovering, and we wouldn't be able to afford a hotel after buying Christmas flights.

Sorry to moan... I'm just thinking of happier days onboard!

Dawn, i hope your dad's operation is successful and he makes a speedy recovery. Sending lots of:grouphug:

Hazel and I have been missing all of the board activity and especially the long sea days with lots of people to talk to and nowhere to rush too. I can't believe that this time last motnh it was almost over :sad2:

We have our WDW trip planned for next September, but would have liked to have squeezed in a cruise in between but not sure that time and or finances will allow.
I never quite realised the effect that cruising would have on me and now completely understand when people say that once you have done it once you'll be hooked! :thumbsup2

With the colder weather setting in all we have for the time being is our photos and lots of fantastic memories :cool1:
I was just sitting here thinking how much I was missing all you guys! Both on this board and on the cruise itself. I'm sitting here in the cold rain of Scotland and have had no luck planning another holiday. My dad is still sick in the hospital and will be having heart surgery next week (after it was postponed from a few days ago), and I just desperately want something to look forward to.

I just want to feel the sun on my face again, and have something to plan and look forward to. We can't go to Canada for Christmas - my dad's doctors think that staying with them would be too much stress for my dad when he's still recovering, and we wouldn't be able to afford a hotel after buying Christmas flights.

Sorry to moan... I'm just thinking of happier days onboard!

I hope your father comes through his surgery stronger and healthier than ever. I know it's very scary. :hug:

I think we're all in the same boat :goodvibes, except for the lucky few who already have another cruise coming soon. We're still in the post-cruise, "need to plan something else soon or risk clinical depression" phase. With the weather colder and the autumn leaves past their peak here, part of me feels like collecting acorns and hibernating, and the rest of me feels like booking a cruise ship to live on from now until spring! If only I could win the lottery :thumbsup2!

For the past 31 years, Larry and I have gone to TN to spend Christmas with my family. (We spent one Christmas with his family the year before we married....it was just too depressing...my family's holidays were more Norman Rockwell). Last year, we went as usual, but took my mother and niece to TX with us right after the holiday, grabbed Jess, and cruised out of Galveston for 7 days. This year, for several reasons, I think Larry and I are going to stay home for the holiday, then go to TX in Feb. for my bd. I've invited my family up to PA for Christmas, but my sister and nephew can't get off work, and my mother wouldn't leave her husband (who never travels and is not my favorite person anyway). Soooo, not sure how this is going to turn out! I have mixed feelings.

Have you scrapbooked your photos and written your trip report yet?

Are you kidding? :lmao: I've finally packed everything in a bin for storage, but I haven't even looked at the pics on the camera yet. :confused3
It feels like I haven't been on here for ages.... facebook just seems to much quicker to run through.

Post cruise blues definitely and I just want to go straight back when I watch Sarah's fantastic video she posted on you tube :sad2:

I must admit I was slightly disappointed that I didn't see any of the FE gifts I made being used on the ship or in Port, it would have been nice to spot them.

I loved mine Hun, and I wasn't even in the FE gifts and a big thanks to both you and Sarah for thinking of us and including us in your lovely gifts. That beach bag saved my life as I had nothing else with me and it's gorgeous .... but not going back on that old one again :rotfl2: Rachel wants to pinch the bag from me but I won't let her :lmao:

That would be perfect, i've always wanted to go to Venice & couldn't think of a better way! :cloud9: I think I need to start saving now as if they do an Eastern Med cruise then i'd like to do that aswell as the WBTA. :cool1:

Me too ... and I have started saving already .... now glad that I have no cruises planned for 2012, other than cruise reunions and a small DLRP trip next October.

Oh count us in on an eastern med cruise too. If that's the option in 2013, we will be cruising twice too, one out of venice :lovestruc:lovestruc:cloud9::lovestruc:lovestruc and then back on the WBTA :yay::yay:

Also suffering from post-cruise blues here and hoping to hear about 2013 dates soon.
For us one of the best cruise experiences was meeting so many blue lanyard wearers - was wonderful having so many friends on board and always having people to chat with around the ship.

Carole, Mike and Jenny

It was fantastic meeting you all and the blue lanyard was the reason we started speaking to each other :) on one of the first few days - they were fantastic for spotting DISers :thumbsup2 otherwise we would have missed chatting to so many people

I was just sitting here thinking how much I was missing all you guys! Both on this board and on the cruise itself. I'm sitting here in the cold rain of Scotland and have had no luck planning another holiday. My dad is still sick in the hospital and will be having heart surgery next week (after it was postponed from a few days ago), and I just desperately want something to look forward to.

We looked at a NCL Jade cruise out of Spain on Jan 2, as we could be back before Calum needs to go back to school after Christmas... but Steve's not keen on Spain and he wouldn't be visiting any new places, and their 3rd and 4th passenger rates aren't great. But I couldn't find anything else that has access to toddler childcare (I won't touch RCI until Eilidh's over 3... the babysitting is up to $19/hour and I would spend every second clock-watching) that hit the right dates. :headache:

I just want to feel the sun on my face again, and have something to plan and look forward to. We can't go to Canada for Christmas - my dad's doctors think that staying with them would be too much stress for my dad when he's still recovering, and we wouldn't be able to afford a hotel after buying Christmas flights.

Sorry to moan... I'm just thinking of happier days onboard!

I hope your dad recovers soon Sarah :hug::hug:
I was just sitting here thinking how much I was missing all you guys! Both on this board and on the cruise itself. I'm sitting here in the cold rain of Scotland and have had no luck planning another holiday. My dad is still sick in the hospital and will be having heart surgery next week (after it was postponed from a few days ago), and I just desperately want something to look forward to.

We looked at a NCL Jade cruise out of Spain on Jan 2, as we could be back before Calum needs to go back to school after Christmas... but Steve's not keen on Spain and he wouldn't be visiting any new places, and their 3rd and 4th passenger rates aren't great. But I couldn't find anything else that has access to toddler childcare (I won't touch RCI until Eilidh's over 3... the babysitting is up to $19/hour and I would spend every second clock-watching) that hit the right dates. :headache:

I just want to feel the sun on my face again, and have something to plan and look forward to. We can't go to Canada for Christmas - my dad's doctors think that staying with them would be too much stress for my dad when he's still recovering, and we wouldn't be able to afford a hotel after buying Christmas flights.

Sorry to moan... I'm just thinking of happier days onboard!

Dawn I hope that your father is recovering soon.
And I understand your post cruise depression. But $ 19 for babysitting. Is all extra's on NCL so expensive? Is the cruise cheaper, but what you pay on board much more? I hope you find something.

Dawn, i hope your dad's operation is successful and he makes a speedy recovery. Sending lots of:grouphug:

Hazel and I have been missing all of the board activity and especially the long sea days with lots of people to talk to and nowhere to rush too. I can't believe that this time last motnh it was almost over :sad2:

We have our WDW trip planned for next September, but would have liked to have squeezed in a cruise in between but not sure that time and or finances will allow.
I never quite realised the effect that cruising would have on me and now completely understand when people say that once you have done it once you'll be hooked! :thumbsup2

With the colder weather setting in all we have for the time being is our photos and lots of fantastic memories :cool1:

We miss it all too. And for us also we never realised the we get the cruise virus, special the DCL virus. No holliday for us till october. The hawai cruise is much more expensive then the TA. So Paul is paying for himself now. We must save money now. Only a weekend for the reunion must be possible.
Dawn I hope that your father is recovering soon.
And I understand your post cruise depression. But $ 19 for babysitting. Is all extra's on NCL so expensive? Is the cruise cheaper, but what you pay on board much more? I hope you find something.

NCL and Carnival include 2 year olds in their kids clubs (most clubs start at 3) so I wouldn't be needing to pay as much nursery time. RCI wanted $19/hour plus tips for both kids, plus you can't book it until you're on board (with no guarantees it will even be available).

NCL has a lot of pay-extra restaurants, but I'd be so happy with an extra cruise, that I'd happy stick with the (no charge) dining room. We have some friends that LOVE NCL, and we would sail with an open mind (after all... we've loved Carnival in the past, and it would have been sad for us if we'd listened to so many people who don't like them). All lines have pluses and minues.

Disney was fantastic, but until they do another TA, I really can't justify the extra costs plus the airfare for 4 people. But I don't know if we'll ever meet such a fantastic group of cruisers ever again!

**** and an update on my dad... he's having open heart surgery on Thursday. So right now, he's sitting at St Pauls Hospital in Vancouver on his own (my mom can't afford the hotel for this whole week, plus the 10 days he'll be staying post-op), bored out of his mind. He'd just like to get the show on the road. He's feeling good, and is having a hard time believing all this fuss is about him. Thanks for all the good wishes - they've really helped!!

We stayed at the YWCA in Vancouver - it was definitely cheaper than the hotels. Clean, air conditioned, safe. Right across from the BC Center (and Costco), just down the road the street from a subway station.

Best wishes to your dad.


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